This Week in World War One, 16 June 1916

Berwick Advertiser title 1915






The film being shown at the Playhouse this weekend is “Whoso is without Sin.” It is founded upon the ideal prize story, and is a tale for saints and sinners – exhibiting some modern pharisees and a penitent woman. The variety programme is of exceptional interest being Pharos, the world famous Egyptian illusionist. He shows a programme of Oriental splendours, and is assisted by Ibhar. He presents in rapid succession the most startling and baffling series of magical problems ever presents to the public. From Monday to Wednesday of next week there will be a splendid comedy drama in three acts, entitled “The Pretenders.” It is an exclusive film from the well-known firm of Harma and Co., London. It is particularly noteworthy for magnificent scenery, and contains a thrilling story of two wealthy young people, each pretending to be of a humble station in life.

Berwick Playhouse 1958. Copyright Berwick Record Office BRO-1250-123.
Berwick Playhouse 1958. Copyright Berwick Record Office BRO-1250-123.


The girl gets locked out of her home and has to break in. The young man sees her, and concludes she is a thief. A burglar also breaks in, and after a furious struggle is overpowered by the young man. A detective comes on the scene and finishes by arresting all three! Subsequent explanations secure the release of the girl and the young man. A few weeks later they meet again, and in the privacy of the conservatory come to an understanding which leads to a happy ending. The third series of “Greed” will also be shown. It deals with the evils of cheap construction, a slight explosion causing a badly built subway to cave in, carrying with it a loaded tram and scores of people who were in the street above. On Thursday, Friday, and Saturday the film will be “White Star.” It is the finest sporting drama ever filmed – a story containing a magnificent blending of human pathos, laughter and thrills, combined with perfect photography. It is an all British romance of the turf and stage, and contains an exciting plot to poison a favourite race horse – White Star. The vaudeville entertainment is in the hands of Arthur Canworth, banjo expert, who introduces the one and only bass singing banjo in the world.




James Young, baker, Seahouses, appealed for his son, Richard Thomas (22), confectioner and general dealer. The local Tribunal disallowed the appeal as it was not a certified occupation; that an older man should be obtained, and that female labour could be utilised. As to supplying the needs of the fishers it was contended that fishing was diminishing, and it was not essential the Young should be retained for this purpose.

Herring girls with barrels in Northumberland. © Berwick Record Office BRO 426- SL 104.
Herring girls with barrels in Northumberland. © Berwick Record Office BRO 426- SL 104.

In his appeal Mr Young said he had contracts to supply the military with bread. The nearest baker was seven miles away, and he supplied a radius of seven square miles, embracing 5000 people, and a number of small shops. At the time of the herring fishing he supplied a large number of boats. If his son was taken he would be left with one man and an apprentice. His foreman was 42 years of age, and he had another lad (19), who was going to the army.

In answer to the Military Representative he said he had supplied as many as twenty boats. Each boat generally carried a crew of seven men.

The appeal was dismissed.



Mrs P. McLaughan, widow, appeared in support of the appeal for her son, Hugh McLaughlan (23), 38 Bridge Street, a horse driver with Messers Elder, agricultural implement makers. She stated that she had one son in the navy, the claimant in the appeal, one son (16) incapacited through disease in the arm, and one daughter four years of age. The appellant’s weekly wage went to the whole support of herself. She also received an allowance of 15s weekly from the son in the navy.

By Mr Hogarth – The appellant was refused as medically unfit for the navy. If he had joined the navy she would probably have had an allowance the same as she has for the other boy.

The Tribunal decided that he should serve.




Farm-Workers War Wages – The recent agricultural hiring fairs in Scotland show that farm servants wages have about doubled in the past few years. In Roxburghshire, Berwickshire, and Dumfrieshire, wages are now very high, but not so high as in some counties further north, where the Farm Servants’ Union held meetings urging the men to stand out for a standard wage of £70 per year. The men acted largely on this advice, and one considerable farmer states that his single men now cost him £100 a year. In Berwickshire, besides some perquisites, 24s to 28s per week was given, whereas in 1906 the rates were 13s to 15s. other counties exhibit similar advances.

Early 1900s farming scene showing a horse drawn reaper. Author 'Whatsthatpicture,' Hanwell, London. © Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.
Early 1900s farming scene showing a horse drawn reaper. Author ‘Whatsthatpicture,’ Hanwell, London. © Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

Foxhunters and Farmers – At a meeting of the Hunt Secretaries Association held at Messers Tattersall’s, the following resolution was unanimously passed: – “That the thanks of the Hunt Secretaries’ Association be recorded to all the farmers and poultry-keepers for their great help during the past season, enabling hunting to be carried on successfully under very difficult circumstances, and it is hoped, owing to the difficulties arising from the war, that they will do all in their power to continue their loyal support to the various hunts in the future.


This Week in World War One, 7 April 1916

Berwick Advertiser title 1915





Feted and honoured by the R.N.L.B.I.


It was no small honour that was shown to Berwick in London on March 29th. At Caxton Hall, Westminster the annual meeting of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution was held, and a very large and distinguished company met to hear the yearly report of work done by the Lifeboats, and also to grant awards to Coxswains who had specially done meritorious service.

Image 8 - Lifeboat - RNLB Matthew Simpson - Left to Right - Not known, Not known, Not known, John Wood, Knot known, Jack Lough, George Lough, Bartholomew Lough, Thomas Martin (possible), Not known, Not Known, Alex Patterson Lough.
Image 8 – Lifeboat – RNLB Matthew Simpson – Left to Right – Not known, Not known, Not known, John Wood, Knot known, Jack Lough, George Lough, Bartholomew Lough, Thomas Martin (possible), Not known, Not Known, Alex Patterson Lough.


On the platform were the Right Hon. The Earl of Plymouth, P.C., C.B.,- Chairman; the Right hon. The Earl Waldergrave, P.C. the Right Hon. the Lord Sydenham, G.C.S.I., G.C.M.G., G.C.I.E.,; the Rev. Hugh B. Chapman, chaplain to the Savoy, and Lt. Col. Fraser, V.D., R.A.M.C. (T.)

After the report had been read and adopted, Coxwain James Jamieson of the Berwick Lifeboat, and Lt. Col. Fraser were asked to stand while the record of their service was read to the meeting. This was done and great applause followed, which was renewed when Jamieson faced the meeting wearing his medals. He thanked the Chairman and those present in a few well-chosen words. Lieut. Col. Fraser also received an ovation when he appeared before the chairman, and was most cordially congratulated.



Berwick Petty Sessions


Joseph L. Ayton, Berwick, grocer, was charged with allowing a horse to be wrought on the 18th March, while suffering from sores on the back, Robert Lyons, Berwick, carter, a boy, was also charged with cruelly working the horse at Tweedmouth. Inspector Robinson of the S.P.C.A. prosecuted.

J Ayton grocer's shop in Walkergate Lane, Berwick-upon-Tweed. Courtesy of Berwick Record Office. BRO 1944-1-1408-2.
J Ayton grocer’s shop in Walkergate Lane, Berwick-upon-Tweed. Courtesy of Berwick Record Office. BRO 1944-1-1408-2.


Sergt. McRobb said on the Saturday mentioned he was on duty with Sergeant Wilson. He saw that there was something wrong with the horse, and on examining its back he found a very bad wound which went into the back bone. The saddle was resting on the wound. It was the worst case he had ever seen. He asked the driver if he saw the wound, when he yoked the horse, and he replied that the employer (Joseph L. Ayton) put on the harness. No one could have yoked the horse without seeing the wound.

Sergt. Wilson said that it was a very bad case. There were two wounds, one of them as large as a 5s piece, which went to the bone.

Inspector Robinson said that he examined the animal. It was a black gelding. There were two very bad wounds, one on each side of the back. They were deep wounds and full of matter, inflamed and tender to the touch, and the animal must have suffered great pain. Ayton, the employer, admitted it had two sores, and that he was looking out for a place to send it to.

Joseph L. Ayton, owner of the horse, said he knew there were two sores on the animal’s back and that he was looking for a place to send it to. The horse had been treated by a vet., who gave some ointment to put on the sores, and said it would soon be all right.

Cross-examined – The horse went round the district. He knew that the animal had a bad back, and that it was not in the best condition.

The Bench bound over Lyons to be of good behaviour for the next six months. Ayton was fined £3.





John M. Dudgeon, baker, appeared on the ground that he was a partner of a firm of contractors to the army and navy, and that he was under obligation to work every day in the week to execute these.

The British Army on the Home Front, 1914 - 1918. A baker in a field bakery. Author Nicholls, Horace (Photographer)
The British Army on the Home Front, 1914 – 1918. A baker in a field bakery. Author Nicholls, Horace (Photographer)


In answer to Mr Hogarth, the appellant said if his firm had no Government contracts he would be quite prepared to go. He was not only in a certified occupation, but he was personally responsible for turning out 400 loaves daily to the army alone.

It was agreed to grant exemption so long as the appellant remained in his present employment.



Andrew Hogg (27), 18 Ness Street, was claimed by the British Petroleum Company on the ground that his services were indispensable to the Company.

In answer to questions it appeared that the Company supplied contracts to the army, and that a condition was that the oil must be delivered to them. Although badges and other stars had been issued to certain workmen doing this kind of work the Company’s men had somehow been always missed out. The appellant was required for the working of the three depots of the company at Berwick, Burnmouth, and Eyemouth.

It was agreed that the appellant should be asked to serve.



John Purves (39), Mordington, foreman market gardner, was claimed by his employer, Andrew Ironside, on the ground that his services were indispensable.

In answer to Mr Hogarth it was stated by Mr Ironside that Purves had been in his employment some five weeks.

Mr Hogarth – It is suggested that this man has come to you for shelter, by getting into reversed occupation.

Mr Ironside – I don’t think that is the case. I would not have taken him if I could have got another, and I applied to the Labour Exchange both for men and women

The Chairman said that the decision of the Tribunal was that they saw no reason why the appellant should not be called upon to serve.