Wills and Probate
Consider looking for wills of members of a family that occupied the property. If the property is an early one you may be fortunate enough to locate a will with an inventory. The inventory may list the contents of each room of the house. A document like this will allow you to plot out the layout of the property and may provide information about furnishings.
Wills may be a relatively easy means to locate a date of death of a property owner providing a clue as to a possible date of change of ownership. They may also document the passing of a property from one generation of a family to another.
Wills pre-1858
Prior to 1858 wills were proved in church courts. This was generally a court of the local Diocese. Much of Northumberland formed part of the Diocese of Durham and these records can be located at Archives & Special Collections, Durham University – Archives and Special Collections – Durham University. The Northern Inheritance Database – North East Inheritance database (dur.ac.uk) – in a database of pre-1858 wills and letters of administration proved in the Consistory Court at Durham. They include many Northumberland wills. Digital copies of many of the Durham wills can be found on the FamilySearch website – FamilySearch • Free Family Trees and Genealogy Archives.
Hexhamshire (comprising the parishes of Hexham including Whitley chapelry, Allendale including West Allen or Ninebanks, Allenheads and Carr Shield chapelries and St. John Lee) formed part of detached part or peculiar of the Archdiocese of York. Many pre-1858 wills for these areas are held at The Borthwick Institute, University of York – Borthwick Institute for Archives – Borthwick Institute for Archives, University of York.
The wills of more wealthy individuals who held property in more that one Diocese or Archdiocese. The Diocese of Durham formed part of the Archdiocese of York and will were proved in the Prerogative Court of York. These records are held at The Borthwick Institute – Borthwick Institute for Archives – Borthwick Institute for Archives, University of York . The FindMyPast website – https://www.findmypast.co.uk – includes the searchable Prerogative (PCY) & Exchequer Courts of York Index, 1668-1858.
The York Archdiocese served the northern counties with the Archdiocese of Canterbury serving southern counties. Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury (PCC), 1384-1858, are held at The National Archives in London – The National Archives. The National Archives website hosts a searchable online catalogue to the PCC wills. Digital copies of the PCC will can be ordered online for a modest charge – Wills 1384-1858 – The National Archives. The Canterbury court was the superior court so if properties were owned in both Archdioceses the will should have been proven in the PCC.

Wills post-1858
From 1858 wills were proven in civil probate registries. Northumberland Archives hold indexed volumes of enrolled copies of wills proved at Newcastle Registry from 1858-1941.
Ancestry – www.ancestry.co.uk – hosts a searchable index to the National Probate Calendars of Wills and Administrations of England and Wales, 1858-1995. Using this is a quick way to search for reference to the will of a former resident of a property.
Copies of Northumberland wills 1858-1941 can then be ordered from Northumberland Archives or ordered online at Search probate records for documents and wills (England and Wales) – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk).
Jasper Gibson (1865-1917) lived at a house called St. Wilfrid’s on Battle Hill, Hexham. Finding this reference to the probate to his estate on the Ancestry website allows us to search more easily for a copy of his will at Northumberland Archives. It would also be possible to purchase a copy of the document online at Search probate records for documents and wills (England and Wales) – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk).
Inventory of John Rickardson, 1699
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Have a go at transcribing the indented section and first list of goods on the right hand page. Click the transcription toggle below to see our transcription.
For more information on how to read manuscripts, see our Decoding Manuscripts module.
A True & perfect Inventory of all & singular ye
Goods & Chattells Debts & Creditts of John Rickardson
late of Pakeside in ye County of Northumbland
Decd Valued & Apprized ye 20th Day of May Ao Regni
Dni nri 1699* by us whose names are hereunto
l s d
Imps His purse & apparel 5 0 0
Item : Two Cows 4 0 0
Item Three Heffers 4 10 0
Item Three Steers 4 4 0
Item His Household Goods 5 0 0
Item Husbandry Geer 1 0 0