Ashington is currently (2024) undergoing significant regeneration. The County Council announced a £30million regeneration of the town centre, concentrated on Wansbeck Square, in June 2023. The Northumberland Line train is also due to open in 2024 with a station in Ashington.
The Ashington to the Future project aimed to help children to understand how their town changed in the past so that they could understand and appreciate the changes that were taking place around them. The aims of the project ally closely to the aims of the regeneration programme in the town.
It also aimed to give the children a sense of ownership or pride about their town. By understanding more about the town, they would feel invested in it and want to do their best for the town now and in the future.
Northumberland Archives Charitable Trust (NACT) was funded by the Platten Family Fund via the Community Foundation to complete this project.
NACT commissioned Northumberland Archives to deliver the project.
Bishops NCEA Primary School – 60 pupils (2 classes), Jan-Feb 2024
Thomas Bewick NCEA Primary School – 28 pupils, Mar-Apr 2024
James Knott NCEA Primary School – 30 pupils, Mar- Apr 2024
Workshop 1 – Introduction to Ashington to the Future
In the classroom
What is an archive?
Introducing children to archives
Virtual Heritage Walk
Virtual walk around town looking at archival documents of old and repurposed buildings. How the town has changed over the years.
Workshop 2 – Reinforcing knowledge and sparking ideas
At Northumberland Archives
Oral history training
Learn how to perform an oral history interview from the Worst Oral Historian in the World. Then talk to older members of the community about their memories and experiences of the town.
ATTF Board Game
Re-visit locations from the virtual heritage walk to reinforce ideas and facts.
Tour of Northumberland Archives
A chance to see behind the scenes and visit the strongrooms. Furthers understanding of archives.
What if…? Imagineering
Consider who makes up the community of Ashington in the present. Respond to “What if…?’ scenarios of what Ashington might be like in the future.
Workshop 3 – Animating Ashington
At Farrell Centre, Newcastle University
Visit to public architecture centre, part of Newcastle University. Animation workshop led by Robin Webb using archival photographs of Ashington as backdrops.
Workshop 4 – Design Week
In the classroom
Draw designs for the future
3 drawn designs – a place to live, work and have fun.
Introduction to TinkerCAD
Learning how to use online computer aided design.
Cardboard cities
Working in groups to build cardboard models of designs using MakeDo tools.
Workshop 5 – TinkerCAD Training
In the classroom
Reinforcing skills and developing skills further.
Workshop 6 – Northumbria University Visit
Northumbria University, Newcastle
Campus tour
A-Z trail around campus campus guided by students.
Building Modeller
Measuring and recording features of a room.
Academic talk
Careers talk given by Architectural Technician and Computer Science academics.
Workshop 7 – Final Designs
In the classroom
Recap of skills.
Creating final designs
Use designs from Design Week and Cardboard Cities to create 3D models of Ashington to the Future in TinkerCAD.
The children’s work has been turned into an exhibition, hosted at Ashington Library from 22nd April – 1st June 2024. The exhibition showcases the children’s design drawings, digital designs, 3D prints of their final designs, along with an augmented reality video showing their virtual designs positioned around Ashington. The video also includes the children’s animation and the virtual heritage walk.