Much ink has been spilt and hot air wasted over the necessity of having a new bridge over the river Tweed at Berwick, and while all are agreed that this proposal is of vital importance to the future development of the town, many differences of opinion are noted as to the location of the structure. The many expressions of interest in the scheme from all sections of the community is indeed gratifying and angers well for the future of the borough. This, however, regrettable that during all the discussions on the future welfare of the town, little or no comment has been made on the proposed new Railway Station at Berwick.

The front of Berwick Railway Station
An early 20th Century postcard of the front of the railway station

Rightly or wrongly, a traveller arriving at a town on his first visit, sizes up the importance of that town at the moment he steps off the train. It is, therefore, most essential that this ancient and prosperous Border town should have a railway station fitting the importance of the locality served. It will be agreed that the necessity of having a modern station at Berwick has been apparent for many years past. The low, dark platforms of inadequate length for modern through East Coast trains, the ill-lit waiting rooms and other conveniences, the acute curves whereby passenger trains entering the station from either direction are compelled to travel at a greatly reduced speed, and the “back street” entrance to the present structure do not give the town the status it deserves. The proposed alterations, is gratifying to note, will dispense with many of these very serios disabilities. Platforms are to be lengthened, extra waiting rooms introduced, and the acute curves minimised to such an extent that non-stopping trains will be able to pass Berwick at a much greater speed. No notice, however, appears to have been taken of the present station entrance, and no proposals have apparently been made whereby the new station will have the imposing main street entrance so essential to a railway station of first-class importance. Those of us who have visited Alnwick cannot fail to have noted the splendid railway station at that town. No necessity to enquire the way to the station at Alnwick, and no unsightly hoardings reminding us that “Boxo” puts a man on his feet, and that “Crushem” salts makes grandad an athlete of no mean ability. It is, of course, agreed that the proposals of the Railway Company are admirable so far as utility in railway working is concerned. Local trains will, it is understood, be started from a suitable platform for that class of train, thereby obviating the present method whereby passengers for different trains are frequently seen threading their way along narrow platforms among innumerable fish and luggage barrows.

Berwick Railway Station early 1900s. © Berwick Record Office – BRO 1636-10-013

Utility, however, from the viewpoint of the Railway Company is quite a different matter to the utility of the residents of the town served by the railway station. Representation should be made urging the necessity of having an entrance to the new station direct from the top of Castlegate. The plan obtaining at the present moment appears to be, a front street entrance to cattle docks, and a back passage entrance for the passengers. This order of things should, of course, be reversed in the new station. Another sore point to the artistic eye at Berwick Station is the disorderly array of shacks and huts of all descriptions which, in many cases, obstruct what would be one of the most beautiful views in this country. Some months ago, the writer was in conversation with a gentleman who had arrived at Berwick Station from the South at 4am on a beautiful summer morning. Glancing westwards from the train in crossing the Royal Border Bridge the sight that met his eye was the most gorgeous it was possible to imagine, and it was made clear from the traveller’s remarks and in all his travels which, by the way, extended to many countries, he had never experienced the thrill which he experienced on glancing up the silvery Tweed that morning. Now, Mr Editor, except from passing trains, how many of us have been privileged to view this most wonderful landscape. The placid silvery Tweed at high-tide, the surrounding country one mass of colour, away in the West can be seen the Eildon Hills and Hume Castle, while to the South, Cheviot and Hedgehope Mountains stand grim and forbidding. All this grandeur is. However, unfortunately obscured to the visitors at Berwick Station by an array of shacks built near the end of the Royal Border Bridge. In the building of the new station, it would be gratifying to know that these unsightly little buildings were to be removed with a view of leaving an unobstructed view of the river Tweed and surrounding country from the end of the platforms.

Royal Border Bridge early 1990s. Ref: BRO 515 377

Another anomaly in the present arrangements is the system whereby the exit from the goods warehouse and coal sidings also serves as the ordinary passenger exit from the station to the town, but this would, of course, be obviated if the Castlegate entrance were adopted.

Another very urgent reform necessary in the building of the new station at Berwick is the necessity of affording sufficient room for the standage of cars and taxis at the station entrance. At present the cars are obliged to line up any old how as near to the station portico as circumstances will permit, with the result that the turning of a car or taxi while foot passengers are passing to and from the station is a hair-raising thrill for the spectators who view the feat from a safe point of vantage. This, Mr Editor, is an antiquated and obsolete arrangement, suitable no doubt for ancient horse-drawn vehicles, but quite up safe for the present means of road transport using the railway station premises. In the new station we should therefore insist that the entrance from the town be made sufficiently wide to accommodate the large number of vehicles which meet all the East Coast express trains. Another item of importance, although not directly connected with the actual structure of the station, is the complete absence of a Sunday passenger train from Berwick to stations North. Can you name another town of equal importance so served, Mr Editor? Surely if towns like Kelso, Alnwick, and Hexham are worthy of a Sunday service, then, in an even greater degree, must out town need a service.

Another matter the visitor to our railway station must surely notice is the absence of train destination indicator boards on the platforms. The system adopted at Berwick, of lusty-lunged individuals bawling the destination or next stop of the train is, to say the least, reminiscent of the small wayside stations, and misleading when more than one train occupies the platforms.

I hold that the inhabitants of Berwick, who are justly proud of their town, should have a say in the very important work that is about to be undertaken at Berwick Station. Let us make it clear that any make-shift will not meet with our approval, and that our ancient town, which is one of the most famous on the great East Coast route, is well worthy of a railway station harmonising with the natural grandeur of the famous Borders.

Piecing together the Penroses: Part One

Sophie Towers, x3 great-granddaughter of the ‘original’ George Penrose, looks back at the origins of her family name and the legacies they left behind.

In 2023, we said goodbye to a place that holds a mountain of memories for our family. 

George Penrose and Sons was taken over in 2017 when the final Penrose retired; Peter Lewis being the 2x great grandson of the original George. The name and business Penroses are still in existence, thanks to Guy and Sarah Filer, but the shop itself has a new owner as well as a new trade.

The family can trace their lineage back to 1195 with the first recorded spelling of the name being Philip de Penros, a then resident of Cornwall during the reign of Richard the Lionheart; the likelihood being that they had travelled over with William the Conqueror in 1066.

 The coat of arms (see below) has the motto Rosa sine Spina translated as ‘A Rose without the Thorn’.

The family eventually moved to Yorkshire in 1680, settling near Fountains Abbey fish pools where trout and eels were reared.

In 1833, George Penrose Senior was born in Aldborough, North Yorkshire. He grew up in The Aldborough Arms, his father Thomas being the Innkeeper there. He began work as an Innkeeper himself at The Ship Inn, Aldborough and as a shoemaker but his passion was in playing cricket. As a professional player, he joined Alnwick Cricket Club, moving to Alnwick and living in Painters Hill (now the site of St. Michael’s Church Hall), in 1860. He and his wife Hannah had four children, Thomas, Annie, George Junior and Mary Jane.  

In an article from The Alnwick Mercury, dated Tuesday October 1st, 1861, George’s prowess on the Cricket field is noted – ‘the two crack bowlers, Messrs. Dixon and Penrose, are both benedicts, and their splendid bowling told heavily on their opponents.’ It seems George Senior was quite the sportsman & was certainly deserving of his visit to the ‘Nags Head’ that evening!

Alnwick Cricket Club c1895

In and around the 1880’s George Senior, affectionately named “Owld Pen”, suffered an unfortunate fate, finding himself gored and crippled when picking mushrooms. According to his obituary in The Morpeth Herald, George Senior ‘went over the hedge [in Washburn Field], to gather mushrooms, and a cow in the field charged at him and gored him severely, breaking his leg, and causing other injuries.’ It is also noted that ‘…only through his strength and determination…he escaped with his life’. He was undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with, even by bovines! He was an avid fisherman, spending time on the River Aln ‘plying his art’. After his accident, the then 6th Duke of Northumberland granted him ‘permission to fish in the “Pasture”’, a privilege only granted to the Percys themselves.

We find him again mentioned in The Alnwick Mercury in 1873, having caught a rather large fish ‘below the “Sumph” – ‘[it] was 22 inches in length, 11 ½ inches in girth, 5 inches deep at shoulder, and a weight 4 ½ lbs.’

His exploits at his Painter’s Hill home brought him to court in 1875 due to ‘wasting the town water’. It seems George felt that there was a ‘very serious deficiency’ and took matters into his own hands, ‘tying up the handle of his water-closet so as to allow the water to run full tap’. He was fined 15 shillings, including costs for this misdemeanour. 

George Penrose Senior passed away in 1902 aged 69. He was then residing with his daughter, Mary Jane Charlton in Aston Stevenage, Hertfordshire.

Photo courtesy of Ann Lewis

Hillcrest Maternity Unit, Alnwick

BRO 1944/1/148/4

This blog has been researched and written by Hilary Love, one of the volunteers on our maternity care project. Project volunteers are researching maternity care in Northumberland with particular focus on Castle Hills Maternity Home, Berwick, and Mona Taylor Maternity Home, Stannington. We are also researching in less detail some of the other Maternity Homes in the county. This blog provides a brief history of maternity provision at Hilcrest, Alnwick,Northumberland. 

Hillcrest was originally a private family home in Alnwick built for Charles Percy (1851-1929), a prominent Alnwick solicitor. Between 1918 and 1922 Charles Percy was M.P. for Tynemouth. The 1921 census lists the widowed Charles living at Hillcrest with three live-in servants. The census record notes that Hillcrest comprised 15 rooms. By 1939 Richard Simpson, a maltster, was living at the property.

In April 1952 Hillcrest was opened as a maternity home with eleven beds. The opening ceremony was performed by Helen, Duchess of Northumberland. The first child to be born there was a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Deeble of Alnwick. The Duchess presented a mug to mother and child.

In the late 1980s there was a proposal to close Hillcrest and transfer maternity services to Ashington. There was much local opposition to the closure – women marched through the town in support of retention. In response, the Health Authority decided that, if local people could raise £100,000, a new unit would be built in the grounds of Alnwick Infirmary. A new 8-bed unit, attached to Alnwick Infirmary, was given the go ahead when the appeal total was reached.

Such was the success of the campaign that construction of the new unit began just eighteen months after Northumberland Health Authority proposed to refer all Alnwick patients to Ashington Hospital. The total cost of the build was £472,000 with £372,000 coming from the sale of the old Hillcrest Hospital. An article and photograph in The Weekly Courier of 17 May 1989, features work starting on the new unit. The photograph showed the Duchess of Northumberland on a mechanical digger laying the first turf. A donation of 20 tons of sand from their depot in Powburn, was received from a north-east company, Ryton Sand and Gravel. Mr. Bill Hugonin of Alnwick Castle Estates received delivery of the sand on behalf of the Hillcrest Committee. Mr. Hugonin praised the local and regional press for publicizing the work of the committee and for getting behind the campaign.

The new unit was officially opened was on 10 October 1990, although it was open to patients a little while before that. Maternity services continue to be delivered from the Hillcrest Unit today.