This Week in World War One, 15 October 1915

Berwick Advertiser title 1915






Wedding of Miss Weatherston and Gunner E. Littlefair – On Saturday last a very pretty wedding took place at St. Aidan’s Church, Bamburgh. The contracting parties were Eleanor, eldest daughter of Mr H. Weatherston of Bamburgh, and Gunner E. Littlefair, eldest son of Mr and Mrs Littlefair of Bamburgh. A choral service, officiated by the vicar (the Rev. E. Williams), assisted by the Rev. F. Long of Lucker, was held. The bride was dressed in white shantung silk, veil, and wreath of orange blossom. Miss S. Weatherston, sister of the bride, and Miss Littlefair, sister of the bridegroom, acted as bridesmaids, and the Misses Campbell, Newcastle, as attendants. The bridesmaids wore dresses of blue silk poplin and fawn felt hats and the attendants wore dresses of white net lace and little mob caps. The bride carried a bouquet of white heather, and the attendants each carried a basket of sweet peas. Sapper P. Littlefair, brother of the bridegroom, acted as best man.

NRO 2409-020 BAMBURGH-(c) Northumberland Record Office
NRO 2409-020 BAMBURGH- © Northumberland Record Office


The bride was given away by her father. A guard of honour was formed by men from the Northern Cyclist Battalion and Sea Scouts. After the ceremony a reception was held at the Lord Crewe Arms Hotel where an excellent tea was provided by the Misses Morpeth, and there were many friends of the bride and bridegroom present. The Vicar made a very interesting speech, as did also the schoolmaster (Mr T.W.Little) and various toasts were given, to which the bride and bridegroom suitably responded. Later in the day the happy couple left for Edinburgh where the honeymoon was spent. The bride’s travelling costume was blue with black velvet hat. The presents were numerous and useful, and included some valuable articles. The bride’s gift to the bridegroom was a signet ring, and that of the bridegroom to the bride was a dressing case and furs. The bridegroom presented the bridesmaids with pendants.





Mary Jefferson, married woman, West Street, Berwick, was charged with allowing her premises to be used as a brothel on the 5th Oct. Defendant did not appear.

The Chief Constable said there had been considerable complaints about this woman.

P.C. Welsh said with P.C. Spiers he went to defendant’s house and found indecent behaviour going on in the house.

P.C. Spiers corroborated.

Defendant was sentenced to two months’ hard labour without the option of a fine.



George Scott Davis, plasterer, Berwick, was charged with being drunk and incapable while in charge of two bullocks belonging to Mr Foreman, butcher, Norham. Defendant pleaded not guilty.

P.C. Spiers said about 1.20 p.m. the previous day he saw defendant in Main Street, Tweedmouth, in charge of two bullocks. Defendant was very drunk. Witness got the bullocks penned and brought  defendant to the Police Station.

P.C. Smith said defendant was very drunk when brought to the Police Station. Defendant was hardly able to look after himself without having charge of cattle.

Fined 5s or seven days.


Berwick Advertiser Advert E.Dickinson & Son
Berwick Advertiser Advert R. Dickinson & Son





Specialist’s Startling Exposure


Gaudy labels and fancy bottles cannot beautify the hair and make it grow; yet, according to one of our greatest authorities on the care of the hair and scalp, there is very little else to recommend the German made hair tonics which are still being offered for sale in this country. Crude methylated spirit, dyes, colouring matter and perfume form the principal

Edwardian girls hairstyles - Image from unknown periodical.
Edwardian girls hairstyles – Image from unknown periodical.

ingredients of most of these hair tonics, and the men and women who use them because they are cheap wonder why their hair turns grey, becomes dry and brittle and finally falls out. The reason is not hard to find. Surely, even if it costs just a trifle more it is  better to obtain a British-made hair tonic. British chemists stake their reputation upon the quality of their products. As an instance there is Lavona Hair Tonic – a preparation which can be obtained locally from John Brown, 5 High Street, Berwick; F.R. Padley, Market Place, Wooler; and most other high class chemists everywhere. There is no need for secrecy regarding the composition of this excellent hair and scalp tonic. It is prepared from 3 ozs. Bay Rum, 1oz. Lavona de Compossee, ¼ drachm Menthol Chrystals, and a little perfume, and readers can, if they wish, obtain the necessary ingredients and make the tonic themselves. But the majority will prefer to obtain the complete Lavona Hair Tonic from the chemist, firstly because it is put up in special sprinkler topped bottles which economise the tonic, and secondly because with each bottle the chemist gives a signed guarantee that he will refund your money unless Lavona Hair Tonic actually makes your hair grow longer and more beautiful and eradicates scurf and dandruff from your scalp.


This Week in World War One, 8 October 1915

Berwick Advertiser title 1915






One of the items alluded to by the Medical Officer of Health was the dangerous state of the two swimming ponds. He did so in connection with the healthy and invigorating effect such exercises as swimming have on a community. He called attention to the need of a catch rope round the walls of the ponds in case of accident. It was a most proper recommendation, but unfortunately not the slightest notice was taken of it. The bathing season, it is true, is now finished for another year, but at the same time there was no harm in the doctor mentioning the matter to the public body he so faithfully serves. In Montrose, for instance, there are life lines on the beach where bathing is indulged in, and it is very necessary. The plain fact is that the chief difficulty apparently in carrying out improvements in Berwick is the lack of sufficient money, but it is nevertheless the business of public officials in their reports to urge the absolute need of certain improvements being accomplished, allowing the Town Council to take the responsibility of giving effect to these.

 BRO 1636-9-42 Berwick Bathing Pools 1950's
BRO 1636-9-42 Berwick Bathing Pools 1950’s


Fined for Shooting a Plover- Robert Linklater, Westoe, South Shields, was charged, at Belford Petty Sessions, with shooting and killing a green plover, at Warenford, on the 9th September. When charged with the offence by P.C. Pike, the accused said he did not know that these birds were protected. Superintendent T. Bolton, Alnwick, who prosecuted, told the Bench that the Order had been in force for several years, and it was astonishing the number or persons who pleaded the same excuse. A fine of half a crown was inflicted.

Protected Ringed Plover
Protected Ringed Plover




Educational Entertainment for Berwick School Children- The Directors of the “Playhouse” have arranged with Berwick Educational Committee for a programme of educational films to be shown free of charge to the school children of the Borough on Thursday and Friday afternoons, October 7th and 8th, at 2.30p.m. The balcony will be reserved for the public at admission 6d. The programme is :- How Eggs are Tested; Malta; the Making of Motor Tyres, the Kestrel and the Harvest Mouse; the French Army in Alsace; Chrysanthemums; the Octopus, Children of Tulip Land ( coloured); Switzerland; and Alpine Soldiers.

Berwick Playhouse, 1959. BRO 1250-123
Berwick Playhouse, 1959.
BRO 1250-123



Presentation- On Saturday evening last, the night workmen at Scremerston Colliery presented Mr and Mrs Richard Collins with tokens of their good will and appreciation on their leaving the district for Pegswood, where Mr Collins has received another appointment. Mr Collins received the present of a fountain pen and an umbrella, while Mrs Collins was the recipient of a nice dressing case. The presentation took place in the large room of the Miners Arms, kindly lent for the occasion by Mrs Cuthbert. Mr Carson, in making the presentation, expressed his deep regret and that of the men in losing the company of Mr Collins, who for the last six years had taken a keen interest and a prominent part in the social life of the place. They would all wish him success in his new sphere of work at Pegswood. Mr Collins briefly replied. A social evening was afterwards spent, the following being the programme:-

Selection-“Old Melodies, “ Concertina Band

Concertina solo– “March, the Liberty Bell, “  T. Cameron

Song– “My playmates of long ago, “  H. Drysdale

Step Dance- “Hornpipe,”  Geo. Mason

Song– “When you and I were young, Maggie, “- T. Cameron

Violin and Concertina Duet– “Norma, “   Messrs Mason and Cameron

Selection– “Scotch Melodies, “ Concertina Band




Selection– “Favourite Airs, “ Concertina Band

Concertina solo– “Alice, where art thou?”  T. Cameron

Song- “Tom Bowling, “        T. Hill

Song– “The Pitman’s Courtship, “ T. McLeod

Concertina solo– “The Bagpipes, “            Geo. Forsyth

Song– “Mary, “           T. Cameron

Song– “Flora McDonald’s Lament, “         T. Mcleod

Selection– “Reels, Jigs, Strathspeys, Hornpipes, “  Concertina Band

“God Save the King.”

This Week in World War One, 1 October 1915

Berwick Advertiser title 1915







On Friday, Messrs John Swan and Sons sold at Heatherytops Farm, Berwick, the noted flock of Border Leicester sheep, which have been got together in recent years by the Scremerston Coal Company. The sale was rendered necessary by the fact that the three farms – Heathery Tops, Oxford Farm, and Sandbank – which the Company presently occupy in the neighbourhood of their mining operations, are to be given up, and the further fact, that Mr J. Evelyn Carr, the managing director of the Company is presently with the forces in France. Mr Carr, very pluckily, shortly after war was declared, joined the ranks of the London Scottish, and spent a considerable time of last winter in the trenches. He got twice wounded early in the year, and was home for a considerable time recuperating. Immediately he got better, the old martial spirit revived, and he is again on the other side of the Channel, fighting for his country – this time in the commissioned ranks of the Sherwood Foresters. Everyone admires his plucky action and high public spirit, but in the circumstances it was necessary that his home responsibilities should be considerably curtailed. While he will retain his active association with the colliery, it was considered desirable to give up the farms, which like the colliery are all on the estate of the Greenwich Hospital (practically the Admiralty), and to dispose of the pure-bred sheep. The decision has been received with a good deal of regret in the district, for Mr Carr and the Company have proved not only excellent neighbours, but have done not a little to promote the cause of pure-stock breeding in their northern corner of Northumberland.




On Saturday morning, during foggy weather, the Leith steamer Britannia went ashore on the Crumstane Rock, near the Longstone, Farne Islands. The Seahouses lifeboat went out to her assistance, but the crew did not leave the vessel. Lloyd’s Seahouses agent telegraphed on Monday that the Britannia had been abandoned. The vessel is expected to become a total wreck. The crew landed in their own boats and proceeded to Berwick. The Britannia is one of the Leith-Hull line of trading steamers, the managers of which are Messers Currie and Co., Leith. She was bound from Newcastle to Leith with a general cargo. The vessel became a total wreck and disappeared on Sunday evening.

Farne Islands as seen from Seahouses. Tony Hisgett, Birmingham - Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License.
Farne Islands as seen from Seahouses. Tony Hisgett, Birmingham – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License.




It was reported that Holy Island had been visited with a downfall of rain so heavy in character that considerable damage was caused, especially to the roads. These were quite washed out. The road material lying ready to be applied would help matters a little. It was proposed to apply this season if possible 60 tons 1½ inches machine tarred stones, and the Surveyor stated that a future report would be submitted as to the method of their repair and maintenance.

Early 1900s photograph of Castle Street, Holy Island. © Berwick Record Office - BRO 0426-1072.
Early 1900s photograph of Castle Street, Holy Island. © Berwick Record Office – BRO 0426-1072.


The Surveyor explained that at present everything was being taken to the Island by means of carts as they did not wish to run any risks owing to the war. The rain did great damage, lasting 2½ hours. The roads which were not in very good condition before were badly washed out. At a future date when things were more normal he would be pleased to propound a scheme to the Council for the better maintenance of the roads.

The Surveyor’s suggestion was agreed to.




About 3 a.m. on Monday the King’s Arms Inn, West End, Tweedmouth, occupied by Mrs Norris, were burglarously entered. The marauders obtained entrance by breaking a pane of glass in one of the downstairs windows, releasing the catch, and raising the bottom half of the frame. Five large bottles of whisky were stolen and about 8s worth of coppers. Not content with this the intruders obtained a pint glass and had a drink of rum and left the rum cask running. The prints of bare feet were plainly discernable on the seats below the window pointing to the fact that the robbery was not a drunken spree, but one which had been prepared. Two soldiers and a woman were seen in the vicinity of the house about midnight, and we understand two soldiers, who are in custody at the Barracks, are under suspicion.

Early 1900s photograph, looking towards the West End, Tweedmouth from the Berwick Bridge (Old Bridge). Unknown photographer.
Early 1900s photograph, looking towards the West End, Tweedmouth from the Berwick Bridge (Old Bridge). Unknown photographer.