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This Week in World War One, 18 June 1915

Berwick Advertiser title 1915





Lady Allendale has received numerous postcards and letters from prisoners interned in Germany, acknowledging parcels sent to them, for which they are most grateful.

One prisoner, writing from Munster, Westphalia, asks for cocoa, sugar, milk, Golden Syrup, Hovis bread, Woodbines, and soap. He says he is only allowed to write two letters a month, so, if this regulation applies to other prisoners, this will account for parcels not being acknowledged regularly.

Lady Allendale understands that at some of the prisons luxuries are not allowed. Therefore, it is advisable only to send such articles of food as bread (brown is best), biscuits, butter, dripping, cocoa, and milk. Anything in the way of luxuries, such as sweets, chocolate, and cakes, are liable to be confiscated.


Poster National Egg Collection for the wounded
Poster National Egg Collection for the wounded




FOR WOUNDED SOLDIERS: On Sunday afternoon last a united missionary and egg service was held in the Archbold Hall at which there was a good attendance. The Rev. H. Proctor gave an interesting address on mission work in West Africa where he had laboured for some years. All were invited to bring fresh eggs to be sent to the British Red Cross Society for our wounded soldiers and sailors. A collection was also taken in aid of missionary work. The Rev. N. Reid was chairman. At the united service on Sunday in the Archbold Hall, nearly 500 eggs were collected for the wounded soldiers and sailors, and over £3 was taken for the Missionary cause.


A Splendid Acquisition to the Town


The outcome of the enterprise and labour of a number of the working men in Berwick was witnessed at the Old Bowling Green, Ravesdowne, on Monday evening, when the Mayor (Mr Thomas Wilson) opened the Berwick Public Bowling Green. The mayor was accompanied by the Sheriff (Mr E. W. Stiles), Mr D.H.W. Askew, Castle Hills, Mr H. G. McCreath, Mr J. Elder, Dr C. L. Fraser, Rev. R. C. Inglis and the Secretary of the Club, Mr A. Carstairs. There was a large attendance to witness the opening ceremony.

Area marked as Former Tennis Court, Ravensdowne, Berwick-upon-Tweed. 1900's
Area marked as Former Tennis Court, Ravensdowne, Berwick-upon-Tweed. 1900’s

The proposal to have a public Bowling Green in Berwick has been afoot for some time and to expedite the matter a public meeting was called in the Town Hall where it was decided to canvas the town for subscriptions. A good sum of money was obtained but not of a sufficient amount to enable a green to be laid out, for the outbreak of war in a great measure stopped the flow of subscriptions. A splendid opportunity was afforded the Committee when the old bowling green behind the barracks was advertised to be let, and the Committee have entered into a five years lease. This green was where the Berwick Bowling Club first started and it was vacant for some time after that club laid out their green at the Stanks. Later it was occupied for bowls by the officers of the King’s Own Scottish Borderers, but latterly the ground has been utilised for playing of tennis. The turf is in a good state of preservation, and with a little care and attention the surface will soon be made quite suitable for playing. Its condition on Monday evening was excellent considering the short time spent in improving it.


Mr Jos. Seals, in calling upon the Mayor to declare the green open, said: – The origin of this movement took place some few months ago. Berwick Town Council was approached with a view to providing as they do in other towns, a public bowling green to be within the financial reach of the working classes. Owing to their having so much in hand they found it impossible to carry out what was required. The Mayor kindly suggested that a public meeting be called, and from that meeting we have this green. We commenced to canvas the town for subscriptions to assist financially and as far as we went the town responded right nobly, but owing to the war we had necessity to cease asking for subscriptions owing to the very large number of necessities that had arisen from the war. The matter then lay for some time until it was seen in the papers that the green was to be let. A committee meeting was called and without hesitation it was decoded to take the green and bring the matter to a successful issue to the best of our ability. We still have a need for more financial support but we have sufficient confidence in the public spirit of the Borough to know that that need will be supplied. We propose in some way to make arrangements for allowing the different bodies of soldiers in the town to play on the green. We should like to let them play free but as that would be killing the goose which lays the golden egg, we will meet them in the best way we can.  I have great pleasure in calling upon the Mayor to open this green, and I may add that we have had assistance from the beginning and our success in a very large measure is due to him. (Applause)


The Mayor said: let me congratulate this Committee of Berwick Public Green for having done such a great work as this. I have much pleasure in declaring the green open and I hope it will be taken advantage of by the working class. (Loud applause)

The Mayor, thereafter played the first bowl and was followed by the Sheriff, Mr Askew, and  Mr. McCreath.

Play was free to visitors for the evening and a most enjoyable game was played.





Royal Scots…………………..1                                  Berwick Rovers…………………..0

Without doubt a larger crowd has never gathered at the Stanks, Berwick, than that which viewed the match on Thursday evening between the 2/10th Royal Scots, and Berwick Rovers, at which a collection was taken in aid of the funds of the Berwick Queen’s Nurses. By kind permission of Colonel Peterkin, the Royal Scots Piper Band paraded the principal street before the match, and drew large

The Stanks, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland.  Grazing sheep, 1900s. Ref: BRO 2103-6-32
The Stanks, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland. Grazing sheep, 1900s Ref: BRO 2103-6-32

crowds to the venue of play. Collectors were busy amongst the crowd during the match, and the excellent sum of £8 10s was realised. The arrangements for the match were in the hands of Mr. A. A. Crisp, High Street, Berwick. The teams chosen were: Royal Scots-Corpl. Hill ( Queensferry St Andrew’s); Lance Corpl. Hay (Wemyss Athletic) and Pte.Trupe ( Juvenile); Corpl. Anderson ( Juvenile), Pte.Valentine ( Bathgate Primrose), and Pte.Preston ( Bathgate), Sergt. Brown (Armadale Rangers), Corpl. Jameison (Vale of Grange), Pte. McIver (Juvenile), and Pte. Middleton (Linlithgow Rose.) Berwick Rovers- W. Ferguson; R.T. Tait and E.N.Fenby; D.Redfearn, H. Burgon, J.Paul; J. Weatherburn, C. Barth, A. Weatherburn, G. Mofatt, and J. Scobie.

This Week in World War One, 4 June 1915

Berwick Advertiser title 1915







At a meeting of the Berwick Town Council on Tuesday evening, the Mayor stated that he had received intimation from the Rev. Robt. Leggatt, Bankhill Church, that there was to be a memorial service held on Sunday evening first for those brave local soldiers who had fallen in France. Two or three of these were members of Mr Leggatt’s Church, and he asked if the Mayor and Town Council might perhaps countenance the service. There would be no procession from the Town Hall. He (the Mayor) hoped that as many of the Council as possible would see their way to accompany him in the Church. By doing so they would be paying the last rites to the brave young men belonging to the town who had fought their battles. The service began at six o’clock pm.

The Zion Presbyterian Chapel (Bankhill Church), Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland. Ref: BRO 1613-44
The Zion Presbyterian Chapel (Bankhill Church), Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland. Ref: BRO 1613-44



Berwick Fair was observed on Friday and was opened in the time honoured fashion by the Mayor, Sheriff, and Corporation marching in procession round the grounds, and formally declaring it open. There was a large influx of country visitors, and during the day the streets presented a busy and animated appearance. The customary stalls were erected in the High Street, and the majority of these vended china and dishes, while there were also a few hardware booths.

Berwick-upon-Tweed May Fair, 1968. Ref No. BRO 2103-1-624
Berwick-upon-Tweed May Fair, 1968.
Ref No. BRO 2103-1-624

The town bells at intervals rung out merry peals and, with the hoisting of the flags, the streets had a holiday aspect. The fair was duly opened at mid-day, when the Mayor, Sheriff, and officials, headed by the Chief Constable, members of the Burgh Police, and the Sergeants-at-Mace, marched through the fair grounds and formally declared proceedings open. The progress of the civic pageant was a subject of much interest to the assembled crowds. On returning to the Town Hall refreshments were served, the toast of “The King” being honoured.

At The Parade a number of merry-go-rounds and fair booths were erected, and these did a good trade throughout the day and evening. Notwithstanding the large influx of visitors the proceedings connected with it, the Fair fortunately passed off with out any untoward incident or serious crime. The stalls in the High Street remained open till Wednesday evening and continued to do good business.

On Saturday there was again a large influx of visitors into the town, although not so large as on previous Fair Saturdays, consequent upon the abandonment of the Horse Procession this year. Rain fell heavily in the morning, but as the day advanced it cleared up. A cold north wind however, prevailed the whole of the day and towards evening had quite a mid-winter feeling rather than the genial warmth of mid-summer.

Berwick Advertiser 4 June 1915 Hall's Wine
Berwick Advertiser 4 June 1915 Hall’s Wine


Advert for T. H. Lawsons. Berwick Advertiser 4 June 1915





Owing to the war, it was this year decided not to hold the annual fair Horse Procession, but the annual competition for the Sanderson Challenge Shield for the best kept horse during the year was held. This year there were three competitors. The judging took place in Sandgate and was undertaken by Mr P. Edgar, Camphill, assisted by the Secretary, Mr Ralph, Bradford, Tweedmouth. Mr J. Bryson, Tweedmouth, who has won the Shield on two previous occasions, won it this year again, and it now becomes his property. Hugh Fisackerly took second prize and R. Swinney third. In presenting the shield to the winner, Mrs Wilsden congratulated him on the beautiful condition of his horse and for the care and attention he had bestowed upon it.

This Week in World War One, 7 May 1915

Berwick Advertiser title 1915







Before the Mayor ( Thos. Wilson, Esq.), and Captain Norman, R.N.


Bright Lights- Mr Wm. Kirk Hawkins, cabinet- maker, Berwick, was charged that he did unlawfully allow a bright light to show in his window in Hide Hill, Berwick, at 11.10 p.m. on the 30th April. The charge was brought up under the Defence of the Realm Act. Defendant said, in pleading guilty, he was quite unconscious of the offence. The Chief Constable said it was the third time the defendant had been cautioned. Sergeant Wilson said he saw a very bright light coming from one of the bedrooms in the top window. He stood several minutes, but the light never went up. Witness rang the bell, and defendant put his head over the window complained and asked what he wanted. Witness told defendant the light was too bright, and told him to put it out, and defendant called down and told him to be more civil. Defendant said he had been very careful, and was sorry to be there that day under such circumstances. Fined 12s 6d, the Mayor stating that in future cases persons brought up for the same offence would be more severely dealt with.



If there is one conspicuous feature about our Corn Exchange it is its noble commanding  dome, and the brilliance of the light streaming down through the expansive and glittering canopy. No wonder there were reasonable apprehensions and fears at the approach of the recent grand concert held on behalf of the Berwick Improvised Hospitals, for it was realised that unless the interior light could be sufficiently obscured the blaze of illuminant penetrating to the sky would be an infringement of the emergency bye-laws, possibly leading to the upsetting of the very laudable object aimed by the  promoters. It was at such a critical juncture that Mr Angwin, manager of the Electrical Supply Company, came to the rescue of the local committee.

Image from the Berwick Advertiser 4 December 1858, opening of the newly erected Corn Exchange, Berwick-upon-Tweed.
Image from the Berwick Advertiser 4 December 1858, opening of the newly erected Corn Exchange, Berwick-upon-Tweed.

 He so manipulated and arranged the lamps of the  Corn Exchange that these fully met the  requirements of the Chief Constable. The lighting  of the Exchange if deprived of its usual brilliance  on the other hand presented a mellow and homely  effect, and was certainly in this respect in  consonance with the strenuousness of the critical  times in which we live. The result of the concert  was a most pronounced success, and Mr  W.J.Dixon, on behalf of Colonel Fraser, R.A.M.C.  (T.), made a neat little speech of thanks. the  appearance of Boy Scouts, under the command of  Scoutmaster R. C. Clements, was an attractive  feature, and they lent material assistance in the  sale of programmes.





The 307th time of Riding the Bounds of Berwick was observed on Monday when a large crowd assembled on the Parade to watch the start. There were only six equestrians as compared with nine on the previous year, while there were nine drawn vehicles containing citizens who preferred the more sedate and leisurely mode of travelling. Ideal weather favoured the  function.

BRO 1944/1/149/1 Riding of the Bounds, Parade, Berwick-upon-Tweed, 1952
BRO 1944/1/149/1 Riding of the Bounds, leaving the Parade, Berwick-upon-Tweed, 1952

Sharp to the mid-day hour the horsemen set off by the way of the fields, the brakes proceeded by Church Street, High Street, Castlegate and North Road. As usual  at Mordington the school children were lined up in expectation of their usual supply of oranges from Chief Constable Nicholson of which they received an ample share engaging in an amusing scramble as the fruit was thrown amongst them. At Canty’s Bridge the horsemen indulged in their usual races. At the Inn a supply of refreshments on a liberal scale were served out.  On returning to Berwick a short halt was made at the Town Hall where the Mayor returned his thanks to those who had accompanied him in the historical ceremony, and in return hearty cheers were raised for thee Mayor, the Mayoress, and their little daughter.

The horsemen were:- Mr John Lauder, Burnbank, Foulden; the Messrs Waites, Castlehills and Mr Collingwood, who was accompanied by Miss Collingwood.





A monthly meeting of Berwick Education Committee was held in the Council Chamber of the Town Hall on Wednesday morning. The Chairman, Mr W.J. Dixon, presided, and others present were:- Ald. Greenwood, Capt. Norman, R.N. Messers C. Forsyth, A.J. Dodds, Jos. Watson, E. Brewis, A.D. Watt, J. McDonald, W. C. Richardson, along with the Clerk ( Mr Jas. Gibson) and the Borough Treasurer, Mr T.C. Smith.


The Chairman, prior to the commencement of the business, made the following feeling reference to the death of Sergeant L. S. T. Jones of the 7th N.F., who has been killed in action:- before proceeding with the business of the meeting I refer with the deepest regret to the sad death of Sergeant L. S. T. Jones of the 7th N.F., who was killed in action on 26th April. As a teacher in St. Mary’s School he was beloved alike by his fellow teachers and the children. The Education Committee have lost a good and competent teacher and the borough a useful and promising citizen. As President of Berwick and District Harriers I was intimately associated with him in this branch of sport, he being one of our best and gamest cross-country runners. Only a few weeks ago he was second in a military cross-country run at Blyth. I ever found him a keen and genuine sportsman, and as a sportsman he has died the most glorious death a man can die- fighting for his King and Country. I now move a resolution that a letter be sent to his relatives from this Committee expressing our sincere sympathy with them in their sad bereavement, and our admiration of his gallant conduct; and ask Captain Norman, a Manager of St. Mary’s School, to second the resolution.

Captain Norman in seconding said:- Mr Jones was a teacher of great ability and much promise, devoted to his work, and became a great favourite of staff and scholars alike during his four years service as certificated assistant. His work has been commended by Inspectors, especially in drawing, in which he was highly qualified. His interest in the boys led him to form a drill and gymnasium class. He entered thoroughly into and took a leading part on the games and sports. In promoting swimming, and football, and harriers races his efforts were unceasing. I am sure that the boys as well as the teachers of his school will very keenly feel his loss; and I should like to extend these remarks by saying that a man of that sort is a most serious loss not only to his own immediate circle, but to the community in which for the last 4 years he has been usefully engaged.

The resolution was unanimously adopted, the members the while standing.


In Memory of
1384, 1st/7th Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers who died 26 April 1915, aged 25. Nephew of Mrs. E. M. Memmott, of 55, Meersbrook Road, Sheffield. Remembered with Honour, Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial.

(Source: Commonwealth War Graves Commission)

Memorial T L F Jones
Photograph Marc Ryckaert, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.