The Rural District Council met in the Board Room of the Workhouse, Belford, on Wednesday afternoon, Dr Macaskie, Medical Officer and Mr T. Dodd, Surveyor and Sanitary Inspector, were present.
Dr. Macaskie reported that he had received a circular from the Ministry of health dealing with the question of cancer, in view of the great and increasing amount of suffering and death due to this disease. The circular was a long one but he submitted important points. During the last 20 years cancer has increased by 20 per cent and tuberculosis had declined by 38 per cent.
The disease may to a certain extent be prevented by the removal of rough stumps of teeth or bad fitting dental plates, a change of habit in pipe smoking and attention to the functions of the stomach and bowels. Cancer in the early stages may be quite painless. This is a danger and leads to delay in seeking medical advice being generally sought too late.
Within a week from the last outbreak of fire on a farm in the Ladykirk district, another configuration took place in the early hours of Saturday morning on the farm of West Ladykirk, occupied by Mr Fleming. The fire had got a good hold on the steading buildings when it was discovered shortly after two o’clock and the farmer immediately came off by motor to Berwick to summon the fire brigade.
The Berwick brigade left shortly after three o’clock and proceeded with the hand pumping engine to the scene of the outbreak, but on arrival there it was found that the Ladykirk House engine was already in attendance and there was not much water available for playing upon the fire. Farm workers and others in the district rendered every assistance to the brigades whose energies were devoted to pulling down the burning grain from the stacks and keeping the fire within bounds. Happily, the wind was favourable to the work of fighting the fire, otherwise the whole of the farm buildings hight have been wiped out. Some difficulty was experienced in getting the horses and stock from the stables and byres as the animals were scared and almost unmanageable. They were all got safely out, however, but the buildings were entirely gutted.
Eight stacks of new grain were entirely destroyed, and the damage done to buildings and machinery is considerable.
A special meeting of the Northumberland County Council was held in the Moot Hall, Newcastle, on Thursday morning, under the chairmanship of Sir Francis D. Blake, Bart., for the purpose of considering the adoption of the Local Government and Other Officers’ Superannuation Act. 1922, particulars of which we have already published.
The Chairman moved the adoption of the report of the establishment Committee which recommended the adoption of the Act, to come into operation on March 31, 1924. He regretted that the attendance was small, as the matter was one of considerable importance. When they remembered that their staff, which was administering the pensions of police and teachers, had no pension themselves, it became an increasing obligation on the Council to make some provision such as was now proposed. So far as he knew, Somersetshire was the only County Council which had rejected the Act, but the decision had been reached by such a small majority that it was being re-considered. What was going to be the position of a county which rejected an Act, which, in his opinion, was a measure of justice? Would they have command of the best officials and servants if they were one of the only counties to reject the pension. He thought it was in their own interest, as well as in the interests of those who gave long, faithful and valuable service, that they should adopt the Act. The salaries of the staff at the present time compared but poorly with those in other parts of the country, and especially in their own immediate neighbourhood. The cost to the rates was less than a halfpenny in the £.
Mr R. Browell, while offering no objection to the scheme as a whole, asked if the Act made provision for workmen, and, if so, what would be the actuary’s report as to the cost, if workmen were included in the scheme.
The Chairman replied that the Act did provide for workmen, but if the Council wished to consider this inclusion it would have to be under a new scheme, based upon the actuarial report. He was under the impression that the great trade unions of the country had not welcomed the Act as being of much assistance to workmen.
Mr Browell said he did not know what attitude the trade unions had adopted, but he wanted to be assured that the County Council would look as favourably upon a scheme for the officials and staff.
The Chairman replied that he could not pledge the County Council.
(Full article can be read in Berwick Advertiser, 28th September 1923)
The Depot are holding a “Cinderella” dance in the Barracks Gymnasium commencing at 7.30 pm on Friday 28th, in aid of the Borderers’ Club, Edinburgh. The main feature of the dance will be the music, as a band of seven players has been engaged for the evening.
Honorary members of the Sergeants’ Mess, Depot King’s Own Scottish Borderers, are requested to return their membership cards for revision as soon as possible to enable fresh roll to be completed.
The Berwick Detachment, 7th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers, will provide a guard to honour at the unveiling of the Berwick War Memorial on 11th November, and ranks who wish to parade that day are being asked to notify Sergt. Loder immediately as drills will have to be held during next month to practice parades. Earl Haig will inspect the guard of honour after the memorial is unveiled. The Depot K.O.S.B. are finding the guard of honour for Earl Haig.

The near relatives of the fallen who have not yet applied for reserved seats at the unveiling should do so without delay to Lieut-Col. W. B. Mackay, 23 Castlegate. The accommodation is very limited and after the 30th September, it will be strictly allotted according to applications received and the requirements of other quests. The committee most earnestly desire that no relative entitled to a seat should be excluded, but seats cannot be reserved unless application is made before the end of this month.
It is officially stated by the War Office that 13,158,964 medals for services in the Great War hane now been distributed. This total is made up as follows:-
1914 Stars 363,825
1914-15 Stars 2,057,913
British War Medals 5,465,442
Victory Medals 5,050,367
Distinguished Conduct Medals 33,070
Meritorious Service Medals 29,223
Military Medals 129,828
Territorial War Medals 29,296
But one great difficulty that still faces the War Office in the matter of distribution is the fact that so many men entitled to awards have not kept their Record Offices informed of their correct addresses. As a matter of fact hundreds of medals are still being returned through the Post Office to the War Office or Record Offices because those entitled cannot be found. All men who have not received their medals are due should communicate with the Officer-in-Charge of Records of the particular regiment in which they last served, giving full name and regimental number.
At a general Committee meeting of Berwick Labour Party, held on Friday, 21st Sept., Mr Gibbon, District Organiser, who was present, reviewed the recent election campaign.
At the commencement of his address he reported on the financial position of the election funds, which was very satisfactory, a small balance being left in hand after all expenses had been paid. In course of his speech Mr Gibbon said a large number of people had been disappointed with the measure of support Labour had received in the recent election. In his opinion Labour did exceedingly well seeing this was the first time this Division had been contested. A few years ago when contesting a constituency for the first time they considered they had done well f they secured one in five of the votes cast at the first time of asking. They would have done even better if they had had cars to convey their supporters to the poll.
In some cases voters had seven miles to walk to the polling stations, a distance which meant that only the ablest of people had the opportunity to record their vote. Every endeavour should be kade to have this state of affairs altered and an adequate number of polling stations provided.
Labour workers, Mr Gibbon said, had every reason to congratulate themselves on the fight they had been able to put so early in their life as a political party in this division.