“Berwick Journal” Fund Opens Today


The Sacred Duty of the Town and ITs People.













“Berwick Journal” in its leader Column in the issue of this Paper of Jan.29, 1925, said-

“As regards Berwick’s Unfinished War Memorial; if we could afford it we would give the money still required-willingly and cheerfully; we would consider it a privilege and an honour to be allowed for any further reward than the happy satisfaction of having been able to complete, in all humility, so sacred a duty, so long overdue on the part of this Town of ours.

We appeal again to the Memorial Executive and to the Citizens to at once take the final and resolute step to complete the undertaking so that the Memorial under the shadow of the Service Tree may fittingly and decently stand this Summer, and for all time, worthy of our gallant Comrades. We are prepared to open the columns of “Berwick Journal” to raise a Fund to accomplish the end in view; and we are prepared to give 100 Shillings to such a Fund.”


Parade, Berwick, 1st Feb., 1925

(The Editor, “Berwick Journal.”)

Dear Sir, -Your Leader in Thursday’s “Berwick Journal” struck the right chord, and I hope there will be a quick and generous response to your Appeal.

Like you and many others, I am profoundly disappointed that our War Memorial is still unfinished, and that the sum subscribed so far is not only in adequate for the purpose but is even insufficient to liquidate the amount already spent.

Berwick’s War Memorial Ref: BRO 426/445

Many of us have already subscribed- (some of us as much as we can afford, some of us much less than we can afford)- but whether we have subscribed well or poorly the need to complete worthily the Memorial is obtrusively insistent.

Hitherto, I had regarded it as a privilege on the part of the Town to establish Memorial to our Heroes, but it looks as if the Town now requires its sense of Duty stirred- a distinction not to our credit.

But from whatever point of view the matter is regarded, I hope your effort will be crowned with success, and as an earnest of that wish I enclose 100 Shillings to your Fund. Yours truly John Brough.


The Worship the Mayor of Berwick-upon-Tweed (Ald. Thos. Wilson, J.P.), writes us-

Dear Sir, – With reference to the note in your issue of Thursday last that you are prepared to open the columns of the “Journal” to raise a Fund to complete the Berwick War memorial, I have pleasure in accepting your offer. The War Memorial Committee are extremely anxious that our Memorial should be completed as soon as possible. Tenders have been received for the necessary work, and it is hoped that instructions will be given within the next few days for the work to be out in hand forthwith.

I trust that the inhabitants of the Borough will respond to the Appeal, and that through the Fund you propose to open the money required to complete the Memorial will be raised without delay. Yours faithfully Thomas Wilson, Mayor.

SHERIFF’S SUPPORT-Berwick, Feb.2, 1925

Dear Mr Editor, – Your announcement in “Berwick Journal” last week, – re Completion of Berwick War Memorial-about opening a Shilling Fund through the medium of your Paper, is a noble proposal, and should get the same generous support as you had in your War-Time Efforts for Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Funds.

I have pleasure in subscribing 200 Shillings. Yours truly Henry Stuart, Sheriff.


We are informed that about £250 is wanted- that is 5,000 Shillings; and it works out at only about 4d or 5d per head of the population of the Borough! Surely Berwick-upon-Tweed is not going to allow this our overdue Duty to remain any longer overdue. Let us show at once that such is not our intention; and that we mean to have the Memorial complete and in decent, proper and perfect order this Summer.


We shall give in next issue of “Berwick Journal” the First List of Subscribers to this Fund, which we have opened, and we trust it will be such a 1st list as will at once make it manifest and clear that the money required is going to be fully forthcoming, and that speedily. We hope with the Mayor that “the money required to complete the Memorial will be raised without delay.”

One thing is certain that if the same sort of generous support as was given to the War-Time efforts made by us, (as referred to by the Sheriff in his letter above), is given to this Appeal, Berwick will soon be in a position to complete what must be very close to the heart of every good citizen.


“Many of us have already subscribed,” as Mr John Brough points out in his letter to us, but that is not preventing patriotic citizens like Mr Brough from expressing themselves as ready and willing to do all they can. That’s the spirit we like. “He who gives quickly gives twice” is an old proverb; and it never had more force than in this Appeal which we make to the Public today. If there be any who may not have yet subscribed, the opportunity now presents itself; and if there be those who having subscribed will join others now in doing more we shall be grateful, and theirs will be the happy satisfaction in helping to the final accomplishment of a sacred Duty which rests on our Town- rests on evry man, woman, and child.

Berwick’s War Memorial with railings


This is an opportunity for the children-our future men and women-to share in the completion of the Memorial; and thus, to have for all time the proud and fragrant memory that they, too, helped to rear the Town’s Monument to the gallant lads who saved and made secure, for the youngsters, the Homeland. We invite the practical co-operation of parents and guardians and teachers in this direction.


Collecting cards may be had on application at “Berwick Journal” Office, 25 High St. Berwick. Every penny given goes to the Fund; all expenses are borne by the Promoters, so that all that is required is for the People to do their share-the early realisation of the money required.

It is up to Berwick-upon-Tweed to see that before Summer arrives, the War Memorial standing at the top of Castlegate, under the shadow of the Service Tree, is fitting and perfectly completed, so that it may stand for all time worthy of our gallant Comrades to whose memory it is reared.


During the past weekend, what may be correctly termed that last link in a family connection with a well-known local firm, recently dissolved, was broken when Mr Jos. Stokoe, of Foundry House, Tweedmouth, completed his last duties for the firm-Messrs Robertson and Coy., Tweed Iron Works, better known as the West End Foundry- after 46 ½ years faithful service. The name of Stokoe has been associated with Tweedmouth, and the above-mentioned firm for well over half a century, and no family was more respected, or held in higher esteem. The father Mr Jas. Stokoe, who retired 12 years ago and died at Hexham a few years later was with the firm for 45 ½ years, in the important position of manager. Mr Thos. Stokoe, son, completed 41 years with the firm, and also had an official position for the greater part of his long period of service. Mr Jos. Stokoe, the last to sever the long, honourable family connection at the past weekend, was also in charge of certain departments of the works and was looked upon as a trustworthy servant by his employers. We often hear and read of long service records with business firms, but for a family record with one firm the Stokoe’s will take some beating. The have seen the works in all its stages. In the height of prosperity, when large numbers of men were employed, and young men looked upon it as an honour and the first step to a successful career in life, to serve their apprenticeship in any section of the industry at one time carried on. Their productions have gone all over the world and made a name for the firm and its workmen second to none in British industry. But keen competition brought the dreaded and long looked for depression on the whole place, and for the last few years the usual activities began to languish and die until the firm was reluctantly compelled to cease their operations all round and close the doors. Many have served the firm for long periods, but for a family record, the name of Stokoe stands well out in the foreground.




The wedding took place at Spittal Parish Church on Wednesday, May 14th, of Col. Sergt. T. J. B. Tait, Lancashire Fusiliers, third son of ex. Col-Sgt. Robt. Tait, Lancashire Fus., of the Blenheim Hotel, Spittal, and Miss L.E. Pearce, late Q.M.A.A.C., only daughter of Mrs House, Pontypridd, South wales, and the late Mr Edward Pearce, Bagshot, Surrey. The Rev. J. H. Cuthbertson, Vicar of Spittal, and late Chaplain to the Forces, officiated. The bride, who was given away by her mother, was dressed in ivory crepe-de-chene, trimmed with real lace, which was brought from Valenciennes by the bridegroom while on service there. She wore a wreath and veil, and carried a sheaf of lilies tied Lancashire Fusilier’s colours.

Spittal Parish Church on the right handside of image BRO 1887-8-2.

The bridegroom’s brother, Mr R. St. G. Tait, acted as best man, and Miss Tait, Commercial Inn, Spittal, a cousin, was bridesmaid. An interesting feature of the ceremony was the fact that the bride, bridegroom and the officiating minister had all served in His Majesty’s Forces on active service.
The Vicar, in the course of a short address to the bride and bridegroom, said: “Both of you have served your King and country overseas and, there, both of you in your own sphere must have learnt something of that comradeship which, perhaps only those of us who have served with the Forces abroad can thoroughly understand and appreciate. Loyalty to King and country, courage and self-sacrifice were notable features of that life. Never forget that there is another King to whom you owe loyalty, even the King of Kings. You are now going out from this church to start a new life together; you will have your difficulties and your trials, but loyalty to God will help you to overcome them, and will be to you the surest source of happiness.”

After the ceremony the guests sat down to the wedding feast at the Blenheim Hotel, and in the evening the happy pair departed for the North on their honeymoon. Chalked on the back of the car were the words “Two little turtle doves,” whilst below was suspended the usual lucky shoe, draped with pale blue ribbon.


Gardeners will rejoice to learn that the import restrictions on bulbs have now been withdrawn. We can therefore look forward next spring to having our gardens brightened by renewed stocks of crocus, dainty glory of the snow, and the beautiful blue scilla. Later on hyacinths for indoor and outdoor cultivation will be once more procurable. Bedding out with gay tulips will be possible. Lovers of Spanish iris will be able to buy to their heart’s content, and the stately spikes of gladioli will again add to the rich colouring of the autumn beds.

Major Rowland Routledge Gibson, son of Mr. Geo. Matthew Gibson, formerly of Berwick, has been promoted temporary lieutenant-colonel in the Labour Corps. He was admitted to the Freedom of the Borough in March, 1912, when serving at Aldershot with the Royal Fusiliers. Lieut Col. Gibson was first commissioned to the Dorsetshire Regiment 22 years ago, and afterwards served in the Royal Fusiliers and the West African Regiment. He took part in the Tirah expedition and the Ashanti campaign, in which he was wounded, and at the beginning of the war in 1914, was appointed adjutant in Kitchener’s Army. He is a qualified interpreter in the Russian and Chinese languages.


Like all other sports clubs in the town, the Berwick Cricket Club is resuming its pre-war activities. The cricket field is being put in order and will under careful treatment soon be in first class condition. An endeavour is being made to increase the membership. The Rev. J. H. Cuthbertson, vicar of Spittal, who has played for the Gentlemen of Yorkshire ought to prove a valuable addition to cricketing circles in Berwick. We hear also of the advent of an Eton player to the neighbourhood.

No club matches have been played during the past few years, but arrangements have now been made for matches both at home and away. The following fixtures have already been settled: – Widdrington at Berwick, June 9th. Manderston at Berwick, June 25th. Manderston at Manderston, July 10th. It is also hoped to be able to arrange matches with Berwickshire, Coldstream and Galashiels.




Word was received at Berwick Barracks on Tuesday morning that the Colour Party of the 2nd Batt., Kings Own Scottish Borderers Cadre, the majority of whom were demobilised some days ago at Barrow in Furness, where they arrived from Antwerp, would come by the fast train from the south at 5.33 in the evening. The civil authorities being made acquainted of the fact, immediately made the news known in the town, and the Mayor (Ald. J. W. Plenderleith) arranged to give the party a civic welcome.

Return of the K.O.S.B.

The town was soon gaily decorated with bunting, and from the Town Hall the Borough flags were flown. Large crowds from the town and surrounding district were seen about, and the road to the station was lined by a gathering of interested spectators as the hour of arrival drew near.

The Colour Party were met at Berwick Station by the Brass Band and Pipers of the 2nd Batt., and there was also present a detachment from the Depot and several members of the original 2nd who are now stationed there. Officers in charge were Captain Vickers Dickson and Captain Machin, M.C., while the party was made up by Corpls. Develin and Dixon and two men.

This Week in World War One, 27 December 1918



One feature of the Christmas season in Berwick was the extraordinary number of service men on leave, several not having spent Christmas at home for the past few years. The shops on Christmas Eve were very busy, and the great shortage of fruit, especially apples, as well as the exorbitant prices asked were the subject of much comment. Children lamented the scarcity of sweets, as “two ounces” only was the general rule in most shops.

(c) BRO 2103-4-458 Santa at Berwick

The weather on Christmas Day was stormy and disagreeable during the forenoon, but cleared away fine later in the day. Things were very quiet on the whole in the town. At night some children dressed up as “Mummers” went from house to house singing. This is a custom that is not often observed in Berwick. Services were held in some of the churches.


The inmates of the Workhouse were treated to a good dinner of roast beef and plum-pudding on Christmas Day. As is customary tobacco was given to the smokers and sweets to the non-smokers. Mr Stirling, Tweedmouth, kindly supplied beer, and aerated waters were also sent in.

(c) BRO 1541-01 Entrance to the Workhouse

There are only 33 inmates at present a marked contrast to the years before the war when there were generally well over one hundred.


The patients at the Infirmary were entertained to dinner and tea on Christmas Day by Dr. C. G. Maclagan, chairman of the House Committee. During the afternoon gifts were distributed from a prettily decorated Christmas tree in one of the wards. Some members of Committee and a few friends’ including the Mayor and Mayoress, Lady Wilkie-Dalyell, Miss Wilkie-Dalyell, and Miss Maclagan, were present. The tree and evergreens which added so greatly to the festive appearance of the wards were kindly given by Lady Wilkie-Dalyell. There were not quite so many children amongst the patients as on former occasions.


A splendid dinner of the usual Christmas fare was served at mid-day to the men at the Barracks on Christmas Day. A great many men are off home on their twelve days leave. During the course of the dinner Major McAlester, the Officer Commanding, visited the Dining Hall, which was most tastefully decorated, and wishing them all the compliments of the season gave the men some words of good advice.


The majority of the officers, non-commissioned officers and men are away on Christmas leave, large batches leaving daily. A most excellent dinner was served on Christmas Day, with the usual fare, and greatly enjoyed by all present.


The work at the Berwick Post Office this year has been greatly in excess of last year, but not up to the standard of the pre-war period. Saturday was a busy day, but the posting on Monday were very heavy. The 24th and 25th Dec. were as usual very busy days. A special feature was the heavy postings of letter packets due no doubt to the increased parcel rates which make it cheaper to send a smaller parcel at letter rates. The Christmas Cards also came more into favour this year. The temporary assistants employed this year were women and they did their work well; as did the whole of the regular staff.


On Monday morning Mr and Mrs Huffam, of 119 High Street, received word that their youngest son, Second Lieut. James Palmer Huffam, 5th Duke of Wellington’s, attached 2nd battalion had been awarded the Victoria Cross. The news was received in a wire from their son’s Commanding Officer congratulating them upon the award, and Mr Huffam has since received the following letter from Lieut. Col. Pawlett.

2nd Batt, Duke of Wellington’s Regt.

19 December, 1918

Dear Mr Huffam, – I hardly know whether to congratulate you or thank you on the occasion of the honour bestowed on your son – congratulations are on the occasion of the honour- to you as the father of such a boy, and thanks for the award coming to the Regiment. We have been anxious for some time whether this well merited reward was coming through for one who so richly and deservedly earned it, but now we are happy to think it has and your boy is alive and well at the last of the fighting. I cannot express a small part of the pride we all feel in having so noble a hero as your son as a member of our Battalion which bears such a noble name and record. May you and your gallant son live long to enjoy the fame which he has earned so nobly. This is the brightest Christmas greeting I can send from my Battalion and may you enjoy many more. Yours sincerely J. PAWLETT, Lt,. Col., Commanding 2nd, The Duke of Wellington’s Regiment.

The non-commissioned officers and men of “C” Coy., have also telegraphed to Mr Huffam, their congratulations on the Second Lieut’s winning the V.C.



Private Murray Gregor, N.F., returned to his home on Saturday night from Germany. He was taken prisoner when the Huns began their great offensive on March 21st last, and was sent into Eastern Prussia, where he worked at first down a mine, but was afterwards put to do farm work, for which he received a mark a day. The Huns, he says, were cruel taskmasters, and especially did he find them so while working down the mine. He speaks very highly of the parcels sent out by the Northumberland Prisoners’ of War Fund Committee, which he declares kept, him alive for he could get very little to eat otherwise. Private Murray Gregor previous to being taken prisoner had seen much fighting, often being employed in the dangerous work of sniping. His two months’ leave will, we trust, bring about a great improvement in his state of health. Before joining up he was a forester on the Ladykirk estate. There are now four lads in our village who have been prisoners of war in Germany, viz., Sergt. Marshall, Corpl. H. Moody, Private T. Tait and Private Murray Gregor.

There are many young lads going about our village in khaki or blue, home for their twelve days leave. The boys in blue are Petty Officer J. White, Stoker J. Cowe, Seaman J. Bell, and Seaman Jas. Wilkinson; whilst in khaki we notice Private G. Strother, N.F.; Private R. Swan, N.F.; Private Drummond, R.G.A., and the returned prisoners of war. A dance has been arranged by some of the young ladies of the village for New Year’s Eve, at which is expected a fair gathering of the boys. The proceeds of this dance are to go towards the Welcome Home Fund



The coupons book will continue in use for some months, and a fresh edition will probably follow the current issue after March.

The forecast for rations may be assumed up as follows:-

MEAT – Home produce short until the spring, in view of which imports are economised so as to build up reserves.

BUTTER – Increase not likely until cattle are put to grass, when more milk, now very short, will admit of increased dairy output.

MARGARINE – An ounce may be added to the weekly ration early in the New Year.

SUGAR – Ration to be increased to 3/4lb weekly from the end of January.

JAM – Revision expected second week in January; may lead to coupons being dispensed with.

Generally, if jam is the first article to go off the ration list, margarine will be the second, and sugar and butter will follow as conditions improve.