Osteomyelitis Part 2: Dactylitis

Continuing on from our last post on osteomyelitis affecting the lower leg bones, see post dating 06/02/2015, here we are going to review a case of tuberculous osteomyelitis of the short tubular bones in the hands and feet; the metacarpals, metatarsals and phalanges,  commonly known as tuberculous dactylitis or ‘spina ventosa’(meaning short or small bone inflated with air). This is a particularly uncommon manifestation of tuberculosis primarily affecting children, and it is rare in anyone over the age of six.

Dactylitis affects the hands more often than the feet and can affect multiple bones at one time. It is caused by the haematogenous spread of tubercular bacteria which settles in the bone marrow of the short bones prior to the epiphyseal centre becoming established. This leads to thickening of the periosteum (outer membrane of the bone) with osteomyelitis, but rarely involves the joint.


Patient 90/27

This patient was a 16 year old male, admitted to Stannington Sanatorium in September 1940 with tuberculosis of the bones and joints, stage II. In this instance tuberculous dactylitis was diagnosed affecting the left foot and right hand, alongside queried primary infection in the lungs and concerns over the right elbow.

The patient’s medical history states that seven months prior to his admission the patient’s left ankle became swollen and started discharging; his 4th left toe became swollen and started discharging and 1 year prior to admission his right hand was hurt and it too became swollen.

Initial observations made by admitting doctors read as follows:

‘Left foot sinus over lateral malleolus,

swelling over 4th toe left foot, discharging sinus at  base,

right hand hard swelling of 5th metacarpal’


Diagnosis of dactylitis is made based on radiographic findings; however, it is often observable physically due to painless inflammation of the soft tissue surrounding the affected bone. As noted above sinuses may also form, which may discharge, as a result of infection. Although we have no photographic images of patient 90/27, we do have a photograph of another patient (for whom we have no radiographs) also diagnosed with tuberculous dactylitis showing the effects this infection had on the surrounding soft tissue, note the presence of a discharging sinus at the base of the first finger on the left hand, Figure 1.

FIGURE 1: HOSP-STAN-07-01-01-361_06
FIGURE 1: HOSP-STAN-07-01-01-361_06


The first x-ray report for patient 90/27 was in October 1940 and confirmed that the phalange of the fourth toe of the left foot was expanded but without any signs of a cavity; the fibula showed signed of decalcification; fibrosis was detected in the lungs, possibly the primary source of the tubercular infection, and the fifth metacarpal of the right hand was badly affected, Figure 2.


FIGURE 2: HOSP-STAN-07-01-02-641_07
FIGURE 2: HOSP-STAN-07-01-02-641_07

Once established, the tuberculous infection quickly involves the entire marrow space and the tuberculous granulation tissue expands the bone cortex following necrosis of the bone tissue. As a result the bone expands taking on a spindle form and appears much like an inflated balloon. This is well demonstrated in Figure 2, with the balloon like inflammation in the distal metacarpal. It is common to see new bone formation, or periostitis, as a result of the infection. Soft Tissue swelling can also be seen surrounded the affected metacarpal in Figure 2.


FIGURE 3: HOSP-STAN-07-01-02-641_11
FIGURE 3: HOSP-STAN-07-01-02-641_11

Throughout the patient’s notes, specific areas of infection are focussed upon. In April 1941 the x-ray report notes look at the fourth toe of the left foot, Figure 3. Here the proximal phalanx is noticeably expanded and the notes state that the cavity looks as though it has been filled in with granular tissue. By February 1942 the disease has taken over the whole of the phalanx and a cavity is noted in the distal end of the bone.

There is nothing within the patient notes about any specific treatment this patient was receiving for his condition. Given the nature of the infection and the continuous references to ulcers and sinuses that were discharging it is likely these would have been drained regularly as part of the general sanatorium treatment, alongside rest and fresh air. There is one side note within the notes that questions excision of toe, however this is not pursued anywhere else.

FIGURE 4: HOSP-STAN-07-01-02-641_05
FIGURE 4: HOSP-STAN-07-01-02-641_05


With tuberculous dactylitis, it is possible to achieve almost complete recovery. New bone formation around the affected bone is noted, but soft tissue swelling abates and deformity is rare, Figure 4. In April 1942 this patient’s notes read:

‘Nil active in lungs.

Foot: cavity in bone of 4th phalanx filled up. Quiescent.

Hand: metacarpal improving’


This patient was later discharged in May 1942 as ‘improved.’


Further radiographic images can be seen on the Stannington Sanatorium ‘Radiographs from Stannington’ Flickr stream https://www.flickr.com/photos/99322319@N07/sets/72157648833066476/



Bhaskar, Khongla, T and Bareh, J (2013). Tuberculous dactylitis (spina ventosa) with concomitant ipsilateral axillary scrofuloderma in an immunocompetent child: A rare presentation of skeletal tuberculosis. Advanced Biomedical Research 2:29

Mishra Gyanshankar, P, Dhamgaye, T.M.  and Fuladi Amol, B (2009). Spina VentosaDischarging Tubercle Bacilli – A Case Report. Indian Journal of Tuberculosis 56: 100-103

Roberts, C and Buikstra, J (2003). The Bioarchaeology of Tuberculosis: A Global View on Reemerging Disease. Univesity Press of Florida.

This Week in World War One, 26th March 1915


Berwick Advertiser title 1915

26th March 1915




Sir,-One of the saddest sights was to be witnessed on Sunday last in the “Stanks” where some of our countries defenders thought so little of the Sabbath Day as to play football, aye, and that at almost a stone’s throw from the doors of several churches. To say the least, it is bad grace, and if the soldiers cannot keep the Sabbath Day holy they ought at any rate be taught to keep it respectable. I know there is a great difference of opinion on this question, but to my mind the old proverb “a Sunday well spent brings a week of content,” is a good thing to follow and I would heartily commend it to Sunday footballers, in fact to all who make the Sabbath a day of pleasure. If there was any necessity for using the Sabbath Day for football it would only be so because the soldiers were kept at drill, marching, and guarding during the whole of the other six days of the week, but this is not the case, for they appear to have plenty of leisure if one might judge by seeing the numbers who parade the streets.

Yours etc.


The Stanks seen from Brass Bastion
The Stanks, the area is still used as a football pitch today. Ref: BRO 1639/9/19


Severe Snowstorm

North Easterly Gale

Traffic Disorganised

Rigorous Condition for Hill Flocks

After a spell of spring weather there was a sharp change to conditions of an extremely wintry character. The snowfall that began in some districts on Wednesday became general over the greater part of Scotland during Thursday. In the early hours of Friday morning, and in some districts during the day also, large quantities of snow fell. With a violent north easterly gale, the powdery snow was swirled in dense, blinding clouds, and blown into deep wreaths, with the result that throughout the country there was serious disorganisation of railway traffic, while highways were blocked, and the conditions are such as to cause some anxiety to hill flocks.


A severe snowstorm from the east swept over Berwick and Border district on Thursday. Much damage was done to telegraph wires, which in some parts of the town were hanging down into the street. Outdoor work in the town and district was almost entirely suspended. The storm was the worst experienced in Berwick for about five years, the last to which it is comparable having occurred in a Christmas week, when for two whole days Berwick was entirely isolated. There was a good deal of dislocation of the public services. Blocks were common on most of the railways that were in any way exposed. Snow ploughs were busy all over the North British system, and within a few hours most of the blocks were removed; but on the main lines there was severe drifting…

…The most serious results of the storm, so far as communications were concerned, were with regard to telegraphs and telephones, the Post Office having no outlet for messages for several hours. Telegraph wires were blown down in many parts of the town. At Berwick Station a telegraph pole was blown down and the wires had to be cut to enable it to be lifted. Several other poles in and around the town were leaning over at dangerous angles and, generally, telegraph work was greatly interfered with.

Country postmen had a terrible task, and some were unable to complete their journeys. The motor cycle post to Ford was also cut off, but the delivery was attempted by trap. Country roads were badly blocked. On the Letham Road and the “Glaury Loaning,” for instance, snow was lying in large drifts right across the roads level with the tops of the hedges. Flock-masters on the more exposed parts of the Corporation Estate had a very anxious time, having to dig out their lambs from drifts several feet in depth. A curious result of the snowstorm was that Berwick Town Clock became snow blocked on the east side and stopped at 8:30 – it was not cleared and put right until a minute before noon. A very heavy sea was running on the Berwickshire coast, and near the mouth of the Tweed it was only with great difficulty that salmon fishing was carried on. Practically the same conditions were prevailing on Friday morning, there having been a heavy fall of snow on Thursday night and during the early hours of the morning.


Advert for W. A. Johnston & Sons
Advert for W. A. Johston & Sons from the Berwick Advertiser 26th March 1915

Surgical Procedures – Curettage & Skin Graft

The second in our series of posts on some of the surgical procedures carried out at Stannington focuses on the use of curettage and a skin graft to treat tuberculous skin infections.


Patient 84/37 was male and aged 13 ½ when he was admitted to Stannington on 16th December 1938 diagnosed with TB of other organs and an old ankylosed ankle joint.  He had previously been in the sanatorium from June 1936 to July 1938 suffering from TB of the right ankle which had healed but since his discharge in July 1938 he had developed a tuberculous skin infection on his right ankle overlaying the original tuberculous focus.  This sort of infection might be referred to today as scrofuloderma where there is a direct extension of the tuberculous disease from underlying structures, such as the bone, to the skin.  A report on his condition on admittance reads as follows:


Large sinus R ankle, healed, but skin lower part reddened & thin & scabbed.  Healed sinus R knee & 3 healed on thigh and 1 on leg.  Mobility good’


Figure 2 – HOSP/STAN/7/1/2/296_07
Figure 1 – HOSP/STAN/7/1/2/296_04











Radiographs taken of his right ankle during his second stay in the sanatorium show the tuberculous ankle to be healed and therefore not causing medical staff any great concern.  Figure 1 is a radiograph taken in1939 for which the report reads, ‘no bone lesion in the right foot’, and figure 2 was taken in 1940 with the report stating that there are ‘bony ankyloses of ankle joint’.


Throughout his stay comments in his case file reveal the scar on his ankle to be thin, unsound and broken down.  Given that at this time there were no antibiotics available to treat this skin infection a commonly used minor surgical procedure was opted for.  On 9th August 1940 curettage was performed on an area on the lateral side of the right ankle with a Thiersch skin graft.  Curettage simply refers to the removal of the infected tissue using a surgical tool called a curette.  A Thiersch skin graft is a split-thickness graft that can be quite thin and involves the removal of the epidermis and part of the dermis from a donor site elsewhere on the patient’s body, which can then be placed in narrow strips over the wound.  By November of 1940 it was noted that the skin graft had taken well, was soundly healed, and that there was good movement of the foot at the 1st metatarsal joint.  He was discharged quiescent on 19th November 1940 with the procedure having been a success.



B. Kumar and S. Dogra, ‘Cutaneous Tuberculosis’, in Skin Infecitons: Diagnoisis and Treatment, Edited by J. C. Hall and B. J. Hall (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009)

L. Teot, P. E. Banwell, & U. E. Ziegler, Surgery in Wounds, (Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2004)