Genitourinary TB – Part 2

Having looked at a case of genitourinary TB in a young male in our first post from 01/05/2015, part 2 will focus on a case of genitourinary TB in a young female.


Patient 83/1952 was 14 when she was admitted to Stannington from Newcastle General Hospital in May 1952 diagnosed with abdominal TB.  She had first presented with serious illness in November of 1951 with lassitude, loss of weight, loss of energy, and a chest x-ray showing a probable primary in the right lower zone and enlargement of the hilar glands.  Following three months bed rest an additional chest x-ray showed an improvement in the hilar glands and the disappearance of the primary focus and she was able to return to school.  However, it was only a month later that she began to complain of abdominal pains and her abdomen began to swell and loss of weight and appetite recurred.


On admission to Newcastle General Hospital the quantity of fluid in the abdomen began to increase rapidly and her temperature was often raised so treatment with streptomycin and PAS was begun.  She continued to receive the drug therapies when she was transferred to Stannington.  An examination of the abdomen on admission to Stannington read as such:

‘Abdomen distended and taut.  Ascites present.  No enlargement of liver.  Spleen not palpable.  No masses palpable (probably due in part to tautness).  Circumference = 32.5 inches.’


A continuation of the drug therapies throughout her stay at Stannington led to a marked improvement of her condition and she was eventually discharged as quiescent in March 1953.  At no point in her case notes do the medical staff suggest that there might be any signs of genitourinary TB and continue to describe her condition as abdominal TB.  However, the case was followed up by Doctors Miller and Taylor in the following years and published in a book of 1963, in which they describe the case:

“On examination she had pelvic masses clinically characteristic of bilateral tuberculous salpingitis (inflammation of the fallopian tubes).  Despite chemotherapy (streptomycin and PAS) and bed rest the pelvic swellings, especially on the left side, became larger.  A month after chemotherapy began they slowly regressed and in six months had disappeared.” [F.J.W. Miller, R.M.E. Seal, & M.D. Taylor, Case No. 114]


Later correspondence in her file from the Newcastle General Hospital dated from February 1963 indicates the lasting effect that this form of TB had on the patient.  The patient is by this point 25 and married and attending an Infertility Clinic at NGH.  The doctors there are requesting her medical history from Stannington in the hope that something within it might help to explain her current infertility.



MILLER, F. J. W, SEAL, R. M. E, and TAYLOR, M. D. (1963) Tuberculosis in Children, J & A Churchill Ltd. p.558

This Week in World War One, 21 May 1915

Berwick Advertiser title 1915







Mrs Wilsden, The Elms, Berwick, has received the following letter from a trooper who had the good fortune to receive some cigarettes which Mrs Wilsden sent to the front through a lady friend. It is as follows:-

From Trooper F.Bark (72008)

“J” Battery,

Royal Horse Artillery,


Dear Madam, – Thank you very much for sending the cigarettes which were greatly appreciated by myself and comrades. we have been resting almost the whole of the winter, and we are just starting business again now. You may guess that we all feel fit for almost anything that comes our way. we are having glorious weather out here now but not so stifling as at the beginning of the campaign. Hope all our friends in England hold the same opinion on the war as we do out here which is decidedly cheerful. This life far exceeds all my ideas of active service-war, to my idea, was a series of long marches with little and ragged clothing, but here we are, plenty food, well clothed and tended for and living almost as well as at home. I think this is about all I can say at present, so will close by again thanking you and wishing you the best of health.

I remain, yours respectfully,


BAdvertiser 21 May 1915 Presents For The Front-advert
Advert published in the Berwick Advertiser on the 21st May 1915 placed by Ralph Dodds & Son Ltd



Mr A.A. Crisp, tobacconist, High Street, Berwick, is displaying in his window a pretty silk cushion presented by the B.D.V. Cigarette Company. The cushion is to be sold to the highest offerer, and the proceeds are to be given to a local relief find. The highest bid so far is £1.


127, High Street, Berwick.

19th May, 1915

(To the Editor, “Berwick Advertiser.”)

Dear Sir, – I should be obliged if you would allow me to make an appeal, through your valuable paper, for funds for the above society. Since the beginning of the war the Guild of Aid has been doing a great work for our soldiers and sailors.

Over 2,500 articles have been collected and distributed to the Red Cross Society, Her Majesty the

WW1 Propaganda poster shows Red Cross Nurse holding a wounded soldier as she signals for help.
WW1 Propaganda poster shows Red Cross Nurse holding a wounded soldier as she signals for help.

Queen’s Collection, the 7th Northumberland Fusiliers, the K.O.S. Borderers, Lady French’s Collection, and the Ladies Territorial Association. I know that there are many demands made upon the inhabitants of the Borough and the outlying country districts at this time, yet I think that an appeal for this work cannot fall on deaf ears.

The duty of those at home is to see that our brave soldiers and sailors lack for no comfort that we can provide, and anyone who contributes to these funds can be assured that their gifts will be used to the best advantage.

Miss Miller, Longstone View, will be glad to receive donations of money towards this good object, and comforts can be left, addressed “For Guild of Aid, ” at the Townhall; and also at Mrs A. T. Robertson’s, Tweedmouth House.

Yours faithfully,

T.Wilson, Mayor.

Matron’s Medical Report Book-Part 5: WWI

Like people up and down the country soon after the outbreak of WWI the staff and patients of Stannington Sanatorium began to see its effect.  Reports made by the matron over the war years give some indication of the kind of changes that were felt by the sanatorium.


August 1914

“During the month of August 29 cases were admitted and 29 discharged.  We have now 110 cases under treatment.  Last month we had 4 cases of chicken pox & 2 cases of scarlet fever.

On August 6th the sister was called up to join the territorial nursing force.  I have not managed to get anyone to fill her place.  Have I the authority to tell sister that her post will be kept for her?  Tho’ the time she will be kept is uncertain.”


Nurses and children on one of the wards, 1918. HOSP/STAN/11/1/41
Nurses and children on one of the wards, 1918.


January 1916

“We had on Thursday evening a visit from the policeman.

We have for some considerable time now had all our lights shaded & I have been very careful that no bright lights should be seen form here.

I think Dr Allison will agree with me when I say it has been most difficult to find our way about in the sanatorium the lights have been so subdued.

However, the policeman informed me that having the lights shaded was not sufficient now & after Monday the place would have to be in absolute darkness, not even a candle light seen, & that the windows would have to be curtained, so that I have had to go to some little expense this week to get material for curtains in.”



HOSP-STAN-2-1-1 zeppelins
Matron’s comments on the zeppelins


April 1916

“Nothing of any consequence has happened during the month except, I might say, on Sunday night last we had a bit of a scare with the zeppelins.  They were certainly very near us.  We could hear the engines overhead quite distinctly.

The staff were all up, & several of the soldiers from the Farm Colony very kindly came and offered their help in the case of any bombs being dropped near us.

A good many of the children heard them, but they were as good as gold & behaved splendidly.  There was no panic whatever, but everyone was in readiness to do their best should the worst have occurred.

I had several of the children visiting here next day enquiring if we were alright.”


See an earlier post by the World War One Project for more about airships in Northumberland.

Images relating to the zeppelin raids over Northumberland can also be seen on our Flickr stream