🎄Christmas Opening Hours for 2024🎄
CLOSED between 4pm Friday 20th December 2024 and 10am Thusday January 2nd 2025
Ordinary opening hours apply before and after this period.



Berwick Journal and North Northumberland New Special Series


“Light, and yet more Light!” That is the cry in these modern times. People cannot get too much of it – some dearly love the dazzling glare of the spot light – but the poor, old out-of-dater, and others, who lived the simple life in far off by-ways, still stumble and stave their toes in the darkness.

But there is a good time a-coming for these dear folks. No more need they nurse their knees in the dim light of the ingle neuk, or pore over the prophets and proverbs of the auld, auld book by the flickering blink of a smoky, ill-smelling, greasy oil lamp or the uncertain glow of the tallow dip. There’s a good time coming, John! Messrs, the Patent Lighting Co., Ltd., New Broad Street, London, have invented and put on the market, a new electric lighting plant, which can be rigged up quite handy in the back yard, and provide ample light for 20 to 30 watt Electric Lamps.

These are great days of progress! One could not have credited such a thing, even a few years ago, but there it is! A few miles from the centre of old Berwick town, just a step beyond the bounds at Canty’s, Mr Robert H. Knox, of Knox Bros., Electrical Engineers, Bridge Street, Berwick, demonstrated this most clearly. Mr Knox is the sale agent for the North of England and the South of Scotland for the Patent Lighting Co. He has had installed in a small bungalow on the banks of the Whitadder a standard electric lighting plant for demonstrating purposes to possible clients.

Knox Bros, Electrical Shop, Bridge Street, Berwick dated 1959. Ref: BRO 1250-134

The main features of this plant are simple, in fact, they are actually, what one might describe as “fool proof.” The owner of the installation needs no mechanical knowledge, whatever the generating system, like the humble bee, gathers its electric current in a simple automatic way. A standard, made of special, hard creosotic wood, about 16 feet high, is firmly planted in the ground, and supported by four strong steel “guys” to the ground. On the top of the standard is the dynamo, attached to which is a propeller, consisting of two blades, fashioned, from 3 ply mahogany, like the propeller of an airplane. These blades are about 3ft. square, and the span is about 8ft. Everything connected with the propeller is worked on the ball-bearing principle so that all that is required is a little grease, now and then, to keep them running.

Fitted to the propeller is a “governor”-vane. Like most governors we know, this governor takes care, when one gets the “wind up” rather nasty, that no pranks can be played by the propeller. When the wind rises to a speed of over 25 miles an hour, the vane is automatically thrown over and turns the blades of the propeller so that they are edge on to the wind. This allows the dynamo to work at a nominal speed.

The dynamo which works on a bevelled gear begins to generate on a wind of from 5 to 7 miles per hour – just the slightest of puffs. The dynamo is connected by wires to a Ventimotor Switchboard. This is an important part of the outfit. It is nicely proportioned and takes up little room, yet it is strongly made of iron and so securely fastened that inquisitive, little fingers could not tamper with it. The voltage is shown in a simple manner by colour bands, the white band showing when fully charged (30 volts). When the dynamo is out of action there is an automatic “cut off” which prevents the electric current, generated in the batteries, from flowing back to the dynamo. Thus, while preventing any mischance to the dynamo, it also provides a store of current for a windless day.

The batteries (12 cells) are also constructed on a simple plane. There is no occasion for testing with volt meters. Each cell has a gravity ball, showing clearly the state of the battery. These batteries are guaranteed a storage sufficient to supply a lighting system from 8 to 10 days with recharging. As there is scarcely a day passes without a capfull of wind, there seems to be no doubt of an ample lighting system. Calm days moreover generally occur when the light of day is in its plenitude.

The cost of these plants is estimated to be about £140. This outlay covers all the initial cost, and, thereafter, the upkeep is a mere bagatelle – a matter of a handful of grease each month. The lamps used are the ordinary 30 candle power type which with an appropriate reflector, has sufficient power to light a large room. Larger plants can be supplied, if necessary, but this stock size is more than ample for the farmer’s needs.


Mr Robert H. Knox, the sole partner now of Knox Bros., is a young Berwick man, who gives promise of going far in the electrical trade still at the dawning stage. Educated at Berwick Grammar School, Mr Knox in his school days showed a proclivity for football, favouring the carrying code. He, however, had little time to spend on Britain’s playing fields. Of a mechanical bent, he served his apprenticeship with the Berwick and District Electrical Supply Co.

Like so many more of our young lads, Mr Knox saw active service in the Great War. He was in the very thick of the fighting and came through many a ghastly carnage. Enlisting into the Machine Gun Corps, he was a unit in that desperate fight at Delville Wood on the Somme River. What a carnage was there! It was a death trap! Out of the whole company that went into that fight, only 17 survived the day. Robert Knox was one of those, shall we say, lucky ones, who came through. But he did not come scatheless. He found himself transported to hospital in the south of England. There was more adventure awaiting this Berwick lad. He was transferred, after recovery, to the Tank Corps in 1916. In 1917 he was back once more in the holocaust, this time at Cambrai. In November 1917, came that stupendous feat of arms, which spell bound the nations of the world. The “impregnable” Hindenburgh Line was battered and broken through by the attack of the “Tanks”. Mr Knox took part in that engagement, and in that heroic achievement. What an experience to come through! But Mr Knox does not care to dwell upon that. He says he prefers to forget the war!

Returning to civil life again, he completed his electrical training with the Supply Co. at Berwick. But he had still to adventure in life, this time in business life. He started the business of an electrical engineer in partnership with his brother Douglas, as Knox Brothers in Bridge Street, Berwick, in March 1921. The partnership was split, however, two years ago, his brother going into the motor trade in London. Mr Knox is now sole partner and has gradually developed the business to its present high state of utility. He specialises in lighting, heating, and power electric plants, and at present, he has the contract for the installation of the electric light plant in the buildings of the Liverpool and Martin Bank in Hide Hill, Berwick, which are under reconstruction. Mr Knox is the official agent in the North of England for the C. A. V. Coy., Ltd., Acton, London, and, in his works, repairs C. A.V. batteries and fits new plates. He makes a feature of the equipment of Wireless sets of all kinds, and being an expert in that branch of electricity, the novitiate in the “listening in “pastimes is in safe hands when he trusts Mr Knox for his crystal or valve set. Mr Knox will only rest content when he has positive proof that the best possible results are obtained. In his premises is an experimenting wireless call station – official call No. 5IP – on which he makes frequent tests for wave lengths, etc. A tireless worker – from early dawn to dewy eve – he is ever at the beck and call of them he serves. With him the old saw is gospel truth – “It is never TOO LATE to MEND!”




What may be termed as Horncliffe’s completion of her memorial schemes to her fallen sons was the opening of the Memorial Hall on Thursday. Favoured by delightful weather, there was a crowded attendance within the building when Mr Alec. Ritson, Thornton, declared it open in fitting terms.

There still remained a debt of ÂŁ200 to be cleared off, however, and immediately after a sale of work, for which preparations have been going on for many months, followed. Business was very brisk during the afternoon, which augured well for the effort being successful.

Horncliffe War Memorial © Eric Musgrave (WMR-33471)


Capt. F. C. H. Allenby, R. N., presided, and in calling upon Mr Thornton to declare the hut open, made fitting reference to those who had returned after enduring hardships for the sake of those at home. He mentioned that they had collected the sum of ÂŁ583 to date for the Memorial and the Hut, and he hoped that at the end of the day they would be able to raise the greater part of the ÂŁ200 to clear off the debt still standing on the building. They could not, he proceeded, have selected one more fitting than Mr Ritson to declare the Hall open. He was always willing to help and serve the community. He much regretted that he suffered from ill-health, but he had served his country to the best of his ability in the War. He knew he felt deeply he was unable to serve in the trenches. He remembered a service friend of his telling him that he wished all men would only do their duty in the sphere they were told off for, and Mr Ritson had always done his duty in his own sphere, rather than call on other people to do it. (Applause).



For some weeks Berwick has been a centre of political interest, on account of Viscount Grey’s return to active politics in support of Mr Walter Runciman in his candidature for the Berwick-upon-Tweed Division, and on Monday night the Corn Exchange was filled with an audience drawn from all classes of opinion in the constituency. The daily and Sunday newspapers have been prophesying that Viscount Grey was to assume the leadership of the Independent Liberals, and again that he was to announce an alliance with Lord Robert Cecil. Neither of these things came off. The meeting was arranged in support of Mr Runciman, and the main thing that came out of Viscount Grey’s speech was that he was in entire sympathy with the Independent Liberals and Mr Runciman. Whether he will be able to remain in the background time will show. There was a large gathering on the platform, and the list we give of those present will also be interesting for its omission of some who have been prominent Liberals in the past, but who are not at the moment “Independents.” In addition to the two prominent speakers there were: – Mr. R. C. Bosanquet, president of the Berwick-upon-Tweed Liberal Association ( in the chair) and Mrs Bosanquet; Mrs Runciman; Sir Walter and Lady Runciman; Mr G. W. Hindmarsh, chairman of the Executive; Ald. T. Wilson. J. P.; Messrs Gerald France, M.P.; Wm. Macdonald, Rock; Rutherford, Seahouses; A. Mitchie, Alnwick; J. Clark, Belford; the Rev. C. L. Stowe, Berwick; D. Elliot, Belford; Mrs Richardson, Berwick; Messrs R. Boston, Spittal; J. Boston, Spittal; Ald. P. Boston, Spittal; W. Nelson, Lowick; J. H. Culley, Kirknewton; T. L. McAndrews, Amble; Miss Boston, Spittal; Messrs F. R. Padley, Wooler; J. Seals, Berwick; A. Younger, Allerdean; Councillor Dudgeon, Berwick; T. Elder, Berwick; Ald. J. Elder, Berwick; Miss Hume, Alnwick; Messrs H. Dowsett, Northern Liberal Federation; D. Elliot, Alnwick; C. Hindmarsh, Alnwick; H. W. Willits, Berwick; J. Cleghorn, Wooler; F. Hindmarsh, Alnwick; J. B. Beveridge, Tweedmouth; T. Morrison, Berwick; J. J. Simmen, Berwick; lady Robson; Miss Gregson, secretary Women’s Liberal Association; Mr W. A. Edwards, secretary Berwick Divisional Liberal Association, and Mrs Edwards; Mr J. Macnab, Beal.

Image from the Berwick Advertiser 4 December 1858, opening of the newly erected Corn Exchange, Berwick-upon-Tweed.

When the party filed onto the platform, amid cheers, there was a pause for a flashlight photograph, and then Mr Bosanquet welcomed Viscount Grey on his return to the constituency from which he had been taken during the war, assuring him that their love and pride and confidence in him were unabated. A rapturous welcome greeted Viscount Grey when he rose. There was a marked improvement in his appearance since he last spoke in Berwick at the War Memorial Meeting. He was more vigorous in his gestures, and had much less difficulty in referring to his notes, which were brief. At one point he was speaking with uplifted arm, and there was another disturbing flash from the camera, which should never have been allowed. We give below a full report of the speech. There was no lack of ability in the Government, he said, but great ability was combined with extreme instability of policy, which had shaken the confidence of people both at home and abroad. We saw it in their treatment of Russia, Mesopotamia, the French Government and the Labour Party, with whom they had played fast and loose over Nationalisation. His most important remarks were on Ireland, and it is a pity that they were not made months ago. We should clear our minds, he said, of sentiment and gush and face the facts of the situation, instead of pretending to be generous after our policy of reprisals had failed. His only reservation to admitting Ireland as a full partner to Dominion partnership was that the naval defence of both islands should be under one naval authority. His last topic was unemployment, and the only permanent remedy in his opinion was good trade. Nationalisation was not the remedy but labour should have its share in the management of industry- an important admission. The speech was well received. There was silence while Lord Grey spoke of nationalisation, loud applause when he said that time had shown the South Africans that in negotiating with them we had been speaking in good faith and that what we had promised had come true. References to Mr Gladstone and Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman were also cheered. Indeed one felt that at the back of Viscount’s Grey’s mind was the thought of what a difference it would have made if Home Rule had been accepted, as it was first offered by the great leaders he had a served under.


In the absence of Alderman Elder, Councillor Brewis presided over a large and orderly meeting of Tweedmouth ratepayers in the Mitchell memorial Hall on Wednesday night. Supporting him were Councillor Watt, Mr T. Douglas, Mr D. Watson, Mr Eales, and Mr Bradford. Apologies were sent by Councillor Lockhart and Mr Trainer.

Councillor Brewis, in his opening address, touched on various topics. With regards to the Glasgow Steel Company he thought the non-Freemen were wrong in commencing their activities when the negotiations with the Council were at a critical stage. He thought it was only when the Company saw that the Freemen and non-Freemen could not agree among themselves that they decided to go elsewhere. He could assure any industrial company that wanted to establish themselves in their neighbourhood that Tweedmouth could supply them with a site and equal railway facilities.

The opening of the housing scheme on Monday was a great event for Tweedmouth. The cost to Tweedmouth was a penny in the pound, and the income taxpayers in the country found the rest. They welcomed the new residents. Unfortunately they would not see the whole scheme carried out; in fact, full consent had not yet been obtained for the present addition of twenty-four.



Splendid Racing on Land and Water

Rain Spoils Cycle Races on Monday

The time honoured festival of Tweedmouth Feast was celebrated this year on a much more ambitious scale than has been the rules for some years past. There were amusements for all, from the round-abouts and side shows in the West End for the youngsters and the frivolous, to professional and amateur races on the flat, cycle races, and a salmon coble regatta.

Tweedmouth Feast, 1966. Ref: BRO 1944-1-4597

The crowd in the town over the weekend was well up to previous standards, and from the Tyneside area large number of old Twampies and Berwickers came back to observe the old ceremony. At the Sports, perhaps the crowd was slightly smaller than in previous years, but the running made it well worth the while of those who patronised the event. Tweedside Cyclists had a great night on Tuesday, and seldom has finer racing been seen.

The Feats of 1921 will be remembered as one crowded weekend of first class sport.




When the question of reviving the old time Berwick Horse Procession came up this year, the Committee with a knowledge of past difficulties, decided that to be a financial success, the procession could never be revived on quite the same lines as in pre-war days. The idea of a show to include the horses and other agricultural classes was mooted and taken up enthusiastically by a go-a-head committee with Capt. J. E. Carr as chairman and Mr Ralph Bradford and Mr J. B. Beveridge, Tweedmouth, as secretaries. Last year an attractive programme of sports was arranged for Tweedmouth Feast Saturday, and the Committee, knowing that no better day could be chosen for launching a new venture in Tweedmouth, decided to incorporate the procession and the Show with these sports. During the past few months , a great deal of work has been put into arrangements for Tweedmouth’s first Show – as the inhabitants on that side of the water proudly term it, and the Committee saw the reward of their labours in the successful gathering on Saturday last in Union Park, Tweedmouth. Weather conditions were favourable and a large number of people from the Borough and district assembled off the field to inspect the stock in their pens or see them parade in the ring.


Rain Blasts Spoil Annual Sports Festival

A Flat Racer’s Day and Cyclist’s Wash-Out

The annual athletic festival held by Berwick Athletic Society was this year spoiled to some extent by the gale which prevailed and the drenching showers of rain which swept over the field at intervals. As might reasonably be expected there was a falling off in the “gate” receipts, and officials tell us that this year the enclosure was dvoid of many of its usual patrons, while country people, too, did not attend in such large numbers as usual.

The heavy rain of the previous night had rather improved the track than otherwise, and all would have been well for competitors had only the weather remained on its best behaviour. Rain, however, fell at intervals, and although it did not interfere with foot racing to any great extent, still the greasy state of the grass rendered cycling extremely hazardous. Many a good cycle race was spoiled by the back markers side-slipping when making their winning-spurts at the bend leading to the home straight, and after the second heavy shower, men who were giving away big starts took no risks. No one could blame them, as several nasty smashes had taken place previously. Fortunately there were no serious results.

The organisation was again this year well-nigh perfect, and the marksmen and officials deserve every credit for the expeditious manner in which the events were run off. Particularly we would give them credit for the way they got through the numerous heats in the boys’ and girls’ races. It was essentially a youngsters’ day. Their races had an entry which promises well for future sports, and heats were all the more interesting because everyone was a tryer.


A Fete in aid of the Ford, Etal, Pallinsburn and Milfield Nursing Association was held in the grounds of Ford castle on Thursday last in fine weather. A large gathering of people was present from the district, char-a-bancs running at intervals from Alnwick, Wooler and Berwick. The Fete was opened at 2 p.m. by Lady Francis G. Osborne, Ord House, who was introduced by Mrs Charles Mitchell, of Pallinsburn, Vice-President of the Nursing Association.

Ford Castle Ref: BRO 515-89

Lady Francis, who was accompanied by Lord Francis G. Osborne, was received with cheers. Her remarks were as follows: – Ladies and gentlemen, – If we read the newspapers of today we see there is a great movement on foot to improve the general health of the community – better housing, Infant Welfare Centres, School clinics, all are part of the same scheme. But the district nurses were at work long before such things were thought of. When we look back over their years of work we see how good it has been, and how useful, for it has enabled those people who could not otherwise afford it, to have the benefit of trained nursing in their homes in time of sickness. The expenses of running the Association are increasing and the subscriptions do not cover them, that is why this fete is being held in these beautiful grounds of this historic castle, kindly lent by Lord Joicey. I appeal to you, ladies and gentlemen to open your hearts, your hands, and your purses and make it a huge financial success for the benefit of your friends and neighbours in their time of sickness. I know declare it opened.  (Applause.)