October 1900
The Morpeth Herald reported on the Harvest Festival in the village on Saturday 13th October, noting that the celebrations had begun last Thursday with evensong, and that the anthem, ‘Sing a Song of Praise’, was sung at all services, and the Church tastefully decorated.
The children were given a holiday on 5th on account of the election of an M.P. for Wansbeck Division, and the school was closed on 26th because of a special sale at the mart.
Mr. John Spence, a Miner from Pegswood, was fined for using a gaff [a large iron hook attached to a pole or handle and used to catch large fish] to catch and kill salmon in the River Coquet at Acklington. 23
One burial took place in the Churchyard this month: 24
· Isabella Smith, aged 19 years, of Whitefield in Chevington

Author’s Own
November 1900
Admitted to School this month were: 25
· Nellie and Evelyn Foster of Acklington Park, who previously attended Heaton School
Reported in the Morpeth Herald on Saturday 3rd November was the flooding caused by a bad storm the previous evening. The River Coquet rose to ‘a great height’ at Felton, making the riverside footpath to Acklington Station impassable to foot passengers into the morning.
Three baptisms took place in the Church this month: 26
· Alexander, son of Alexander (Policeman) and Eleana Woodcock, of Morwick
· George Edward, son of George (Miner) and Elizabeth Summers, of Maidens Hall [?], Chevington
· John Crisp, son of William (Miner) and Jane Summers, of Acklington
One burial took place in the Churchyard this month: 27
· Alexander Henderson, aged 68 years, of High Angerton
December 1900
The Annual Acklington School Feast was held at the school and reported in the Morpeth Herald on Saturday 29th December. Tea was served at 3-3.30pm, and while the children played in the playground, the parents and friends had their tea. Mrs Rudge, the Vicar’s wife, gave out prizes at 5.30pm, mainly books and games. The room was then cleared for a concert (the money raised helped to pay for the Feast), followed by a dance.
The Log Book reports that the School received an Aid Grant of £25 (approx. £1,999 today) on 2nd, which went towards:
· Improvement of Staff – £10 (approx. £786 today)
· Replacing broken windows in Schoolhouse – £10 (approx. £786 today)
· Two new desks, board and easel – £5 (approx. £395 today)
A half-holiday was held on 13th as the Christmas Fat Stock Show was held [presumably at the Mart], and the School broke up on 20th for two weeks holiday. 28
On 22nd December, the Morpeth Herald reported that a special prize for best shorthorn bull had been won at the late Amble Show by Mr. D. Brewis of Acklington High Park with “King Edgar”. The prize was awarded at the Felton and Warkworth Agricultural Society by its patron, J.G. Riddell of Felton Park.
Two baptisms took place in the Church this month: 29
· Emma, daughter of John (Miller) and Elizabeth, of Guyzance Mill
· John Murray, son of John Murray (Farmer) and Margaret Ann Thompson, of Barnhill, Acklington parish
One marriage took place in the Church this month: 30
· John George Heckels, aged 41, a Surveyor of Broomhill, married Jane March, aged 25, of Bank House
Being able to use both primary and secondary sources made for a fascinating journey through the history of the village. This type of research project could be carried out for any town or village, but perhaps would be more successful for a smaller area, such as has been done here, as there is not too much detail to wade through, and the research can be more focussed.
A picture will emerge of a place in the past, and its people, that are really not too distant from us at all. 31
23. Newcastle Courant, Saturday 27 October 1900
24. Burial Register of Acklington St. John the Divine, ref. EP 161/19
25. Acklington C of E Admission Register, ref. CES 1/4/2
26. Baptism Register of Acklington St. John the Divine, ref. EP 161/1
27. Burial Register of Acklington St. John the Divine, ref. EP 161/19
28. Acklington C of E Log Book, ref. CES 1/3/1
29. Baptism Register of Acklington St. John the Divine, ref. EP 161/1
30. Marriage Register of Acklington St. John the Divine, ref. EP 161/26
31. Additional details on school children and families alongside the Admission Register information, has been taken from the 1901 Census, available on www.ancestry.com