Miliary TB

Miliary spread is a pathological process involving the widespread dissemination of the tubercle bacilli but the manifestations of this can vary widely depending on factors such as the speed of the spread and the individual’s ability to inhibit further multiplication of the organisms in other areas of the body.  Miliary tuberculosis is recognised clinically in patients where there is radiographic evidence of tuberculous lesions of the same age distributed evenly throughout all areas of the lung.  This process is most likely to occur soon after the initial infection and is also more common in children under 5 than it is in older children.


It is not uncommon to see miliary tuberculosis develop further into tuberculous meningitis.  Whilst on the whole the death rate in Stannington was relatively low, in the pre-antibiotic era (pre-1947) it is noticeable that a significant number of fatalities are as a result of either miliary TB or TB meningitis.  The introduction of effective drug therapies altered this situation greatly and the prospects for these patients after this point improved significantly.


Patient 3/1947 was a 12 year old boy from Lemington-on-Tyne who was admitted to Stannington in January 1947 diagnosed with miliary tuberculosis.  A report on x-ray films taken in December 1946 prior to his admission describes extensive mottled shadowing across both lungs with hilar shadows much enlarged.  The Northumberland County medical officer of health that refers the boy to Stannington gives the following report:

‘States no cough.  Mother says he thinks he gets a bit short of breath at times, and that he has definitely lost weight.  On examination, slight cyanotic tinge; afebrile, pulse 108.  General condition satisfactory (amazing in view of films).  Little made out in chest apart from slight impairment of the air entry at both bases.  Mass of glands at right side of neck.’


Figure 1 is a chest x-ray taken the day after his admission and the report on it simply reads, ‘extensive bilateral miliary spread’.  The extensive mottled ‘snowstorm’ effect is indicative of miliary TB.  Strict bed rest is ordered and at this point he also has an enlarged gland at the angle of the jaw on the right side for which UV light treatment is prescribed.  Over the coming months the abscess on the jaw is described as discharging freely with brownish pus aspirated from it in June 1947.

Figure 1 - HOSP/STAN/7/1/2/1371_84
Figure 1 – HOSP/STAN/7/1/2/1371_84
09 Jan 1947
Figure 2 - HOSP/STAN/7/1/2/1371_05
Figure 2 – HOSP/STAN/7/1/2/1371_05
17 Sept 1947














In September 1947 the patient’s doctor suggests that he would be a suitable candidate for streptomycin treatment, which had only recently been introduced at this point.  However, having discussed the case further it was decided that he was not suitable as at this point in time streptomycin was being used for very early cases only and patient 3/1947 by now had a long history of TB and was doing very well without it.  Figure 2, is an x-ray taken around the time streptomycin treatment was being discussed and the report reads, ‘X-ray shows a little improvement.  Each individual lesion is smaller.’


Two months later in November 1947 his condition deteriorates a little and he begins to lose weight and so is again put forward for streptomycin ‘if any available.’  Whilst the attending doctor continues to push for streptomycin over the coming months it is not until November 1948 that the patient receives any.  There are continuing disputes as to whether he is a suitable candidate.  During this time his general condition fluctuates with periods of weight gain and weight loss and x-rays from April and June 1948 show some improvements, figures 3 and 4 respectively.

Figure 3 - HOSP/STAN/7/1/2/1371_09
Figure 3 – HOSP/STAN/7/1/2/1371_09
13 April 1948
‘Amazing improvement since last x-ray 3 months ago. The military lesions now appear to be resolving: the apices are almost clear. There is now a more homogenous opacity in the left lower lobe.’
Figure 4 - HOSP/STAN/7/1/2/1371_10
Figure 4 – HOSP/STAN/7/1/2/1371_10
04 June 1948
‘still some mottling at the bases, the apices are clear. The more homogenous density at the L base is getting smaller. Azygos lobe on right side.’

















Ultimately the catalyst leading to the decision being made for streptomycin treatment to be commenced appears to be the fact that in June 1948 a swelling over the lower dorsal spine is identified and it is apparent that the tuberculous infection has spread further.  It is clear from radiographic evidence in 1948 that there are three spinal lesions: one in the 5th and 6th dorsal vertebrae causing some kyphosis; another affecting the 1st and 3rd lumbar vertebrae causing some deformity; and a final one in the inferior and anterior part of the body of the 5th lumbar vertebrae with some destruction.


All streptomycin treatment is discontinued by May 1949 when significant improvements in his chest are seen and treatment of the spinal lesions is continued with braces and plaster casts.  He is eventually discharged in July 1950 wearing a spinal brace and continues to be seen by the out-patients’ service until April 1954 when an abscess in the left iliac fossa leads to him being considered for admission to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

Figure 5 - HOSP/STAN/7/1/2/1371_18
Figure 5 – HOSP/STAN/7/1/2/1371_18
Spinal X-ray, 17 Jan 1950, calcifications in the lungs also evident.
Figure 6 - HOSP/STAN/7/1/2/1371_85
Figure 6 – HOSP/STAN/7/1/2/1371_85
Spinal X-ray, 10 July 1950, 4 days before discharge
Figure 7 - HOSP/STAN/7/1/2/1371_14 Chest X-ray, 17 Feb 1950, also showing calcifications in neck glands.
Figure 7 – HOSP/STAN/7/1/2/1371_14
Chest X-ray, 17 Feb 1950, also showing calcifications in neck glands.













MILLER, F. J. W, SEAL, R. M. E, and TAYLOR, M. D. (1963) Tuberculosis in Children, J & A Churchill Ltd.

This Week in World War One, 11 June 1915

Berwick Advertiser title 1915






Proposed Benefit Race to help Patriotic Funds


A special general meeting of the members of the Berwick Amateur Athletic Club was held in the Red Lion Hotel on Friday evening to decide whether or not sports should be held this year, also to discuss the amount of subscriptions to be collected, and for any other competent business.

Councillor Darling presided, and it was explained at the outset that there had been no sports meeting held this season anywhere except in London and Manchester, and these were conducted by the military.

The Chairman said he did not think it was at all possible this year to hold sports. The only thing they could do as a club was to follow the example of other centres, and get up some kind of a meeting for the soldiers, such as a harriers’ race. He moved that they do not hold sports this year.


Berwick Advertiser 11 June 1915, Dunlop Advert.
Berwick Advertiser 11 June 1915, Dunlop Advert.





Writing to his brother in Newcastle, Corporal C. N. Noble, 7th N.F., sends the following interesting communications from the Front:-

“Many days have passed since we received our baptism of fire. It took place when we passed through at midnight a certain village which has been famous in this war. The shells were flying round us, and I may say we felt a bit queer. It was a weird and uncanny experience passing through this dead city which had been incessantly bombarded night after night for weeks by the Germans. Our first engagement took place the next morning and lasted for about half the day, when we had a few killed and wounded. The following day we took part in a big engagement. We received a great deal of praise for our conduct that day. It was a terrible experience going through the hail of maxim bullets and “Johnsons,” but the Battalion displayed remarkable steadiness.

7th Northumberland Fusiliers. BRO 2098-001
7th Northumberland Fusiliers at Greystoke Camp.
Ref: BRO 2098-001

I received your letter of the 25th April. I replied before this, but it was too much for the Censor. We were never down at that place where the imposing sights are, but, as you will know, we have had it hot – aye, too hot. We were addressed by the famous warrior, Sir John French, the other morning. He spoke in terms of the highest praise for the important part we took in the recent big engagement. I met J. Dixon (Rangers) and Borthwick of the Royal Engineers (once with Caverhill, blacksmith), and a few others whom you know well.

Some days have passed since I wrote to you. We are now under covering fire, and fraternising with some —–, a battalion of which has come amongst us. The guns are fairly speaking but we are now quite accustomed to these noisy instruments of war. We are having a fine time and enjoying the experience immensely. You might let me know how the war is getting on, and be sure to mention the result of the cup final.

By the way, while passing through England, I was much impressed with the beautiful city of Lincoln. Our young friend, Harry Mangham should feel proud of his native-place. The cathedral is a fine building.

Berwick Advertiser 11 June 1915 Advert- Your Country Needs You
Berwick Advertiser 11 June 1915 . To Assist in raising further men for the 7th Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers

May 20th. –

In due course I received the parcel of clothing all right, and your letter of the 10th. Many thanks. You were mentioning about Alick. I am grieved to say that he has been missing since our big engagement on the Monday. I would have informed you sooner, but we are not allowed to mention anything until the lapse of so many days. I had hopes that he might write from some hospital if he had been wounded. However, I would not give up hope, because if the worst had happened his identification disc and pay-book would have come in. Stragglers are still coming in who lost the battlion (sic) that day, and have been with other regiments in the interval. So I am still living in hope that he may return any day. I would have replied sooner, but we went up into the trenches for three days immediately after I received your communique. We were just about washed out with the rain the first day, but it turned out fine afterwards, and the sun shone resplendent over the beautiful landscape. The heat was intense in more ways than one. Give my regards to all my Newcastle friends.




An interesting story of a lost photograph comes from “somewhere in France.” A local hero serving with the Northumberland Fusiliers had the misfortune to lose on the field of battle in Flanders, a photograph of a lady friend. This was found by another Newcastle soldier, who enclosed it when writing home to his parents. They, in return, recognising the photograph, forwarded it to the relatives of the owner, who resides in Newcastle.

Patient 133/1959 – A Case of Fibrocystic Disease

The radiographs held within the Stannington Sanatorium Collection date between 1936 and 1953 and are specific to the period when the sanatorium was used as a hospital for tuberculous children. However, through the process of listing the patient files for Stannington, which continue up until 1966, well into its use as a general children’s hospital, we have uncovered a set of radiographs for one other patient, a 6 year old boy who was admitted to Stannington on 15th June 1959: Patient 133/1959.

Patient 133/1959 was diagnosed with Fibrocystic Disease of the Pancreas, a generalised hereditary condition amongst children which, despite its name, can affect not only the pancreas but also the liver, lungs and sweat glands and was considered to be the most common cause of chronic non-tuberculous lung disease in children during the 1950s.

This patient was admitted to Stannington with widespread cystic change in both lungs, retarded growth and signs of chronically infected bronchiectasis. His medical notes also refer to ‘finger clubbing’, which involves changes to the areas of soft tissue under and surrounding the finger nails but may also involve the nails themselves. At this stage in his treatment the patient was prescribed penicillin, monitored for changes in weight and subjected to postural drainage.

By September 1959, the boy’s medical notes read:

‘No gain in weight and very little sputum but he has many loud râles in both sides of chest and a loose cough.’


At this time it is also noted that he has been prescribed pancreatin, a drug to help treat the symptoms of cystic fibrosis and to aid with digestion of fat, starch and protein. His lack of weight gain was considered to be associated with problems in the colon and as such his stools were also monitored regularly.

Little change is seen in the notes for the following year, weight gain is still elusive and the patient is often referred to as being small, with râles in the chest and having shortness of breath. However, in October 1960 the severity of this patient’s condition becomes clear as the attending physician writes:

‘Very poor appetite and very difficult.

I do not understand how this problem can be solved.’

However, from May 1961, this boy began to show slow improvements especially within regards to the colon and weight gain is evident with a total gain of 8lbs since admittance. Râles are still noted in the left side of the chest, see lung x-ray in Figure 1.

Figure 1 – HOSP-STAN-07-01-02-2243-02

In addition to his medical problems this boy also had learning difficulties according to notes from the hospital school teacher stating he was:

‘very much retarded and would need more individual help and attention ….

He is slow to complete written assignments but makes a good effort. His reading and arithmetic are well below average for his age but he has made satisfactory progress in both within his limited ability.’

As a result the doctors approached the subject of finding this boy a long term residential school for handicapped children to be transferred to following his discharge.

Patient 133/1959, remained in Stannington until 1962, where he continued to make improvements regarding his weight and height and the râles in his chest diminished significantly. In March 1962, he contracted German measles and then later chicken pox in June 1962. Despite these short term illnesses, this patient was discharged home in August 1962, having secured a place at the Windlestone Hall residential school near Ferryhill, County Durham, to begin in September 1962.



di Sant’agnese, Paul. A (1955). The Pulmonary Manifestations of Fibrocystic Disease of the Pancreas. Chest. 27(6):654-667

Medline Plus (2015). Clubbing of the Fingers and Toes.

Patient (2015). Pancreatin.