Hints to The Public
Shop early-shop now. It is to your own advantage; and it enables the shopkeeper to do the very best for you. Xmas is at hand. Therefore, place your orders at once, and you will get the best results. The wise house keeper will do this, and save trouble and disappointment.
Lists of Xmas presents should always be prepared early.
Shop early-you get the best choice, the best attention; and the most comfort. You can make leisurely choice by shopping early.
Custom of giving and receiving Xmas presents grows each year, and therefore, out Local Shops should be alive to the fact and give special attention to this.
Our Local Shops would be well advised to make a splash of colour for Festive Season. It greatly helps window display.
Early indications are that this Xmas will be cheapest for the past 5 years.
Dates and apples may be cheaper than for a long time. Nuts, with the exception of Brasils, should be cheaper.
Currants, raisins, and crystallized fruits may be considerably cheaper. Oranges will be plentiful and cheap at Xmas, as also will bananas.
Its so nice to give a present! Getting one is also pleasant! All the friendly faces shining round the table when you’re dining! Crackers, holly, laughter, folly! Being absolutely jolly! All that’s best in us revealing, that delightful Christmas feeling.
We herewith reproduce a photograph of the handsome silver cup which Mr John Riddle, of Tweedmouth, presented to the Berwick Bowling Club at their annual meeting in the Old Hen and Chickens Inn, Bridge Street, on Wednesday night, 26th ult. It was remarked that the recipient of the cup was also a “Riddle” (Mr R. R. Riddell), the President of the Club. There was no riddle about the matter. The president, being of the dental profession, was one of those “calls” of most of our gastric diseases, while t’other was a descendant of a long line of Tweedmouth engineers, who made riddles, among other things, for tillers of the soil. Mr John Riddle is a reminder to Tweedmouth people of a worthy stock, that has over two centuries growth in their midst. His object in presenting this cup to the Berwick Bowling Club, was a reminder to them of his late eldest brother, Samual, who, until his decease a year o’ two ago, was, for many and many a year, a stalwart supporter of the Club, both on and off the green.