2ND APRIL 1915
Young Soldier Accidentally Shot
Lance Corporal in Court
Discharged without a stain on his character

At Berwick Police Court on Thursday, David Oswald, Lance-Corporal in the 2/10th Royal Scots, was charged with the manslaughter of Andrew Douglas, Private in the 2/10th Royal Scots, by shooting him dead with a shot from a rifle at Berwick on Tuesday 30th March. Mr E. W. Stiles, solicitor, appeared for the accused. The Chief Constable said the men were on guard together and the accused had been giving the men musketry drill. The accused had forgot that the rifle was loaded and after shooting the bolt home the rifle went off and killed Douglas. It was in the interests of the regiment, officers, and accused that the case was brought there. He was of the opinion that it was a pure accident and he would ask the Magistrates to discharge the accused and enable him to leave the court clear in the eyes of the world.
Private John Bryce said he was on outpost duty with the deceased and Lance-Corporal Oswald. Oswald was giving them musketry drill. The rifle held by Oswald went off and Douglas fell shot. Oswald then ran forward to the deceased. Oswald was greatly distressed over the occurrence, because he was great friends with the deceased. The witness was quite sure it was an accident.
The Chief Constable said he was present at the inquest the previous day. Oswald gave evidence and after a most exhaustive enquiry the verdict of accidental death was brought in. The Police had made every enquiry and they were of opinion that it was an accident, and on those grounds he asked the accused be dismissed.
By Mr Stiles – I am quite satisfied that the whole affair was a pure accident.
Mr Stiles – I do not think it is necessary for me to add anything. The Police have followed the proper course in following the line they have taken. Everyone sympathises with the accused and the regiment of which he is a member.
The Mayor (addressing accused) – The Bench have considered the case and discharge you. They fully sympathise with the position you are placed in and hope you will not take this too much to heart sad as it is, but remember you have other duties to attend to. You are discharged without any stain on your character whatever.

Madame Marie Levante’s orchestra of ladies gave a performance before a crowded house in the Archbold Hall on Thursday evening last.
A dance is announced to take place next week in aid of Dr Barnardo’s Homes.
On Tuesday morning five young men from the country districts left Wooler station to join the colours. Good luck to them.
A company of the troops stationed at Alnwick were expected to visit Wooler at the beginning of the week on a route march, but at the time of writing they have not arrived. It would perhaps stir the place up if we had a visit from the boys in khaki, and might help recruiting. Wooler has certainly done well, but could still do better in the matter of recruits.

By the Way
Porridge Penny Per Plate
The Military Recreation Rooms are being greatly taken advantage of every night. Light refreshments are provided after eight o’clock at a merely nominal fee, and it is interesting to note that there has been a great demand for porridge by the Scotsmen. Porridge was duly provided, and judging by the way it disappears each evening, it is a very highly appreciated dish. A short, religious service has been started on the Sunday evenings. The various ministers of the Borough are to take their turn in presiding over the meeting. A number of songs and solos are given, followed by a passage from the Scriptures and a closing prayer. There is no sermon. ( ) This space is reserved for remarks of relief!
The Tale of a Dog

Almost everyone at this time is anxious to do something to assist those, who through the war, have been placed in distressful circumstances. The ways of raising money for such a purpose are many and varied, but the one I heard of the other day takes some beating.
‘Tis the tale of a dog, and runs thus:- Some gentlemen in local “grain” centres decided to raffle a dog on behalf of the Belgian Relief Fund. A number of tickets were sold, and the Committee ultimately agreed, privately of course, not to draw for the winning man, but to award the dog to a gentleman who they knew would absolutely refuse to keep a dog. This gentleman was told he was the “lucky” man, but he told the Committee to raffle the dog again. This happened three times. But now comes the funny part of the business. A fourth man won the dog and decided to keep it. He applied to the Committee for the dog; the Committee applied to the gentleman who promised to give them the dog; the gentleman informed the Committee that the dog was poisoned one month before the raffle took place, and that they had been raffling for an imaginary dog. However, all’s well that ends well, and the fourth winner was sporting enough to take the matter in good spirit, more so when he heard that the Belgian Relief Fund would benefit to the extent of from £16 to £20.