At a general meeting of the Berwick Post of the Comrades of the Great War it was reported that no fewer than 117 pension cases had been dealt with during the last fortnight, 15 successes being achieved in each week. Thirty-eight applications for employment had been placed in situations. Since last meeting the membership had increased by 47, making a total of 85 members to date. It was resolved to inaugurate a Shilling Fund to provide soldiers’ gifts to celebrate the fourth anniversary of the war. A collection taken in the hall realised £1. A dozen names were handed in of those willing to act as volunteers during War Charities Week. The Committee of the Navy and Army Recreation Rooms have kindly offered the use of the Rooms to all Comrades and ex-service men. Headquarters recommend that Sunday, 4th August, should be observed as Comrades’ Sunday by means of Church parades, decoration of war shrines, etc. It was thought that a Church parade would be the most fitting ceremony, but it was decided to postpone the matter until after meeting in Council Chamber. A Women’s Committee is to be formed for the Berwick district, and all who may wish to associate themselves with this are invited to communicate with the local Secretary.
Nurse Katie Mackay, daughter of Dr and Mrs Mackay, Castlegate, Berwick, is home on a well-earned leave from France, where for some years she has been engaged in a large hospital not far behind the lines. She suffered from indifferent health some time ago, but we are glad to report that she appears now to have recovered. We trust Miss Mackay will have a pleasant holiday.
Second Lieut. Robert Grechan Carr. Royal Air Force, son of Mr Robert Carr, of the Elms, Berwick, who was taken prisoner by the enemy on June 21 when over the German lines, has escaped and re-joined the unit. He received his education at Mill Hill School, and was gazetted a year ago on his eighteenth birthday.

Pleased to see home on hospital leave, Priv. William Walkenshaw, Royal Scots, West End, Tweedmouth. This young lad has been in the Army twelve years, and has served for over eight years in India and Egypt. His Battalion came from Egypt to France in the winter of 1914, and he took part in some of the severe battles in the early stages of the War. After some months in France he was wounded, and was then invalided home to England. After being in this country for some months, and on being declared fit, he was sent back to France. He was again wounded, rather severely this time, and was sent to hospital at Armstrong’s College, Newcastle. We are pleased to say he is improving, and trust that he will have an enjoyable holiday in his native place.
Mrs Makins, Blakewell Road, Tweedmouth, has received official information that her son, Lance-Corporal Stanley Makins, N.F., who was reported missing some months ago, is now presumed to have been killed. He joined the 7th N.F. about three years ago, and after doing a few months’ training in this country went out to France. He was there for some months when he was wounded, and after being invalided home to this country and being certified fit again he was once more sent out to France. He took part in the most of the engagements that his battalion was engaged in. Other two brothers are serving in France. Their late father, Mr Makins, was a prominent member of the old Berwick Volunteer Artillery, and was for many years Q.M. Sergeant. We extend to Mrs Makins our sincere sympathy in this, their sad bereavement.
We are pleased to learn that C.S.M. Albert Lamb of the Canadians, and son of Mrs Lamb, Church Road, Tweedmouth, has been awarded the Meritorious Service Medal for valuable services rendered on the field of battle.

We congratulate him on this noteworthy achievement. In his younger days he was a seafaring man, and has gone through the whole routine of the merchant service. Latterly he has been in Canada, and it was from there he joined the colours. He has seen much service in France, and his rank and decoration prove him be a soldier of some distinction. Good luck to him.
Now practically shorn of all its former glory, Tweedmouth Feast comes and goes without occasioning more than a passing reference. This year there were few stalls round the stance at West End, while a small round about tried its best to create a little of the gala spirit. The spirit, however was dead-dead as last year’s rhubarb, and it was only the younger generation, and a few visitors, who participated in the amusement offered.
The Volunteer Sports in the afternoon drew together a large crowd, and reminded one somewhat of old times.
Many people from the Tyneside and munition centres spent their Feast quietly in their native place and remarks were frequently made that the “good old times,” or as some would call them, the “bad old times,” were gone never to return.
A band performance at Spittal on the Sunday had to be abandoned owing to inclement weather.
The appointment of Food Controllers, who have fixed the price of salmon out of the reach of the average working man, caused in many cases, this succulent item of fare to be absent from the table, in contrast to former years, when no spread was complete without it.
Many of the Spittal people will remember Willie Lamb, who emigrated to Canada a few years ago. This week we have him enjoying a few days leave with his uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs Jobson, St. Helens Terrace, Spittal, before he proceeds to the front. He joined up before he was 18, and has lately been training with the Canadians in the South of England. He looks a hardy type of soldier and will, we are sure, give a good account of himself when he gets into action against Fritz.