On Tuesday evening, after the Town Council meeting, Mr Ralph Skelly, aged 86, the oldest Freeman of the Borough, was presented privately with the gold-headed staff of office by the Mayor, in the presence of the Sheriff.

Mr Robertson, the esteemed and highly respected Sub-Postmaster at Horncliffe, is resigning after holding the post for a number of years. Mr Robertson is one of the oldest and best-known regular visitors to Berwick Market every Saturday.

Inquirer- The match between Celtic and Newcastle United was played in Berwick Cricket Field on March 13, 1902. The event was to celebrate the coming of age of the Rangers’ Club. Celtic won by 4 goals to 2.

Owing to scarcity of fish Holy Island fishermen have had to put in their creels and start crab and lobster fishing.

Holy Island, The Castle and the Ouse
Holy Island Castle and the Ouse

Messrs Jas. McDougle and Sons, Bamburgh, are appointed Berwick to Alnmouth Distributing Agents for Alladin Lamps.

Belford Hall is to be sold in March by Belford and District Farmers’ Auction Mart, Ltd., instructed by T. Place, Esq.


Following upon excavations at Water Tower, at river-side end of Western Flanking Wall of Berwick Castle, work has been proceeding at and near the Tower higher up, also on westside, which adjoins Western Wall before it begins to descend to Tweed. This Tower is the Buttress Tower, which was of great strength built probably about 1280, in Reign of Edward I., when Berwick Castle was made impregnable.

REF: BRO 426/37

Excavations at Water Tower have laid bare solid foundations, the facing stones, of which the upper part of the Tower is destitute, being of fine quality. A fair amount of work has been done on the Buttress Tower, a narrow trench some 2 feet deep having been dug round the wall. Nothing, however, has as yet been disclosed except the important fact that the original facing stones are still intact below the surface of the ground. Work is proceeding and some more men may be detailed to Berwick from Norham.


In conversation with a railwayman, a few days ago, I was told of one particular instance of how motor cars are nibbling at traffic over which the railway held a complete monopoly since the Wooler Branch opened up. Traffic in rabbits, eggs, and other farm produce, was collected at all stations, large 5-ton vans being on the passenger trains for the purpose of conveying these food stuffs to southern markets. Those days are gone. A fleet of large motors visit the farms daily and collect what formerly had to be carted to the sometimes far-off stations and placed in the vans provided. The cars take full loads to Newcastle, and return with empty hampers, etc., much time and unnecessary labour being saved by the motor service now firmly established. The railway company in consequence has lost a fruitful source of revenue by the innovation, for where they used to carry hundreds of hampers weekly at one time, they scarcely carry dozens now.

Tweedmouth Burns’ Club Supper was held in the headquarters, Union Hotel, on Thursday night, 24th Jan.,  a day before the actual anniversary, this being to accommodate some who had a wish to attend other Club suppers, which were to be held on the 25th. There was an attendance of 60 members and friends, the spacious upstairs room being comfortably seated. The hour for starting was 6pm and by that time the room was showing signs of animation, while the savoury aroma floating upstairs told that the host and hostess, together with their staff of assistants, were doing their share. It may be safely stated that Tweedmouth Burns Club is keeping up its fine reputation, and maintaining its high standard of intellectual efficiency, whereby the annual gatherings are made a success.


The Mayor announced that he had just received a petition regarding the proposed new bridge, and he was of the opinion that the Council should send it to the Bridge Committee for consideration.

Coun. Dickinson seconded the Mayor’s motion that the matter be sent to the Bridge Committee and this was agreed upon.

The petition read as follows:

To His Worship the Mayor and the Members of the Town Council of Berwick -upon-Tweed.

The owners of property in and adjacent to the main throughfares leading from the Old Bridge through Bridge Street and Hide Hill and those conducting business in that district have become greatly concerned regarding the position involved by the construction of a new bridge, and recent reports of the County and Local Authorities have not dispelled the uncertainty prevailing in their minds.

View of Royal Border Bridge and The Old Bridge

So far us can be ascertained from the two routes which are now engaging the attention of the Town Council, both of which emerge directly into High Street, no provision is made for direct access to Bridge Street or its vicinity. Unless, therefore, the Old Bridge continues to be an inlet and outlet of traffic, the immediate effect of carrying out such a proposal would be the isolation of a large and important part of the town frm a great volume of traffic, and, in the opinion of the parties concerned, have the following results:-

  1. A loss of business now on the main route in that area.
  2. The depreciation of the value of the property therein.
  3. An increase in the cost of haulage and transit.

In view of such opinions those who are commercially and financially interested or otherwise connected with the question of the new bridge, so far as the south eastern area of the town in concerned, are desirous that these matters shall receive adequate considerate.

Informal, but representative meetings have been held to consider the position, but, at the suggestion of his Worship the Mayor, the parties who thus met, readily acquiesced in the view that the immediate moment is perhaps inauspicious for laying the whole of the facts before the public at large.

At such a meeting held on the 18th January, 1924 the situation was reviewed and it was unanimously resolved as follows: –

“That urgent representation be immediately made to the Town Council when considering the route of the new bridge to give earnest consideration to the special and peculiar position of the southeastern area of the Town of Berwick, and to preserve, as far as possible its present trade facilities so as to mitigate any hardship which might be inflicted upon those connected with this area.” (signed,) J.W. Blench, Chairman. H.M. Young, Secretary.





The unveiling and dedication of a memorial Reredos in memory of the men from the parish who gave their lives for their country in the Great War, together with side panels in memory of Canon Wilsden, who was Vicar of the parish from 1880 to 1910, and a lectern in memory of Miss Bessie Wilsden took place in St. Mary’s Parish Church, Wooler, on Sunday afternoon. The memorials are all made from selected Austrian oak, designed and executed by Messrs E. Douglas and Son, cabinetmakers, Wooler, and correspond with the other fittings in the chance as carried out under the restoration scheme, the design being Gothic. In the panels of the Reredos are the sixty names of those who fell from the parish. The workmanship does infinite credit to local labour.

There was a very large congregation, the church being packed to the doors. Amongst those present were the Earl and Countess Tankerville and many others.

Wooler Parish Church Ref: BRO 426/1227

The Vicar (Canon Moran) conducted the service, which opened with the hymn “The King of Love my Shepherd is.” The lessons were read by the Vicar and the Rev, J, G. Shotton. A sacred solo, “Infinite Love,” was sung by the Earl of Tankerville to organ accompaniment. The choir gave a capable rendering of Stainer’s anthem, “Who Are These?”

The Reredos and panels were unveiled by Major J. G. G. Rea, D.S.O., and the lectern was unveiled by the Rev. J. G. Shotton, at the request of near relatives and friends by whom it has been provided.

The memorials were then dedicated by Bishop of the Diocese (Dr Wild). A large number of wreaths were placed in front of the communion table by relatives and friends. The hymn “Fight the Good Fight” having been sung, the Bishop delivered a stirring address, taking for his text 1st Cor. iii., 8 –“Every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour.” The Bishop, referring to the proceedings, said the day was a very appropriate one, for it was the anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar. He paid a warm tribute to the men who went to almost certain death in that memorable month of August, 1914.

The” Last Post” was sounded, and  after a minute’s silence the Blessing was pronounced by the Bishop, which was followed by the “Reveille” and the singing of the National Anthem.

The members of the Parish Council and British Legion were also present, also the Freemasons, Sunday School children, and representatives from other places of worship.


Norham Nursing Association held a successful jumble sale in aid of the work of the Association on Wednesday afternoon, £23 5s being realised.

The dance which was held in the Public Hall on Saturday last was very well patronised, the proceeds going towards the Football Club funds. Everybody seemed to enjoy themselves very well to the delightful music of Miss Jean Smith, extras being played by Miss L. Weatherston, Sunderland. Mr J. Sheppard was at the door as usual, and Mr A. Burns was M.C.

Norham Public Hall

A whist drive and dance in aid of Norham Boat races, held on Friday evening in the Public Hall, proved a great success. The Committee intend making the whist drive and dance an annual affair in order to keep their funds in a healthy condition, prepared to meet any emergency which may arise through bad weather. Thirty-six tables were occupied and 24 games were played. At the end of the twelfth game tea and cakes were served round a number of young ladies under the supervision of Miss A. Lyall and Miss H. Rule, who kindly undertook the management of the catering. At the conclusion of the games the prize winners to be Miss Purves, Miss Wilkinson, Miss J. Wharton, and Messrs Easton, Anderson and Scott. The prizes, which were of a useful nature, were provided by local tradesmen and friends. At intervals during the dancing a Dutch auction was held, and the articles sold consisted of cakes, a canary, a cockerel, and a bottle of wine brought remarkable prices. The dance music was supplied by Miss Jean Smith in her usual able manner and was much appreciated. The whist drive and dance was voted by all present as the most enjoyable event which has taken place for some time. Thanks are due to all those friends who so kindly helped by assistance, giving cakes, tea, etc, and by lending cards and tables to make the drive so successful.


Speaking on unemployment at the central Primitive methodist Church, Newcastle, on Monday night, Sir Walter Runciman said his own opinion was that there was no necessity for all those people to be out of work. If they could not handle a mallet or plane, they could do something; and he felt assured that, if the proper policy was adopted, employment could be found for hundreds of thousands now out of work. But he himself offered work to some people the other day, and they would not do it. That reminded him of a young girl who applied for a passage to America, and when he asked her why she wanted to leave England, she said: “I can scrub doorsteps out there, but I can’t do it here.” That was just a bit of standing on one’s dignity, continued the speaker; people did not like being seen doing unaccustomed work. Yet when he was a young sailor lad he was sometimes out of work. They got low wages in those days £32 10s a month – he thought he paid £13 a month now- and rotten food; and the cost of living was just as high then. But that did where else when not at sea.

He went to dig a garden on one occasion; and another time he saw a ship coming in and buried to ask the captain if he wanted help and got the job he was after. It was only a very few shillings, but it showed what could be done if people would only adapt themselves to circumstances. If they could not do one thing, they could do another. He had heard of communities who would rather starve than take the dole, and so would he. He had himself given people employment who said they would not accept the dole.

“I tell you,” concluded Sir Walter, “that there is work if you go where it is to be found. I don’t think anyone who has work to offer would turn a man or woman away if they are willing to take it. It is necessary to go on working to keep brain and body alive. I don’t want to die yet, and I think I would if I stopped working. Don’t get into the habit of thinking you ought to retire. If you are any good at your work, keep at it as long as you can. If you are not, get another job.

“I wish some of the leaders of what they call the working class – though we are all workers-would impress on the people they profess to lead that they can get work of some fashion if they only look for it.”


A volume of Dugald MacFadyen’s humorous stories and sketches, including “Buffoon’s Who’s Zoo,” has been edited by his son, R. MacFadyen, and for those who like this sort of thing it should serve to while away a journey or a cold and dirty night. It is published by W. F. Henderson, Edinburgh, at 2s net and s 6d net in paper covers.

Under the auspices of the International Bible Students’ Association, Mr J. Mackenzie, Edinburgh, delivered a lecture in the Long Room of the Corn exchange on Sunday evening. The lecturer dealt exhaustively with the new worldwide subject, “All nations marching to Armageddon,” and the audience followed his discourse with great attention.



Jane Pattison (60), 41 Church Street, Berwick, was charged with allowing her chimney to catch fire on Saturday afternoon, October 20th. The Mayor and Councillor Bolus, as members of the Sanitary Authority, retired from the bench when this case came on.

Mrs Pattison pleaded guilty, saying it was an accident.

Church Street, 1906. Ref: BRO 0426-338

Mr Porter, Town Clerk, appearing for the Sanitary Authority, said they proposed to assume that the firing of the chimney was an accident. Mr Boyd was passing along Church Street at the time and saw huge clouds of smoke issuing from the chimney. Mrs Pattison, when spoken to, said it had been swept within the previous six weeks and gave the name of the sweep, but it was found from his books that it had been swept last on August 2nd– 11 weeks ago. There were frequent cases of this sort in the borough, and the Sanitary Authority had been compelled to take proceedings. All that he would ask for was costs, the case to serve as a warning. In future cases he would press for a penalty.




Rangers…………..3 Civil Service Strollers (h)…….1

Even the most ardent supporter of Berwick Rangers had “his doots” regarding the ability of the Yellow and Black to pull off the semi-final of the East of Scotland Qualifying Cup, and such scepticism was justified by the Civil Service Strollers having a good team together this year and the added advantage of home venue. The result therefore of a win for the Berwick lads after a game in which they held the whiphand throughout gave some credit to the prophets who in recent weeks have foretold a more successful run for the Rangers since their play has improved.


There was no denying the superiority of the Rangers on the day’s play and even supporters of the Edinburgh Club admitted that their team was well beaten. The Berwick team was smart on the ball and all their attacks were made with method. Much of the good work came from good advice and general ship shown by Atkinson. Harvey was not killed with work but what he had to do he did well. Younger showed good form at back and what he slipped Haswell got. Atkinson was the outstanding man of the half line with Wakenshaw a close second. The Borthwick-Johnston wing showed splendid football and though they had not the luck to get goals they were the means of leading up to two of them. Wilson was one of the most useful men in the team and was always on the spot while Purves distributed well and played an improved game. Of the home team Bridges and Lamb played a sound game at back while McLaren at centre half was splendid in defence. The forwards were a nippy lot but once the Rangers’ defence got their measure they seldom had a look in. There was little to chose between them, but Sutherland and Purves took the eye most.





(To Editor “Berwick Journal”)

13 Reynold’s Place, Toronto, Canada.

Sir- Following up a suggestion made in “Berwick Journal” last year, I have discussed here with several Berwickers, the holding of a picnic in Toronto at Tweedmouth Feast time. The proposal and arrangements are being made to hold pic-nic at High Park, Toronto, on Saturday, (Tweedmouth Feast Eve), July 21, to which all natives of Berwick and district are cordially invited.

Tweedmouth Feast, 1965 Programme. Ref: BRO 1864/18/10

I have received promises from quite a number, (but as there may be many in this District of Canada whom I am unable to communicate with, I would be pleased to have you publish this letter in your widely read Paper, so that anyone who gets the “Berwick Journal” out here – ( and every Borderer does) – may know of the coming event, which will link us up with our Homeland at Tweedmouth Feast-time.

Those who read “Berwick Journal” at Home, and have friends out  here, might please send them out word; and anyone here wishing to be present can obtain particulars on phoning me at North 7241.

With good weather pleasant and happy day may be spent and many tales of “Ye Olde Towne” talked over by those who though thousands of miles away are with “Berwick Journal” and the Homeland in spirit in this Great Annual Re-Union of Tweedmouth Feast – yours, etc., Wm. Hogg, Sir.

This letter from our old friend Mr Hogg brings joy to us, for Berwickers and Borderes in Canada are going to do a very good thing- celebrate Tweedmouth Feast some thousands of miles from Home; and this is a thing which might be done by Natives of Borderland now in every Colony and Outpost of Empire. It is one of the best way of linking up with Home, and at opportune time, when Tweedmouth Feast brings many Exiles back again to their “Ain Folk”.

We give here a photograph of Mr Hogg and another Berwicker, Mr Alec. Barrie, sent Home to us from Canada, where it was recently taken.

Many old Berwickers and Borderers will remember well the faces above portrayed, and they will kindle many happy memories of Auld Lang Syne – Editor, “Berwick Journal”.


The past week has had little else to record, but election fever. Not probably in the entire history of the Berwick Constituency had a contest been fraught with more excitement than that on Thursday last. The supporters of each candidate were all for a time equally confident of the final issue. Many were the prognostications from day to day, but even the best forecast came a long way off the result. The fact of the matter was that it was not a question of politics at all, but rather of sentiment, and when the result of the polling was declared there is no doubt, that the figures for the Conservative candidate surpassed by far the most sanguine anticipations of her most enthusiastic supporters.


A Constituency so traditionally Liberal has not turned Conservative on the question of politics. Belford which at one time actually voted 99 per cent. Liberal was on this occasion as red wellnigh as it was possible to be. The wave of sentiment caught on all over ere the polling day, and from that, and that alone, Mrs Philipson received her very handsome majority. On Friday night she was enthusiastically received at every at every village from Alnwick to Berwick. At Belford her car was met by some of the younger stalwarts, and ropes being attached, it was hauled through the village to the Market Cross, from where Mrs Philipson addressed a great crowd. Mrs Philipson very unfortunately had completely lost her voice and could only whisper to her husband the message she wished him to convey to her supporters, whom she ardently desired to thank. The car was afterwards gain taken in tow and pulled well up the North Bank. Certainly not in the memory of any Belfordian can there have been greater excitement evidenced than that seen-on Friday night. Long before the arrival of the candidate the Street was thronged with an expectant crowd, and her appearance was greeted with the greatest enthusiasm. Mrs Philipson spent some time amongst the crowd, shaking hands with those whose acquaintance she had made at the previous election.



As we were on the point of going to Press, we were informed that a Spittal man has been killed this day on the railway near Tweedmouth.

It seems that the engine driver of a south going train some time after noon saw what appeared to be a body on the line south of Tweedmouth, and he drew the attention of some workmen who had been on the line in Scremerston direction; and they found the dead man badly mangled and mutilated, having been, apparently, run over by a passing express train.

The unfortunate man is Jas. Laidlaw, aged 52, fisherman, Spittal, who used to live in Princes St. alone, but who has, for the past 6 weeks, been living with his sister Mrs Thompson, 52 Middle St., Spittal.

Laidlaw has been ill for some time, and depressed, and was, we hear, to go to Edinburgh infirmary for an operation.

The remains were conveyed to Berwick Mortuary; and an inquest will be held by the Coroner.



A wedding of much local interest was solemnised in Wallace Green Church, Berwick, today, the contracting parties being Miss Phoebe Holmes, 3rd daughter of the late Coun. Ralph S. Holmes and Mrs Holmes, bridge Street, Berwick, and Mr James Edward Ogg, Cockburnspath. The Church was tastefully decorated with palms, plants and greenery.

Wallace Green Church, Ref: BRO 1636/9/5

As the bride leaning on the arm of her mother (who gave her away) came up the aisle the “Bridal March” from Wagner was played. The bride wore a charming dress of white satin broche (draped) and caught at the side with a brilliant and pearl buckle; the yoke and sleeves were embroidered with pearls. Her shoes were of silver, and her bouquet was of white laburnum and forget-me-nots. She was attended by 3 bridesmaids, Miss Doris S. Holmes and Misses Marjory Mc. C Willits and J. and G. Patricia Willits (nieces). Miss Holmes wore a smart dress of aluminum grey broche crepe-de-chene, trimmed with steel ornaments. She wore a black picture hat and carried a black and silver brocade bag with ivory top. The little bridesmaids looked dainty in white crepe-de-chene dresses and lace hats with pink ruching carrying ivory topped white satin bags.

The best man was Mr R. Oliver, Jedburgh.

The bride’s mother was attired in black charmeuse and wore a hat of black with Birds of Paradise tails.

The bride and bridegroom were recipients of many beautiful presents. The scholars of Cockburnspath and a number of friends presented the bride with a canteen of stainless cutlery in a beautiful framed oak case, with suitable inscription, on the occasion of her marriage. Miss Holmes has been a teacher in the school for 8 years, and has taken a great interest in her work, and has been much appreciated by the community. The Staff at Cockburnspath Post Office and late staff Oldhamstocks Post Office, presented the bridegroom with a beautiful smoker’s cabinet in polished oak, with bevelled glass panels and doors.

The staff of Messrs R. Holmes and Son, presented the bride with a beautiful entrée dish Mr R. Smith made the presentation.


1,400 of its Staff To The War


“To the glorious memory” of the 85 members of the Staff of William Whiteley, Limited, who made the supreme sacrifice in the War, a Memorial was unveiled on Friday on the firm’s premises, at Westbourne-grove, London, by Field-Marshal Lord Methuen.

Worked in bronze, the Memorial represents the figure of a recumbent warrior, wrapped In a Union Jack with Britannia at the head and Charity weeping at the foot. Behind is a marble tablet bearing the names of the fallen.

Every member of the Staff, numbering 5,000, was present at the Service, held beneath the central dome, the 4 circular galleries, being draped with the flags of the Allies. The Store was closed for half an hour.

Mr John Lawrie, Managing Director pf the Firm (noted Berwickshire Native, who lost his only son after gallant and distinguished deeds in the field), said 1,4000 of its employees went to the War, 13 won distinctions, and on was awarded Victoria Cross.

After unveiling the Memorial, Lord Methuen said we had had to face relentless enemy with patience, courage, and chivalry, and we had now among us an insidious foe that would do its upmost, not only in England, but in Europe, to destroy what had been handed down to us. The future was full of anxious thought. We had hitherto trusted to our great Navy, but that would be in the air. He was not one of those soldiers who wished to see this country a military nation, but he did feel what we had to do today was to see that our country had always a perfect assurance it was in a proper state of defence. We had no greater duty than to bring up our young as we should wish our forefathers to have brought us up. We should inculcate in them love of Country and love for God.

At the conclusion of the ceremony upwards of 100 beautiful wreaths were placed at the foot of the Memorial.