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This Week in World War One, 4 February 1916

Berwick Advertiser title 1915






WW1 Weldon's Garments
WW1 Weldon’s Garments

Soldiers’ Comforts – A meeting of the Committee will be held in the Seahouses Reading Room on Friday evening at 8 p.m. to receive Treasurer’s balance sheet and make arrangements for disposal of remainder of woollen comforts. Since last report the Treasurer begs to acknowledge receipt of 4 pairs of mittens from Miss Martha Scott and socks from Mrs John Tully, Wooler. Total receipts to the fund in money has amounted to £26 and tenpence; expenditure amounts to £25 11s 1d, leaving a balance in hand of 9s 9d only, which will be expended in postages on the woollen comforts left. One hundred and four parcels have been despatched and there are on hand 13 pairs of socks, 6 mufflers, and 7 pairs of mittens. Unless the Treasurer receives further donations apparently the good work carried on by the Committee must cease.

Parochial Tea – The annual Parochial tea and concert in connection with St. Paul’s Church was held in the Church Institute. Owing to the war the gathering was not held last year. On this occasion the building was literally packed. Cakes, etc., were provided by the ladies of the parish, and the tables were laden with good things. Following the tea an excellent concert was given at which the Vicar presided. Mr Wilton, scoutmaster, Bamburgh, caused endless merriment with his conjuring and ventriloquism and Mr Wm, Sordy of Warkworth (Jolly Sun) in his comic songs received quite an ovation. The programme was completed by local talent, assisted by members of the Cyclist Battalion stationed at Seahouses, and all were exceedingly well received. Proceeds for Church work amounted to over £16 nett.




Berwick Town Hall, Steeple © Nifanion, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
Berwick Town Hall, Steeple © Nifanion, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Suspension of the Five o’clock Bell – The Borough police have been advised by the War Office and Admiralty that during war time, and until further notice, there is to be a stop put to the ringing of certain bells in the town between sunset and sunrise. In this connection it is interesting to recall the fact that as far back as August last the attention of the Admiralty was directed to the risk and danger run in ringing an early morning bell for a full quarter of an hour, as well as from a similar thing taking place in the evening. A brief acknowledgment was received from the Admiralty, and on the 30th August the following further communication was sent: – Sir, I am commanded by my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to thank you for your letter of the 23rd instant, relative to the noise caused by the bells of Berwick-on-Tweed, and to acquaint you that it is not considered that the ringing of these bells exposes the town to any appreciated extra risk of aircraft attack. I am, sir, your obedient servant, W. Graham Greene.

Local Will – Mr William Tenant, of Brow of the Hill, Berwick-upon-Tweed, formerly of Bankhead, Horncliffe, near Berwick-upon-Tweed, left estate valued at £12,933 17s 4d, with net personalty £7,140 16s 2d. Mrs Catherine Tenant, his widow, Miss Elizabeth Christina Tenant, his daughter, Mr William Cowe Richardson, of Langlea, Berwick, and Mr James Cowe Richardson, of 11, High Street, Berwick, grocer, are the executors. Testator leaves £20 to James Cowe Richardson, and the rest of his property in trust for his wife, for life, and then in specific bequests for his children and grandchildren.




Whist Drive and Social – On Monday even the convalescent soldiers resident at Etal Manor were entertained to a whist drive and supper in the Etal Schoolroom by several ladies of the village. The arrangements were in the hands of Mrs Hall, Mrs Wallace, and Miss H. Armstrong, and thanks to their untiring efforts and hospitality the gathering was an unqualified success. The company included the Commandant at Etal Manor, Miss M. L. Gray, the Rev. R. C. Hall, the Nursing staff, and a large number of lady friends.


The following were the prize winners:- Ladies-1st, Nurse Gray; 2nd, Nurse Paterson, 3rd, Nurse Tait – Gent’s – 1st, private Morgan; 2nd, Sergeant B. H. Flood; 3rd, Private Wales. The prizes were gracefully presented to the recipients by the little daughter of the Rev. and Mrs Hall. A substantial repast was partaken of, and the rest of the evening was spent in a social manner. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded on the motion of the senior N.C.O. to all who had contributed to the evening’s enjoyment. The singing of the national Anthem brought a most successful and enjoyable evening to a close. Mrs Chamberlain ably officiated at the piano, kindly lent by Mrs Fordyce.




Mr George Atchison of Barmoor Mill and his wife, who is the fourth daughter of the late Mr James Smith, East Allerdean, have just celebrated their golden wedding. The happy event was made the occasion of much rejoicing at Lavrock Law on Wednesday, 19th January. Six of the remaining children of the marriage were present along with their nine children, as well as a number of friends, and a very pleasant and enjoyable evening was spent. It is pleasing to know that both the old couple enjoy good health, being as young in spirit and as much in love with each other as they were in 1866. The children of the union are as follows: – Robert (deceased), James, George, Mary, Isabella, Sarah (deceased), Margaret, and Jane.


This Week in World War One, 10 November 1915

Berwick Advertiser title 1915





The Late Dr Daniel Heagerty


BAdvertiser 19 Nov 1915 Berwick's Oldest Doctor Dies Photo RESIZED


We regret to record the death, after a short illness, which occurred on Sunday, of Dr Daniel Heagerty, M.D., Medical Officer of Health for the Borough of Berwick-on-Tweed. The deceased was a native of Passage West, County Cork, Ireland, and was 76 years of age. The late Doctor was registered as a medical practitioner on May 30th, 1867, and was a Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians (Edinburgh, 1867), and also a Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh, 1867). For some time deceased practised in Prudhoe, and also in Bellingham. He came to Berwick 35 years ago when he purchased the practice and house of the late Dr Davidson at Tweedmouth, and five years later he succeeded the late Dr Fluker as medical officer to the Borough and also to Berwick Board of Guardians. Dr Heagerty in politics was a Unionist, and was one of the original Directors of Berwick Unionist Club. He was also an old official of Berwick Bowling Club, and a member of St. David’s Lodge of Freemasons, Berwick.

The late Doctor was married twice, and of the first marriage there were two sons and a daughter, Maude, who is married. The eldest son served his apprenticeship with Mr W. Carr, chemist in the shop now occupied by Mr N.M. Craig in High Street. *The other son was apprenticed to Mr Jas. Stevenson, architect, Berwick, but afterwards went on to the stage. Of the second marriage there is one son, who is at present serving with the Northern Cyclist.

The Doctor was known to a wide circle of friends and his sudden removal has come with surprise and regret. We are sure the sympathy of our many readers will be extended to the relatives in their sad bereavement.

*The other son mentioned in the article above, was Travers John Heagerty, born in Prudhoe, Northumberland, on the 5th of March, 1874.  Travers took the stage name Henry Travers, and went on to become a highly successful actor, making his Broadway debut in 1901.  He died in Hollywood, California, on the 18th October, 1965, aged 91.



 Match at Etal


An interesting billiard match was played at Etal on November 6th, when the wounded Tommies quartered at the Manor there played a returned match with Milfield. As will be seen from the appended list of scores, the soldiers showed that they could play billiards as well as fight. The game opened by a very closely contested trial of strength between Private Evans and Mr Wilkinson, in which the latter proved victorious only by 6. The next game resulted in a win by Private Squires over Mr Stothart by 30 points, but the Milfieldonians were far from being disheartened, seeing that their champion, P.C. Hurst, on whom their hopes they fixed, had yet his turn to come. He played next, having as opponent Private Neal. The latter proved much his superior, and the gallant policeman was only able to add a paltry 32 points as against a 100 to the soldiers’ scores. After this the Tommies had not much fear as to the result, for Private Swinburn met Mr Steel in the next game ended in another victory for the Tommies by 44 points. Then came Corporal Walker, who easily beat Mr Waugh by a majority of 54, and the last of all was played by Private Haldane and Mr Brown, in which the victors’ man proved a little successful and won by 14 points. The final scores were:-

Soldiers, 580; Milfieldonians, 404

After the game the visitors were entertained to tae by their victors, thanks to the kindness at the Manor Hospital of the Commandant, Miss Grey.



The Heroic Lifeboat Rescue at Berwick


Sir – I wish through the medium of your columns to make public the deep sense of gratitude the crew of the Lifeboat feel towards their comrades of Spittal who so gallantly came to their assistance last Wednesday morning. Four or five times had the Lifeboat tried to make the harbour, both under sails and oars, and each time was she washed out by the spate on to the Bar. The men were spent with fatigue, cold and wet to the skin, and had little strength left. When the ferry boat was seen to leave Spittal, a last effort was made, this time under double banked oars, to get closer to the pier.

Image 8 - Lifeboat - RNLB Matthew Simpson - Left to Right - Not known, Not known, Not known, John Wood, Knot known, Jack Lough, George Lough, Bartholomew Lough, Thomas Martin (possible), Not known, Not Known, Alex Patterson Lough.
Image 8 – Lifeboat – RNLB Matthew Simpson – Left to Right – Not known, Not known, Not known, John Wood, Knot known, Jack Lough, George Lough, Bartholomew Lough, Thomas Martin (possible), Not known, Not Known, Alex Patterson Lough.


The Spittal men laid their plans with skill and acted with daring that one could only admire and inwardly applaud. They were determined to get a line to the Lifeboat at the risk of their lives, and they did it. All honour to them! I have reported their brave conduct to the proper quarters, and do not doubt they will be suitably rewarded. The names of the men who were in the ferry boat are as follows: – Prideaux Emery, John Patterson, Barty Lough, Robert Laidlaw, John Wilks (“Laffan”), and Thomas Johnston. On the Pier, Johnston Crombie and William Emery,- Believe me, yours truly,

C.L. FRASER, Hon. Sec.


A Fatal Fall at Cattle Market


Borough Coroner Wm. Weatherhead and a jury held an inquest on Friday afternoon in the Board Room of the Workhouse, Berwick, concerning the circumstances attending the death of Gordon Kenward, District Valuer of the Inland Revenue, Berwick.

BA-U10-2 SHEET , 1852 cropped. Pictured above the layout of the Berwick Workhouse, where the inquest on Gordon Kenward was held in the Board Room (centre of image). © Berwick Record Office.
BA-U10-2 SHEET , 1852 cropped. Pictured above the layout of the Berwick Workhouse, where the inquest on Gordon Kenward was held in the Board Room (centre of image). © Berwick Record Office.


Nelson Kenward of Waldron, Sussex, farmer, whose deposition was taken at the deceased’s house identified the body as that of his son, aged 30 years.

Leonard Purdoe, of Berwick-on-Tweed, surveyor, said he knew deceased well, and left his house with him on Sunday, 31st October, about 8.30pm. They went down the street, and he left him nearly opposite the Red Lion Hotel about 8.40.

James Alexander Miller, insurance inspector, said he saw deceased in the Red Lion on the Sunday night mentioned. They both left the hotel about 9.25pm. Deceased said good night to witness in the High Street and proceeded homewards. That was in the archway of the Red Lion. Deceased then went up the High Street. There was no mud on his clothes then.

Robert Renton, N.B. Railway goods checker, deponed that he was proceeding home about ten o’clock on the Sunday night mentioned. As he was passing the Cattle Market his eye caught something lying inside the market grounds about twenty feet from the gate and below the Ramparts. He went for the Police and P.C. Crombie returned with him to the spot. Crombie climbed over the railing, and it was discovered it was a man that was on the ground. The ambulance was summoned by a man named Marshall, and witness proceeded to get the key of the gate, Crombie remaining beside the body.

Police Constable Walter Crombie said the last witness came for him about 10.15pm at the top of West Street. From what he told him he (witness) went to the Cattle Market, climbed over the railing, and found Kenward about 18 feet from the gate. He was lying on his right hand side about four or five feet from the wall. He was bleeding from a wound above the left eye, and one on the right side of the head. The deceased got up on his feet and walked with his assistance to a sand bin. Before that witness had sent for the ambulance and the key for the gate of the Market. The ambulance removed the deceased home. Deceased’s clothes were covered with mud. When witness returned to the Market he found near to where deceased was discovered two handfuls of grass and moss.

By the Jury – Deceased asked witness where he was. Witness told him asking how he got there,. Deceased replied “I don’t know.” He wanted to walk home but could not do so.

Dr Taylor, Berwick, deponed that he saw the deceased between 1 and 2 on the morning of 1st November. He found a wound below the left jaw, another on the left eyelid, and a large excariation on the left cheek. There was a small wound on the right side of the scalp. He was partially conscious, and next day lapsed into complete unconsciousness, never regaining consciousness. Death occurred on Thursday, 11th inst., in the afternoon. The cause of death was, in witness’ opinion, severe concussion of the brain, arising from the injuries sustained through the fall.

A verdict in accordance with the medical testimony was returned.





This Week in World War One, 5 November 1915

Berwick Advertiser title 1915





The convalescent soldiers at Etal Manor Hospital have lately been giving a series of concerts at neighbouring villages in aid of the British Red Cross Society. As a result of their efforts a sum of over £23 has been realised, and the expenses being very few owing to the generosity of everyone approached, practically the whole of this sum will be available for the funds of the Society. The places visited were Ford, Crookham, Milfield, and Duddo, and the concerts were everywhere well received.

Etal Manor House, formerly a WW1 military hospital. © Berwick Record Office NRO 5192-25.
Etal Manor House, formerly a WW1 military hospital. © Berwick Record Office NRO 5192-25.




About 2.10 a.m. on Tuesday, whilst Robert Buglas, 16 years of age, Church Street, Berwick, was following his employment as greaser at Berwick Railway Station and when near the turning table he was jumping on the footboard of a goods van in motion his foot slipped. Both his legs went under the wheels of the van. The wheels passed over his left leg above the ankle and his right foot across the heel. First aid was rendered, and he was conveyed to Berwick Infirmary, where he was attended by Drs Fraser and Maclagan, who found it necessary to amputate the injured limbs.




Through the Christisons of Foulden and the Chirnsides of Cockburnspath district, Berwickshire has interesting links with pioneer days in Australia, one of the last of which

Panning for gold in the state of Victoria, Australia, ealry 1900s. © Wikimedia Commons.
Panning for gold in the state of Victoria, Australia, ealry 1900s. © Wikimedia Commons.

has been broken by the death of Mr Robert Christison, a nephew of Sir Robert Christison. In a recent lecture in his native village, Mr Christison related how he had met one Jimmy Nailans, who was the first Foulden post-boy, in a place named Bacchus Marsh. Mr Nailans had landed in Australia two years before. Buying a bullock team, he made money in carrying provisions for the population of 80,000 which flocked to Bendigo in the gold rush, and when Mr Christison met him he had 206 ounces of gold dust hidden in horns of cart grease. He put £2,000 into land in the outskirts of Melbourne, and thus became very wealthy. Like a good Borderer, Jimmy Nailans returned to his native soil, bought an estate, and settled there. Mr Christison, whose remains were interred last week at Foulden, was the last surviving son of Rev. Alex. Christison, for 52 years minister of the parish.





Private Kenneth Alexander, of the 2nd Royal Scots, who has been at the Front for over a year and is at present home at Dunbar on several days’ furlough, narrates a most interesting one might almost term it exciting- incident, which occurred recently in the trench where he was quartered. The enemy’s trench but 15 yards distant, was occupied by Saxons. Several of the enemy happened to put their heads over the parapet of the trench; inquired if they were all “Jocks” in the British trench; where they came from- was it Glasgow? – and when did they arrive in France? The conversation concluded by warning the Royal Scots men in this trench to keep their heads down, as the Prussian Guards were located on their right, and consequently there were great risks of being sniped. They then held up a bottle of Cognac, and the Scotsmen inquired if they fancied a bottle of whisky. A hurriedly pencilled note attached to several newspapers was flung into the Saxons’ trench. We asked, said Private Alexander, in this letter if they could give us any part of their equipment as a souvenir of this interesting meeting between opposing forces. Very shortly afterwards a package of German newspapers, attached to which was a letter from one of these Saxons was flung into our trench, which on being translated read as follows:- “There are a few papers. Of course we cannot send you any part of our equipment over, and for the whisky we don’t care, but when you have new papers send them across and we will do the same. It is certainly interesting to read what the enemy believes to be able to tell their own folks. We threw already a few papers over, but too short. Perhaps you will find them to-night. Be careful in getting them. (signed) Yours, Fritz.” “If you please let us have a French journal- S.V.P.”



Successful Venture In Aid of Berwick Branch of

Young Helpers’ League


The Queen’s Rooms was crowded in all parts on Thursday evening when a grand evening concert was held in aid of the funds of the Young Helpers League of Dr Barnardo’s Homes. The concert was excellent from start to finish and the term grand applied to it was a fitting description of the entertainment. The local Committee of the Young Helpers’ League, with Mr A. J. Dodds as President, were the originators of the idea to hold the concert. The management and carrying out of the concert was put into the hands of Miss Sissy Dodds, and according to its most excellent result the Committee could not have chosen anyone better to ensure the success  of the entertainment. All secretarial work was undertaken by Miss Dodds, while Miss L. Purves and Miss J. Thompson assisted her  as treasurers.

The concert realised £58, and Miss Dodds is to be warmly congratulated in that her management has been so successful.

The programme was as follows:


Piano Duet-“Spanish Dance, “ ( Moszkowski) Miss Katherine Vincent and Mr Ernest Warrington

Songs – (a) 2 The Rebel” (b) “ Son of mine” (Wallace), ………  .  Mr Ernest J. Potts

Violin Solo – “ Gipsy Dance,” ( Sarasate)                                       Mr Ernest Sharp

( Encore)

Recital – “A Question of Identitiy” ( an excerpt from “Comedy and Tragedy”), by W.S. Gilbert………………Mr Hugh Miller.

(Encore – “Mon Ami.”)

Songs – (a) “ Rose in the bud” ( Forster) (b) “Until,” (Sanderson),  Miss Katherine Vincent

(Encore – “Waltz Song.”)

Humorous Sketch – “Curates” (Warrington),  Mr Ernest Warrington.



Duet – “Awake,” (Pellissier), Miss Katherine Vincent and Mr Ernest J. Potts.

Violin Solo – “Valse Caprice” (Wieniawski), Mr Ernest Sharp


Song – “Galloping Dick” (Fletcher), Mr Ernest J.Potts

(Encore – “Go to sea my lad.”)

Recital – “Gunga Din” ( by Rudyard Kipling), Mr Hugh Miller

(Encore – “Once more into the breach, once more,” from King Henry V., Act 2 and 4).

Songs – (a) “A fat I’il feller wid his mammy’s eyes, “ ( Gordon) (b) “Sincerity” ( Clarke), Miss Katherine Vincent.

(Encore – “Caller Herrin’.”)

Humorous Songs – Selected Dialects,. Mr Ernest Warrington.


Interval for Soldiers’ Sing-Song.

Sketch – “The Peacemaker,” a comedy in one act, by E. M. Bryant.


Elizabeth Lavender            Mrs Waldron

       Joyce Harford                    Miss Sissy Dodds

   Dr Burton                         Mr G. P. Boyd

  Richard Harford                    Rev. J.R. Bentley

     Parsons                              Miss Katie Mackay

Scene – Elizabeth Lavender’s Flat in Kensington.