Second Lieut: N. S. Craig
We have pleasure in announcing that the Military Cross has been awarded to Sec. Lieut. N.S. Craig, Royal Scots, son of Mr Nicol M. Craig, chemist, Berwick, and Mrs Craig, Castle Terrace, and we are sure all will join with us in congratulating this gallant young officer on the award which has come to him for gallant work in the field. Lieutenant Craig, who was a medical student at Edinburgh University, was attached to the Officers Training Corps there before joining up. He proceeded to Gailes for training, and was gazetted to the 2-10th Royal Scots in April, 1917, being later transferred to another battalion for service in France. He has our heartiest congratulations and good wishes for his future in the Country’s service.
Ex Corporal Graham, D.C.M., son of Mr Graham, baker, Castlegate, has been made the recipient of a handsome silver rose bowl from the Woodhorn Colliery Coy., in appreciation of the gallant act which earned the award for Distinguished Conduct in the field. Ex Corpl. Graham is now discharged, having lost his foot as a result of a bomb explosion, but is able to get about quite well on his artificial limb, and is now engaged in driving an electrically controlled engine at the Ashington Pits.
An interesting display in ambulance work, Morse signalling, and physical exercises, by the members of the Berwick Scout’s Evening Classes took place in the Drill Hall, Ravensdowne, on Thursday evening. The Mayor presided, and here were also present Mrs Plenderleith, Rev. R.C. Inglis, Mr G. H. Ballard, Mr T. M. Morrison, Mr Geo. Stewart, Mr Wm, J. Dixon and Mr James Stevenson. The programme, which was carried out under the direction of Scout Master E. W. Turnbull, consisted of a display given by three classes which have been taught during the winter under the auspices of the Education Committee.

The first part consisted of semaphore signalling taught by Leading Boatman Sparrow; this was followed by ambulance and stretcher drill, taught by Nurse Anthoney; and physical drill and other exercises, taught by Lance-Corporal John Mace Short and stimulating addresses were delivered by the mayor and Mr Dixon, and a presentation was made to Scout Alexander Stevenson, Ravensdowne, for best attendance and diligence. This consisted of two handsome volumes- one on Scottish Character, and the other the New Testament, these being kindly gifted by Mr G. Lindsay Hilson, Kenmore Bank, Jedburgh.
Twenty six lads of the Berwick Parish Church C.L.B. Corps (affiliated to the King’s Royal Rifle Corps) under the command of Lieut. R. Harvey, paraded on Easter Monday for a trip to Horncliffe. The lads, who looked quite smart in their new khaki uniforms, spent a most enjoyable day with manoeuvres and games.

This old establishment company of the Church Lads Brigade is now recognised by the War Office as a regular cadet company; and we are glad to note the increasing strength and efficiency of the company under the able command of Lieut. R. Harvey, assisted by Sergeant Instruct or Johnson, both of whom have been discharged from the army after severe wounds. It is proposed to have a Church Parade on Sunday at 10.45.