Berwick Newspapers – 100 Years ago



Berwick High Street presented a busy scene on Friday at midday, when a large number of people assembled to watch the official opening of the Fair by the Mayor and Corporation.

Among those who assembled at the Town Hall were the Mayor (Ald. Wilson), the Sheriff (Councillors Redpath), Ald. P. P. Boston, Councillors Stuart, Edminson, Morrison, Anderson, Edgar, Bolus, Watt, Davis, Lyall, R. Boston, and Campbell; the Town Clerk (Mr J. W. Porter), the Borough Surveyor (Mr R. Dickinson), the Inspector of Weights and Measures (Mr R. Smeaton), the Land Steward (Mr W. J. Bolam), the Borough Accountant (Mr Jas. Gibson), the Sanitary Inspector (Mr D. Boyd), along with the Treasurer (Mr C. W. L. Stevens).

Berwick Town Hall early 1900’s. BRO 426-294

Refreshments were served, after which the procession was formed outside the Town Hall, Headed by a detachment of the Police (under Supt. Halliday) and the Mayor’s Sergeant (Mr W. S. Blakey), the procession proceeded up the High Street, keeping on the left side of the stalls. For the first time in the history of the town the Town Clerk walked beside the mayor and Sheriff. After passing through the Scotsgate and returning on the other side of the stalls, the company walked round the Town Hall and re-entered.

The scene was then a busy one, the cries of the crockery men, mingled with those of the huxters, selling boots, linen, and other wares. The spectators thronged round the stalls and the street presented a bust appearance.

On the parade ground in the evening the various side shows were well attended. Amusements of every kind were in profusion. The cake walk came in for its share of attention, and also the chair-o-planes, both of which supplied excitement in a large measure. For those who wished to be jolly in comparative comfort the “Dragons” offered diversion, and hoop-las, billiards games, air rifle competitions and other shows catered for the sporting element.  A boxing saloon was also on the ground and inside the aspirants to world championships punched each other to their hearts content. It must be confessed, however, that the fun did not commence until 9 o’clock. For those of romantic temperament were the clairvoyants and character delineators. These attracted little attention in the daylight, possibly owing to the shyness of those who wished to know their fate. Upon the arrival of dusk, however, business became a little more brisk. An old favourite, and one which is always to be seen at affair, was the cocoanut shy, and here the local lads came into prominence. In addition to the cocoanut shies were “the tanks3 and other innovations of recent years. These games did not at first come in for much attention, but later on were better patronised.

A peculiarity of the Fair was that “Aunt Sallies,” “strength machines” and “22 rifle saloons” were conspicuous by their absence, their places being taken by more up-to-date novelties. The weather certainly interfered with the attendance, but business nevertheless was fairly keen.


The dismal weather interfered considerably with the success of the Horse Procession, held in connection with Berwick fair. Rain fell incessantly all morning and intermittently during the afternoon, with the result that the number of competitors forward were smaller than usual. The horses were in view and were judged at the Stanks at 2 o’clock and the tradesmen’s and tableaux exhibits were in Upper Ravensdowne. The classes were :- (1), Farm horses ( in pairs and shown in chains); (2) Farm horses in cart harness ( without carts); (3), Sanitary Authority, private contractors’ and merchants’ horses; (4), Horses regularly carting for hire; (5), Van or light horses (over 15 hands); (6), Cobs and ponies (of 15 hands and under); (7), Tradesmen’s exhibition (for best advertising exhibit on motor car, lorry, motor cycle and sidecar, steam lorry or char-a-banc); (8), Tableaux (on lorry or motor vehicle).

The respective judges for these classes were Messrs John Murdoch, Cornhill-on-Tweed; John Mack, Duns; Ogle Waite, Renton Barns, J. M. Strother, Wooler; Wm. Wood, Barmoor Tile Works; Col. Gibsone and Mr Charles Wilson, Berwick. Messrs John Murdoch and John Mack were judges for the championship. The stewards were: – Classes 1 and 2, Mr Peter Edgar; 3 and 4, Mr E. W. Turnbull; 5, Mr Wm. Fraser; 6, Mr John Robertson; 7 and 8, Messrs E. D. MacKay and Andrew Steven.

Of the exhibits, classes 1 and 2 were undoubtedly the best and they were much admired by the spectators. The horses forward for these classes were certainly few, but quality made up for lack of quantity. The animals were magnificent specimens and the decorative work on mains and harness was a feature.

The prize for this class was won by Mr Thos. Imrie with a pair of chestnuts, and he also won the championship with the same pair. Mr Mack, the judge, observed that both in keeping and decorations the exhibits were splendid and deserved every credit, especially as it was Mr Imrie’s first appearance as an exhibitor. There was a volume of praise due to him. The championship was easily won.

The vehicles in Ravensdowne came in for a good deal of attention, and among these were some exceptionally good and original exhibits. A horse vehicle exhibited by the local Labour party was a feature. Several little girls in white were seated on it and banners with mottoes of the Party were displayed. It was a pretty and effective display. Messrs W. B. Anderson’s exhibition was also a good one, demonstrating how bananas were grown, imported, and how sold; an imitation tree surrounded the vehicle. Messrs Elders had a lorry exhibiting an engine in motion and churn. Messrs Horners distributed toffee from a large Dainty Dinah tin and attracted the kiddies. The Tweedside Co-Operative Society had also an attractive show and cakes of soap were thrown to the pedestrians. A “B.P.” motor lorry was also among the entries. Messrs Youngs Garage, Spittal, had several new motor models in the parade, and also Messrs Thompson, of Station Garage, Berwick.


The procession after passing through the streets of Berwick made the journey to Spittal, headed by the Scremerston Colliery Band in a char-a-banc provided free of charge by Mr Willis. On returning, the presentation of prizes was made by the Mayoress. Two handsome silver cups were on view, one presented for competition by Mr Peter Waite, who won the previous trophy outright last year and presented a new one in its place: the other given by Viscount Grey of Fallodon for Class 1.

Horse Procession Certificate, Class 1, 2nd prize, 1914. Ref: BRO 1710/50

Mr Thos. Imrie, Broadmeadows House, was awarded both the Cups, and the large crowd of spectators at the foot of the Town Hall steps raised a hearty cheer as he ascended to receive the trophies. Mr Nesbit, of Norham West Mains, received the second prize and he and the other winners were heartily applauded, and snapped by a Press photographer. The prize for Class 2 was won by Mr Andrew Mein, Greenses. The 1st prize for Class 3 was won by Mr Chas. Purvis (Sanitary Authority) and the 2nd by Mr J. Stephenson (Sanitary Authority). The prize for Class 4 was won by Mr Jas. Bell, Low Greens. The 1st prize in Class 5 went to the Tweedside Co-Operative Society (Mr Mitchell driver); 2nd. Messrs Gray & Sons (J. Yule driver). Mr Hugh Robertson obtained 1st prize for Class 6. Miss J. Bryson (Unthank) 2nd, and Mr T. Rowland 3rd. For Class 7 the prize-winners were; – 1st, Messrs W. B. Anderson & Son (Mr Patterson driver); 2nd, Messrs Elders (Mr McEwen) driver; 3rd, Tweedside Co-Operative Society (Mr Nelson driver). The prize-winners for Class 8 were: – 1st, Labour Party (Mr Telford); 2nd, Tweedside Co-Operative Society (Mr Nelson driver).

The County Asylum Children – Exploring Genealogies: Part One

This guest blog has been written by Philippa Day.

I recently completed my MSc in Genealogical, Paleographic and Heraldic Studies at the University of Strathclyde. My dissertation focused on children who were admitted to Northumberland County Mental Hospital between 1900-1918. As my research had a genealogical focus, I was interested in investigating what these records could tell us about the children’s family backgrounds, reasons for their admittance and what happened to them. I was particularly interested in whether any evidence of family mental illness was documented in records and whether different diagnoses led to different consequences for the children. I also wanted to explore the usefulness of these records as a genealogical source.


Figure 1: Photograph of Northumberland County Lunatic Asylum circa. 19001

The 1845 Lunacy and County Asylums Acts required all counties and boroughs in England and Wales to provide suitable accommodation for their pauper lunatics.2 Northumberland County Pauper Lunatic Asylum opened on 16 March 1859 and throughout the years it had several name changes; in 1890 it became Northumberland County Mental Hospital and in 1937 it was renamed St. George’s Hospital.

There are many studies of asylums, although few have focused specifically on children. This is partially because there were never high numbers of children in asylums; most were cared for at home or were incarcerated in workhouses. Increasing legislation in the second half of the nineteenth century also resulted in many children being sent to specialist institutions. This continued into the early twentieth century, with the 1913 Mental Deficiency Act and the 1914 Elementary Education (Defective and Epileptic Children) Act further identifying children defined as ‘mentally defective.’ There was also a requirement that Local Education Boards informed the newly formed Board of Control of all ‘idiot’ and ‘imbecile’ children, as well as providing specialist support for other ‘mentally deficient’ children, with the ability to segregate them for life.3,4 Idiocy was defined as having an IQ of less than 25, or a mental age of less than 3 and imbecility defined as an IQ of between 26 and 50, with a mental age of less than 6.5 Although this terminology is now considered out-dated and unacceptable, these were medical definitions which were accepted at the time.

Asylum records

Northumberland Archives hold a large body of records from Northumberland County Lunatic Asylum, which are all rich in information. Initially, to identify how many children had been admitted to the asylum during this period, I used Registers of Patients from 1900-1906 and Civil Registers of Patients from 1907-1918. Medical Registers were also used to extract additional information. There were 113 entries for children between 1900-1918, some of these included children who were re-admitted, so in total there were 102 individual children admitted during this time.

Once the children had been identified through the registers, I searched case books to locate the children’s case notes. Children appeared in the same books as adults, so in total there were thirty-two male case books and twenty-eight female case books to look through. These records contained detailed information including reasons for their admittance, family background, medical treatment and their life in the asylum. For those children who stayed much longer, their notes were transferred to chronic case books. The 1890 Lunacy Act required the disclosure of ‘insane’ relatives on a patient’s admission records and this information was included for some children, as well as supposed causes of insanity.6

Relative Address Books were also valuable in identifying a child’s next of kin and Registers of Removals, Discharges, Transfers and Deaths also helped to ascertain what happened to the child. I also used traditional genealogical sources such as Ancestry to fill in gaps or corroborate information.

Children’s background

Sixty-nine boys and forty-four girls were admitted to the asylum between 1900-1918, with a greater proportion of older children being admitted, with boys outnumbering girls. However, there were some very young children admitted; seventeen were either aged 5 or under, the youngest being only 3 years old.

Figure 2: Age of children by gender.

Children were admitted from ten Poor Law Unions across Northumberland, with just under half coming from Tynemouth Poor Law Union. Thirty of the children were admitted from workhouses, thirteen of them coming from Tynemouth Workhouse, eight of which were diagnosed with ‘idiocy.’ Case notes from these children indicate they were becoming difficult to manage in the workhouse, some of the boys were described as mischievous or dangerous, or irritating to other inmates. The girls’ case notes indicated they were noisy or required constant supervision.

Figure 2: Poor Law Union Chargeable.

Reasons for admittance

Figure 3: Diagnosis of mental disorder by gender.

Most of the children admitted had learning difficulties, whilst only a small number had been diagnosed with a mental illness. Seventy-five children were either diagnosed as ‘idiots,’ or ‘idiots with epilepsy,’ and ten were diagnosed as ‘imbeciles, ‘or ‘imbeciles with epilepsy.’ However, it was evident from the case book notes that those children classed as ‘idiots,’ had a mix of complex additional needs, including sensory impairments and physical disabilities. Several children were admitted with existing illnesses and at least nine had congenital syphilis. Thirty-four children were recorded as having epilepsy as part of their initial diagnosis, although some were diagnosed after they were admitted. Sixteen of these children were described as dangerous or not to be trusted, including Arthur, who was admitted on 3 April 1901, when he was 15, diagnosed with imbecility with epilepsy.  Arthur was evidently a character, as upon admission he kept making faces and winking when his photo was being taken. Arthur’s case notes suggest that actually he was a gentle character; he loved reciting poetry and enjoyed looking at his picture books. Often parents desperate for help would exaggerate claims that their child was dangerous or violent, to gain access to medical support in the asylum. 7

Amongst the children admitted were two sets of siblings. Mary, who was discussed in a previous blog by Northumberland Archives in August 2022, was admitted with her brother, William, on the 15 April 1903 from their home in Hexham, both diagnosed with idiocy. Mary was 4 and William 7.  Their father commented on both his children’s inability to speak, as well as William’s refusal to eat food, Mary being ‘very restless,’ having a ‘vacant look.’ Medical examinations found the children ‘poorly nourished.’ Their notes state that their mother died of decline, whilst William’s states that his father was ‘not very temperate.’

Further research into the children from the 1901 census found that they were living with their parents as well as their grandmother in Hexham. 8 It was a requirement that any person with an ‘infirmity’ was identified on census records, but neither child is identified as such. Following the deaths of their mother and grandmother, it seemed likely that their father was struggling to cope on his own with two young, disabled children. William died in the asylum from phthisis pulmonalis on 12 April 1915 aged 19. Mary was discharged relieved on 4 April 1925 and in 1939 lived at 69A Newgate Street, Morpeth, which was a workhouse. 9,10 Mary died in 1966 aged 66. 11

[1] Images: Photograph. Glass slide of photographic image of external view of St. George’s Hospital, Morpeth, Northumberland. Circa. 1900. Unknown photographer. Ref: NRO: 07139/1. Northumberland Archives, Woodhorn, Northumberland.

[2] Burtinshaw, Kathryn & Burt, John. (2017) Lunatics, Imbeciles and Idiots: A History of Insanity in Nineteenth-Century Britain and Ireland. Barnsley: Pen & Sword Books Limited. p.38.

[3]  Cruickshank, Marjorie. (1976) Mary Dendy, 1855‐1933, Pioneer of Residential Schools for the Feeble Minded. Journal of Educational Administration and History. 8 (1). Routledge. p. 28. : accessed 7 May 2023.

[4]  Jackson, Mark. (1996) Institutional Provision for the feeble-minded in Edwardian England: Sandlebridge and the scientific morality of permanent care. In: Wright, David and Digby, Anne., eds. From Idiocy to Mental Deficiency: Historical perspectives on people with learning disabilities. London: Routledge. p.168.

[5]  Burtinshaw & Burt (2017) op. cit. p.240.

[6]  Melling, Joseph, Adair, Richard, and Forsythe, Bill. (1997) “A Proper Lunatic for Two Years”: Pauper Lunatic Children in Victorian and Edwardian England. Child Admissions to the Devon County Asylum, 1845–1914. Journal of Social History. 31 (2). pp. 377. : accessed 30 January 2023.

[7] Taylor, Steven J. (2016) Depraved, Deprived, Dangerous and Deviant: Depicting the Insane Child in England’s County Asylums, 1845–1907. History. 101 4 (347). Wiley. pp. 521-529. : accessed 18 October 2022.

[8] Census records. England. Hexham, Northumberland. 31 March 1901. SWINBURNE, Thomas (head). PN 4824. FL 67. ED 13. SN 77. p.13. : accessed 1 June 2023.

[9] 1939 Register. England. Morpeth, Northumberland. SWINBURNE, Mary. 29 September 1939. Schedule 64. RG 101/2983a. National Archives (Great Britain), Kew, England. Collection: 1939 England and Wales Register. : accessed 2 June 2023. 

[10] Higginbotham, Peter. (2023) The Workhouse in Morpeth, Northumberland. : accessed 14 June 2023.

[11] Deaths index (CR) England & Wales. RD Northumberland Central, Northumberland. 3rd Q., 1966. SWINBURNE, Mary. Vol. 1b. p.249. : accessed 2 June 2023

Building Plans and Plots in Darras Hall

In 1907, two adjacent farms near Ponteland were offered for sale by auction. These were Darras Hall Farm and Little Callerton with Callerton Moor. The land which came with the two farms made a total area of over a thousand acres.

OS 2nd Ed 25″

This land was purchased by the Northern Allotment Society with the intention of selling on to buyers who had already expressed an interest. The land was divided up into 185 lots of approximately five acres each, and the sale went ahead in February 1911. Buyers could only use the land for residential, agricultural, or horticultural purposes – no keeping of animals was allowed (except chickens) and no business use was permitted.

The following map shows how the land was divided into separate lots, including the planned extension of the North Eastern Railway into the centre of the estate at Darras Hall Station which then opened in October 1913.


Here at Northumberland Archives, we hold historical building plans, and we are currently cataloguing these so that once a record is found in the index, the catalogue* can be checked to confirm the location of the plan.

The index of the old Castle Ward Rural District Council shows a steady trickle of planning applications for residential properties in Darras Hall from 1919 onwards. (Very few planning applications were made/considered during the war years for obvious reasons.)

Some applications were for individual buildings whereas others were applications to develop the entire lot, with several detached or semi-detached properties.

The following image shows the plan submitted for Lot no.59 to the southeast of the junction of Eastern Way and Darras Road.


Here we can see the first image enlarged so that you can see the location of Lot 59.

By checking satellite imagery, we can see that several of the semi-detached houses planned for Darras Road, still seem to be there now (with various modifications and extensions). However, although the estate has been extraordinarily successful, the slow rate of building across the area in those early days, was one of the main reasons why the railway line was a financial failure. The line was closed to passenger traffic on 17th June 1929. By June 1932, there was a planning application submitted, to convert the station building into a dwelling.

NRO 06649/1/40/4

Of course, not every ‘grand’ plan came to fruition! The following image is a plan for a large development on the east side of the old main road through Woolsington which was approved in 1925.

Those of you who are familiar with that area will know that this planned development never got built at all!


*At the time of writing this blog, the building plans for Castle Ward Rural District Council have been catalogued for the period 1903 to 1932.