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This Week in World War One, 25th June 1915

Berwick Advertiser title 1915





White Gloves to the Mayor

Flattering Reference to the Military.


On Thursday, at Berwick Petty Sessions, there was a unique little ceremony of presenting a pair of white gloves to the presiding Magistrate, the Mayor (Mr Thomas Wilson), to mark the gratifying fact that there were no cases for disposal. The other Magistrates on the bench were:- Captain F.M. Norman, R.N., Mr H. G. McCreath, Mr A. J. Dodds, Alderman Plenderleith, and Mr Thomas Purves.

The Clerk (Mr James Gray), addressing the Bench, said he was pleased to say that the inhabitants of the town were earning a reputation for law-abiding and keeping the peace. The terrors of the war had been brought home to its citizens during the last few weeks, and many of their gallant sons had laid down their lives in defence of the country. It was a pleasure to think that those remaining at home were so law-abiding, and had such a respect for law and order, and there were no cases before their Honours that morning. He had much pleasure, therefore, following the old custom, in asking his Worship to accept a pair of familiar white gloves in token of a maiden Court.

White Gloves presented to Mayor, 25 June 1915
A pair of white gloves were given to the presiding officer at Berwick Petty Sessions in June 1915 as there were no cases for the court to to deal with.

His Worship the Mayor said that on behalf his brother Magistrates and himself he had much pleasure in saying how pleased they were to think that there was no business for the Court. He hoped it would continue, and that there would be many more occasions when no cases of crime would be reported. While the occurrence of such maiden Courts imposed a penalty on the Clerk in supplying the gloves, he was sure it was one which the Clerk was delighted to bear.

Chief Constable Nicholson said he desired to congratulate the Mayor in being presented with the white gloves, and he also wished to congratulate the Bench generally on the absence of crime in the Borough. There was practically no crime, and such a state of matters must be gratifying to their Honours as well as the officers of the various regiments quartered here, especially Colonel Pennyman and Colonel Peterkin. He was very glad to say that he had practically no trouble whatever with the men. This was specially gratifying when they remembered the hundreds of men who arrived and left the town week after week; they gave the men a hearty welcome when they came, and wished them God speed when they went away. He hoped the present state of matters would long continue.

The Court then rose.


Berwick Advertiser 25 June 1915 Renton & Co. Advert
Berwick Advertiser 25 June 1915 Renton & Co. Advert





A special hospital train arrived in Berwick Station on Friday night about 9 o’clock containing 90 wounded men- this being 16 more than arrived with the first contingent in November. Colonel C.L. Fraser, Berwick, was informed early on Friday morning that the wounded would arrive at night and forthwith arrangements were made for their reception and the three hospitals were quickly got ready, viz- Bell Tower, Parochial Hall, and Berwick Infirmary. Dr C.L. Fraser was responsible for all the arrangements and he had the capable assistance of Mr W.J. Dixon. the transport officer was Colonel Peterkin, 2nd/10th Royal Scots, while accompanying him were many of the officers of the Royal Scots in charge of  the stretcher-bearers, while Mr R.C. Clements, assisted by the Boy Scouts, saw that the wounded went to the hospital to which they had been allocated. As on the last occasion at the station the members of St. John’s Ambulance Association rendered invaluable assistance in carrying the wounded from the train, they being under the supervision of Mr Bate, the secretary of  the local branch of St. John’s. There was an abundance of cars to convey the wounded to the hospitals and a large crowd assembled to witness the arrival. The wounded are more serious cases than on the last occasion, there being 41 stretcher cases against none on the last occasion. The hospital train left Southampton at ten o’clock on Friday morning and was therefore eleven hours on the road. An R.A.M.C. Private who is an attendant on the train informed an “Advertiser” representative that there were a number of “gassed” amongst the contingent, but they had all kept wonderfully cheerful during their long journey.





Eggs– Mrs Craik, Low Greens; Mrs Ritson, Mrs Richardson, West Hope; A Friend, Miss Weatherhead, Miss Bridgewater, A Friend.

Fresh Butter-Miss Forbes, Miss Weatherhead.

Jam Puddings, etc.- Mrs Bald , Mrs Trotter, A Friend.

Jelly– Mrs Caverhill.

Scones, Cakes.- Captain Herriot, Mrs Purves, Mrs T.C.Smith, Miss Bridgins, Matron Hawick Hospital, Miss Roberts, Queen’s Nurse, Hawick. Mrs Hotham

Boiled Ham– Mr H.Taylor, pork butcher, High Street, Berwick.

Fruit, Flowers, and Vegetables– Mr Renton, High Street; Miss Alder, A Friend, Mr W. S.Dods, Mrs Roper, Mrs Comfort, Mrs Skelly, Mrs T.C. Smith, A Friend.

wwi-rations resized
World War One rations, 1915

Motor Drives– Mrs Campbell Renton, Capt. Herriot.

Chocolates– Capt. Mackay, Lieut. Wolfe, 2nd Lieuts. Blair, D. F. McLaren Grant, 2/10th Royal Scots.

Cigarettes, Smokes, etc– Miss Rita Blackney, Garage; Unionist Club, A Friend, Mrs Campbell Renton, Mrs Bell, Peelwalls; Masters Jack Grahame Stoddart.

Illustrated Papers, Books, etc– Miss Caverhill, Mrs Campbell Renton, Miss Purves, Mrs Gemmell, Mr H. R. Smail, Master Wright, butler at Mordington House, Mrs Kennedy, 23 Tweed Street; Mrs Scott, Mr A.Darling, Mrs Watson. Miss Dudgeon, A Friend.

Stationary– Mr H R Smail, Mr Martin, Victoria Buildings; Mrs Patterson.

Use of Marquee– Mr Renton, High Street.

Aerated Waters– Messrs Johnston and Darling.

Gramophone– Miss Herriot. Mr R R Riddell.

Records – 2nd Lieutenant Robertson, 2/10th Royal Scots.

Linen– Mrs Jackson.

This Week in World War One, 28 May 1915

Berwick Advertiser title 1915






Formal Handing Over of the New Nine Holes to Directors.


A large company of lady and gentlemen members with their friends assembled at the Golf House in the Magdalene Fields, Berwick, on Thursday afternoon to witness the opening of the new eighteen-hole golf course, and the handing over to the Directors of the Magdalene Fields Golf Company of the new nine holes. The Mayor and Mayoress (Mr and Mrs Thomas Wilson) were present, along with the Sheriff (Mr E. W. Stiles), the Chairman of the Magdalene Fields Company (Mr A. J. Dodds), and the Captain of the Club (Mr John Brough).

“For The Town’s Good.”

Mr Dodds, in accepting the new nine holes on behalf of the Company said :- On behalf of the Magdalene Fields Company I desire to take over this extended course which Mr Brough has

Magdalene Fields Golf Course, 20th Century Aerial photograph, Berwick-upon-Tweed
Magdalene Fields Golf Course, 20th Century Aerial photograph, Berwick-upon-Tweed

described to us, and in doing so I feel I must be getting a very venerable old man. (Laughter). The Club is the offspring of the Company, and the new eighteen hole course is the offspring of the Club, and we, as Directors stand in the position of being grandparents to  the new nine holes (laughter).

The fields were originally taken over from the Duke of Northumberland with special instructions that they were for the good of the town. The 18 holes have been carried out exactly in the same spirit and they are taken over in the spirit- for the good of the town. It is only for the members then to make it a huge success. Mr Brough has referred to to the question of the terrible war and perhaps we have some justification for holding this function this afternoon. We have 20 members actively serving in His Majesty’s Forces, and one has laid down his life. The course was laid for the good of the town and so our gathering today is of a public more than of a private nature and this is proved by the fact that it is patronised by the Mayor and Mayoress and our energetic Sheriff. I am glad to see with us an old member, and one who has taken a great interest in the extended course- I refer to Mr Thomas Carter, junior. (Applause) I have pleasure in declaring the course open. (Applause).

The captain said as a memento of the occasion he had pleasure in presenting to the Club a framed plan of the new course which had been excellently drawn up by Mr Carfrae of the Borough Surveyor’s office. (Applause.)

The company then adjourned to the first tee when Mr Dodds drove off the first ball, thereby beginning a mixed foursome competition (handicap stroke).




We learn that Doctor John Paxton, Norham, has received an appointment as surgeon in the Royal Navy. Dr. Paxton left to take up his duties at Portsmouth on Wednesday. Dr. Paxton is the only son of Mrs Paxton, and the late Dr. John Paxton of Norham-on-Tweed. Dr. Paxton succeeded his father in practice at Norham, and he is also Medical Officer to the Rural District Council of Norham and Islandshires.

Berwick Advertiser 28 may 1915 Advert Berwick Cockles
Berwick Advertiser 28th May 1915 advert for Berwick Cockles



Promotion of a Local Soldier- The many friends of Col. Sergt. Sleath, civilian as well as military, will be pleased to hear of his promotion to the important rank of Staff Sergt. Major. he has just left for

Queen's South African Medal with three bars.
Queen’s South African Medal with three bars.

France to take up his duties on the Staff of the General officer in command of the Northern Territorial Division Base. A keen soldier, he has twice been  granted an extension having now served 25 years in the Army, 12 years as Col. Sergeant. he came to Belford seven years ago, as Instructor to “C” Company, 7th N.F., and during his term of years this Company has always held place as one of the most proficient of the Battalion, both in discipline and on parade. this alone shows his worth as an Instructor, especially considering the fact that this Company is recruited from a wide district, there being 30 outlying sections something like 10 or 12 miles from headquarters. On mobilisations he went with his Company to Tynemouth, and thence to Gosforth Park, where, chiefly through his influence, a large  percentage of his company volunteered for foreign service. Shortly after this he was transferred to the Notts and Derby Regiment at Chelmsford. Great disappointment was felt by the men of “C” Company when they learnt that he was not able to accompany them to the front. However, they may happen to stumble across him now, since he has gone out to the base. Needless to say they will all wish him luck on his well-deserved promotion. Staff Sergt. Major Sleath holds the South African Medal with three bars, as well as the Good Conduct Medal.