This Week in World War One, 1 January 1915

Berwick Advertiser title 1915

1 JANUARY 1915



To raise funds to provide comfort for our troops, a whist drive and dance was held in the school room, Bamburgh.  The following were the prize winners:- Ladies – 1st, Miss D Littlefair; 2nd, Miss Mamie Weatherstone, 3rd Miss J I Lawson; 4th, Miss A Graham; sealed prize, Mrs A Campbell; consolation prize, Miss Sinton.  Gentlemen – 1st, Mr W Clark; 2nd, Mr G Herbertson, 3rd Mr W Carse, 4th, Mr Jas Nesbit; sealed prize, Scout Geo. Oswald; consolation prize, Scout A Hird.  The Scouts and Territorials doing duty locally were entertained to dinner by Mr and Mrs Little of Bamburgh Castle Inn, and Miss Smith, of the Victoria Hotel, has provided a similar treat for them.


Berwick Advertiser 1915 Jan 8th pg1 Paxton and Purves-BLOG
Advert from Berwick Advertiser
1st January 1915



The following letter has been received from Trooper A Charlton, Northumberland Hussars (brother of Mrs Brown, School House, Norham), who is at the front:-

“December 20th, 1914,- The mince pies were champion.  Jim and I and the boys had a jolly good tea; no use waiting until Christmas Day, as we are into business any moment. The North East Coast raid will have scared the people of Norham, and mind what a champion target your house and church will make, so look out for future events. Bob and Jack will have a lively time in the trenches at Blyth, but they ought to see ours, waist-deep in water, then we are liable to depart this world at any minute.  Black Marias came within a few yards of our billet the other day, and last night hundreds of our guns were playing on the German trenches, the fire lighting up the whole line. What a lovely sight to see; but should not have liked to have been within, as their loss must have been enormous. I fully expected to be at home by Christmas, but am afraid we shall consider ourselves lucky if we manage by next Christmas.”


Christmas in Stannington Sanatorium

 Many of the children in Stannington Sanatorium were patients there for many years and would have spent several Christmases in the sanatorium away from their families.  However, by all accounts great efforts were made by the staff and the local people to ensure that the children had an enjoyable time and didn’t miss out on the Christmas spirit.  A report from the Morpeth Herald and Reporter of 1916 recounts the occasion as such:

A most enjoyable time was spent by the children at Stannington Sanatorium during the festive season.  The rooms were gaily decorated for the occasion.  On Christmas morning each child had his or her stocking well filled with toys and other suitable gifts.  Special fare was provided.

NRO 10321-3 [MAG P1]
NRO 10321/3

We find similar accounts of Christmas in Stannington year after year throughout its operation.  In1931 one of the children even described Christmas in her own words in the Sanatorium’s in-house children’s magazine. (see below)  The magazine was created by the children themselves and contains many accounts of life in Stannington as well as some of the children’s own stories and poems.   


NRO 10321-3 xmas magazine
NRO 10321/3

Merry Christmas!

xmas tree