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Tweedmouth War memorial. 

Never perhaps in the history of Tweedmouth, stretching as it does away back into the dim past when it was a hamlet placed under the See [sic] of Durham, has such a gathering been seen as that which assembled round the memorial erected at the Bridge End to the 111 sons of Tweedside who risked their lives and counted not the cost in giving their all for humanity in the Great World War, 1914-18.

The day was bitterly cold, with a damp grey mist hanging over the river, through which the bastioned heights of Berwick loomed ghostly. Nevertheless, a gathering numbering several thousands assembled from all parts of the Borough and preserved a reverent silence prior to the opening of the proceedings. The arrangements made by the Committee were admirable. A large platform was erected on the side of the enclosure nearest the bridge to accommodate those taking part in the unveiling ceremony – the Mayor, Sheriff, and Corporation, the Committeemen, members of the Clergy, and other friends. Relatives of the fallen were lined up inside of the enclosure, while a guard of honour provided by the 7th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers paraded under the command of Capt. E. H. Crow and Lieut. J. H. Huffam was also on parade. The guard was lined up along the pavement, and their smartness when they came to the “present” was commented upon.


[Dedicated to the Men whose Names appear.]

We cannot bring you home again,

Brave sons of fair Tweedside;

Nor can we see each battle plain,

Or view the ocean’s tide,

Wherein you lie wrapped in the shroud

Of clay, or waters deep,

Heroes of whom Tweedside is proud,

Proud, though at times we weep.

We cannot see each lonely grave,

Scattered inlands afar,

Some where the stately palm fronds wave,

Under the Eastern star,

Some where the Grecian vintage grows,

Under the deep blue sky,

Some where the frozen Alpine snows

Glisten on mountains high.

Some on the lonesome Russian plains,

Some where the Frenchmen died,

Some where the Belgians’ first campaigns

Held back the German tide,

Some where the oceans toss and roll,

Deep in their hidden gloom;

Over the Globe from Pole to Pole,

You’ll find the Tweedsider’s tomb.

We’ve carved your names on granite pile,

Sons of the Tweedside race,

Where the river dips in its last lone mile

Along to the sea’s embrace.

Your spirits live in the silent stone,

Graced by the sculptor’s art,

Nor can Time’s ruthless hand dethrone

Your names from one Tweedside heart.

THOMAS Grey, Tweedmouth


There is no truth in the rumour that the baths have been cut out of the Council houses which are to be put up at Tweedmouth, but the Treasury is in a very cheeseparing mood, and is doing all it can to bring down the cost of the houses by cutting out small extras. Those interested in the houses should therefore get the Councillors in their wards to keep a very close watch to see that the houses are not spoilt for the sake of a ha’porth of tar. Sir Francis Blake is pledged up to the hilt in the matter of housing, and his influence can be counted upon for the redressal of grievances.


About mid-day on Saturday an explosion took place in the fireplace of a house in East Street, Berwick, occupied by Mr Wise, a gas worker, but this was happily not attended with serious consequences, though a little material damage was done.

Mr Wise and his little boy were in the room at the time, when without warning something exploded in the fireplace, causing the flames to fly out into the room and scattering fragments of burning coal and a cloud of soot into the room.

The little boy, who was near the fire, had his cheek slightly scorched by the heat. A table was also scorched, and burning fragments coming in contact with clothes hanging before the fire and also the window curtains, were set smoldering. Mr Wise was nearly overcome by the fumes when he got into the street after smothering out the minor fires.

Investigations conducted later showed the explosions to have been caused by a Mark V1 rifle cartridge (old pattern) which had somehow got mixed with the coal. The empty case was found in the grate.


Berwick Rangers intend to make a bid in the final of the East of Scotland Qualifying Cup, when they meet the Vale of Leithen on the Rovers’ ground at Peebles. Some dissatisfaction has been expressed in Berwick that the Association has seen fit to make the venue so far away from Berwick, necessitating the team to spend the greater part of the day travelling. When football is not in a flourishing condition exacting in the south of the Borders, it was also felt that a fitting scene for the final would have been at Coldstream or Duns, this being calculated to stimulate enthusiasm in the game there. The Rangers’ team, however, are making the journey in good heart, and are confident that they will make the Vale go all the way. The team is very much the same as that which has represented the club all season in important matches, with the exception that Fenby, the Spittal outside-right comes in once more in that position. A numbers of supporters will travel to Peebles by char-a-banc to give their team vocal backing. The rangers’ team is:-Edney; Buglass and Purves; R. D. Richardson, Walkenshaw, and Mealmaker; Fenby, Richardson, Falconer, A. Johnston, and Gilchrist. The team will travel by taxi to Peebles, leaving early in the day.


The report of the Housing and Town Planning Council of the 16th October, with reference to the Tweedmouth Housing Scheme, was read as follows: — It was reported Messrs Stephen Easton, Ltd., had submitted the following prices on no.3 contract for 68 houses; — A type of house, £969; B type, £1,091 per house. The price being exclusive of nominal profit if constructed of brick, but if constructed on the Weardale Hoop Iron construction system, the price to include profit. The profit under the contract, if the houses are of brick, to be £40 per house, but if the work comes out at more than this cost, the contractor to be cut down until he may only receive a maximum profit of £20 per house. If, however, the work comes out at less than the estimated cost, the contractor to receive the £40 nominal profit plus 50 per cent of the saving. It was agreed to accept the tender, subject to the consent of the Ministry of Health and subject to the mayor and architect being satisfied with the houses. The houses to be of concrete, and consist of 42 A type and 26 B type.

Pictured are prefabs similar to those which once stood in Valley View, Tweedmouth, Berwick-uopn-Tweed.  Prefabs were seen as a solution in the first half of the 20th century to ease the housing shortage.  Copyright: Barry Shimmon – (CC BY-SA 2.0). 

The Mayor, in moving the adoption of the report, said the architect and himself had gone through and examined the construction of these houses. They say the system of construction, and as far as his own judgment and the judgment of the architect were concerned, they felt quite sure that houses constructed of reinforced concrete were more durable than brick, and a great advantage also to be gained was the saving in time of erection. The matter at the present time was before the Ministry of Finance, and the Housing Commissioner at Newcastle had expressed confidence that the contract would be passed. If it was passed they might expect to see the business of erection commenced within a few weeks, as the contractors undertook to erect the 68 houses within the 12 months. Councillor Dixon seconded, and the report was agreed to.

The Authority, on the motion of the mayor, seconded by Councillor Blench, agreed to seal two bonds for £50 and £250 respectively in connection with the Tweedmouth Housing Scheme.



Moderate Prices for Fine Future

£1,000 For A Carpet

Mr Robert Donkin, auctioneer, Rothbury, acting in conjunction with Messrs Anderson and Garland, auctioneers, Newcastle, conducted the first day’s sale at Longridge on Tuesday, where in excellent weather, there was a large turnout of bidders, drawn from a wide area. Antique dealers from Edinburgh, Newcastle, Durham, Whitley Bay, and Berwick, along with a large assembly of district residents took part in the bidding, which was at times of a spirited description. While certain lots made good money others went comparatively cheaply. The highest figure of the day was given by Mrs Deuchant, of Middleton, who paid £1,000 for a large and beautiful pile carpet.

The effects were auctioneered in the large drawng room, and the work was gone through by Mr Donkin in his usual expeditious manner. The principal bures were Mr Hall, Newcastle; Mr Home, Whitley bay; Mr Dover, Berwick; Mr Nelson, Edinburgh; and Mr Jos. Ewart, Berwick. Mr Collingwood Thompson, jun., was also an extensive buyer. He got a beautiful ebonised Italian cabinet, richly inlaid with ivory and with enamel mounts, at £30. Mr Dover, Berwick, got a similar inlaid Italian secretaire at £34, and Mr Ewart became the owner of a fine china cabinet, with Dresden china pillars and panels, at £24. The Louis XV settee and fauteuils, upholstered in silk damask with carved and gilded frames, and also the window seats to match, went at £31 and £13 respectively to Mr Nelson, Edinburgh.

Time Line For Longridge Towers:


1875  – Foundation stone laid

Built by Sir Hubert and Lady Jerningham

Cost about £140,000

Coat of Arms in the entrance are for the Stafford Family

Family Home

1879 – completed

BRO 1944/LA9/25 Image dated 1969


House built by Sir Hubert & Lady Jerningham. Family home costings c 140,000 (c 6 ¾ million today). Foundations laid in 1875


            Lady Jerningham dies & leaves property to husband for his lifetime


            Sir Hubert dies 3 April

  • 1920- Estate sold and house bought by Collingwood Thompson for £6000
  • Apr 1924- Miss Gordon Smith moves her school from Berwick to here
  • 1938 – Miss Smith moves school to Ava Lodge
  • 1939-1945 Requisitioned by military
  • 1946- Purchased by Carr Rock Holiday Camp Co Ltd in Spittal to becomes a hotel
  • 1949-still a hotel
  • 1951- became a convent
  • 1983 – became Longridge Towers School


Coroner Peters held an inquest without a jury on Monday night touching the death of Andrew Hastie, the infant son of Mr James Hastie, 61 West End, Tweedmouth, who was found dead in bed beside his mother on Saturday morning. James Hastie, the father, said he last saw the child alive about 7.50 a.m., when it turned over in the bed beside its mother. He took some breakfast to the mother in bed about nine o’clock, and then noticed the child had not moved. He noticed it had a blue mark behind the ear, and when his wife asked him to sit beside the fire with it he observed that something was wrong, as the child never moved. He formed the opinion that it was dead, and, handing the child to his wife, he ran for his mother-in-law, at the same time sending a girl for the doctor. The child had never ailed a day previously. Dr T. P. Caverhill gave evidence of having conducted a post mortem examination. There were no marks of violence, and he found the thymus gland to be enlarged. This was the primary cause of death, as the pressure would produce convulsions. A verdict in accordance with the medical evidence was returned.

Berwick’s newly formed Opera Society met for practice in the Old Welcome Hall, high Street, on Wednesday evening. H.M.S. Pinafore is the work chosen for the winter’s session.

Speculation is still rife as to what the new owner of Longridge Towers ( Mr Collingwood Thompson, Jr.,) intends to do with the mansion house. Before anything is settled, the Berwick Town Council Housing Committee might do worse than make an offer for the stones of the mansion and use them for putting up some of the new houses in the town that are so badly wanted.


Mr Calder, “Border View,” has bought Coldingham Law and will shortly be retiring from the Woodyard to take up farming.

The most interesting event of the week to Tweedmouth inhabitants has been the erection of the handsome War Memorial.

Tweedmouth War Memorial

The beautiful carved figure which crowns the monument was raised into position on Wednesday morning, and the work of erection is now complete, though there is still a good deal to do to the site. The memorial, to be unveiled on Sunday, 24th October, by Capt. Hon. W. J. M. Watson-Armstrong, looks very well in position, and will doubtless be greatly admired by everyone.



The Rural District Council then met, with the addition of Dr McWhir, temporary medical Officer, and Mr J. R. Lake, Surveyor and Sanitary Inspector. In the absence of Mr J. R. Wood, Mr E. Waugh presided.

The Clerk intimated that the Finance Committee recommended that a rate of 1s 10d in the pound be levied for the half year. This was the same rate as last year. Special contributions were also asked from Holy Island, £10; Norham, £10; Shoreswood, £1. These were sealed.

Plans from the Haggerston estate for alterations to cottages at Fenwick were submitted as under:-

Four deaths have been registered in the district since the Council’s last monthly meeting. This represents an annual death rate of 9.98 per 1000. In view of the prevalence of small pox in Glasgow and of the frequency with which cases crop up in widely separated parts of the country, it may be well to point out that children who have never been vaccinated may be exposed to special risks during the approaching winter. It is a matter for regret that few adults in the district appear to have availed themselves of the Council’s offer of free vaccination; as the part played by vaccination in lessening the ravages of a particularly loathsome disease cannot be too strongly emphasized.



Who fell in the War

Beautiful Tablet Erected By Sir Francis Blake

In the history of Berwick Grammar School, the ceremony performed within its walls when Dr Maclagan, Chairman of Governors, unveiled a Memorial tablet, presented by Sir Francis Blake, to the memory of the 32 former pupils who fell in the war, is perhaps the most sad. Still, in the glorious example of self-sacrifice left by the men who laid down their lives, there was a feeling of pride and an inspiration to emulation given to the pupils who now occupy the benches.

Some time ago, Sir Francis, who is an old pupil of the school, made an offer to the Governors to perpetuate the memory of the fallen by the erection of a fitting memorial. This offer was accepted and the tablet which is now placed over the fire-place in the south wall of the school is indeed a work of art. The memorial, which is framed in walnut with panels of laurel leaf design in enamel, is flanked on either side with figures symbolic of Victory and fame and on the top scroll are the County Shields. The central pane is a beautiful shade of cobalt blue and in relief silver letters the names of the fallen, with dedicatory inscription are set out in artistic fashion.


The temporary bridge over the railway at Berwick Railway Station is now nearing completion. On Sunday last the large steam crane from St. Margaret’s, Edinburgh, arrived and swung the heavy iron girder spans on to the wooden pile piers which had been erected on cement bases two weeks ago.

Berwick Railway Station early 1900s. The arches of the old road bridge which carried the main road traffic over the railway can just be seen in the background. © Berwick Record Office – BRO 1636-10-013

Large crowds watched the operations, and again on Monday workmen were busy fixing the staying girders and fitting the planking for the road bed. A considerable amount of work is yet to be done and it is not likely that the bridge will be open for traffic for a fortnight or three weeks yet.


Resuscitation of Club Fully Justified

The annual general meeting of Berwick and District Harriers took place in the White Horse Inn, Castlegate, on Friday evening, when Councillor W. J. Dixon, the President, presided over a large attendance. An apology for absence was intimated from Mr E. H. Crow.

The Hony. secretary, Mr W. McA. Urquhart, read the annual report, which was in the following terms: —

Your Committee has much pleasure in reporting that, in the first season of the revival of the Club since the Great War, the enthusiasm displayed by the younger and active members fully warranted the re-starting of the Club, which thereby has permitted athletes to participate and enjoy the undoubted benefits to be derived from cross-country running. The Committee only hope that the membership may be increased this season, and that once having joined, members will maintain their enthusiasm throughout the season.

Notwithstanding the fact that the night chosen for training runs, namely, Wednesday, were not favoured with the best of weather, the attendance at these weekly events showed an average of nine for the season, the largest number to turn out being 22. The attendance medal was won by J. S. Beveridge.


The fancy dress carnival arranged for Friday and Saturday last in aid of the Scremerston and Ord Nursing Association was cancelled at the last minute, mainly owing to the threatened coal strike. The news of the postponement of the strike reached Scremerston late on Friday afternoon, but by then all arrangements for the carnival had been declared off. The dance arranged for Friday evening was, however, held in the Workmen’s Institute. The attendance was good, excellent music being supplied by Mr Whitfield’s orchestra. The committee desire to express their thanks to all who assisted in making the event a success and hope the Nursing Association will benefit by over £10.

Scremerston Station (1847-1951), described in September 1920, as one of the prettiest stations on the NER line.  The station then was adorned with various plants adding a wealth of colour for passengers awaiting their train.  Shown in the photograph above is all that remains today is the station house, now a private residence.  © Copyright Nigel Thompson, (CC BY-SA-02).

One of the prettiest stations on the N.E.R. line this year is Scremerston. The borders on the up and down platforms are gay with flowers of all hues. There is an unusual good selection. Tall hollyhocks form a background for beautiful Cosmos of all shades, snap-dragons, and there is a specially fine show of Love-lies-Bleeding, a plant rarely grown in gardens now-a-days. The edging of lovely blue Nemesias or gay Schizanthus adds to the wealth of colour.