Reading Room
Reading Room allows users to access digital copies of records – principally electoral registers, parish records and Quarter Sessions records at present – by viewing them on public PCs as well as enabling users to print high quality copies. Previously this content was available via microfilm copies many of which were old and worn and any copies generated were generally of poor quality. In total there are more than 2500 volumes available to view on Reading Room with further content to add.

Everyday Life In A Northumbrian Manor
In February 2019 we were awarded a grant of £73,100 by the National Lottery Heritage Fund for an outreach project that will encourage wider usage of manorial records as a source for community and family history, engage volunteers in the transcription of core manorial records, allow us to develop an online tutorial and work with a Northumberland First School to develop an exemplar schools education activity.

Northumberland Village Halls Heritage Project
Between 2021 and 2024 we have worked with Community Action Northumberland (CAN) on the Northumberland Village Halls Heritage Project. The project has celebrated the history of 30 Village Halls in Northumberland. Volunteers from each of the Village Halls were trained in archival, oral history and research skills. This training allowed the volunteers to explore the records of their Hall, research its history, and record reminiscences of Village Hall life. The project led to the deposit of records of some of the Village Halls and the oral histories created in the project. The project website can be found here - https://northumberlandvillagehallsheritage.org.uk.