As will be seen from our advertising columns, Ord War Memorial will be unveiled on Sunday, 8th May, at 2.30 by Vice Admiral Sir Dudley R. S. de Chair, K.C.B., M.V.O. The memorial has been erected in the centre of the village green and is 18 feet in height. It is on a concrete base with steps all round, and is of local rock-faced freestone coursers built in block with teethed plinth. A marble tablet with the names of the fallen is set into a framing of Northumberland whinstone. From the whinstone arises an octagonal column finished with a white marble cross. The work has been carried out by Messrs M. Gray & Sons, builders, and W. Wilson & Sons, sculptors, from plans prepared by Mr Lake, Surveyor, East Ord.

The Ord War Memorial  ©  Author: Stafford Little –  Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic — CC BY-SA 2.0

In addition to the contractors’ work a large amount of gratuitous service and labour has been given, and the War Memorial Committee feel deeply indebted to all these who so generously assisted in the carrying out of the work. Sir Dudley de Chair was born in 1854 and was educated on H.M.S., Britannia and entered the Navy in 1878. He served in the Egyptian War and was appointed Naval Attache to U.S. America in 1902. He commanded H.M.S. Bacchante, Cochrane and Colossus from 1905 to 1912 and was appointed Assistant Controller of the Navy in 1910, and Naval Secretary to the First Lord of Admiralty in 1912. In 1914 he was appointed Admiral of the Training Services, being also made a C.B. that year. He commanded the 10th Cruiser Squadron and 3rd Battle Squadron during the war from 1914 to 1916 and went with Mr. A J. Balfour’s Mission to U.S.A. in 1917. 


For several hours on Wednesday morning snow fell heavily in the hill districts of Berwickshire, where in some quarters it lay as deep as half an inch, much to the concern of the flockmasters, with whom the lambing season is not yet over. Fruit trees were severely blighted by the severity of the weather. 

They say it is very bad luck to turn back. A man who had started out with his wife to the pictures suddenly remembered that he had left his coal shed unlocked. He risked his luck, went back, turned the key in the door, and put it in his pocket. On returning three hours later he found a neighbour in a state of great indignation. “What’s the matter?” he asked innocently. “What’s the matter!” was the retort. “Do you know that you have locked my wife up in your coal shed!” 



William Gardiner, Wallace Green, Berwick, was charged with unlawfully assaulting Gordon McLean on the 30th April 1921. Mr Peters prosecuted, and Mr Gregory defended. Gardiner pleaded that he was guilty of gripping McLean, but not with striking him. 

Gordon Mclean said he lived as 6 Hatter’s Lane. On last Saturday night he was standing at the end of Walkergate with other men when two dogs started to fight and came against his legs. He put out his foot to keep the dogs back. He never kicked the dogs, and never knew anything more until Gardiner seized him by the throat from behind and bent him backwards nearly to the ground. Witness was exhausted when Gardiner was called off by the police. 

REF: LB.9.6.24 Hatter’s Lane, Berwick-upon-Tweed

Peter Robson, rabbit-catcher, corroborated, and said McLean, after holding the dogs off with his foot, stepped back. He never kicked the dogs and gave Gardiner no provocation. 

John Flannigan, Hatter’s Lane, gave similar evidence, and this was borne out by William Wilson. 

William Gardiner, on his own behalf, said he was coming up the street with his brother-in-law, who had his terrier with him. Witness’ dog was playing with the terrier, when there was a blue dog ran at them. They chased it, when he saw McLean lift his foot and make a swinging kick at it. He caught McLean as he spun round, but he did not bend him back. 

By Mr Peters-witness admitted that there was a little fight with the three dogs. He was not in a temper when he gripped McLean, only a little excited. The police came on the scene and Sergt. Wilson said “William, go home!” 

The bench found the case proved and imposed the fine of £1 with witnesses and fees, 28s 5d, or 13 days’ imprisonment. 


The first swift arrived in Berwick this year on April 30th. It was first seen at 9 p.m. Fifteen minutes later it joined by another over the town. In 1920 the first swift was also seen on April 30th “hawking” over Church Street. In 1919 the first swift was not seen in Berwick until May 8th; in 1918 the first arrived on May 9th. The first martins were seen on April 21st, 1921 at Canties Bridge. On the 24th the sand martin was seen behind the Pier. On the 24th terns were seen passing over the Pier bound to their more northern nesting grounds. A few remained on Sunday, and there are now several in the river. Several migrants such as the willow-wren and the chiff-chaff have been heard, also on April 24th. A month earlier, the earliest of all migrants, the wheatear was seen on Scremerston banks. Several solan geese have been observed flying quarter of a mile off the end of the Pier, and a few beautiful eider ducks are frequent visitors off the Pier end. They will shortly move to their breeding quarters on the Farne islands. The buds are setting on the hawthorn, promising to burst by the middle of May, which is very early for Northumberland.  



Housing Scheme Held up for Want of Money 

At a meeting of Belford Rural District Council last Wednesday. 

Colonel Leather enquired how the Council were going to get the money to carry out the housing scheme. 

The Clerk explained that endeavour had been made to obtain the money locally, but so far he had had no replies from an advertisement asking for loans. If they failed to raise the money they could apply to the Ministry of Health, who would supply the money. 

Colonel Leather – The Ministry will probably not give us the money. I propose we postpone the whole scheme for three months till we see whether we can get the money. Everything is cut and dried, but we are not committed to anything and the time has come for us to mark time. No businessman would go on with the scheme, why should the Council do so?  

Mr Davidson seconded Colonel Leather’s proposal. 

Dr Macaskie explained that all that was necessary if they could not raise the money locally was to apply to the Ministry of Health who would lend the money. 

The Clerk – There is no fear of not getting the money. 

Colonel Leather – Look how the Government tried to wriggle out of the agreement with the farmers about the price of corn. I move we delay matters till, we get a definite and satisfactory answer about the money.  

On being put to the meeting the motion was caried unanimously. 

Mr Hunter – Will the plans be laid before the Council to be passed? 

The Clerk – The plans have been been passed. 

Mr Hunter – The original plans have, been cut down to get cheaper houses. Things have been taken out of our hands. The Surveyor ought to see these new plans before approved. 

Mr Clark – We are not providing the money and can’t grumble. 

Mr Hunter – We will ultimately have to provide the money from the rates. It is not right for the houses to be built and the Surveyor not to see the plans. 

Mr Davidson moved and Colonel Leather seconded that copies of specifications be submitted to the Council before any tenders were accepted. Agreed. 

Sir E. C. Haggerston – If the tenders were accepted the firm could carry on, but Colonel Leather’s motion stops this. 

Colonel Leather – It does not stop us going on with the details


How Changes in The Minimum rate will affect the Worker 

At the branch meeting of Friday night, Mr. Borrell attended at the last moment, in the place of Councillor Buchan, who was unable to keep his appointment. 

Asked as to the position of the wages in case of a change in the wages Board rates during the year, Mr. Borrell explained that if a man hired for say 51s or 52s per week, he would receive that wage throughout the year, even if the Agricultural wages Board rate fell.

An early 20th century photograph of a Haywain. © Richard Mark Johnson. Creative Commons License (CC-BY-SA 2.0).

If the Agricultural wages Board rate went up, the total difference between the rate he hired for and what was due to him under the Wages Board increases would have to be paid to him in a lump sum on May 12th, 1922, if it had not been paid previously. If, however, a man hired at the wages Board rate without specifying any figure his wage would naturally go up and down with that rate. He did not think there was any likelihood of a reduction in the wages Board rates. They had to find a subsistence basis, and they still stood much below other industries. There was only a slight reduction in the cost of living. The railways were 21 millions to the bad, and they would have higher transport charges. Coal was going up, and it was an important item in the farm workers’ budget. His house required a deal of warming, and his cooking arrangements were wasteful and extravagant of fuel. There was often a quantity of wet clothing to dry, which entailed the fire being kept up after the household had retired. He could see little prospect of any material lowering of their household expenses, and he urged them to put aside all thoughts of a reduction of wages as impractical at present. 




Mr W. B. Dickinson applied for an extension of hours to 2.30 for the Good Templar Hall, on the occasion of a whist drive and dance on Thursday 17th, to be held by Berwick Cycling Club. 

Sup. Halliday considered that the extension of hours for dances was overdone. If they got to 1a.m. that was quite long enough. Most of the people who went to the dances had to be up early in the morning for work. These applications were too frequent. In other districts the Magistrates were not granting extension after 12 p.m. 

The Mayor — The dancing season is nearly over now. Mr Dickinson pointed out that formerly dancing used to be allowed to 3 and 4 a.m., without need for applying for extensions of licence. The Mayor — The Bench grant the licence on this occasion but will consider future applications. 


James Ratcliffe, showman, was charged with failing to employ a third person to give assistance to drivers of horses if required while in Berwick on 2nd March, and with not having the weight of his wagon affixed. 

Serg. Middlemass gave evidence, proving the charges. Superintendent Halliday said it was very important these regulations under the Locomotive and Highways Act should be carried out. He did not look upon the offence as serious but wished to bring to the notice of users of the road the fact that these regulations could not be broken with impunity. He would not press for a heavy penalty, only wishing to draw the attention of users of the road to the regulations. The defendant was a showman and had called at the Office stating he had to go to Kelso to secure his stance and could not appear. Fined 10s for each charge.  


Robert G. Waugh, commercial traveller, 20 Fenkle Street, Alnwick, was charged with being drunk in charge of a motor cycle on the Old Bridge, Tweedmouth, on 4th March. Defendant did not appear, but wrote expressing regret, and stating he had had trouble with his clutch and had not had time for lunch. 

The Berwick Bridge, Berwick-upon-Tweed, locally known as the Old Bridge.© Kenneth Blackett, Berwick-upon-Tweed.

The Mayor said the bench considered this a very serious case. A motor cycle was dangerous at any time, more so when in charge of a drunkman. In addition, the Old Bridge was a dangerous place. Fined the maximum penalty of £2 or 18 days.  



Competition for Lady Armstrong’s Cup

It has been found impossible, owing principally to the expense involved, to run a football competition for the above trophy, which was recently presented to the 7th Northumberland Fusiliers. Instead to save travelling it was decided to put the trophy for competition in connection with the miniature range competition at present being run. Competing platoon teams will thus fire on their own ranges and neutral referees have been chosen to see that the conditions are fulfilled to the letter. For this purpose Major Smail, Jobling, Booth, and Capt. And Quartermaster Price have been selected. The competition commences tonight (Friday) at the Drill Hall, Berwick, when 13 Platoon will shoot No. 14. 

The former Drill Hall in Ravensdowne, Berwick, which was used for the Lady Armstrong Cup in 1921.  © Copyright: Graham Robson, Creative Commons License (CC BY-SA 2.0).


To augment the funds of the Berwick Company, Northumberland Fusiliers’ Cadets, it has been decided to promote a dance, and the date fixed is Thursday, March 10th. C.S.M. Tilley and C.Q.M.S. Boal are undertaking the duties of Joint Secretaries, and the services of the following have been secured to act on the Committee, viz.:- Major H. R. Smail (chairman), Capts. F. B. Cowen, M.C., E. H. Crow, E. D. Mackay, A. J. Kennington, and D. Hebenton, Sergts. H. G. Patterson, Ridpeath,  M.M., and R. J. Swanston, D. C. M., and Messrs M. H. Blackett, A. C. A. Steven, and A. A. Crisp. 


C.S.M. McClennan, M.C., D.C.M., formerly of the Depot, Berwick, and lately of Dumfries, who is under orders for India, has been made the recipient of a handsome silver spirit flask from the officers, N.C.O.’s, and men of the territorials there. Mrs McClennan, who is a Berwick lady, received at the same time a silver purse. We understand C.S.M. McClennan will be at Berwick Depot for a short period of duty before going aboard. 

A draft of 39 men are leaving the barracks on Thursday (today) to join the details of the battalion at Devonport. 

Gen. Sir Francis Davies, G.O.C. in C. of the Scottish Command, will visit the Depot, Berwick, on Tuesday next, and hold an inspection. 

On Friday next Major-General Robertson, the G.O.C. the Lowland Division, will also pay a visit of inspection to the Depot. 


His Father’s Maintenance

John Thompson, 75 Middle Street, Spittal, a stoker, was asked by Berwick Guardians to show reason that, he being of sufficient means, and being the son of Matthew Thompson, now an inmate of Berwick union, why he should not maintain his father. He did not appear. 

Mr Peters, appearing for the Guardians, said the man had been paying under a verbal agreement to the Guardians, and his payments had been very irregular. This was the reason the case had been brought. A return of his wages had been secured from his employers at the gas Works, and this, up to the 20th January, showed that he had been earning on an average £5 1s per week. He was a married man, with a wife and three of a family, the eldest of whom was 14 years of age. The cost of his father’s maintenance in the Workhouse was 15s 2d per week. The verbal agreement under which the man had previously paid, was based on a much smaller rate of earnings. He had then agreed voluntarily to pay 4s weekly, and he now asked that the Bench fix the amount which they thought he could reasonably be expected to pay. Ordered to pay 6s per week and court costs. 


The District Roads The Best In the County

The Surveyor then submitted his report and estimated on the amount of road material required during the ensuing year. The report was as follows:- 

The season that is closing has not been a favorable one for road upkeep. The changing conditions and more exacting nature of the traffic on our highways makes it imperative to approach the maintenance problem in a different manner to that adopted years ago, when motoring and motor haulage was not so great the nature of this traffic is greatly increasing, and the roads occupy a place of great importance in the industrial life of the district. The quantities given in this estimate are the very minimum required, and I trust in the forth coming season there will be a better supply available than there has been for some time past. Regarding the method of application of material, I beg to suggest that the Council continue to make and use tarred chips upon the roads now being thus treated. This method gives us a very good wearing surface that suits all traffic. As instructed by you, I carried out some short stretches of tar painting as an experiment. From my observations of what was done, I find that as a preservative of the road surface it is certainly good. For motor car, motor haulage, and motor char-a-banc traffic it is of the utmost benefit. It is beneficial in the saving of the machine or car, and it is beneficial to the comfort of the users through the surface being fairly smooth. It is also a benefit to those having to keep up and pay the cost of maintaining a road, in the fact that the tar painting increases the life of a road. Of course, I would point out that a good road is smooth, and that it is an important matter in a district such as this. Tar painting makes a road smoother than before painting: It is becoming recognised generally as an economical method of road preservation, and I would not like the Council to altogether discard tar panting because of its chances of getting slippery a few days in the year. My opinion is the benefits outweigh the occasional inconveniences. I would suggest that I treat the matter in an experimental manner for another season. 

Ruston Proctor steam roller No. 38591.  A similar steam roller would have been used in the tar painting of the roads under the control of Norham & Ilandshires Rural District Council, in 1921.  © Copyright: Geni, Creative Commons License (CC BY-SA 4.0).

The total quantity of stones estimated to be required is 5550 cubic yards, and 750 tons ¾ in. chips and dust. 

In reply to Mr Wood, the Surveyor said these estimated quantities were 500 cubic yards up on those of last year, the extra material being for the Duddo, Grindon Bridge, Ord and Sandbanks (Scremerston) roads. It was agreed to forward the quantities required to Mr Hogg, Kyloe Quarry, and get his estimates. At present the chips are taken from Kyloe to the Norham depot to be treated with tar, and the suggestion was made by Miss Greet that a tar depot might be made at Kyloe to save the expense of carting the chips likely to be required for use on road in the Kyloe area to Norham and back. Mr Wood agreed it was ridiculous to take the chips to Norham for tar treatment and then bring them back to Kyloe, but he suggested, with the approval of the council, that they wait Mr Hogg’s reply before taking any step in the matter. 

Mr Collingwood thought that the roads treated with tar chips were excellent and far away in advance of the roads kept up by the County Council, whose roads were a disgrace to the County. 

Mr Wood – The roads in this district are the best in the County. 




The Officers’ 7th N.F. Club played their most important match so far this season on Saturday last, when they tried their strength against the Newcastle Club, and came successfully through the test, beating the visitors by 9 matches to 7, 19 sets to 18, and 469 games to 394. The Newcastle Club were handicapped by having a man short over the 4 couples. Their strongest couple were Professor Hounte and Mrs Davidson, who played with fine combination, and beat all the Berwick couples, though Miss Mackay and R. Bishop succeeding in taking them to 3 sets. The visitors adopted different tactics, standing more on a level in the courts than the home couples, whose combination was, on the whole, good, one player guarding the back line and the other playing well up. The Newcastle ladies placed their shots more skillfully than the Berwick ladies. Berwick’s strongest couples were Mrs J. E. Carr and the Rev. J. H. Cutherbertson, and Miss Mackay and R. Bishop, each couple winning 3 out of the 4 matches played, Mr Cuthbertson, playing well forward, specialised in tricky shots at the net, combining well with Mrs Carr, who was as steady as a rock on the back line. Miss Mackay and R. Bishop also played a well-combined game, the former hitting with vigour from the back line, and the latter getting in a record number of brilliant “smash” shots that were quite unreturnable. Miss Caverhill and J. A. Herriot played steadily, but Dr Caverhill was not up to his usual form, though his partner, Mrs Fedden, played a steady game at the net. Ther was quite a crowd of spectators in the gallery, and after the match friendly games were also played between the teams.