This Week in World War One, 4 June 1915

Berwick Advertiser title 1915







At a meeting of the Berwick Town Council on Tuesday evening, the Mayor stated that he had received intimation from the Rev. Robt. Leggatt, Bankhill Church, that there was to be a memorial service held on Sunday evening first for those brave local soldiers who had fallen in France. Two or three of these were members of Mr Leggatt’s Church, and he asked if the Mayor and Town Council might perhaps countenance the service. There would be no procession from the Town Hall. He (the Mayor) hoped that as many of the Council as possible would see their way to accompany him in the Church. By doing so they would be paying the last rites to the brave young men belonging to the town who had fought their battles. The service began at six o’clock pm.

The Zion Presbyterian Chapel (Bankhill Church), Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland. Ref: BRO 1613-44
The Zion Presbyterian Chapel (Bankhill Church), Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland. Ref: BRO 1613-44



Berwick Fair was observed on Friday and was opened in the time honoured fashion by the Mayor, Sheriff, and Corporation marching in procession round the grounds, and formally declaring it open. There was a large influx of country visitors, and during the day the streets presented a busy and animated appearance. The customary stalls were erected in the High Street, and the majority of these vended china and dishes, while there were also a few hardware booths.

Berwick-upon-Tweed May Fair, 1968. Ref No. BRO 2103-1-624
Berwick-upon-Tweed May Fair, 1968.
Ref No. BRO 2103-1-624

The town bells at intervals rung out merry peals and, with the hoisting of the flags, the streets had a holiday aspect. The fair was duly opened at mid-day, when the Mayor, Sheriff, and officials, headed by the Chief Constable, members of the Burgh Police, and the Sergeants-at-Mace, marched through the fair grounds and formally declared proceedings open. The progress of the civic pageant was a subject of much interest to the assembled crowds. On returning to the Town Hall refreshments were served, the toast of “The King” being honoured.

At The Parade a number of merry-go-rounds and fair booths were erected, and these did a good trade throughout the day and evening. Notwithstanding the large influx of visitors the proceedings connected with it, the Fair fortunately passed off with out any untoward incident or serious crime. The stalls in the High Street remained open till Wednesday evening and continued to do good business.

On Saturday there was again a large influx of visitors into the town, although not so large as on previous Fair Saturdays, consequent upon the abandonment of the Horse Procession this year. Rain fell heavily in the morning, but as the day advanced it cleared up. A cold north wind however, prevailed the whole of the day and towards evening had quite a mid-winter feeling rather than the genial warmth of mid-summer.

Berwick Advertiser 4 June 1915 Hall's Wine
Berwick Advertiser 4 June 1915 Hall’s Wine


Advert for T. H. Lawsons. Berwick Advertiser 4 June 1915





Owing to the war, it was this year decided not to hold the annual fair Horse Procession, but the annual competition for the Sanderson Challenge Shield for the best kept horse during the year was held. This year there were three competitors. The judging took place in Sandgate and was undertaken by Mr P. Edgar, Camphill, assisted by the Secretary, Mr Ralph, Bradford, Tweedmouth. Mr J. Bryson, Tweedmouth, who has won the Shield on two previous occasions, won it this year again, and it now becomes his property. Hugh Fisackerly took second prize and R. Swinney third. In presenting the shield to the winner, Mrs Wilsden congratulated him on the beautiful condition of his horse and for the care and attention he had bestowed upon it.

Mary Ann Fulcher – School Headmistress

There were many individuals that contributed to the successful running of Stannington Sanatorium and helped to make it the thriving institution that it was.  This week we will have a look at the role of one of these individuals, Mary Ann Fulcher, headmistress of the Sanatorium School.


Mary Ann Fulcher served as the headmistress of Stannington Sanatorium School for over 32 years from 1st February 1921 up to her retirement on 18th December 1953.  During her time as headmistress she presided over the school’s transition to state control and away from the management of the Poor Children’s Holiday Association following the passing of the National Health Act as well as witnessing the effects of WWII with the bombing of the sanatorium and its temporary relocation to Hexham.


In the annual report of 1938 Miss Fulcher details the work of the sanatorium school and the effect of illness upon the children:

‘Every other Friday a fresh group of children enters the Sanatorium School.  behind each lies a little tragedy; weeks of ill-health followed by a visit to a doctor, then another consultation, and finally a parting from the old, familiar, well-loved things to enter a strange new world, and in the midst of the newness and strangeness they meet with a school and they all know something about schools, even if it is not quite the same as those they have known.  About the school they are critical for they have a standard by which to judge.  This big fellow says firmly, “I have left school,” and infers that he has put away with such childish things.  The secondary school girl, until her health gave way, had had dreams of examination successes and is a little superior in her manner.  Ill-health seems to her such an unfair handicap, and she half resentfully wonders what this school has to offer her … 

Different in all, save that they are infected with tuberculosis, they come into the melting pot of school and it is the aim of the school, not so much to teach this fact or that, as it is to help all to face life with courage and to demonstrate that in spite of an early introduction to ill-health and suffering, the world is full of beauty and joy. …

The Sanatorium does not only attend to the children’s physical ills but adjusts their mental outlook … From time to time we hear of their achievements in the great outside world and are content.’ [HOSP/STAN/1/3/5]


Open Air School.  Class II Writing Lesson. [HOSP/STAN/11/1/27]
Open Air School. Class II Writing Lesson. [HOSP/STAN/11/1/27]
As a school attached to a hospital the challenges met by Fulcher were much more varied than those faced by many other head teachers.  Looking through the school log books for the period (CES/243/2/1-2) we see that certain restrictions were placed on the children’s activities by the medical staff including insisting on outdoor teaching in good weather, strict periods of rest and the facilitating of summer sun treatment.  In addition children could be absent from school for long periods owing to illness and having to be confined to the sanatorium, although in later years teaching was also conducted on the wards.


Miss Fulcher’s work was recognised in the 1951 New Year’s Honours List when she was awarded an MBE for her service to the school.  In the same year the school inspector’s report, recorded in the log book, gives a glowing report of her work and reads as such:

‘The Head Mistress, who has almost completed her thirtieth year of devoted service to the school, has never allowed the isolation of the premises or the specialised character of her work to cut her off from the main stream of educational interests.  She shows close acquaintance with modern school practices & recent literature.  She is a capable organiser in a complex field, maintains a good sense of proportion, leads her staff well, & imbues them with her inflexible regard for good standards of work.  Her relations with the children are good, & she has equal regard for the needs of the youngest & the oldest.  Her personal integrity, courage & humanity are pillars of support to the school.’

NRO 10321-3 [MAG P4]
NRO 10321-3 – 14 year old boy’s account of schooling in the sanatorium, 1931

This Week in World War One, 28 May 1915

Berwick Advertiser title 1915






Formal Handing Over of the New Nine Holes to Directors.


A large company of lady and gentlemen members with their friends assembled at the Golf House in the Magdalene Fields, Berwick, on Thursday afternoon to witness the opening of the new eighteen-hole golf course, and the handing over to the Directors of the Magdalene Fields Golf Company of the new nine holes. The Mayor and Mayoress (Mr and Mrs Thomas Wilson) were present, along with the Sheriff (Mr E. W. Stiles), the Chairman of the Magdalene Fields Company (Mr A. J. Dodds), and the Captain of the Club (Mr John Brough).

“For The Town’s Good.”

Mr Dodds, in accepting the new nine holes on behalf of the Company said :- On behalf of the Magdalene Fields Company I desire to take over this extended course which Mr Brough has

Magdalene Fields Golf Course, 20th Century Aerial photograph, Berwick-upon-Tweed
Magdalene Fields Golf Course, 20th Century Aerial photograph, Berwick-upon-Tweed

described to us, and in doing so I feel I must be getting a very venerable old man. (Laughter). The Club is the offspring of the Company, and the new eighteen hole course is the offspring of the Club, and we, as Directors stand in the position of being grandparents to  the new nine holes (laughter).

The fields were originally taken over from the Duke of Northumberland with special instructions that they were for the good of the town. The 18 holes have been carried out exactly in the same spirit and they are taken over in the spirit- for the good of the town. It is only for the members then to make it a huge success. Mr Brough has referred to to the question of the terrible war and perhaps we have some justification for holding this function this afternoon. We have 20 members actively serving in His Majesty’s Forces, and one has laid down his life. The course was laid for the good of the town and so our gathering today is of a public more than of a private nature and this is proved by the fact that it is patronised by the Mayor and Mayoress and our energetic Sheriff. I am glad to see with us an old member, and one who has taken a great interest in the extended course- I refer to Mr Thomas Carter, junior. (Applause) I have pleasure in declaring the course open. (Applause).

The captain said as a memento of the occasion he had pleasure in presenting to the Club a framed plan of the new course which had been excellently drawn up by Mr Carfrae of the Borough Surveyor’s office. (Applause.)

The company then adjourned to the first tee when Mr Dodds drove off the first ball, thereby beginning a mixed foursome competition (handicap stroke).




We learn that Doctor John Paxton, Norham, has received an appointment as surgeon in the Royal Navy. Dr. Paxton left to take up his duties at Portsmouth on Wednesday. Dr. Paxton is the only son of Mrs Paxton, and the late Dr. John Paxton of Norham-on-Tweed. Dr. Paxton succeeded his father in practice at Norham, and he is also Medical Officer to the Rural District Council of Norham and Islandshires.

Berwick Advertiser 28 may 1915 Advert Berwick Cockles
Berwick Advertiser 28th May 1915 advert for Berwick Cockles



Promotion of a Local Soldier- The many friends of Col. Sergt. Sleath, civilian as well as military, will be pleased to hear of his promotion to the important rank of Staff Sergt. Major. he has just left for

Queen's South African Medal with three bars.
Queen’s South African Medal with three bars.

France to take up his duties on the Staff of the General officer in command of the Northern Territorial Division Base. A keen soldier, he has twice been  granted an extension having now served 25 years in the Army, 12 years as Col. Sergeant. he came to Belford seven years ago, as Instructor to “C” Company, 7th N.F., and during his term of years this Company has always held place as one of the most proficient of the Battalion, both in discipline and on parade. this alone shows his worth as an Instructor, especially considering the fact that this Company is recruited from a wide district, there being 30 outlying sections something like 10 or 12 miles from headquarters. On mobilisations he went with his Company to Tynemouth, and thence to Gosforth Park, where, chiefly through his influence, a large  percentage of his company volunteered for foreign service. Shortly after this he was transferred to the Notts and Derby Regiment at Chelmsford. Great disappointment was felt by the men of “C” Company when they learnt that he was not able to accompany them to the front. However, they may happen to stumble across him now, since he has gone out to the base. Needless to say they will all wish him luck on his well-deserved promotion. Staff Sergt. Major Sleath holds the South African Medal with three bars, as well as the Good Conduct Medal.