One of the items alluded to by the Medical Officer of Health was the dangerous state of the two swimming ponds. He did so in connection with the healthy and invigorating effect such exercises as swimming have on a community. He called attention to the need of a catch rope round the walls of the ponds in case of accident. It was a most proper recommendation, but unfortunately not the slightest notice was taken of it. The bathing season, it is true, is now finished for another year, but at the same time there was no harm in the doctor mentioning the matter to the public body he so faithfully serves. In Montrose, for instance, there are life lines on the beach where bathing is indulged in, and it is very necessary. The plain fact is that the chief difficulty apparently in carrying out improvements in Berwick is the lack of sufficient money, but it is nevertheless the business of public officials in their reports to urge the absolute need of certain improvements being accomplished, allowing the Town Council to take the responsibility of giving effect to these.

Fined for Shooting a Plover- Robert Linklater, Westoe, South Shields, was charged, at Belford Petty Sessions, with shooting and killing a green plover, at Warenford, on the 9th September. When charged with the offence by P.C. Pike, the accused said he did not know that these birds were protected. Superintendent T. Bolton, Alnwick, who prosecuted, told the Bench that the Order had been in force for several years, and it was astonishing the number or persons who pleaded the same excuse. A fine of half a crown was inflicted.

Educational Entertainment for Berwick School Children- The Directors of the “Playhouse” have arranged with Berwick Educational Committee for a programme of educational films to be shown free of charge to the school children of the Borough on Thursday and Friday afternoons, October 7th and 8th, at 2.30p.m. The balcony will be reserved for the public at admission 6d. The programme is :- How Eggs are Tested; Malta; the Making of Motor Tyres, the Kestrel and the Harvest Mouse; the French Army in Alsace; Chrysanthemums; the Octopus, Children of Tulip Land ( coloured); Switzerland; and Alpine Soldiers.

BRO 1250-123
Presentation- On Saturday evening last, the night workmen at Scremerston Colliery presented Mr and Mrs Richard Collins with tokens of their good will and appreciation on their leaving the district for Pegswood, where Mr Collins has received another appointment. Mr Collins received the present of a fountain pen and an umbrella, while Mrs Collins was the recipient of a nice dressing case. The presentation took place in the large room of the Miners Arms, kindly lent for the occasion by Mrs Cuthbert. Mr Carson, in making the presentation, expressed his deep regret and that of the men in losing the company of Mr Collins, who for the last six years had taken a keen interest and a prominent part in the social life of the place. They would all wish him success in his new sphere of work at Pegswood. Mr Collins briefly replied. A social evening was afterwards spent, the following being the programme:-
Selection-“Old Melodies, “ Concertina Band
Concertina solo– “March, the Liberty Bell, “ T. Cameron
Song– “My playmates of long ago, “ H. Drysdale
Step Dance- “Hornpipe,” Geo. Mason
Song– “When you and I were young, Maggie, “- T. Cameron
Violin and Concertina Duet– “Norma, “ Messrs Mason and Cameron
Selection– “Scotch Melodies, “ Concertina Band
Selection– “Favourite Airs, “ Concertina Band
Concertina solo– “Alice, where art thou?” T. Cameron
Song- “Tom Bowling, “ T. Hill
Song– “The Pitman’s Courtship, “ T. McLeod
Concertina solo– “The Bagpipes, “ Geo. Forsyth
Song– “Mary, “ T. Cameron
Song– “Flora McDonald’s Lament, “ T. Mcleod
Selection– “Reels, Jigs, Strathspeys, Hornpipes, “ Concertina Band
“God Save the King.”