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This Week in World War One, 3 March 1916

Berwick Advertiser title 1915





Swedish Schooner Wrecked on Spittal Point


The boom of the Berwick Coastguard mortar on Sunday afternoon announced that some vessel was in distress on the coast, and that the services of the lifeboat were in requisition. The boom came as a surprise to most of people, the weather being decidedly calm, though there was a somewhat heavy ground swell running at the river’s trast to the preceding one when a strong easterly gale prevailed. The danger signal was the sequel to the ugly weather which had prevailed in the earlier part of the week. There was naturally a big rush of the inhabitants to the ramparts and the pier. Very soon these points of vantage, as well as Spittal sands, were thickly dotted by many hundreds of spectators. They were privileged to witness a very smart performance of an extemporised lifeboat crew which accomplished the rescue of five hands from a Swedish schooner, which had stranded on the seaward side of Spittal Point. The task of removing the men from the vessel was completed in half an hour, itself indicative of the care with which the Berwick lifeboat was handled in somewhat difficult and broken water, though the absence of any wind was a factor which considerably helped the completion of the mission of merey. A gratifying feature was that for the first time in its history the lifeboat brew was composed of a joint crew from Berwick and Spittal. Many of the regular crew are presently away on military and naval service, and the local Lifeboat Committee are particularly pleased at the able assistance rendered by the Spittal men, no less than eight of these forming part of the crew, the others coming from the Greenses. The coxswain was Mr James Jameison, who rendered many acts of conspicuous service.

Image 8 - Lifeboat - RNLB Matthew Simpson - Left to Right - Not known, Not known, Not known, John Wood, Knot known, Jack Lough, George Lough, Bartholomew Lough, Thomas Martin (possible), Not known, Not Known, Alex Patterson Lough.
The crew of RNLB Matthew Simpson stand alongside the lifeboat, at the lifeboat station at Spittal. © Berwick Record Office – BRO 2001


The vessel in distress turned out to be the Swedish schooner Ruth, under the command of  skipper Gustav A. Nelsen, and a crew of other four. She belongs to Holmstead, and is 87 tons register. She left on her voyage on Wednesday 16th February, with a cargo of pit props for the  Tyne, encountering very bad weather on the voyage. So violent was the storm that the little craft anchored for two days in Elsinore Roads. On venturing out she was severely buffeted in the North Sea, and hove to on Saturday night to await day break so as to make land. At 10 a.m. on Sunday morning she found herself abreast of Berwick ten miles out. She was then on a lea shore, and in bad weather. The crew decided to make for Berwick, as the steering gear had been damaged. In attempting to take the river the vessel was driven into the back of Spittal point where she stranded. The heavy ground swell continued to break over the vessel and it was in such circumstances that the lifeboat crew affected the rescue. The skilful manner in which the lifeboat was taken through the breakers to the lea of the vessel, and the crew removed one after another was done with judgement and skill. The members of the crew took most of their personal effects with them in kit bags. The short homeward journey was also admirably taken, the lifeboat’s head being held well up to the breakers. Once these were passed and the river entered the remainder of the journey was easily undertaken. As the lifeboat glided up the estuary the crew received a well-merited cheer from the large crowds lining both sides of the river. On landing the crew were taken in charge of by the Swedish Consul (Mr A. Logan), and accommodated in the Hen and Chickens Hotel. On Monday the crew had to register at the Police Station under the Aliens’ Order. The vessel was some five years old, and was not originally intended for this trade, but owing to the absence of transport due to the war her services were requished. She commenced to break up in the course of the evening with the incoming tide and quantities of the cargo floating ashore were salved by Spittal fishermen. Dr C. l. Fraser, V.D., hon. Secretary of the Berwick Lifeboat Committee; and Mr Toohey, Collector of Customs, were in attendance when the crew landed at the Lifeboat House.




Record Salmon Catch by a Berwick Gentleman – The many friends of Mr Thomas Davison, second officer, Customs and Excise, Berwick, will be pleased to learn of his having caught a record large salmon. Mr Davison is presently on holiday, and, fishing on Friday last at Major Scott’s water at Grandtully on Tay, near Aberfeldy, he hooked and landed a splendid clean run salmon after two hours play, weighing 47 ½ lbs. Its length was 50 inches and girth 28 inches. It is believed to be the largest salmon which has been caught by rod and line in the Tay for a number of years, constituting a record for this part of the river, the nearest approach being a fish of 44 lbs caught three years ago. In a letter to a Berwick friend Mr Davison stated that his left arm was still sore with the severe strain.

Sunday last was the anniversary of laying of the foundation stone of Berwick Pier, on Feb. 27th 1810. It was a red-letter day in the old Border town. The different lodges of Freemasons from the neighbouring towns, together with that of Berwick, assembled in the Town hall, along with the magistrates, Commissioners, and townspeople, and walked thence in procession to the church, where a service was held. Afterwards they set forth, attended by a band and a detachment of the Forfarshire Militia, then quartered in the town, and after the stone was laid a royal salute was fired from the cannon on the ramparts and the ships in the harbour.

Photograph of Berwick Pier (in the background), taken from the cliffs at Spittal. © Stanley Howe - Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.
Photograph of Berwick Pier (in the background), taken from the cliffs at Spittal. © Stanley Howe – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.


Extraordinary Incident in a Tweedmouth Church – An extraordinary incident occurred on Sunday afternoon in the Scotch Church, Tweedmouth, at the close of some pathetic remarks the minister (the Rev. Mr Bryson) had made on Belgium and its refugees. A prominent member rose in his seat and shouted – “Are we downhearted? No!” He gave great emphasis to the last word, and wound up by a hearty clap of his hands. It is needless to say the unusual incident came as a great surprise to the minister as well as the congregation, many of whom could not suppress a smile. The minister was evidently considerably perturbed at the outburst, but took no notice of it.




The pigeon shoot, open to all England, inaugurated by Mr A. D. Morton of the Red Lion Hotel Wooler, last year was such a success that he decided to continue it as an annual event. Favoured with fine weather, there was a large gathering and considerable interest was taken in the shooting, which was good, and speculation was brisk. As an extra inducement Mr Morton, in addition to guaranteeing £20 for a Handicap, gave a handsome silver cup to be won outright. Shooters responded in great force, and the proceedings were an unqualified success. Mr J Hall was handicapper; and H. Gibson acted as trapper. The birds were supplied by Mr G. Gallon, Wooler; and proved to be strong on the wing. A tent was erected on the ground where soup and light refreshments were provided by Mr Morton. After the shooting a considerable number sat down in the Red Lion Hotel, when a sociable evening was spent. Shooting commenced with a sweep stake but the handicap was the great attraction, and it resulted in a division of eight, but three of these had two lots. The cup was won outright by Mr. J. Sisterton, and his victory was a very popular one. The shoot took place in a field on Wooler Bridgend Farm.

By UK Government - http://madefrom.com/history/world-war-one/animals-war/, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=37903390

During the First and Second World War, carrier pigeons were used to transport messages back to their home coop behind the lines. When they landed, wires in the coop would sound a bell or buzzer and a soldier of the Signal Corps would know a message had arrived. He would go to the coop, remove the message from the canister, and send it to its destination by telegraph, field phone, or personal messenger.

This Week in World War One, 18 February 1916

Berwick Advertiser title 1915






Mr Winston, The Eyesight Specialist, has been persuaded to remain another week until Saturday, 26th February.

In consequence of numerous applications from those whom he was unable to attend to during the last five days of his sojourn in Berwick, Mr Winston has decided to remain another week with us, and give those who have not yet had the opportunity of interviewing him the advantage of his free advice.

Retinoscopy at the School Travelling Ophthalmic Clinic, Australia. Dated 1st January, 1914. © State Records New South Wales, Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.
Retinoscopy at the School Travelling Ophthalmic Clinic, Australia. Dated 1st January, 1914. © State Records New South Wales, Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.



It must be distinctly understood that Mr Winston does not pose as an oculist, that, is, according to the dictionary, “once skilled in diseases of the eyes,” but he claims to be, and is justified in doing so, the most expert specialist Optometrist or Optician in England. He has tested the eyesight of no fewer that a hundred thousand people in London alone during the past five years, and has fitted glasses to sixty thousand of them in his store, 72 Regent Street. The chemist is not an optician, neither is the doctor, nor the oculist even. Their education and experience have taught them the nature and use of drugs with regard to ailments, but for impaired vision the scientific optician is the man.


Mr Winston has found during the past week that the strenuous work the war has thrown upon women has considerably affected their eyes – probably previously weak- and has produced in numerous cases those terrible headaches from which so many women suffer. He has in the majority of cases recommended a cheap pair of lenses to use when they are at work, but which they need not use and – as they think – disfigure themselves afterwards. Make the most of the opportunity of seeing Mr Winston, as he will not be able to stop in BERWICK ANY LONGER THAN FEB. 26th inclusive.

Mr Winston can now be seen by anyone from 10 to 1 or 2 to 7.30, at the CORN EXCHANGE, BERWICK-ON-TWEED, and they can obtain advice perfectly free of any charge. So do not neglect an opportunity which may never occur again. Special appointments can be arranged by post. N.B.- A written guarantee with all work for ten years.





Elizabeth Gleig, Berwick, married, was charged with allowing the chimney of her house in East Street to be on fire on Thursday, 10th inst.

Police Constable Watt stated that the chimney was very dirty and clouds of smoke issued. He could see these from the top of Hide Hill. It burned for a quarter of an hour. On proceeding to the house he found it was the room chimney which had caught fire, and a young boy had been using an old tray to create a draught. The defendant told him that the chimney had not been swept for two years, and that the fire was not often kindled.

The defendant stated that since her husband joined the army she had using the room, as the kitchen was infested with rats. She had been two years in the house, and as she never used the room until recently the chimney had not been swept.

She was fined 2s 6d.



Local Fancier’s Important win – Showing at Crufts Great International Dog Show, held in the Royal Agricultural Hall, London, February 9th, 10th, and 11th, Mr David Black, Berwick, successfully brought out a smart home-bred bull dog puppy, and won second prize Dog Puppies (14 entries), third prize Junior Dogs, and v.h.c. Maiden Dogs (18 entries). Crufts is acknowledged to be the greatest dog show held throughout the year, and some idea may be gathered from the fact that the total entries reached the enormous number of 3,235. It is interesting to note that this show was honoured with double Royal patronage, both the King and Queen being first prize winners with their exhibits.

Irish Woolfhound 'Felixstowe Regan,' who was the winner of the Dog CC at Crufts,in 1916.
Irish Woolfhound ‘Felixstowe Regan,’ who was the winner of the Dog CC at Crufts,in 1916.


Engine Derailed on Border Bridge – On Wednesday morning a North British goods engine went off the rails as it was proceeding from Tweedmouth to Berwick. The engine had just entered on the second arch of the Royal Border Bridge when it became derailed, the result being that it blocked both lines. The 7.45 train from Edinburgh was delayed half an hour at Berwick ere [sic] one of the lines was cleared. The traffic had to be conducted on a single line all forenoon, and a break-down gang from Tweedmouth were busily engaged with a crane replacing the engine on the metals. The cause of the accident is unknown, and fortunately no one was injured.

Royal Border Bridge ealry 1990s. © Berwick Record Office - BRO 515 377
Royal Border Bridge early 1900s. © Berwick Record Office – BRO 515 377




Average houses have been present during the past week and have greatly appreciated the programme provided. For the coming week the management have arranged a bill of exceptional merit. “The Counterfeiter” a new and powerful Sexton Blake drama will be screened on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and being full of exciting incidents and movements from start to finish, it should indeed prove a popular choice. The latter part of the week will provide a film of no mean order entitled “Every Woman Should Know.” The picture is a revelation of highly skilled acting, and being essentially a morality play, should these times, with all their disturbing element, create quite a sensation. In it, woman descends into the lowest depths, following the lure of vanity, flattery, vice and evil, only at the last moment to turn aside from the path of sin and embrace the spirit of God, which has ever followed her. This week’s vaudeville performance stars the “original Pimple,” formerly of “Tom White’s Arabs” fame. Patrons would be well advised to see this screaming turn.

This Week in World War One, 4 February 1916

Berwick Advertiser title 1915






WW1 Weldon's Garments
WW1 Weldon’s Garments

Soldiers’ Comforts – A meeting of the Committee will be held in the Seahouses Reading Room on Friday evening at 8 p.m. to receive Treasurer’s balance sheet and make arrangements for disposal of remainder of woollen comforts. Since last report the Treasurer begs to acknowledge receipt of 4 pairs of mittens from Miss Martha Scott and socks from Mrs John Tully, Wooler. Total receipts to the fund in money has amounted to £26 and tenpence; expenditure amounts to £25 11s 1d, leaving a balance in hand of 9s 9d only, which will be expended in postages on the woollen comforts left. One hundred and four parcels have been despatched and there are on hand 13 pairs of socks, 6 mufflers, and 7 pairs of mittens. Unless the Treasurer receives further donations apparently the good work carried on by the Committee must cease.

Parochial Tea – The annual Parochial tea and concert in connection with St. Paul’s Church was held in the Church Institute. Owing to the war the gathering was not held last year. On this occasion the building was literally packed. Cakes, etc., were provided by the ladies of the parish, and the tables were laden with good things. Following the tea an excellent concert was given at which the Vicar presided. Mr Wilton, scoutmaster, Bamburgh, caused endless merriment with his conjuring and ventriloquism and Mr Wm, Sordy of Warkworth (Jolly Sun) in his comic songs received quite an ovation. The programme was completed by local talent, assisted by members of the Cyclist Battalion stationed at Seahouses, and all were exceedingly well received. Proceeds for Church work amounted to over £16 nett.




Berwick Town Hall, Steeple © Nifanion, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
Berwick Town Hall, Steeple © Nifanion, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Suspension of the Five o’clock Bell – The Borough police have been advised by the War Office and Admiralty that during war time, and until further notice, there is to be a stop put to the ringing of certain bells in the town between sunset and sunrise. In this connection it is interesting to recall the fact that as far back as August last the attention of the Admiralty was directed to the risk and danger run in ringing an early morning bell for a full quarter of an hour, as well as from a similar thing taking place in the evening. A brief acknowledgment was received from the Admiralty, and on the 30th August the following further communication was sent: – Sir, I am commanded by my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to thank you for your letter of the 23rd instant, relative to the noise caused by the bells of Berwick-on-Tweed, and to acquaint you that it is not considered that the ringing of these bells exposes the town to any appreciated extra risk of aircraft attack. I am, sir, your obedient servant, W. Graham Greene.

Local Will – Mr William Tenant, of Brow of the Hill, Berwick-upon-Tweed, formerly of Bankhead, Horncliffe, near Berwick-upon-Tweed, left estate valued at £12,933 17s 4d, with net personalty £7,140 16s 2d. Mrs Catherine Tenant, his widow, Miss Elizabeth Christina Tenant, his daughter, Mr William Cowe Richardson, of Langlea, Berwick, and Mr James Cowe Richardson, of 11, High Street, Berwick, grocer, are the executors. Testator leaves £20 to James Cowe Richardson, and the rest of his property in trust for his wife, for life, and then in specific bequests for his children and grandchildren.




Whist Drive and Social – On Monday even the convalescent soldiers resident at Etal Manor were entertained to a whist drive and supper in the Etal Schoolroom by several ladies of the village. The arrangements were in the hands of Mrs Hall, Mrs Wallace, and Miss H. Armstrong, and thanks to their untiring efforts and hospitality the gathering was an unqualified success. The company included the Commandant at Etal Manor, Miss M. L. Gray, the Rev. R. C. Hall, the Nursing staff, and a large number of lady friends.


The following were the prize winners:- Ladies-1st, Nurse Gray; 2nd, Nurse Paterson, 3rd, Nurse Tait – Gent’s – 1st, private Morgan; 2nd, Sergeant B. H. Flood; 3rd, Private Wales. The prizes were gracefully presented to the recipients by the little daughter of the Rev. and Mrs Hall. A substantial repast was partaken of, and the rest of the evening was spent in a social manner. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded on the motion of the senior N.C.O. to all who had contributed to the evening’s enjoyment. The singing of the national Anthem brought a most successful and enjoyable evening to a close. Mrs Chamberlain ably officiated at the piano, kindly lent by Mrs Fordyce.




Mr George Atchison of Barmoor Mill and his wife, who is the fourth daughter of the late Mr James Smith, East Allerdean, have just celebrated their golden wedding. The happy event was made the occasion of much rejoicing at Lavrock Law on Wednesday, 19th January. Six of the remaining children of the marriage were present along with their nine children, as well as a number of friends, and a very pleasant and enjoyable evening was spent. It is pleasing to know that both the old couple enjoy good health, being as young in spirit and as much in love with each other as they were in 1866. The children of the union are as follows: – Robert (deceased), James, George, Mary, Isabella, Sarah (deceased), Margaret, and Jane.