A very interesting musical exhibition was given by the pupils of the Beal School on Friday afternoon the whole performance testifying to the careful tuition imparted by the head teacher, Mr W. F. Blackham, and his assistant, Miss M. Reid. Since his appointment Mr Blackham has evinced much zeal and careful attention in the discharge of his responsible duties, and the result was that the short musical programme was most capably sustained on Friday, adding a pleasurable feeling in the minds of the distinguished ladies of the district, who graced the proceedings with their presence. Mrs Leyland, Haggerston Castle, presided, and there were also present, the Hon. Lady Lambton, Miss Joan Leyland, Mrs Patinson, Lowlyn, and Mr M. A. Coates, estate agent.

These gave several dainty and beautiful prizes of books, knitting cases, work baskets, etc., to the pupils who had gained distinction in their studies. Mr Blackham said he was sure that they were all very pleased to be present on that occasion to receive these prizes, and they meant more than their actual value to the successful pupils. Some might be disappointed, but he hoped those who had not been able to secure a prize would go away in the resolve and determination that they would obtain one next year. By doing so they would help themselves, and lead to better results in the school next year. (Applause.) He had received an apology from the Vicar, the Rev. W. C. Harris, who had kindly sent two prizes.
Concert – A Concert organised by Mr Ferguson was held in the Archbold Hall, Wooler, in aid of British prisoners in Germany. The hall was crowded, most of the leading families in the district being represented. The performers were Miss K. Vincent, Mrs C. E. Brown, Mr W, Adamson, and Captain Collingwood, also the Pom Pom Pierrots, consisting of Mrs Collingwod, Miss Collingwood, Miss Ivy Fenwick, Miss Walker, Capt. Collingwood, and Mr Ferguson. The accompanists were Miss Vincent, Mr Smith, and Mr Ferguson. The proceeds amounted to about £24, the event being a great success.

Mr George Lumsden, who has completed 50 years as a member of Berwick Board of Guardians and Norham, and Islandshires Rural District Council, is in his 78th year, and one of the oldest active cyclists on the Borders. For 34 years he farmed Shoreswood Farm, near Norham; and in his younger days was a keen hunting man. He can remember the last person – a woman – in Berwick stocks.
Arrangements for New Groups
Active arrangements are being made in Berwick for the accommodation of the new groups about to be called up under Lord Derby’s scheme. It is understood that the Royal Scots occupying the huts on the Parade will be transferred to various halls in the town, and that the new recruits will be accommodated in the vacated huts. The mobilisation of the new men should materially add to the number of soldiers in Berwick. Some 200 turned up at the Barracks on Thursday and were dispatched to their various regiments in the course of the day. A further number of recruits were expected to arrive for the K.O.S.B. by train on Thursday night.

At Berwick Petty Sessions on Friday, before Messrs A. L. Miller (presiding) and A. J. Dodds, Mark Rutherford, an ex Police Superintendent, was charged with unlawfully wounding his wife, Isabella Rutherford on the previous day at lodgings at 17 Dock Road, Tweedmouth.
The Chief Constable explained that it was a case of unlawfully wounding, and he would ask for a remand until Thursday.
The complainer gave evidence to effect that the defendant struck her on the left hand side of the head with a walking stick. He had been drinking for some time past, and they had quarrelled. There was a large knob on the head of the stick, and a doctor had to be called to dress the wounds.
Police Sergeants Wilson and Moore also gave evidence as to apprehending the accused on the charge, the defendant being conveyed to the Police Station in a cart.
Mrs Colthard gave evidence to the fact that the defendant and his wife had been lodging in her house at 17 Dock Road and that she heard them quarrelling on the day mentioned.
The accused was remanded till Thursday morning.