The two sons and son-in-law of Mr and Mrs James Gilchrist, Howick Terrace, Tweedmouth have been demobilised, and will resume their pre-war occupations at an early date. These lads have done their bit in the Royal navy. Robert, the elder of the two was originally in the 7th N.F., Territorials, but later joined the R.N., and has done much work in that branch of the service. Harry the younger, has also had a good spell, having joined when 19 years of age, and has been on H.M.S., Ophir for three years. Since his last ten months ago he has travelled many thousand miles in that ship, having been in Japan, China, Chile, Valparaiso, and other distant places.

Canadian souvenir photo of Ophir in 1902, with inset portraits of the Duke and Duchess of York.  The Ophir was requisitioned by the Admiralty in 1915, becoming an armed merchant cruiser. Photo is available under Public domain license. Credit:Winfred J. Erb and Lewis B. Foote.

When his ship was lying at Valparaiso the ship’s band went ashore and the inhabitants gave them a great ovation. It was estimated that 70,000 people turned out to listen to the band. They even strewed flowers in the street in front of them. Harry arrived at Glasgow on Tuesday of last week and from there proceeded home. Their son-in-law John Davidson, has also a fine record of service, and in the early part of the last year Mrs Davidson received official; information that her husband was drowned, his boat having been torpedoed. Happily this turned out to be a mistake, as she received a letter from himself later on. He has lately been on a drifter named “Queen Victoria.” We extend our best wishes to these three who have so faithfully and fearlessly served their country in the time of need.

We are pleased to see home on leave to Knowe Head, Tweedmouth, private William Hettle, M.T., A.S.C. He joined up in November, 1915, and went to France in December of the same year. He has been most of the time on the western front, attached to an ambulance convoy, chiefly used to convey wounded from places such as Armentieres, Neuve Chapelle, Bailleul to Merville, which was the clearing station. Being driven from the last named place by continual German shelling during the March offensive, a place called Doulien became their headquarters. After getting nicely settled there, the offensive drove them still further back, which meant longer runs and longer spells of duty. As the offensive died down they gradually worked their way up into Belgium, and were at Reiny siding when our offensive started. They went straight forward into German territory, going from Reiny to Ypres School House to Gulleghen and Harlebeke, where they were when the armistice was signed. Since then he has been engaged in bringing prisoners back from behind the German lines to Courtra in Belgium, and following up the troops of occupation, picking up the sick and those that fall out on the way. His headquarters have been at Mulheim, where he was comfortably lodged in a magnificent hotel. He left cologne at 3.55 p.m. on Saturday, getting to Calais at midnight on Monday, being 58 hours in a German corridor train. In this country a similar distance is usually done in about 8 hours. Although in all probability he will have to go back to Germany, we hope to see him demobilized at an early date.

On Friday night of last week, about 9 o’clock, an accident took place at Berwick station, two N.E.R. engines having collided with each other. It appears that a light engine from Tweedmouth had arrived at Berwick, and through some misreading or misunderstanding of the signals, which were or should have been at danger, the driver overran these signals, which are situated at the Berwick end of the Royal Border Bridge, at the entrance to the Goods Yard from the south. At the same time an engine and van was leaving the goods yard to proceed to Tweedmouth with the signals clear, they ran into each other, with the result that both engines were considerably damaged, and the tender of one of them partly off the rails.

A mid-twentieth century photograph of the interior of the now demolished former Berwick Railway Station signal box.

The break-down vans were quickly in attendance, and were occupied all through the night, their work being rendered most difficult owing to the twisting and distortion of the engines. There was little delay to traffic, as trains were run through the station. The drivers and firemen of the both engines, and also the guard, who was in his van, received slight bruises and a heavy shaking. The fact that both engines were tender first at the time may have had something to do with the drivers not seeing each other in time to avert a collision.

A very successful social and dance was held in the E.P. Church Hall. Tweedmouth, on Wednesday night of last week, by workers of the National Saw Mills, Tweedmouth. There was a large attendance, 45 couples being present. Dancing commenced at 6.45, and was interspersed with games until 8.30 p.m., when a  splendid supper was provided, which was nicely served out by the girls who are employed there. Before partaking of the supper, Mr Peter Richardson in a few well chosen remarks on behalf of the employees, presented Mr and Mrs  hardy with a handsome silver fruit basket as a token of the respect and esteem in which they are held by all employees. Mr Hardy, in replying thanked all the workers for their great kindness in presenting him with this nice present. He said it would always serve to  remind him of the kindly feeling that existed  between himself as manager and themselves as employees.



Berwick Elementary Schools have been closed as follows during the last fifteen months:-

October 22nd, 1918 to January 6th, 1919 – Closed for influenza

Mid – February, 1919 to 17th March – Closed for influenza. Bell Tower Infant School closed for another fortnight.

April 14th to May 12th – Tweedmouth Infants’ School closed for measles.

September, 1919 – Extra week’s holiday for the conclusion of the war.

December 10th, onwards – Closed for scarlet fever.

We don’t wish to suggest that anyone is to blame for this, but when to these periods are added the regular holidays and the absences from school due to individual cases of illness, it will be seen that – to put it at its lowest – the town is paying away a great deal of money for nothing. We suggest that the public and the teachers should consider whether some means cannot be found of avoiding this serious loss.



The “Sphere” of December 20th contains the following interesting article:- “Lindisfarne Castle, on Holy Island,  is one of the many historic places in the market to be sold, with all its furniture and pictures. It was thoroughly restored a few years ago, after a long period of neglect and is now a most attractive and interesting property. It is situated on a basaltic stone forming the promontory of the little harbour of Holy Island where the small fishing boats gather for their trade in crabs, lobsters and periwinkles. The island has a romantic history, having been the seat of earliest Christianity in the north of England. In 635 A.D., Aidan, the Irish monk from Iona, came to Holy Island at the request of King Oswald to teach the heathen Northerners the precepts of Christianity. He established himself on Holy Island, probably appreciating its similarity to his old home of Iona, and also its nearness to Bamburgh, the Royal seat of King Oswald. Men flocked to hear him preach and his success was tremendous, 15,000 being baptized in seven days. The most famous of his successors was the austere St. Cuthbert, who retired after two years of holding the Bishopric, to his hermit’s cell on one of the Farne Islands. When he died, shortly afterwards, from the severity of his self-inflicted penance, he was buried beside the altar on Holy Island. But his body was not permitted to remain in peace, and was constantly shifted during troubled period of the Middlle Ages, till it now rests in Durham Cathedral. His body was hurriedly removed from Lindisfarne when the marauding Danes attacked the Island in the ninth century, and the Monks had to flee, carrying the body of their revered saint in a wooden coffin.

A photograph of Holy Island Castle taken from the ruins of the Priory, in the early-mid 20th century.
Ref: BRO 1865-12

“The Danes robbed and destroyed the Church and Monastery, leaving the place in utter desolation. It was not till 200 years later that a new Priory was erected, whose remains are to be seen today. The foundations were laid in 1093, the architect being a monk from Durham, who designed a beautiful cruciform Norman church, built of a warm red sandstone. The church remained almost unaltered till the Dissolution of the Monastries brought the inevitable destruction, but the ruins of today are eloquent of the dignity of the 12th century Benedictine Church. The centre tower stood till the middle of the 18th century, only a delicate slender arch over the transept crossing remaining to remind us of what had once stood there. The western end, with its 2 towers and fine Norman doorway, is in course of careful restoration. The cylindrical columns of the nave are of the sturdy Norman type, signalised by sunken zigzag mouldings cut across the piers. The ground plan of the monastic buildings remain in a very complete form, so that it is possible to trace out the whole structure of a Benedictine priory with its cloistered garth, chapter house, dormitory, parlour, prior’s hall, kitchen, bakehouse, and their offices.

  1. The article has 5 illustrations:-Central Holy Island Castle-now for sale. The castle occupied a rocky buff and is here seen from the ruins of the domestic part of the Priory.

2. Repairing the West doorway. (The Abbey doorway is now under repair by the Office of Works) – scaffolding erected to do the work is shown.

3. A fine Norman pillar, with zig-zag ornaments which connect it with Durham, which has similar columns.

4. In the ruined Nave- showing the stout Norman pillars and north aisle, now open to the winds.

5. The flying Arch over the tower crossing of the Priory Church, which still defies the gales from the North sea.


A correspondent writes:- Mr Borthwick’s lecture on “Old Spittal,” brought together an audience which completely filled St Paul’s Hall- a testimony not only to the ability of the lecturer, but of the esteem in which he is held by the inhabitants of Spittal.


Mr Borthwick said perhaps a more suitable title for his lecture would have been “How Spittal Began.” A brief revisal of the general history of England led up to the first authentic mention of Spittal. When the Tweed first became the boundary between England and Scotland in 1018 or 1020, the salmon fishery at Hallowstell belonged to the monks of Coldingham. King Edgar of Scotland, in 1097, granted a charter to Hallowstell, and presented it to the Bishop of Durham, who gifted it to the monks of Holy Island. The word “stell” means a fixed place. When the monks came into possession of the fishery they hallowed it, hence the name Hallowstell. Both words are Anglo-Saxon, and the fishery was probably known long before we have any recorded mention of it.

About the time the charter was granted to Hallowstell, leprosy was common, and a hospital for lepers was built at Spittal, and dedicated to St. Bartholomew. It stood on the ground now occupied by Messrs Boston’s herring curing yard and the boat-building yard.

An early 20th century photograph of the Sandstell area at Spittal.  Bostons Yard where the hospital for lepers once stood can be seen behind the five fishing boats on the beach. Ref: BRO 1887-2-2

It extended across the street and up the north side of Princes Street to the Well Road. It must have been fairly rich and of considerable dimensions, because in 1226 the revenues for the up keep of the hospital were derived from lands at Tweedmouth, Orde, Scremerstone, Fenwick, and other parishes. In 1234 the Bishop of Durham, when on a visit to Fenwick, confirmed all the gifts made to Spittal hospital. In 1362 the master of the hospital was John de Lowick, and in 1369 his successor Bather, owing to an increase of lawlessness, built peel tower for its protection. This tower was still standing as late as 1612, and was known as Bather Tower. Just before the dissolution of the monasteries, owing perhaps to slender revenues or defenceless situation, with Border thieves on both sides, the revenues of the hospital were transferred to Kepier, near Durham. On the dissolution of the monasteries, Spittal became the property of the King.

During one of the Border raids in 1547, a Scotsman named John Cockburn, Lord of Ormeston, guided a party of English raiders through the passes of the lowland hills, and was rewarded by Edward V1 with the lands of Spittal.

No trace of the old hospital remains. It was probably reduced to ruins about 1555, when the Border Abbeys of Melrose and Kelso were destroyed. In conclusion, the lecturer  described the religious life of the Spittal people from the destruction of the old hospital till 1745, when the first Presbyterian Meeting House was built, on the site where now stands St. Paul’s Church.



The Old Year’s Night was spent in a very happy fashion at the Primitive Methodist Church. At 7 o’clock the Rev. C. L. Stowe (accompanied by the Rev. J. Crawford, Presbyterian minister) took charge of a delightful programme of vocal and instrumental music; which had been arranged in the interests of Home and Foreign Missions. The programme was sustained by Mr M. Mason (Scremerston) organist, Misses Mason, Davidson, Nelson, and Mrs Pardoe, soloists; Mr R. Smart, elocutionist. The concert was followed by a supper daintily set out by the Norham lady-workers, and generously provided by the villagers. Missionary services were continued on Sunday, January 4th, when the Rev. R. Banham, Deputation form West Africa, preached at 2.30, while Mr Pringle, of Longdyke, occupied the pulpit in the evening. Miss Nelson was the soloist on Sunday. The total proceeds of the Missionary effort amounted to about £12.

The children attending the Church Sunday School were entertained to tea on New Year’s Day in the Old School, when a most sumptuous repast was enjoyed by the youngsters. The good things for the festive board were kindly provided by the Hon. Mrs Askew Robertson, Mrs Roberson, Mrs Herriot, Miss Embleton, and Mrs Ritson. Miss Head, formerly of Norham, and at one time a Sunday School teacher, sent two lovely iced Christmas cakes for the occasion. After tea, games were indulged in, and in this way a very pleasant evening was spent, the children’s smiling faces and loud shouts of laughter showing how thoroughly they were enjoying themselves. On the call of the Vicar, three hearty cheers were given for all those ladies who had so kindly provided the tea, and for those who kindly given their assistance to make the evening an enjoyable one.



After a lapse of five years due to war conditions, Berwick and District Bachelors’ annual ball was held in the Corn Exchange on Tuesday evening. This Ball has for many years been always regarded as one of the most notable of social functions in Berwick. Of the original list of bachelors responsible for getting up the first ball held on January 15th, 1879, very few now survive, those being Messers A. L. Miller, T. Thompson, D. K. Gregson, T. Darling, and Sir F. D. Blake. Of these Mr Thos. Thompson is the sole survivor of the Committee of five.

Image from the Berwick Advertiser 4 December 1858, opening of the newly erected Corn Exchange, Berwick-upon-Tweed.

Thanks to the artistic taste of Messrs John Crow and Son, decorators, the Corn Exchange, losing its everyday, business-like appearance, was transformed into a beautiful ball-room, the walls of which were panelled in pale blue and white. Special doorways leading to various ante-rooms were done in white and pink mouldings, with the Berwick coat of arms and the figures 1920 painted in pink.

Allan’s band was accommodated on a raised platform, tastefully decorated with pot plants, at the top end of the room. The whole effect of the ballroom was greatly enhanced by the electric light decorations, put up under the direction of Mr Barlow, Resident Engineer, Urban Electric Light Works. Intermingled with evergreens, strings of coloured lights were suspended from the roof girders, prettily coloured Chinese lanterns also appearing in the decorations round the room. A special staircase, draped in white and trails of ivy, was erected by Messrs J. Cockbburn and Son, from the floor of the ballroom to the gallery and thence to the supper room, which was tastefully laid out. The gallery, used as sitting out accommodation, was ornamented by fir trees. The two side-rooms downstairs were set out as refreshment rooms, the front entrance being transformed into a sitting-out rom, shade with soft crimson lights.



A very successful ball was held in the Drill Hall, Wooler, on Friday evening last, under the auspices of the Comrades of the Great War. Despite the numerous attractions in Wooler and District during the holiday season, over a hundred were present. The spacious hall was beautifully decorated for the occasion. High-class music was supplied by Allan’s Band, Berwick, and many encores were clamoured for. Comrades W. Dixon and T. Curle acted as M.C.’s. The supper was catered by Comrade J. Shilan, Temperance Hotel, Wooler, and as on previous occasions, to the satisfaction of all present. In addition to the supper oranges, apples and grapes were served out. Dancing was kept up with great vigour until 3.15 a.m., when reluctantly one and all wended their way homewards after a most pleasant evening.



The Clerk read the recommendation of the General Purposes Committee, which, after having been in communication with the Scottish Command, the Registrar of Evening Classes, and the County Director, agreed to recommend that evening class instruction in Woodworking, etc., be given to soldiers, the cost of which would be defrayed by the Military, and that the classes be arranged for with the teachers

The Chairman moved the adoption of the report, saying this was going to be no expense for the Committee. Anything required would just be intended for. Agreed to.

The Clerk reported that, including arrears, the amount to be distributed to teachers under the County Scheme of Augmentation of Salaries was £1325 15s 5d, and this augmentation would be paid out with the December salaries.


In the past history of Berwick as a shipping centre one of the most outstanding names was that of Gowan, at whose ship-building yard on the Quay below the eight-gun battery, numerous vessels were constructed. Ship-building is carried out no longer in Berwick, and there are now no representatives of the Gowan family in the town. Some members of the family are, however, still connected with the ship-building trade elsewhere. Mr Arthur Byam Gown, as is well-known, is Managing Director of Palmer’s famous works on the Tyne.

BRO 1636-5-22. Berwick Quay and Docks early 19th Century

Others, we learn, are doing well in the colonies, where Mr John Miller Gowan runs a station in the River Nia, Australia. He married his cousin Estelle, a daughter of the late John Gown, of Melbourne, and has five sons and one daughter. The eldest son went to the front with the 17th Battalion and was in the Great Push in France – arriving just in time. The next boy is in the Bank of Australia in Henty, the younger ones being still at school. Another member of the family, also in Australia, is Mr Henry Flockhart, who follows the profession of a journalist, and whose mother was Miss S.L. Gown. He never can forget, he says, the happy days he spent in Berwick and Spittal, with fly-fishing up the Whitadder and kettles up the Tweed.

During the week some of the local coal dealers have experienced difficulty in getting enough coal to meet the demands of their customers. Many householders have been without coal, a state of affairs, which at this time of the year, is far from pleasant. Every effort to adjust supplies has been made by Mr Turnbull, the local Fuel Overseer, who has made a point of at once supplying the needs of households where there was sickness.

An early 20th century image of the former Scremerston Pit. BRO 0515-209

The shortage, which is not regarded as serious, is attributed to the recent three days holidays at the pits at Scremerston, when supplies were allowed to get behind. It is poor comfort to say that other districts are, and have been, much worse off, but with a pit two miles away, there is little fear of a serious shortage in Berwick and district. To help out supplies in the meantime, recourse has been had in some instances to wood as fuel, and the Overseer has also exercised his rights and commandeered two waggons of coal off the railway.