A meeting was held in the Mitchell Memorial Hall, Kiln Hill, Tweedmouth, on Monday evening to discuss the advisability of having a War Memorial to the lads from the township who had given their lives for their country, and to hear the opinions of the relatives of the fallen as to the advisability of such a memorial.
Ald. T. B. Short presided and accompanying him on the platform were Councillors Brewis and Watt, Dr. Caverhill, the Rev. P. G. Peacocks, and Mr Thomas Grey, Tweedmouth.

There was a gathering of some seventy persons present when the chair was taken and judging from the discussion which followed all were evidently imbued with the desire to have a memorial for the township worthy of the men who are gone.
Alderman Short, in his opening remarks, spoke of the steps being taken in other places for the erection of war memorials to the heroes who had fallen in the war. As yet there was nothing to show that Berwick was taking any active steps in the matter and in Tweedmouth the feeling was abroad that the time had come when they should seriously consider the taking of steps to have a separate memorial, and which should not overlap with the Town memorial. A few had thought that the time had now arrived when in keeping with the many smaller places in the vicinity, they could take into consideration what was the general opinion of the community with respect to such a War Memorial. Councillor Brewis some months ago first put the question to him. Having to attend to National Work, his visits to Berwick had been somewhat intermittent and being afraid that there might be a possibility of the matter being held up, he had talked the matter over with some friends. They had entertained the idea that a memorial might be put up in Tweedmouth Church and one or two had intimated that they would be prepared to support this but no money had been collected. Some promises of assistance towards this had been given but it was for the meeting to decide what was wanted as they were not committed in any way. For full article please see the original.
The Comrades have had the offer of an acre of ground near the Private Bowling Green from the Duke of Northumberland at a nominal rent. They are trying to erect a hut for use as a clubhouse, and there is to be a Flag Day in the Borough on Saturday, September 13th, to help to raise funds for the Comrades Club Fund, the arrangements for which are being carried out by the Committee of the Women’s Section. A campaign is being started to raise £800. Refreshments are now being sold at the Club in Bridge Street – tea, coffee, cakes, etc., and later tobacco and cigarettes will be on sale.
On Thursday afternoon last, a Ladies’ Tournament run on similar lines to that held by the men a few weeks ago, was played over the Magdalene Fields Course under most unfavourable weather conditions. The competitors started in cold but fine weather, but before the end of the first round, rain began to fall, and the storm of wind and rain made good scoring impossible. There are 72 lady members of the Club, and only 17 entered for the tournament.

The majority of the members are beginners, and doubtless somewhat shy of competitions, but competition play is one of the best ways of learning the rules of the game, though the prizes fall to the lucky few. As to those who did enter last Thursday, nothing too loud can be said in praise of their keenness, and the splendid way in which they “stuck it” out to the end, despite the deluge of rain. An excellent tea was served in the Club House at the close of the game, and the prizes very kindly given by the gentlemen members of the Club, were presented to the successful competitors by Mrs D. Redpath, the Lady Captain. No competitor was allowed to carry off more than one prize. The prize-winners were:
Best Scratch Score of 18 holes – Mrs W. R. McCreath, 95 less 4-91, brass gong.
Best Handicap Score 18 holes for those of handicap of 12 and under – Miss Robertson (Darra), 114 less 11-103, ebony brush and comb.
Best handicap Score 18 holes for those with handicap of 13 and over – Miss J. Stirling, 109 less 18-91, golf bag.
Best Handicap Score, 9 holes – Miss Brough, 56 less 7½ – 48½, attache case.
Best Handicap Eclectic Score – Miss Gray, 47 less 3 – 44, bottle of perfume.

The Ladies’ Match Play Competition for the “Officers Cup” in connection with the, Magdelene Fields Golf Course, has been won this season by Miss J. Stirling (18), Bridge Street, who beat Mrs D. Redpath by 4 up and 3 to play. This cup has not been played for in recent years owing to the course being closed. Miss Stirling, who is a promising player, has played well throughout the competition, and thoroughly deserves her success.
Mary Sykes, widow, Spittal, was charged with cruelty to her two children, George, aged 13, and Mary, 11 years, at Spittal on August 30th,and during the previous fourteen days. She pleaded not guilty, and was in tears most of the hearing.
The Chief Constable said she was a war widow. She had got it into her head that she could go out at any time, and could do what she liked to the children. Left to herself, she had not been keeping straight.
She had been going out at nights, and the children have been left to look after themselves, sometimes being locked out. This was so on August 30th, and Sergt. McRobb had taken the two children to their father’s mother at about ten o’clock. He went back and back to the house again until 12.15 without finding the mother at home. If he had not taken charge of them they would have been roaming the streets. Next morning at ten o’clock he went to the grandmother’s to take the children home. When they were told they had to go home the children burst out crying. The children told their grandmother what their mother had done to them, and she stripped them, and there were marks on one child’s body.
Sergt McRobb corroborated the Chief Constable’s statement. He had searched all over Tweedmouth for the mother. After twelve that night he found her boy of 16 sitting outside on the window-sill. Mary Sykes (the defendant) had told him that she was in the house all the time, and heard them rapping at the window. She thought it was the two eldest children, and she was not going to get up to let them in. Whether that was so or not, the young children were locked out. Sergt. McRobb told the Bench that when the children were stripped at their grandmother’s one of them had a bruise on her thigh about the size of a five-shilling piece, and another on her fore-arm. She said, “Mother kicked me last week-end.” The eldest daughter had a cut across her eye. She said her mother had struck her across the face with a shovel at five o’clock that night.
P.C. Lindsay also gave evidence, and said that the daughter had told the Sergeant and him that her mother was drunk.
The evidence of Mrs Sykes, the grandmother, was in line with the Constables’ though she thought the bruise was not so big as had been said and explained the cut on the eldest daughter’s face by saying that the cold had made her eye bleed.
The Mayor said it was a very bad case. It was a first offence or the Magistrates would have sent Sykes to prison. Fining would do no good, as the money would just be paid. She would be bound over in £5 for twelve months, and out under the care of the Probation Officer for that period. Costs,10s.