Pacifist Party in Newcastle – Meeting Broken Up.

One of our Northumberland At War volunteers is researching the Minute Books of the Ashington Coal Company and whilst looking in the newspapers for an article came across this interesting story regarding the Pacifist Party in the Morpeth Herald, dated 3 August 1917.

A stormy ending and a rout of the Pacifist party marked the scenes at the North East Coast Conference held at the Central Hall, Newcastle on Saturday, under the auspices of the Workers and Soldiers’ Council.
The platform was stormed before the second resolution had been submitted to the meeting, the Union Jack was triumphantly waved and “Rule Britannia” and the National Anthem sung.
The meeting was held in the Central Hall and William Weir, President of the Northumberland Miners presided over a large attendance.
Previous to the meeting beginning a scuffle took place at the back of the Hall and the Stewards were called upon to eject a few intruders. In a few minutes the doors had been rushed and free fights ensued. Two or three dozen men, many of the soldiers or sailors were mixed up in the struggle.
Free fights took place in different parts of the Hall and a number of men were led away with their faces cut or bleeding. The crowd that had broken into the building was apparently too strong for those who occupied the place. Continuous howls came from the back of the Hall and while the Promoters attempted to restore order there were loud shouts of “Lusitania” and “Rule Britannia”.
A Naval man mounted the platform and exclaimed: “Why do you want Peace?” Then he shouted to the Delegates: “You are not worth a d*****!”
He was followed by a wounded soldier among others who rolled up his sleeve and showing a wound on the arm, shouted: “That is what I got for fighting for traitors” The meeting continued to be noisy and Mrs Despard was among those who appealed to the meeting.
The Chairman after quiet had been fairly well restored said the only point of disagreement that appeared to be in the meeting was whether they should end the war by negotiation or fight it out till the end. One had met men who once said: “Fight it out until the end” but today they said the War could not be fought out and that someday it would have to be ended by negotiation.
Mr Straker’s View
Mr William Straker of the Northumberland Miners’ Association moved a resolution approving of the Russian Revolution and undertaking to work for a general peace without annexations or indemnities.
Mr Straker said that he was not in favour of peace at any price. So long as they were sending their lads – and he had sent two to the Front – they had to support them by every possible means. Personally he was not prepared to do anything to embarrass the Government in the carrying out of the War.
He was there not as a representative of the Northumberland miners but as a citizen claiming the right of a free man. We had got to win this war but what he was afraid of was that we would drive the Russian Revolutionists into making a separate peace. The point on which we differed was the question of indemnities but that was a question that did not bother him much.
Councillor James Smith of Newcastle seconded the resolution
A dissident went onto the platform and said that three of his sons had fought for the country, one of whom had been killed. He compared the meeting with one of traitors whose object was to betray the Fatherland.
The resolution on being put was declared carried after being supported by Mrs Despard who said there had never been in the world’s history a peace that was not a ‘patched-up-peace’
A voice: “How are you going to get the Germans out of France and Belgium-By going on our knees?”
Mrs Despard said: “That is a question for our soldiers – Ask our Generals!”
Wounded Soldier’s View
A wounded soldier declared that a meeting did not express the opinion of Newcastle. If they did not get peace with indemnities, Germany would rise again, and we would have another war to wage.
Mr G. H. Warne (Ashington) submitted a second resolution committing the Conference to work for the co-ordination of Working Class activity in support of a peace made by the people.
The speaker was told by a member of the audience to go to the Front.
Mr Warne: “If we all go to the Front it will be the biggest disaster. I along with thousands of my fellows go into the trenches in the coal-mine every day”
There was further interruption and the speaker exclaimed: “If I had been Mayor of Newcastle that Policeman would have removed that man (Applause). He hoped the Labour members of the City Council and the Northumberland miners who wanted fair play would have something to say about the Policemen and the Watch Committee of Newcastle”
The interruption continued and the Chairman made a futile attempt to restore order. Eventually the platform was stormed and there were several free fights. Several of those who had participated in the great demonstration at the Cowen Memorial ascended the platform.
The union Jack was waved and heated arguments ensued between pacifists and anti-pacifists.
One Colonial, facing the audience exclaimed: “I have fought for the flag of old and I will fight for the flag again!” (Loud cheers)
A delegate in the balcony held a heated argument with a wounded soldier and declared he would summons him for rioting. A few seconds later the delegate was bustled out of the hall.
The National Anthem and “Rule Britannia” were sung by those who had forced their way into the conference. The majority of the delegates eventually quit the building and the proceedings terminated amid a scene of intense excitement.
During the proceedings, the brass rail that was on the platform was dislodged and a bundle of copies of the resolutions was torn into shreds.

We would like to express our sincere appreciation to Derek Holcroft for finding and transcribing this wonderful article for our Northumberland At War Project

This Week in World War One, 6 August 1915

Berwick Advertiser title 1915






It is a year this week since Berwick was all in an excitement and hub-bub caused by the declaration of war against Germany. Well do we remember the stirring street scenes at the assembly of our brave Territorials and Naval Reserve men. Who, too, does not at the same time vividly recall the financial panic, followed by the Government extending the August Bank holiday, and closing the banks throughout the land for three days. Those opening incidents are now alas mere insignificant details in the subsequent titanic struggle that has since been waged night and day in the trenches. They loomed no doubt largely in our eyes at the moment giving a hazy portent of the upheaval, but without in any way affording a reasonable idea of the duration of the conflict.

Berwick’s Response to the Anniversary

In common with almost every town and village in the kingdom, an open-air public meeting to mark the anniversary of the war took place in front of the Town Hall, Berwick, on Wednesday evening. His Worship the Mayor (Mr Thomas Wilson) assisted by the other speakers taking part in the proceedings, admirably voiced the feelings of the assembled multitude who heartily responded to the loyal and patriotic sentiments which were uttered. There is no doubt that the inflexible determination of every one after such a year of tremendous struggle and sacrifice is to see an end once and for all to the military aggression which has threatened Europe and the world for years past. The accomplishment will call for many more acts of heroism and self-denial, but the same dauntless courage which brought us through the hard campaigns of the Indian Mutiny and the Crimean War still lives in the hearts of Britain today. The end may not be in sight, but each day that that passes brings the certainty of victory nearer and the downfall of a hideous and brutal military despotism the more certain. The more recruits who come forward to take the places of those who have to go to the actual scene of hostilities with the greater celerity will the day of deliverance come; and, of course, all classes can assist the Government by practising economy and placing every spare penny into the War Loan.

bAdvertiser 6 Aug 1915 Don't Swear Dunlop Advert resized
Berwick Advertiser 6 August 1915, Don’t Swear Dunlop Advert.


 Berwick, 4th August

Before giving the results of the herring fishing for the past week, it may be as well to state briefly what was done in the early part of the season. In April the order was issued that drift net fishing was only allowed within the three mile limit by boats under 40 feet overall. As fishing with the first class boats either by net or great line – it being a first necessity to catch herrings for prosecuting the latter fishing – was now out of the question, the outlook for the fishermen in the district was far from promising. However, within a few days of the above order, arrangements were made by which seventeen of the Eyemouth steam drifters with their crews were engaged for Admiralty work. Those who remained at home began to turn their attention to small line fishing, so that by the middle of May there were forty-seven crews working from the stations of St. Abbs, Eyemouth, and Burnmouth. Mussel bait was obtained from Clyde district, and the scene on the Eyemouth quay at the distribution of the mussels was reminiscent of about twenty years ago when haddock fishing was the principal industry in the locality. Shortly after this trails were made at the herring fishing, first one boat and next week twelve boats, each week adding to the number until by the end of June there were over sixty boats fishing from Eyemouth. The local men hired boats of a suitable size from Cockenzie and other Leith ports, others who could not procure boats remained at the lines. Of the above number there were thirty-six local crews, and others from Firth of Forth ports.


BRO 426/669 Fishing Fleet, Berwick Harbour early 1900s
BRO 426/669 Fishing Fleet,
Berwick Harbour early 1900s


But the proverb about giving an inch and taking an ell (sic) was exemplified in the case of the fishermen. They soon began to go beyond the three mile limit, until at last the authorities had to interfere and put a stop to it, and consequently few herrings were landed at Eyemouth during the first three weeks of July. The catch for June was about 1700 crans, representing a value of over £5000, the prices ranging from 45s to 130s per cran. Indivdual crews earned from £50 to about £500 for the month. During the past week a few local crews have been fishing along the coast from the Farne islands to North Shileds. The number of boats fishing was twenty motor and five sail. The landings were – Eyemouth, 137 crans; Berwick, 15; North Sunderland, 77; and North Shields, 207 crans. There were also 165 crans of trawled herrings landed at the last named port, maing the total for the week 601 crans of the value of £2400. Prices were from 50s in 132s per cran. The highest shot was 35 crans by a motor boat at Eyemouth.



War Memorial, Castlegate, Berwick-upon-Tweed. © Copyright J Thomas - (cropped image) Creative Commons Licence 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0).
War Memorial, Castlegate,
© J Thomas – (cropped image) Creative Commons Licence 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0).

MILITARY FUNERAL– On Friday afternoon the funeral of Private  *Wm. H. Stevenson, of the 7th N.F., second son of Mrs Margaret and the late Mr Wm. H. Stevenson, late of Church Street, took place to the Berwick Cemetery. The coffin arrived with the afternoon train from the south, and this was witnessed by a very large crowd of sympathetic spectators who lined the approaches and route. A detachment of the local Territorials with pipe band acted as a military escort, bestowing full military honours to the departed soldier. The coffin was covered by the Union Jack, and a number of very pretty wreathes were sent by friends. A short religious service took place in the chapel at the cemetery, and the committal service was read over the grave. The firing of three volleys and the sounding of the Last Post marked the close of a singularly touching funeral.

* The above report should read Private Robert Richmond Stephenson and not as Private Wm. H. Stevenson. The correct information appears on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website: Robert Richmond Stephenson, Private, service no; 2177, date of death 27th July aged 26 years.

Pictured above the war memorial in Berwick, on which the name of Northumberland Fusilier, Robert Richmond Stephenson appears.


End of the Stannington Sanatorium Project


The Stannington Project has been running for the past year but will be coming to an end this week.  Over the course of the year we have catalogued all the patient files and the associated administrative files from the sanatorium.  We now know that there are 5041 individual patient files and 14,671 corresponding radiographic images.  Now that they have all been fully catalogued it is very easy for us to locate files and match them up to their associated radiographs, this is particularly important when dealing with requests from former patients who want to see their own files.  The level of detail included in the listing of patient files makes it a useful resource for academic research and allows for the easy selection of relevant cases. Another major part of the project has been the digitisation of all the radiographs and early case files, which is now complete, and discussed in more detail in our previous blog post.  The full catalogue and the attached images can all be viewed through the Archive’s online catalogue.

Working through the records over the past year we’ve learnt a lot about how TB affected children in the mid-20th century and some of the individual stories have been fascinating.  We hope everyone’s enjoyed reading our blog posts as much as we’ve enjoyed writing them, and keep a look-out for future updates on Stannington and more posts from the WWI Project.

Thank you for reading!

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