Before the Mayor, D. H. W. Askew, Charles Forsyth, P.P. Boston, and R. Boston Esqs., and Miss Henderson.


James Wilson, hawker, 25 Walkergate, was charged with sending Mary Miller, a girl under 14 years of age, to the Miner’s Arms, Tweedmouth, on 6th June, for beer against the regulations, which are that it is to be sold in a corked and sealed vessel in quantity not less than a reputed pint for consumption off the premises. He pleaded not guilty.

Miner’s Arms, Scremerston 1900- Ref: BRO 1613/18

Mary Miller said she was 14 years come November, and on the day in question she was out at the coal heap at Scremerston, when the defendant asked her to get him a pint of beer. He handed her a bottle but she told him she would not be served as she was not the age. He said, “You might have a try as I am very thirsty.” Witness went and got the beer. When she came out she was met by the police. P.C. Lindsay and P.C. Pike, who took the bottle.

P.C. Lindsay gave evidence of stopping the girl. From what the girl said he saw Wilson who admitted sending the girl, but said he did not think he had done wrong.

Defendant said he only asked the girl to call and leave the bottle, to be filled at the “Miners” and he would call as he went past, as it was a difficult matter to get a horse to stop on the hill.

The Superintendent said it was a serious case, for they had the evidence of the girl that she had told Wilson she was not of age. The Bench retired, and on their return the Mayor said children must be protected, but as this was the first case which the Bench had had to deal with of this nature this year they would impose the modified fine of 10s of 7 days.


Janet Cuthbert, licence holder, Miners’ Arms, Tweedmouth, was charged in connection with the above offence with selling the liquor to the said Mary Miller on 6th June. She pleaded guilty.

Mary Miller again gave evidence in a clear and distinct manner, saying she rapped on the door which was shut and, when Mrs Cuthbert opened it, she said, “Please will you give me a pint of beer?” Mrs Cuthbert said “Yes” and, taking the bottle, she filled it and brought it back.

Mrs Cuthbert said the child was speaking the truth, but she had omitted to say that she said “the beer is for a man who is working on the coal heap.” She was quite aware that she should have asked the child her age, but it never struck her at the time. She had no questions to ask the little girl, who had been very truthful as to what had happened.

The Superintendent- I do not wish to press this case as Mrs Cuthbert has conducted her business very respectably in the past, and we have never had complaints. Still, I wish licence holders to be made to exercise more care when selling drink to children.

Before the little girl Miller left the witness box, the Mayor said the Bench wished to congratulate her on the clear and straightforward way she had given her evidence. “You are a clever little girl,” he concluded, and Miss Miller, who had been on the verge of tears, brightened up.

The bench decided to dismiss the case in view of the respectable way the house had been conducted by Mrs Cuthbert, but issued a warning that publicans must exercise greater care in supplying children with intoxicating liquor. The defendant must pay the costs of the Court, 4s, and witness’s expenses, 6s.


Sarah Matthews, widow, Tweedmouth, was charged with failing to send her child, James Matthews, aged 13, to school at Tweedmouth on 21st May. She pleaded not guilty.

Mr Barker, Attendance Officer, said the boy between 2nd May and 3rd June, out of a possible attendance of 46 only attended 30 times. He was now 14 years of age, but under the Act he could not be allowed to leave school until the end of the term. Witness had told Mrs Matthews this, but she refused to send the boy.

Mrs Matthews said the boy had been bringing coals from the heap at Scremerston to make a fire to heat the other four children. He had no father and witness had to go out and work, leaving the children at home. Fined 2s 6d.


Mary Wilson, married woman, Spittal, was charged with failing to send Mary Swinney, 6 years, and Elizabeth Swinney, 13 years, to school at Spittal on the 3rd June. She did not appear.

Mr Baker said the child Mary between 4th April and 3rd June had made no attendances at school, and in the case of the girl Elizabeth over the same period 35 attendances had only been made out of 88. It was a very bad case.

The Bench considered this the most serious case they had been called upon to deal with for some time, and gave out the warning that future punishment would be more severe.

Fined 10s in each case.


On Tuesday afternoon the Chairman of the Governing Body (Dr C. G. Maclagan) presented the medals, prizes and certificates for the sessions ending 1919 and 1920 to the pupils of the High School for Girls.

Owing to the limited accommodation of the School Hall, which the pupils themselves practically fill by their numbers, the members of the Governing Body alone were invited. There were present Dr C. G. Maclagan, Mrs Holland, Mrs J. M. Miller, the Rev. P. G. Peacocke, Mr W. J. Dixon, and Mr Brewis, Miss Nancy Jackson, on behalf of the pupils, presented to Miss Tasker a most beautiful bouquet of shell-pink and cream roses as a token of their affection and gratitude.

Dr Maclagan, after distributing the medals, prizes and certificates, addressed the pupils, reminding them that, although all profession now-a- days were open to women (or soon would be), so that the education of girls was every bit as essential as that of boys. The girls who were destined for home life were fulfilling the most important duty of all, and that their education in teaching them to think, was the most valuable preparation for such a future.

Miss Agnes Armstrong moved a vote of thanks to Dr Maclagan for his speech, and this was heartily given. Mr Peacocke congratulated the girls on their rendering of the three songs, and said that the more music there was, the happier the world would be. The songs were: “Folk song, “Now, Robin, Lend me thy bow” (16th Century); part song, “The Angelus”; and “Heroes” (Farmer).




On Friday evening the German steamer “Alsen” (659 tons net register, Capt. Hilderbrandt) from Hamburgh to Leith, where she was to be surrendered under the terms of the Treaty, arrived off Berwick and signalled that she was short of steam coal and provisions and wished to enter the port. The vessel was a large one and some difficulty was experienced in getting her up the river, but she was ultimately berthed in Tweed Dock.

Tweed Dock N.D. Ref: BRO 1736/13

The vessel carried a crew of 22, and had only about half-a ton of coal left when she was docked. The provisions would not have lasted another day. The crew had no money and seemed anxious to be discharged and sent home to their own country. No coal was available to take the ship on to Leith, and it was decided to let her remain at Berwick until the Naval Authorities at Leith decided whether they would make arrangements for her to proceed there, or for the ship to be taken over at Berwick. The crew were allowed ashore from 12 to 5 on Saturday.

The crew of the steamer were allowed to leave for Grimsby on Monday night. There they will be repatriated as early as possible.



On Monday the men employed in the building trades in the Borough struck work, having refused to accept the position created by the proposed National “cut” in wages rates of 2d per hour.

Joiners, plasters, stone workers and others in the trade are affected and workers have downed tools at Mordington Small Holdings work, the new Housing Scheme, and other jobs going on in and round and the town.

The dispute is rather an involved one. More than a year ago an agreement was entered into between employers in Berwick, and men employed on skilled work in the trade whereby the rate of pay was fixed at 1s 9d per hour. Though the agreement was binding for a year, there was still dissatisfaction amongst the men owing to the Newcastle area rate being higher. The employers recently have been paying 2s 1d per hour under a Wages Board area award, and last week at a conference the National Building Trades Federation, on which employers and employed were represented, a national reduction of 2d per hour for skilled workmen was recommended.

This the men have refused to accept as they contend that it will bring the Berwick wage down to 1s 11d, which is heavier upon workmen than in the Northern Counties Area where men received the full 2s 2d per hour under the Wages Board award.

The workmen are to be seen daily standing about the streets, evidently finding time hanging heavy upon their hands.


The Secretary of the local operatives informs us that the Area Rate fixed by the Wages Board was 2s 2d per hour for the Northern Counties Area No. 9, and Berwick Branch being in that area should have received the full reward. Instead, it is contended, the employers only agreed to pay 2s 1d per hour and for the past 12 months negotiations have been going on with a view to getting the masters to meet and discuss the matter with employees’ representatives. The masters are stated to have ignored the communications and the men have now struck to get the full 2s 2d award before the 2d reduction comes off.


War Memorial Unveiled by Bishop of Newcastle

To commemorate thirty-seven men of the parish who made the supreme sacrifice in the Great War, a memorial in the form of an altar table reredos and panels was dedicated in St. John’s Church, Spittal, on Monday evening. Service was held in the Church, the Rev. J. H. Cuthbertson, Vicar, officiating, the lessons being read by the Revs. P. G. Peacocke and R. W. de la Hey. Canon Roberson, Norham, and the Rev. S. E. R. Fenning, St. Mary’s, Berwick, were also present. The relatives of the fallen were seated in pews in the centre aisles, and a detachment of the Defence Corps under Capt. F. B. Cowen, M. C., were present in Church. Miss K. E. M . Toohey presided at the organ. There was a very large congregation present.

The Parish Church of St John the Evangelist, in Spittal.  In May 1921, a war memorial in the form of an altar table reredos and panels was dedicated in memory of the men from Spittal who lost their lives in WW1.  © Russel Wills – 

The handsome memorial adds to the beauty of the Church, the altar table being executed in oak. The reredos has a border of an exquisitely hand carved design in oak, which is richly gilded. The border acts as a frame for panels hand-painted in beautiful colourings on mahogany, the centre one of which depicts Christ on the Cross. The two side panels represent St. John and St. Peter, and the Signs of Passion are depicted in colourings on four shields between the panels. The inscription reads; “To the glory of God and in grateful memory of those men of Spittal who laid down their lives in the Great War, 1914-19.” The list of names is as follows:-

G.W. Aitken, J. H. Boston, M. Beveridge, R. C. Clements, M. Cockburn, W. C. Dormer, W. Dumble, J. Elliott, G. Elliott, T. A. Forster, R. Forsyth, J. E. Forsyth, H. W. Heckles, R. F. Hills, J. Havery, H. Morton, A. Noble, C. N. Noble, A. Piercy, P. Patterson, A. E. Purdon, G. Patterson, T. Ridpath, W. Robson, R. J. Rowntree, G. A. Richardson, G. Richardson, W. Rutherford, W. F. Scott, J. Strassheim, D. Sykes, O. Sykes, J. Thompson, J. Wood, D. Wilson, W. B. Walton, J. J. Wood.

At the end of the list are the words “Rest evermore unto them, Oh! Lord, and let light perpetually shine upon them.” The cost of the whole memorial will be about £300, and during the service a collection towards the Church Restoration Fund was made.


On Thursday week the Gas Company put out a notice that the gas supply might cease on Saturday night. There was considerable anxiety in the town over the week-end, but we are glad to say that the gas is still available, and not likely to stop for the present.

As many as from 60 to 70 men, women and children spend their evenings in the search for coal on the slag heaps near the Scremerston pit.

Scremerston Colliery Ref: BRO 515-209

From Berwick, Tweedmouth and Spittal they come with sacks, hand-barrows, bogies, or anything on wheels, and hammer in hand crawl up and down the heaps searching for lumps big or small. And quite good coal they find, though the supply is getting exhausted now. The women wear sack aprons into which they put their treasures breaking big lumps with their hammers. When these aprons get full they return to the bottom of the heap, where the bogie awaits in charge of a youngster, empty their coal into it, and return for another supply. After an evening’s hard work, there is always the weary trudge homewards, but it is evidently worthwhile, as some will even carry a sack of coal on their backs for the two miles, cheered doubtless by the thoughts of fires to cook the family dinners on the morrow.


No Difficulty Experienced in Getting Ship Discharged

Excitement ran high in Berwick on Thursday when it was expected that the motor schooner “Hibernio” (500 tons) with a cargo of 350 tons of virgin coal from Antwerp would arrive. As the day wore on and the vessel did not appear fears were entertained that she had broken down on the voyage, but later news was received that she had been detained at Antwerp a day over her time in getting clear of the Customs.

The “Hibernia” arrived off Berwick with the morning tide on Saturday and was berthed in Tweed Dock, where a large crowd visited the dockside and examined samples of the coal. Quite sufficient labour was available to discharge the vessel, but as there was some difficulty in arranging for carts, which had booked up elsewhere for the day, it was decided to delay discharging the vessel until Monday. The coal is rather small, but is of quite good quality. It is being divided amongst the various industries in the town, and a portion is being allocated to coal merchants for sale for household use.

On Monday morning discharging the vessel was commenced and went on rapidly without interruption all day.


Fancy Dress Procession In Aid of Soup Kitchen Fund

The band of the Prestonlinks Collieries visited Berwick on Saturday and a large number of masquers travelled with them in motor wagons to assist in the fancy dress parade held in aid of the funds of the soup kitchen, which has been organised by Mr W. Penman, secretary of the Miners’ Union, Cockenzie, for the provision of food for necessitous cases amongst the miners’ families.

The colliers got a sympathetic reception, and large crowds watched the procession on its way through the streets, and contributed liberally to the collectors. Standard-bearers followed the band, bearing aloft a large banner, upon which was inscribed “We Fight to Live. ”Pipers took turns with the brass band in providing the music during the afternoon.

The “get-up” of the fancy dress paraders was both original and humorous in the highest degree. A few did “busking” turns at intervals, while a bevy of pretty young damsels made an irresistible appeal for contributions. Dancing also took place at intervals on the route of the march, and the crowd greatly appreciated the efforts of the performers. Scotch step-dances were very well done indeed. Castlegate was crowded when the miners left by motor in the evening, and as the cars moved away they were given a hearty send-off.


Berwick Public Bowling Club

The bowlers on the Berwick-on-Tweed Public Green are at it nightly, and keen competition and some excellent games have been played for what is known as the “Gold Cup.” (It is in reality a neat miniature in brass). A. Carstairs and H. Jameison beat T. Harbottle and M. L. Walker on Monday night, and on Tuesday night the decision was reversed. R. Pagan and W. Lumsden then challenged the holders and ran out winners, semi-darkness coming on before the game was finished. Up till the time of going to press Pagan and Lumsden are still the holders, although they were again challenged by J. Mace and H. Borthwick, who they defeated (21-20), on Wednesday night. R Bowie and T. Harbottle next made a bid for ownership, but were not successful. The Committee have decided to run a pairs competition, and the competitions for the Darling Cup, and the Holmes Cup are also to be commenced. We are informed entries for all three competitions close on Saturday night. These competitions are bound to infuse a great amount of interest into the play. During this week those present on the green have been entertained to selections on the gramophone.



As will be seen from our advertising columns, Ord War Memorial will be unveiled on Sunday, 8th May, at 2.30 by Vice Admiral Sir Dudley R. S. de Chair, K.C.B., M.V.O. The memorial has been erected in the centre of the village green and is 18 feet in height. It is on a concrete base with steps all round, and is of local rock-faced freestone coursers built in block with teethed plinth. A marble tablet with the names of the fallen is set into a framing of Northumberland whinstone. From the whinstone arises an octagonal column finished with a white marble cross. The work has been carried out by Messrs M. Gray & Sons, builders, and W. Wilson & Sons, sculptors, from plans prepared by Mr Lake, Surveyor, East Ord.

The Ord War Memorial  ©  Author: Stafford Little –  Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic — CC BY-SA 2.0

In addition to the contractors’ work a large amount of gratuitous service and labour has been given, and the War Memorial Committee feel deeply indebted to all these who so generously assisted in the carrying out of the work. Sir Dudley de Chair was born in 1854 and was educated on H.M.S., Britannia and entered the Navy in 1878. He served in the Egyptian War and was appointed Naval Attache to U.S. America in 1902. He commanded H.M.S. Bacchante, Cochrane and Colossus from 1905 to 1912 and was appointed Assistant Controller of the Navy in 1910, and Naval Secretary to the First Lord of Admiralty in 1912. In 1914 he was appointed Admiral of the Training Services, being also made a C.B. that year. He commanded the 10th Cruiser Squadron and 3rd Battle Squadron during the war from 1914 to 1916 and went with Mr. A J. Balfour’s Mission to U.S.A. in 1917. 


For several hours on Wednesday morning snow fell heavily in the hill districts of Berwickshire, where in some quarters it lay as deep as half an inch, much to the concern of the flockmasters, with whom the lambing season is not yet over. Fruit trees were severely blighted by the severity of the weather. 

They say it is very bad luck to turn back. A man who had started out with his wife to the pictures suddenly remembered that he had left his coal shed unlocked. He risked his luck, went back, turned the key in the door, and put it in his pocket. On returning three hours later he found a neighbour in a state of great indignation. “What’s the matter?” he asked innocently. “What’s the matter!” was the retort. “Do you know that you have locked my wife up in your coal shed!” 



William Gardiner, Wallace Green, Berwick, was charged with unlawfully assaulting Gordon McLean on the 30th April 1921. Mr Peters prosecuted, and Mr Gregory defended. Gardiner pleaded that he was guilty of gripping McLean, but not with striking him. 

Gordon Mclean said he lived as 6 Hatter’s Lane. On last Saturday night he was standing at the end of Walkergate with other men when two dogs started to fight and came against his legs. He put out his foot to keep the dogs back. He never kicked the dogs, and never knew anything more until Gardiner seized him by the throat from behind and bent him backwards nearly to the ground. Witness was exhausted when Gardiner was called off by the police. 

REF: LB.9.6.24 Hatter’s Lane, Berwick-upon-Tweed

Peter Robson, rabbit-catcher, corroborated, and said McLean, after holding the dogs off with his foot, stepped back. He never kicked the dogs and gave Gardiner no provocation. 

John Flannigan, Hatter’s Lane, gave similar evidence, and this was borne out by William Wilson. 

William Gardiner, on his own behalf, said he was coming up the street with his brother-in-law, who had his terrier with him. Witness’ dog was playing with the terrier, when there was a blue dog ran at them. They chased it, when he saw McLean lift his foot and make a swinging kick at it. He caught McLean as he spun round, but he did not bend him back. 

By Mr Peters-witness admitted that there was a little fight with the three dogs. He was not in a temper when he gripped McLean, only a little excited. The police came on the scene and Sergt. Wilson said “William, go home!” 

The bench found the case proved and imposed the fine of £1 with witnesses and fees, 28s 5d, or 13 days’ imprisonment. 


The first swift arrived in Berwick this year on April 30th. It was first seen at 9 p.m. Fifteen minutes later it joined by another over the town. In 1920 the first swift was also seen on April 30th “hawking” over Church Street. In 1919 the first swift was not seen in Berwick until May 8th; in 1918 the first arrived on May 9th. The first martins were seen on April 21st, 1921 at Canties Bridge. On the 24th the sand martin was seen behind the Pier. On the 24th terns were seen passing over the Pier bound to their more northern nesting grounds. A few remained on Sunday, and there are now several in the river. Several migrants such as the willow-wren and the chiff-chaff have been heard, also on April 24th. A month earlier, the earliest of all migrants, the wheatear was seen on Scremerston banks. Several solan geese have been observed flying quarter of a mile off the end of the Pier, and a few beautiful eider ducks are frequent visitors off the Pier end. They will shortly move to their breeding quarters on the Farne islands. The buds are setting on the hawthorn, promising to burst by the middle of May, which is very early for Northumberland.