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Housing Scheme Held up for Want of Money 

At a meeting of Belford Rural District Council last Wednesday. 

Colonel Leather enquired how the Council were going to get the money to carry out the housing scheme. 

The Clerk explained that endeavour had been made to obtain the money locally, but so far he had had no replies from an advertisement asking for loans. If they failed to raise the money they could apply to the Ministry of Health, who would supply the money. 

Colonel Leather – The Ministry will probably not give us the money. I propose we postpone the whole scheme for three months till we see whether we can get the money. Everything is cut and dried, but we are not committed to anything and the time has come for us to mark time. No businessman would go on with the scheme, why should the Council do so?  

Mr Davidson seconded Colonel Leather’s proposal. 

Dr Macaskie explained that all that was necessary if they could not raise the money locally was to apply to the Ministry of Health who would lend the money. 

The Clerk – There is no fear of not getting the money. 

Colonel Leather – Look how the Government tried to wriggle out of the agreement with the farmers about the price of corn. I move we delay matters till, we get a definite and satisfactory answer about the money.  

On being put to the meeting the motion was caried unanimously. 

Mr Hunter – Will the plans be laid before the Council to be passed? 

The Clerk – The plans have been been passed. 

Mr Hunter – The original plans have, been cut down to get cheaper houses. Things have been taken out of our hands. The Surveyor ought to see these new plans before approved. 

Mr Clark – We are not providing the money and can’t grumble. 

Mr Hunter – We will ultimately have to provide the money from the rates. It is not right for the houses to be built and the Surveyor not to see the plans. 

Mr Davidson moved and Colonel Leather seconded that copies of specifications be submitted to the Council before any tenders were accepted. Agreed. 

Sir E. C. Haggerston – If the tenders were accepted the firm could carry on, but Colonel Leather’s motion stops this. 

Colonel Leather – It does not stop us going on with the details


How Changes in The Minimum rate will affect the Worker 

At the branch meeting of Friday night, Mr. Borrell attended at the last moment, in the place of Councillor Buchan, who was unable to keep his appointment. 

Asked as to the position of the wages in case of a change in the wages Board rates during the year, Mr. Borrell explained that if a man hired for say 51s or 52s per week, he would receive that wage throughout the year, even if the Agricultural wages Board rate fell.

An early 20th century photograph of a Haywain. © Richard Mark Johnson. Creative Commons License (CC-BY-SA 2.0).

If the Agricultural wages Board rate went up, the total difference between the rate he hired for and what was due to him under the Wages Board increases would have to be paid to him in a lump sum on May 12th, 1922, if it had not been paid previously. If, however, a man hired at the wages Board rate without specifying any figure his wage would naturally go up and down with that rate. He did not think there was any likelihood of a reduction in the wages Board rates. They had to find a subsistence basis, and they still stood much below other industries. There was only a slight reduction in the cost of living. The railways were 21 millions to the bad, and they would have higher transport charges. Coal was going up, and it was an important item in the farm workers’ budget. His house required a deal of warming, and his cooking arrangements were wasteful and extravagant of fuel. There was often a quantity of wet clothing to dry, which entailed the fire being kept up after the household had retired. He could see little prospect of any material lowering of their household expenses, and he urged them to put aside all thoughts of a reduction of wages as impractical at present. 




Mr W. B. Dickinson applied for an extension of hours to 2.30 for the Good Templar Hall, on the occasion of a whist drive and dance on Thursday 17th, to be held by Berwick Cycling Club. 

Sup. Halliday considered that the extension of hours for dances was overdone. If they got to 1a.m. that was quite long enough. Most of the people who went to the dances had to be up early in the morning for work. These applications were too frequent. In other districts the Magistrates were not granting extension after 12 p.m. 

The Mayor — The dancing season is nearly over now. Mr Dickinson pointed out that formerly dancing used to be allowed to 3 and 4 a.m., without need for applying for extensions of licence. The Mayor — The Bench grant the licence on this occasion but will consider future applications. 


James Ratcliffe, showman, was charged with failing to employ a third person to give assistance to drivers of horses if required while in Berwick on 2nd March, and with not having the weight of his wagon affixed. 

Serg. Middlemass gave evidence, proving the charges. Superintendent Halliday said it was very important these regulations under the Locomotive and Highways Act should be carried out. He did not look upon the offence as serious but wished to bring to the notice of users of the road the fact that these regulations could not be broken with impunity. He would not press for a heavy penalty, only wishing to draw the attention of users of the road to the regulations. The defendant was a showman and had called at the Office stating he had to go to Kelso to secure his stance and could not appear. Fined 10s for each charge.  


Robert G. Waugh, commercial traveller, 20 Fenkle Street, Alnwick, was charged with being drunk in charge of a motor cycle on the Old Bridge, Tweedmouth, on 4th March. Defendant did not appear, but wrote expressing regret, and stating he had had trouble with his clutch and had not had time for lunch. 

The Berwick Bridge, Berwick-upon-Tweed, locally known as the Old Bridge.© Kenneth Blackett, Berwick-upon-Tweed.

The Mayor said the bench considered this a very serious case. A motor cycle was dangerous at any time, more so when in charge of a drunkman. In addition, the Old Bridge was a dangerous place. Fined the maximum penalty of £2 or 18 days.  

Berwick Advertiser, 4 March 1921


With a continuance of the remarkably fine weather conditions, the good catches of salmon on Tweed fishings have been well maintained during the ten days that have elapsed since the operations were commenced for the season, making the 1921 opening the most favourable in recent years. Whether this luck continues throughout the season is yet to be determined, but it is certain that the fish are in the river in a greater abundance than they have been for years. The catches have been pretty equally distributed over the fisheries, an equally good return coming from the higher reaches as from the fisheries at the river-mouth. Even Crab Water, where fishing is as a rule poor at this time of year, has had good catches, landing over thirty salmon in one day. The fish are all young salmon, not large in size, but of excellent quality and appearance. Trout are not quite so plentiful. The price quoted for salmon this week is 2s 5d per lb, having fallen during the week from 3s on the opening days. No prices are quoted for trout. 

Pictured above is the former Crabwater fishery at the corner of Berwick Pier. On the opening of the salmon net fishing season in 1921, Crabwater had an exceptionally good start with catches up on previous years. REF: BRO 1944-1-5-1

During the past quarter of a century there have been few such auspicious openings. In 1895 the weather conditions were not favourable, as the Tweed between Chain Bridge and Carham for about 16 miles was frozen over, making fishing impossible in the upper reaches, though the fishermen endeavoured to break up the ice with hammers. When, however, the ice broke up and the river-mouth was cleared, the catches were good, and the price was 1s 6d per pound – as low a figure as had been reached for many years. For the next ten years the openings were generally poor, and although the weather conditions were open, the catches were scanty. In 1905, in a spell of fine open weather, there was a very good opening, and with a good load of fish in the river, as many as 100 salmon were landed in one area at the opening tide. Although prices had averaged from 2s to 2s 2d per lb for the previous ten years, this run of luck reduced the prices to 1s 11d.  

With an improving foreign market, the demand for fish is keen, though supplies asked for from the Continent are not so great as in pre-war days, when a large export trade was done from Tweed with Paris and Boulogne. 


Piano keys which have turned yellow can be whitened by the following method. Rub the keys with lemon juice, and while still damp polish with a cloth dipped in whiting or prepared chalk. Don’t let this get between the keys. 

If a fire is needed in the bedroom, the time taken in lighting if often sufficient to do away with the good it gives. Gas fumes are bad for a sleeping person, but an electric radiator can be switched on in a second and turned off directly the need for it has disappeared. 

Brass lids of fruit bottles often get stuck. Drop a little salad oil between the bottle and the lid with the aid of a feather, and then place the bottle about 18 inches from the fire. After the heat has caused the oil to run round the edge of the lid, a slight tap will release the lid. 

Custard will curdle if you cook it too long or at too high temperature. A boiled custard should be cooked until it coats at the back of the spoon, and the water should not boil but be kept hot. A baked custard is tried with a knife, and if the knife comes out clean the custard is cooked, even if it is not brown. 



There was quite a good attendance at the annual hiring market for farm servants at Belford on Wednesday, and with good weather prevailing, those present spent a more pleasant day than has been the rule in recent years, when rough weather often made the day a miserable one. Few engagements were made, most of those present either having already engaged at present rates or hanging off until later markets. In spite of the difference of opinion of farmers as to whether women workers should be paid by hour or the week, the latter arrangement not being considered satisfactory, the demand for women workers was in excess of the supply. Only a few engagements were made, however, at the present weekly rate. 


There was a much larger gathering at Wooler Hiring Market on Thursday than for some years past, so large indeed that the supply seemed greater than the demand. Business was very slow, and in general nothing more than the minimum wage for men and women was asked for or offered. The majority of the agreements entered into with women were for 30s a week, the old custom of the daily wage being adhered to. There was a large attendance of farmers from Glendale and district. The difficulty of fixing up was not so much a question of wages as of adequate housing accommodation, many large families of workers not getting a chance. Representatives of the Workers’ Union were busy among the crowd in High Street in front of the Black Bull, and a meeting of workers was held in the Archbold Hall in the afternoon.

An early 20th century photograph of Wooler Mart, where in 1921 large numbers gathered for the ‘hiring’s.’ REF: BRO 2134-10

The weather was dull and cold, with a blustery wind that made standing about disagreeable. The larger part of the workers from the district arrived in Wooler with the early train, but many in the immediate neighbourhood cycled into the town during the forenoon. By midday the crowd had thinned considerably. No shows or roundabouts this year, only a few stalls near the Market Cross, and one or two “cheapjacks” endeavouring to dispose of their wares to the attentive but irresponsive crowd. 



Unidentified Young Lady’s Fatal Fall


East Lothian, Berwickshire and Berwick police are making every endeavour to establish the identity of a young lady who met her death as a result of injuries received by falling from the 9.45 Edinburgh to Melrose express on the night of Monday 7th February, between Fushiebridge and Borthwick Bank, between Edinburgh and Galashiels. The attention of a signalman at Fountainhall was drawn to a door of a compartment n the express swinging open as the train passed, and the train passed, and the train being stopped a search was instituted along the line with the result that the lady was found lying on the embankment of the line suffering from severe injuries to the head. She was conveyed to the Cottage Hospital, Galashiels, where she died without regaining consciousness before midnight.

It was soon ascertained that she had booked at Waverley Station for Melrose, travelling 1st class, and the fact that she had no hat on attracted attention. No hat was found in the compartment or near the body after the accident, nor has the railway ticket been found or near the body.

The lady appeared to be about 24 years of age, and wore her hair bobbed. She was attired in a dark blue costume with brown shoes and stockings, and wore a gold wristlet watch. She had a light suede bag with her containing about £5 in money, a silver cigarette case, a photograph and a box of ointment which had been prepared by Mr Alex. Cairns, chemist, Berwick-on-Tweed. The police not being able to trace the lady’s relatives, the body was interred at Eastlands Cemetery, Galashiels.


Enquiries have established beyond doubt that the young woman arrived in Berwick and stayed at the King’s Arms Hotel on Saturday, the 5th February. She stayed overnight and signed the hotel register “Elizabeth Grey, Newcastle.” parties who saw her at the hotel noticed that she was a woman of some education who spoke in a refined voice with just a little north-country accent.

King’s Arms Hotel, Hide Hill, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Ref: BRO 0426-355

She seemed very quiet and reserved and it was noticed that her hat was a waterproof one which formed a detachable part of a shower-proof outfit which she carried over her arm. She went out into the town during the day and it was either at mid-day on Saturday or Sunday that she called at mr Cairn’s chemist shop in Castlegate and purchased the box of foot ointment which was later found on her body. The shop assistant is not sure of the exact time and day when she made the purchase, but this is not material.

So far as can be gathered the lady (or a lady answering the description) was seen near the station about one o’clock on Sunday, 6th February. Whether she had been ascertaining if a train was available to Duns has not been elicited, but the fact is established that she arrived in Duns about quarter past six on Sunday night tired and footsore, and told Mr Prentice of the White Swan Hotel that she was on a walking tour and intended to stay the night after having walked from Berwick.

Since the tragedy, Mr Prentice has identified the body as the lady who stayed at his hotel, signed the register “Elizabeth Guy, Newcastle” (but this no doubt was Elizabeth Grey), as the writing was not very clear). At half past ten on Monday morning the lady left the “Swan” and announced her intention of walking to Haddington. Here there is a break in the chain of evidence at hand at present, for it is certain she could not have reached the Waverley Station, Edinburgh, by 9 o’clock that night unless she had received a “lift” on the rod by some passing motorist. The police would be glad, if any motorist did give the lady a “lift”, to hear if any conversation passed which would throw light on her identity. Up to Monday enquiries made by the police in Northumberland and Durham failed to bring any clue to the lady’s home.