Lt. J. Watt, M.C., has taken over the duties of Adjutant at the Depot in succession to Capt. B. C. Lake, who has been appointed Officer in Charge of training at the Depot. Capt. E.W.T. Agar, M. C., has also arrived and takes over the position vacated by Capt. Campbell, who has gone to the War Office. Capt. Agar is from the 1st Battalion, and the new Adjutant from the 2nd.
Sergt. Abbot has returned to the Depot after his course at Hythe and he appeared once more in the orchestra at the Hogmanay dance given by the Sergeants in the Gymnasium. The hall was tastefully decorated, and everything went through without a hitch. Excellent music was provided at the dance by Mr N.P. Allan’s orchestra and there was abundance in the way of light refreshment. The New Year, as is customary, was “piped” in and the company sang “A Guid New Year” and “Auld Lang Syne.” The dance was voted a great success by all who took part in it.
On New Year’s night, the Sergeants and honorary members of the Mess had their new Year dinner and social evening. There was a full attendance, and the evening was pleasantly spent with song, reminiscence, and toasts.
Colour Sergt. McKellar has been promoted C.S.M. and has been posted to the 1st Battalion. He will be leaving the Depot shortly and his going is regretted by all.
Christmas has come and gone, but it has left happy memories with some 400 poor children in the town, who on Friday, 28th December, were entertained in Wallace Green Hall. The ladies who promoted the treat wee Mrs Fulton, Miss McConville and Misses McAdam, and they had the assistance of a large band of willing workers, male and female. The tea tables were heavily laden with good things, and it was found necessary to have two sittings for tea as many more children turned up than were at first expected. Tea over, a lengthy programme of music, song and dancing was gone through to the delight of all present.

When father Christmas appeared in the Hall to dismantle a large Christmas tree, heavily laden with gifts and illuminated with coloured lights, the scenes of enthusiasm were such as to make the heart glad. Every child received a present and, judging from the happy faces, every child was perfectly satisfied. After the tree had been dismantled Mr Seals called for three cheers for the ladies who had given the treat, these were given with great gusto. The following contributed to the programme during the evening: – Dancers; Misses Black, Elder, Isaac, Crow, McLaren, Whittle, King and Casey. Pipe selections were given by Mr Heckles, and comic songs were sung by Mr Dudgeon. Miss Todd and Miss Wilson played the accompaniments, and Mrs Thompson led the children in singing all the latest songs. As the children retired each received an apple, orange, toffee, and cake. The promoters thank all who helped in gifts and in service, and thanks are also due to Messrs Knox, Bridge Street, who did the lighting arrangements, and the trustees of Wallace Green Church for the use of the hall.
On Christmas Eve upwards of seventy children and adults from Goswick Station, Goswick Farm, Windmill Hill, Cheswick, Cheswick farm, and Broomhouse, were entertained to a tea and Christmas tree in the E.P. Church, Goswick. After an enjoyable repast each child was handed a present from the Christmas tree. Mr Stinton, Wireless Station, acting as Santa Claus in a most appropriate way. Thereafter games were indulged in and songs and recitations by the following ladies and gentlemen added to the enjoyment of the evening: – Messrs Beattie, Wilson, Stinton, and Moffatt, Mrs Wye, and Miss Beattie. Miss Wedderburn contributed a violin solo. A doll given by Mrs Ash was raffled and won by Miss Olive Grahamslaw. Mrs Chirnside presided at the organ. Those responsible for the organisation of the affair were: – Mrs Whye, Mr and Mrs Chirnside, Mrs J. Grahamslaw, Mr and Mrs Beattie and others.
A special meeting of Berwick Town Council took place in the Council Chamber of the Town Hall, on Friday evening, when the Mayor (Ald. Wilson) presided, and there were also in attendance Aldermen Boston, Maclagan, and Cowe, Councillors Redpath, Stuart, Morrison, Dudgeon, Campbell, Dickinson, Davis, and Anderson; along with the Town Clerk (Mr J. W. Porter) and the Borough Accountant (Mr Jas. Gibson).
The Mayor announced that the only business which had brought them together was to consider and if necessary pass a resolution, “That an emergency having arisen through an outbreak of small pox the Council make a temporary order that for a period of three months the Infectious Diseases (Notification) Act 1889, shall apply to cases of chickenpox within the borough of Berwick, and that the order shall come into operation at the expiration of one week from the publication of the advertisement viz., on the 5th day of January, 1924.
Alderman Maclagan – As chairman of the Public Health Committee I beg to move the adoption of this resolution. You will know that there have been five cases of smallpox at Morpeth area, and that is rather near to us. Norham and Islandshires made chickenpox notifiable some time ago and now they have made it notifiable for twelve months. If I had been consulted before the motion was framed, I would have been in favour of making it notifiable here for six months, but I am afraid it is too late now for moving that. I have discussed it with the Medical Officer, and he agreed with me six months would be much better than three, but it was thought best by reason of expense to limit it to three months. This period proposed would end in April, and it was usually April and May when outbreaks of infectious disease occurred, but in the end of March if it was necessary notice could be given to extend the period for another three months. The idea of making chickenpox notifiable was that mild cases of smallpox resemble chickenpox closely, and if notified and seen by a medical man he was able at once to distinguish between the two and so stamp out smallpox as soon as it appeared.
Alderman Boston seconded, and the resolution was agreed to without discussion. The whole proceedings only occupied four minutes-surely a record for Council business.
Sheriff Crole passed sentenced of eight months’ imprisonment at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Monday on a well-dressed young man, Percy Wainwright, in custody, previously residing at 8 Kirkhill Road, Penicuik, who admitted that between April 24th and August 5th, while acting as agent and collector for the Humber Fishing and Fish Manure Company (Limited), Hull, he embezzled sums amounting to £366 6s 6d.
An agent on wainwright’s behalf stated that accused was employed by the Company from June, 1919, and part of his work was to collect accounts. One matter which might have some bearing on the case was that Wainwright seemed to have spent more money on entertaining his customers than he ought to have done.

The procurator-Fiscal said that Wainwright appeared to have been doing quite well for his firm, but had become financially embarrassed. He had certainly made the most of it, for at the time of his arrest he had only 3d left. Except for his disposal of his wearing apparel, he had nothing to live upon.
Wainwright is well known in Berwick. During the latter period of the war and until two years ago, when he left for Loanhead, he worked the Berwick and north Northumberland districts. He resided at the Castle Hotel and attended all the stock and grain markets and as side lines he held agencies for several companies. He was a keen golfer and was often seen on the Magdalene Fields Course. Since removing to Penicuik, he has frequently come back to attend Berwick market and it is only a few weeks ago since he was in the town.
Berwick Rangers (h)….3 Gala Fairydean….1
Jack Frost held sway at Union Park on Saturday. Despite the fact that two tons of sand had been used, the field was in a dangerous condition, melted snow, frozen hard, making the foothold treacherous and even where the sand had been liberally used in the goalmouths the going was none too good. Under the circumstances the teams are to be congratulated on the display given. The game never lacked interest up to the last kick and it was fortunate that no one was hurt, there being no heavy charging indulged in. Brown was accidently kicked on the head by Purves in the second half but after attention and some of the hot drink which the Rangers had at the interval, he was able to resume amid applause.