This Week in World War One, 24 March 1916

Berwick Advertiser title 1915





“Advertiser” Men Serving Their King and Country


Private JOHN STRAFFEN, London Regiment.

Corporal HECTOR JACKSON, Royal Scots.

Sapper JOHN R NOBLE, Royal Engineers.

Private JOHN BROGAN, Northern Cyclists.

Corporal ROBERT M. LEYDEN, 7th N.F.

Sergeant CHAS. N. NOBLE, 7th N.F.



Private JOHN M.BURTON, Motor Transport.

Lance-Corporal EDWARD F. S. HARVEY, 7th N.F.

Captain HENRY R. SMAIL, 7th N.F.

Enlisted under Group System:-




On Munition Work – THOMAS KENNEDY.


Berwick Advertiser, 24 March 1916 Ralph Dodds & Son Advert
Berwick Advertiser, 24 March 1916 Ralph Dodds & Son Advert





24 March 1916 Death of Ex Superintendant John Garden Image

It is with deep feelings of regret that we record the death of Ex-superintendent John Garden, Berwick, the sad event having taken place at his house in Scots Place, in the early part of Monday afternoon. For some considerable time the deceased gentleman has been far from his usual health, and a more acute stage having been reached within the past few weeks, he became slowly weaker, and passed peacefully away. Mr Garden was a prominent figure at one time in the town, his duties of Chief Constable keeping him more or less in the public eye. In later years, after retiring from this office, he devoted much of his leisure to the services of the community, by giving of his best to the deliberations and exacting Committee Work of the Board of Guardians. The office of Chief Constable is one not altogether calculated to make a man at all popular, but in the person of the late gentleman there was one who could, be charitable in his views upon men, merciful when such might perchance help an erring brother, and stern when following up a clue to the detection of serious crime. These traits of character won for him the respect and esteem of all, and he retired from his official position, it may be truly said, without an enemy in the town or district, and accepted as a trusted friend by all classes. The sympathy of all goes out to the family in this their sore bereavement.



A row of Miners Cottages, Pit Village, Beamish Museum. © Bill Henderson, 2013. Creative Commons Attribution Share-alike license 2.0.
A row of Miners Cottages, Pit Village, Beamish Museum. © Bill Henderson, 2013. Creative Commons Attribution Share-alike license 2.0.

Golden Wedding. – Mr and Mrs Robert Donaldson, of the Miners’ Homes, Broomhill, celebrated their golden wedding on Monday last. The worthy old couple were married at Belford on the 13th March, 1866. The husband belonged to North Sunderland, and his wife, then Isabella Younger, to Shawdon Woodhouse. Mr Donaldson was afterwards employed as a miner till about twenty years ago, when his health failed, and he and his wife became residents of the Miners’ Homes at Broomhill. They had a family of ten children, five sons and five daughters, of whom four sons and four daughters are living. The old people were warmly congratulated upon the attainment of their golden wedding, and a nice little present will be made to them in honour of the event. Mr and Mrs Donaldson have 22 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren. Two of his sons are serving with the colours, and the others reside at Radcliffe and Amble respectively. There are surviving four generations on the female side, and three generations on the male side.




After 30 Years’ Service – The death occurred at his house, 4 Deputy Row, Scremerston, on Tuesday, of Mr Henry Patterson, colliery weigh-man, for thirty years in the employ of the Scremerston Coal Company. Mr Patterson has been in failing health for some time, and although death came rather suddenly in the end the melancholy event was not unlooked for.

BRO 0515-211 (SCREMERSTON) (c) Berwick Record Office
BRO 0515-211 (SCREMERSTON) (c) Berwick Record Office


The deceased was at one time a prominent member of Berwick Parish Church Choir, and since going to reside at Scremerson, he has been actively associated with the church there, being a sidesman and later being appointed peoples warden. He was associated with the old volunteer movement in the Borough, and was also a member of the now defunct Tweedside Rowing Club. He was also a member of the local lodge of Oddfellows.



This Week in World War One, 10 March 1916

Berwick Advertiser title 1915






Memorial in Parish Church to late Mr Stephen Sanderson – At a meeting of Berwick Vestry on Friday the application by the Vicar and Churchwardens for the erection of a brass tablet in memory of the late Mr Stephen Sanderson. The Elms, and his wife, came up for consideration. It was explained that the brass would be 34 by 24 with a teak frame 36 by 26, and that it was proposed to place it in the north wall of the Church above the tablet in memory of Capt. Forbes, who was a great friend of the late Mr Sanderson. On the motion of the Vicar, seconded by Mr. Forsyth, it was agreed to apply for a faculty from the Chancellor for the erection of the tablet.

Berwick Parish Church. © John Box - Friends of Berwick and District Museum and Archives website.
Berwick Parish Church. © John Box – Friends of Berwick and District Museum and Archives website.


Women on Land. – It is estimated that probably 200,000 men have been withdrawn from various agricultural pursuits. This affords some justification for the unwillingness of the Board of Agriculture to consent to any further great depletion of rural labour through enlistment until measures are adopted for securing the maintenance of home-grown food supplies. A great demand exists for women’s labour on the land, and the Women’s National Land Service Corps has been formed to carry on a great recruiting campaign in town and country. It appears that through existing local agencies only 14,000 women have volunteered for what must be regarded as a patriotic service. The Land Service Corps received a send-off from Mr Walter Long and Viscount Milner. The latter is Chairman of the Committee on Home Production of Food. Appeals on the ground of patriotism will be made to women of all classes throughout England and Scotland, and it is confidently anticipated that the call will be answered. Educated women are asked to come forward and undergo a short course of training which will enable them to act as forewomen to places where there is a dearth of competent overseers.

Farm workers posing as a group.
Farm workers posing as a group. © Hampshire and Solent Museums – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.



Deserter’s Walkergate Refuge


John Brown, private in the King’s Own Scottish Borderers, was charged with having been an absentee or deserter from the 3rd Battalion of the KOSB at Portobello.

The Chief Constable explained that the accused was found in the house of a married woman at the above address, where he was apprehended. The accused pleaded guilty.

Sergeant Wm. Glover stated that he received a telegraphic message from Portobello on Monday morning stating that the accused had been an absentee since Tuesday, 15th February, and that he was supposed to be about Berwick. He informed the police.

Police Constable Spiers deponed that he apprehended the accused in a house at 43, Walkergate, belonging to Mrs Mary Ann Foster or Wood. The accused had been there a fortnight, and had been absent from his regiment three weeks altogether,

The bench remanded the accused to await the arrival of a military escort.




L0006733 Nursing: portraits and uniforms
Dame Rosalind Paget, a 1st Queen’s nurse and Inspector. © Welcome Trust – Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence.

The report of work undertaken by the Queen’s Nurses in connection with the above Association, and of gifts received during the month of February, is as follows; – Commencing on the 1st with 49 cases transferred from January until the 29th February, 45 new patients were registered (Berwick 27, Tweedmouth 9, Spittal 9),making a total of 94 to whom they attended. Of these 37 were removed from the books as convalescent and 3 died, leaving 54 transferred to the present month. During the month nurses paid 1061 visits, and issued on loan amongst the sick 14 nursing appliances and 20 articles of clothing. The following gifts were also received; for all of which the Executive Committee tender their sincere thanks to  the donors; – Miss Pearson, Ava Lodge; bovril and eggs; Miss Willoby, Ravesdowne, bed linen; Wallace Green Girls Auxiliary, cakes; Mr Lyall, Ravensdowne, old linen; Mrs Mackay, Castlegate, clothing. The Committee gratefully acknowlege the following donations to the Funds of the Association: – A Friend, Berwick, 2s 6d; a Grateful Mother, Berwick, 2s 6d; Mr Robert Dudgeon, Walkergate, 10s; A Grateful patient, Tweedmouth, 5s. Gifts of eggs, soup, clothing, etc., will be greatly welcomed, and may be sent to the Head Nurse, Q.V. Nurses’ Home, Quay Walls – all such being acknowledged monthly in the local papers.


This Week in World War One, 3 March 1916

Berwick Advertiser title 1915





Swedish Schooner Wrecked on Spittal Point


The boom of the Berwick Coastguard mortar on Sunday afternoon announced that some vessel was in distress on the coast, and that the services of the lifeboat were in requisition. The boom came as a surprise to most of people, the weather being decidedly calm, though there was a somewhat heavy ground swell running at the river’s trast to the preceding one when a strong easterly gale prevailed. The danger signal was the sequel to the ugly weather which had prevailed in the earlier part of the week. There was naturally a big rush of the inhabitants to the ramparts and the pier. Very soon these points of vantage, as well as Spittal sands, were thickly dotted by many hundreds of spectators. They were privileged to witness a very smart performance of an extemporised lifeboat crew which accomplished the rescue of five hands from a Swedish schooner, which had stranded on the seaward side of Spittal Point. The task of removing the men from the vessel was completed in half an hour, itself indicative of the care with which the Berwick lifeboat was handled in somewhat difficult and broken water, though the absence of any wind was a factor which considerably helped the completion of the mission of merey. A gratifying feature was that for the first time in its history the lifeboat brew was composed of a joint crew from Berwick and Spittal. Many of the regular crew are presently away on military and naval service, and the local Lifeboat Committee are particularly pleased at the able assistance rendered by the Spittal men, no less than eight of these forming part of the crew, the others coming from the Greenses. The coxswain was Mr James Jameison, who rendered many acts of conspicuous service.

Image 8 - Lifeboat - RNLB Matthew Simpson - Left to Right - Not known, Not known, Not known, John Wood, Knot known, Jack Lough, George Lough, Bartholomew Lough, Thomas Martin (possible), Not known, Not Known, Alex Patterson Lough.
The crew of RNLB Matthew Simpson stand alongside the lifeboat, at the lifeboat station at Spittal. © Berwick Record Office – BRO 2001


The vessel in distress turned out to be the Swedish schooner Ruth, under the command of  skipper Gustav A. Nelsen, and a crew of other four. She belongs to Holmstead, and is 87 tons register. She left on her voyage on Wednesday 16th February, with a cargo of pit props for the  Tyne, encountering very bad weather on the voyage. So violent was the storm that the little craft anchored for two days in Elsinore Roads. On venturing out she was severely buffeted in the North Sea, and hove to on Saturday night to await day break so as to make land. At 10 a.m. on Sunday morning she found herself abreast of Berwick ten miles out. She was then on a lea shore, and in bad weather. The crew decided to make for Berwick, as the steering gear had been damaged. In attempting to take the river the vessel was driven into the back of Spittal point where she stranded. The heavy ground swell continued to break over the vessel and it was in such circumstances that the lifeboat crew affected the rescue. The skilful manner in which the lifeboat was taken through the breakers to the lea of the vessel, and the crew removed one after another was done with judgement and skill. The members of the crew took most of their personal effects with them in kit bags. The short homeward journey was also admirably taken, the lifeboat’s head being held well up to the breakers. Once these were passed and the river entered the remainder of the journey was easily undertaken. As the lifeboat glided up the estuary the crew received a well-merited cheer from the large crowds lining both sides of the river. On landing the crew were taken in charge of by the Swedish Consul (Mr A. Logan), and accommodated in the Hen and Chickens Hotel. On Monday the crew had to register at the Police Station under the Aliens’ Order. The vessel was some five years old, and was not originally intended for this trade, but owing to the absence of transport due to the war her services were requished. She commenced to break up in the course of the evening with the incoming tide and quantities of the cargo floating ashore were salved by Spittal fishermen. Dr C. l. Fraser, V.D., hon. Secretary of the Berwick Lifeboat Committee; and Mr Toohey, Collector of Customs, were in attendance when the crew landed at the Lifeboat House.




Record Salmon Catch by a Berwick Gentleman – The many friends of Mr Thomas Davison, second officer, Customs and Excise, Berwick, will be pleased to learn of his having caught a record large salmon. Mr Davison is presently on holiday, and, fishing on Friday last at Major Scott’s water at Grandtully on Tay, near Aberfeldy, he hooked and landed a splendid clean run salmon after two hours play, weighing 47 ½ lbs. Its length was 50 inches and girth 28 inches. It is believed to be the largest salmon which has been caught by rod and line in the Tay for a number of years, constituting a record for this part of the river, the nearest approach being a fish of 44 lbs caught three years ago. In a letter to a Berwick friend Mr Davison stated that his left arm was still sore with the severe strain.

Sunday last was the anniversary of laying of the foundation stone of Berwick Pier, on Feb. 27th 1810. It was a red-letter day in the old Border town. The different lodges of Freemasons from the neighbouring towns, together with that of Berwick, assembled in the Town hall, along with the magistrates, Commissioners, and townspeople, and walked thence in procession to the church, where a service was held. Afterwards they set forth, attended by a band and a detachment of the Forfarshire Militia, then quartered in the town, and after the stone was laid a royal salute was fired from the cannon on the ramparts and the ships in the harbour.

Photograph of Berwick Pier (in the background), taken from the cliffs at Spittal. © Stanley Howe - Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.
Photograph of Berwick Pier (in the background), taken from the cliffs at Spittal. © Stanley Howe – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.


Extraordinary Incident in a Tweedmouth Church – An extraordinary incident occurred on Sunday afternoon in the Scotch Church, Tweedmouth, at the close of some pathetic remarks the minister (the Rev. Mr Bryson) had made on Belgium and its refugees. A prominent member rose in his seat and shouted – “Are we downhearted? No!” He gave great emphasis to the last word, and wound up by a hearty clap of his hands. It is needless to say the unusual incident came as a great surprise to the minister as well as the congregation, many of whom could not suppress a smile. The minister was evidently considerably perturbed at the outburst, but took no notice of it.




The pigeon shoot, open to all England, inaugurated by Mr A. D. Morton of the Red Lion Hotel Wooler, last year was such a success that he decided to continue it as an annual event. Favoured with fine weather, there was a large gathering and considerable interest was taken in the shooting, which was good, and speculation was brisk. As an extra inducement Mr Morton, in addition to guaranteeing £20 for a Handicap, gave a handsome silver cup to be won outright. Shooters responded in great force, and the proceedings were an unqualified success. Mr J Hall was handicapper; and H. Gibson acted as trapper. The birds were supplied by Mr G. Gallon, Wooler; and proved to be strong on the wing. A tent was erected on the ground where soup and light refreshments were provided by Mr Morton. After the shooting a considerable number sat down in the Red Lion Hotel, when a sociable evening was spent. Shooting commenced with a sweep stake but the handicap was the great attraction, and it resulted in a division of eight, but three of these had two lots. The cup was won outright by Mr. J. Sisterton, and his victory was a very popular one. The shoot took place in a field on Wooler Bridgend Farm.

By UK Government -, Public Domain,

During the First and Second World War, carrier pigeons were used to transport messages back to their home coop behind the lines. When they landed, wires in the coop would sound a bell or buzzer and a soldier of the Signal Corps would know a message had arrived. He would go to the coop, remove the message from the canister, and send it to its destination by telegraph, field phone, or personal messenger.