In 2020, I wrote a blog about children in the County Lunatic Asylum which focused upon the cases of some of the young boys who became patients. These boys were aged 8-14 but some of the girls admitted were even younger. One of the youngest was only four years old and ended up being in the institution for 22 years.
The most interesting information has been extracted from the Case Books. Often, if there is no real change or any progress being made then very little may be written for months apart from ‘mentally unimproved’ or ‘no change to note’.

Case Book: NRO 3680/244 Mary Age 4 This child was admitted on 15 April 1903. She has the inability to speak and is very restless with a vacant look. She labours under idiocy and is almost completely wanting in intelligence. 17 June 1903 Bodily health continues much improved. Mentally she does not make much progress. 17 December 1903 This child has now learned to say the words “ta-ta” and “go away”. 11 February 1904 This little patient is in excellent bodily health. She walks better than she did and makes more attempts to speak but her vocabulary is limited to “ta-ta ladies”, “hello ladies” and “go away”. 21 July 1905 Patient is growing up into a well-behaved little girl but remains quite an imbecile. 14 April 1910 This cheerful little idiot shows no signs of intelligence. 14 March 1913 This child is growing rapidly and is in good health but not able to look after herself in any way and is treated like a baby. Eats and sleeps well. 20 June 1914 In excellent health, now works in the laundry daily. 20 January 1917 Is learning a few little useful things in the laundry and is improving under the kind patient care of the head Laundress. 20 August 1922 This patient is still engaged in the laundry where she assists with folding clothes but she has very little intelligence. 1 October 1923 Enjoys watching the weekly dances. She seizes her neighbour’s hand and beats time to the music and smiles broadly. 4 April 1925 Discharged to Hexham Union Poor Law Institution. |
Case Book : NRO 3680/245 Rona Age 5 Rona was admitted on 14 March 1904. She is inarticulate, does not understand questions and can’t be reasoned with. She is terribly restless, darting about in an alarming manner to her own danger. She requires constant care and precautions against injury from accidents. Her mother states that she has been an idiot from birth and can’t be left alone. She set fire to a bed and almost drowned a baby in a tub so requires constant supervision. This patient labours under idiocy with epilepsy. On being spoken to the patient yells, kicks and screams and tries to hit her questioner. Vocabulary consists of two words, Da and Ma. When she gets into a passion, which is a frequent occurrence, she screams these words repeatedly. 18 March 1904 Patient plays quietly and happily unless thwarted, has outbursts of temper – general health is excellent. 7 April 1904 Yesterday the patient had an epileptic fit. 11 April 1904 She does not speak much. She is now having ten grains of potassium bromide three times a day for her fits. 11 February 1905 This little girl has had no fits for the last four months. 13 February 1905 She still labours under idiocy with epilepsy. She can’t speak and is unmanageable and sometimes very bad tempered. 23 February 1905 Patient was transferred today to Sedgefield Asylum. Improved. |
Case Book: NRO 3680/242 Mary Age 6 Mary was admitted on 7 June 1902. She has uncontrolled fits of temper and will destroy anything she can get hold of. The patient does not answer to her own name and appears to be deaf and dumb. She took no notice of the ticking of a watch at her ear until she saw it. She then held out her hand for it. She does not appear to take notice of her surroundings. She labours under idiocy. 23 June 1902 Patients mental condition is unchanged. Her appetite is improved, and she is clean and tidy in her habits. 15 July 1902 This child shows no mental improvement. She sits for hours playing with her fingers and smiling in a vacuous manner. Her appetite is good, but she has to be fed. 29 December 1902 Her habits are becoming dirtier, and she needs constant attention. 1 April 1903 Patient has been shifted to the infirmary day room. She has tuberculous dactylitis of the left thumb and tuberculous disease of the left elbow joint. She looks thin and white. 6 April 1903 Still thin and white, is not losing weight however. Has been at 44lbs for the last three months. 20 April 1903 Patient was today discharged from the infirmary at the earnest request of her friends. She has been in bed for the last few days in the infirmary. On examination today, the lungs were found to be markedly affected. She has also apparently got tuberculous peritonitis, abdomen being distended, and some glands felt in the left iliac fossa. She has a tuberculous swelling on the front of the [?] shin. She also has impetigo on her nose. 21 April 1903 Patient was received home today. Mentally unimproved. |