To take the family for a walk round the shops of Berwick at this time of year means almost financial ruin, for after the tempting window displays of our leading shopping centres even the close-fisted ad narrow-minded trait of character which we all possess more or less is apt to be swept away in the Christmassy sprit engendered.

In all the leading shop windows special electric lighting installations show off the goods displayed to great effect, and in this work Mr Williams, electrician, High Street, who himself has a fine display of electric appliances, cam claim a large amount of credit.

J. CAIRNS dated 1959. Ref: BRO 1250/151

Messrs Ralph Dodds and Son makes a special feature of crackers and all that goes to make the Christmas party a success. Mr Fish, bootmaker, with a fine imitation snow fall, brightens this part of the High Street, the large window being filled with high-class footwear. Ford’s Garage Coy.  And Tom Lilburn give a lead in mechanical and Meccano toys; while Mr Howe has again his attractive display of all that gladdens the youthful heart. Messrs Stoddard, by the way, have a display of something calculate to gladden the hearts of those of more mature years. Mr Cairns’s baker and confectioner, shop is most tastefully done off in Jap style, and the confectionary and pastry most tastefully arranged.

PAXTON AND PURVES LTD, dated 1959. Ref: BRO 1250/19

In the drapery and fancy good lines, Messrs Paxton and Purves and Dunlop’s have a fine window dressing, as also have Messrs Redpath and Sons. Other shops nicely done off are Mr Oliphant’s Mr R K Gaul’s; Mr R Robertson, Hide Hill; Mr Miller, Hide Hill; Mr Joures, Miss Gray, and Mr Martin. In the bakery and fruiterer line, the outstanding window dressings may be seen at Mr Simmen’s, Mr Dudgeon’s, Mr Mason’s and Mrs Thompson’s; Mr F. Rea, Hide Hill; Mr J. McDonald’s Mr J. Waite and Mr Outterson.

MR F REA, dated 1959. Ref; BRO 1250/114

While we have given the leading displays we know the list is by no means complete. Every shop, in fact, is doing its best this Christmas season to attract, and if we may judge by the interest shown by the public, they have succeeded in attracting. All round, the Christmas windows this year are the best since 1913.



“It’s going to be heaps better this year said a Boy Scout selling tickets –“its” being the annual concert of the 1st Berwick Troop. And those who bought the tickets and went last Thursday evening to swell the crowd at the Parochial hall now agree that the Scout was right – “It” was heaps better. There was a variety about the programme that never palled. Everything was gone into with that refreshing enthusiasm that seems to pervade the whole Scout movement in Berwick at the present time from the County Commissioner downwards. “It” was the “show” of the 1st Berwicks, and in all the arrangements, that went without a hitch, could be traced the ability of Scoutmaster Parkes. He was well backed up by Scoutmaster L.F. Gleig, A.S.M, J. Steven, Scoutmaster O. Peacock, and C.W. Davies, and the various patrol leaders and members of the Troop, amongst whom are boys with plenty of promise.

The opening sketch – “A Christmas Exam.,” was exactly the sort of piece to interest the boys taking part. The scene was a schoolroom, where the three Professors are putting the boys through an “exam.” Father Christmas enters and, with his characteristic good humour, changes the scene to one of mirth and amusement, the professors and pupils finishing up with a “jing-a-ring” round the table, singing a parody of “John Peel.” The burlesque, “A Theatrical Agency,” was most amusing. To test the theatrical qualifications of the various applicants, the “Agent” asks each in turn to sing a little ditty entitled “London’s burning.” He shows them how to do it. Tragedy, drama comedy ( with a stutter) and the “Knut Bertie” all have a try at the song, and then the unsatisfied Agent again starts to show them how he wants it done. This time his dramatic cries of “Fire!” are doused by a liberal application of a soda-water syphon and numerous tumblers of water poured over him by the would-be actors.

BERWICK SCOUTS CAMP, 1910. Ref: BRO 1500/2

The tableaux of Scout life in camp were most interesting. The descriptive story was given by Scoutmaster Parkes, and the change of tableau was done very noiselessly and quickly. The lighting effects by Mr Williams were a great help to the stage setting for the tableaux. To the strains of the bugle sounding “Reveille” the audience saw their first picture of Scout life – a newly-awakened Scout stretching himself. The cooks busy preparing food and washing dishes was the second picture: while No.3 showed the healthy discipline of camp life, representing “The boy who wouldn’t wash, “stripped to the waist and being forced to submit to the ordeal of having buckets of cold water poured over him. In the next picture all branches of the Scout movement were shown- Rovers, Sea Scouts, Land Scouts, Girl Guides and Wolf Cubs – “Brownies” being aloe unrepresented. Then the closing scene showed the Scouts o “night watch” by the glowing fire-light.

The “Camp Fire Sing-Song” was the concluding item of the programme, and was in itself a series of items. In the centre of the platform was a most realistic log fire, and seated round are the troop of Scouts. Their war-cry attracts two neighbouring farmers, who join the group and the sing-song, contributing “Widdecombe Fair” as a duet. A solo by Second N. Campbell and troop songs that wet with a splendid swing were also sung, and Scoutmaster Gleig, with his fine deep bass, gave a good rendering of “Wrap we up in my Tarpauline Jacket” as well as a monologue.

For the benefit of those who wonder what the Troop war-cry is we give it as under. It is the Danish war-cry adapted and was originally American :-

“Yehikkalika Yehikkalika

Tehow Tehow Tehow

Boomerlaka Boomerlaka

Bow Bow Bow.

Chikerlika Boomerlaka Bish Boom Ba.

The Bears are out. Ra Ra Ra.”

Other good items on the programme were a humorous recitation by Bain Dickinson, with bonnet, veil, mantle and skirt complete, and the violin solo by George Martin. The dancing display by Pipe-major Mackie’s party of four dainty girls was another popular item, and the sections of Spittal Amateur Orchestra under the leadership of Mr T. Jackson were enjoyed by all.




The initial meeting of the British Legion since becoming members of this great body was held on Monday evening last. Comrade Cowans, in the unavoidable absence of Canon Moran, presided. The attendance was very disappointing, but it is hoped, now that the laying of the bowling green has commenced, this may be the means of stimulating the enthusiasm. It is expected, if money is in the funds after the green is finished, a club-house will also be erected. So far there has not been anything but the monthly meeting. The first business was making final arrangements for Armistice Day.

“Poppy Field (Chollerford)” by wazimu0 is licensed with CC BY 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit

A brief service will be held on Tower Hill. The ministers of the various churches in the town will take part; also the members of the Parish Council will be present. It is hoped that all ex-Service men will endeavour to be present, as the service will be a short duration. The Wooler Branch of the Legion will lay a laurel wreath on the memorial in remembrance of the great sacrifice of their comrades. Poppies, which have been made in the devastated areas, will be sold in the town, commencing an hour before the service. The Secretary gave a report of the bowling green, and explained that all the unemployed ex-service men in the town had been taken on. He also explained that there was seventy fully paid up members. He was pleased to report that a few intricate cases had been dealt with by him and all were proceeding satisfactorily. He would like to draw the members’ attention to a certain thing which was going on, and asked for their support in the matter. Many of the ex-Service men had held aloof from the branch, but now that they need assistance they were coming with their subscriptions in one hand and their cases in the other. It was not the game, and he wanted them all to help to blot it out. It was decided to have a reunion of ex-Service men, and after considerable discussion it was agreed to hold it when the bowling green was opened. Votes of thank concluded the meeting.




Three aged people figured in a case at the Newcastle Assizes on Monday, when William Henry Usher, 60, miner, pleaded guilty to a charge of having committed bigamy with Dinah Oliver of Embleton, at Rothbury in November, 1918, his former wife being then alive.

Mr C. B. Fenwick who prosecuted, said the facts of the case were most unusual, because of the age of the parties concerned. The first marriage took place so far back as 1886, being contracted at the Durham Registry Office. Accused and his wife lived together until 1915, when she left him on account of his temper. They were then living near Amble. Sometime later, in 1917 he made the acquaintance of the second “wife,” a widow of the same age. They were married in November of that year at Rothbury, he representing himself as a widower. In the spring of 1921 she heard something which aroused her suspicious and she taxed him with being a married man. He thereupon packed up his clothes and left her.

Rothbury Village Reference: BRO 1796-1-39

Prisoner handed in a statement to his Lordship, who expressed a wish to hear something about his character.

P.C. John Edward Hogg said he had known the prisoner for about three years and apart from occasionally getting too much drink he seemed to have lived a quiet life. He was a cripple. Witness added that in documents which he had prisoner stated he was formerly in the Army.

His Lordship – Do you know that to be true?

Witness – He told me that, but I cannot vouch for the truth of it. It might be so, and he says he was discharge with the rank of sergeant-major.

Mr Fenwick – it is very probable that his first wife may be able to tell us that.

Sarah Usher said prisoner had been a soldier and had been out in India about seven years. He left the Army when she married him. She thought his rank then was sergeant. She did not always live with him at Amble and witness stated that she lft him in 1915 because of his drunken habits.

His Lordship – Do you know whether his discharge papers from the Army were good or bad?

Witness – I think they were good.

How did he come to be a cripple? – I think he had an accident in the mine.

Dinah Oliver, who left Usher in 1920, going to live with her son at Scremerston, was then called, and she stated that when she “married” prisoner he stated he was a widower. He said he had been a widower for four years. She left him on one occasion and they differed over several things Witness added that she was afraid of him.

His Lordship said it was a very serious offence, but he was willing to have some regard to the fact that he was a man of some years of age, that he was a cripple, and that he appeared to have had a good record in the Army. Fortunately there were no children of his second “marriage” to bear the shame.

Prisoner was sentenced to six months’ imprisonment.


The fashion of sending Christmas cards is still popular, and from samples submitted to us by Messrs Raphael Tuck and Sons, there will be a wider selection than ever from which to choose this season. Even the most fastidious in artistic taste cannot fail to find something that will appeal in the 3000 designs which this well-known firm has to offer. Cards that delight the children have always been a feature of Raphael House and this season’s designs are as fascinating as ever. Very dainty are the “Pot Pourri” series with their deliciously fragrant perfume. The silhouette mascot cards will be popular with these who pin their faith to the black cat as a symbol of luck.

Christmas Card from 1916 Reference: BRO 1775-2-1

There has surely never been anything more artistic produced than the beautiful garden scenes chosen by Queen Alexandra and Princess Mary this year for their cards. Queen Mary, King George and Prince of Wales have chosen historic scenes which are equally delightful. It is perhaps not generally known that these royal cards, which are reproduced for the use of the public. Great taste is exhibited in the greetings or quotations which all the cards bear. It is not only Christmas cards they have to offer. There is an equally wide selection of post-cards and calendars to choose from, and gift books, toy books and painting books galore to delight the hearts of the children. There are charming editions of Hans Anderson, of the equally popular Grimm, or of “Alice in Wonderland,” illustrated in a fascinating manner by Mabel Lucie Attwell. These are interesting stories of animals, birds, insects, that instruct as well as amuse; lesson books that make the learning of the alphabet a joy, or sets of picture building blocks to while away happy hours in the nursery. No better selection of goods has ever been issued from the studios of Raphael House.

Saturday evening was Guy Fawkes night and the youngsters in the town celebrated the occasion with bonfires and fireworks display. Some ingenuity was shown this year with Guys, and one burned at the stake in the Greens was quite original and up-to-date. Last week a Naval deserter eluded his escort at Berwick Station and hid in a passage in the Greens. His whereabouts was given away to the escort by a Greens resident and he was duly captured. To show their contempt of the informer, the youngsters burned his effigy.

In a discussion on rat extermination by the members of the Northumberland Agricultural Committee a motion that it was desirable that the Rats and Mice Destruction Act 1919 be repealed was defeated by 15 votes to 3, the view being expressed that the Act should be retained as the rat was one of the greatest destructive pests in the country. It was argued in support of the motion that rat-killing was a waste of public money and that the farmer who allowed the rats to accumulate should bear the expense of their destruction and nobody else. No fewer than 35,000 rodents had been killed in six months at 180 places, and it was stated the estimated cost for the year was between £800 and £600.




Mr P. M. Henderson appeared on behalf of the majority of the members of the Licensed Victualers’ Association and made proposals for the consideration of the Bench in regard to the fixing of what is known as “permitted hours” under the new Act of 1921. The Act fixed these hours temporarily until things were brought into working order. On 17th August these orders were put in force in the Borough. Under the old Ac of 1910 the hours were from 8 o’clock in the morning to 10 o’clock at night. In many cases, of course, license holders did not take advantage of these hours. The new Act recommended the hours per week-day at 8½, but the license holders in the Borough proposed 8 hours day. The Act recommended that the sale of intoxicating liquor should take place between the hours of 11.30 and 3pm, and 5.30 and 10pm on week days and what the license holders proposed as reasonable hours from 10am to 2pm and 5pm to 9pm. This of course, only affected week days. The license holders did say that they found the hour of 9 o’clock in the evening was late enough to keep open, and it was not an unreasonable closing hour either for the public.

Now, in regard to Sunday, continued Mr Henderson, the hours now in force are from12.30 to 2.30 in the afternoon, and from 7 to 10 in the evening. The license holders ask that the opening hour be 12.30 to 2.30 as at present, but that instead of from 7 to 10pm the hours should be from 6 to 9. At a recent meeting of the Licensed Victualers’ Association these were the hours agreed to by 38 out of 42 who attended the meeting. A Committee had been appointed, members of which would be prepared to give their views to the Bench and to say that 9 o’clock closing did not only meet their own views, but the reasonable requirements of the public.


Mr H. R. Peters appeared for Mr Jas. Grey, wine merchant and said with the hours proposed his client could not agree. He was quite agreeable that the week day hours should be eight, and the Sunday hours as suggested, but he felt that in saying what these hours should be, a large part of the public had never been taken into consideration. There were the workers and visitor to the town and those who came into the town with the forenoon trains to do their shopping.

Hide Hill, showing the King’s Arms Hotel, Berwick-upon-Tweed. Ref: BRO 0426-355

To start at 10 o’clock was an hour lost to the license holder, as large numbers of men were at work then and did not need refreshment; while the morning trains had not arrived. He suggested that the hours his client proposed were the best to meet the needs of everybody. The hours he proposed on week days were from 11 am to 4pm and from 6pm to 9pm. That he held gave reasonable time for refreshment, and in fixing the hours the Bench should consider the reasonable wants of the steady man, not he man whose idea of a reasonable amount of drink was a full skin (Laughter)

Mr Scott, proprietor of the King’s Arms, was of the opinion that the hours recommended by the Act should be adhered to. He also mentioned he was applying under Section 3 of the Act for all the privileges extended to caterers and hotel keepers, to sell drink with food with the evening meal. This meant that if the ten o’clock closing remained in force anyone arriving in the hotel could have a drink with their food between 10 and 11, but no drink unless they were having food.

Ultimately, Mr Scott agreed to fall in with the proposals of the License Victuallers’ Association, letting his application under Section 3 go forward separately.

High Street, Berwick-upon-Tweed showing the Salmon Hotel Ref: BRO 318

The bench retired and on their return the Mayor announced that they had decided to fix the hours from 11 to 3pm and from 5 to 9pm on week days, with Sunday as suggested, 12.30 to 2.30 and 6 to 9. The Bench agreed to grant the application of Mr Scott under Section 3, he also having appeared for Mr Evans, of the Salmon Hotel.


On Monday, Berwick’s Autumn Holiday, a gymkhana, arranged by members of Berwick Motor Club, and cycling sports, arranged by members of Tweedside Cycling Club, took place at Scremerston Institute track. The proceeds were in aid of the track fund and the gate amounted to £25, and there might have been far more people present had the char-a-bancs been running as advertised. The weather was ideal.

Those who did attend had a capital afternoon’s sport and amusement. The Tweedside members provided the serious racing and put up some good finished, too, while the Motor Club provided the thrills and fun. It was a “day out” for the motor cyclists, who did anything , at times, up to 60 miles per hour, while the “limb of the law” appeared to enjoy the sport as much as anyone.

The most interesting events were the lemon-slicing, especially when speed was introduced, the variety race, in which the passenger on the carrier had to dismount and pick up an apple in his teeth, and the “T.T.” race. This latter was a burlesque of the famous motor cycle trials in the Isle of Man. There were four competitors and the prize at stake was the handsome Cooper Eye Cup, a massive “carbon” trophy on which “diamonds” from Scremerston’s famous seam glittered. The first holder was W. Rowley, the Club’s Vice-Captain, who, on a small push-bike with miniature gear got up no end of a pace. In what appeared to be a deliberate attempt to knock him off, T. Lilburn, on his giant prehistoric cycle, had a spill himself, causing no end of laughter. He, however, pluckly remounted and at the finish forged ahead of the “lady” competitor (Mr A. Fish, jun.) and took second place. We understand some of the Scremerston fair sex condemned the “lady” as “a brazen huzzy” for smoking on the field!

There was only one spill in the cycling events, and this was not due to the condition of the track, Purves accidently touching Coulthard’s pedal and bringing both to ground, Purves being much bruised and shaken, and Coulthard’s front wheel beyond repair.

At the close, Capt Carr presented the Cooper Eye Cup to Mr Rowley and, on behalf of Scremerston, thanked the members of the Motor and Tweedside Clubs for the excellent afternoon’s entertainment they provided.

Scremertson Band, which had played selections all afternoon, then played “God Save the King.”