Notebook of Dr. John Sharp for Wreckage Brought Ashore at Bamburgh & Accounts for Burials of Mariners
Reference: NRO 00452/D/5/15/1-2
Suggested age groups: KS1, KS2
Subject areas: Shipwrecks, Bamburgh Castle

This document is a page from a notebook kept by Dr. John Sharp. Dr. Sharp was one of the Trustees of the Lord Crewe’s Charity. He set up a charity to support shipwreck survivors by allowing them to stay at Bamburgh Castle for no cost for up to seven days after being shipwrecked.
The notebook records information about wreckage washed ashore. The wreckage was collected and put in a store room in Bamburgh Castle for up to a year and a day. It was hoped that the wreckage would be claimed by the owner. At the bottom of the page we learn that in 1762 half a boat was brought to Bamburgh Castle.
An Account of such pieces of
Wreck of different kinds drove ashore on
the Manor of Bambrough, as also
of Things taken up at sea near
the said shore, which are liable
to be claimed by the owners, &
are therefore deposited in
the Wreck Room & Store-room
of Bambrough, to be kept for
a year & a day, if not sooner
claimed. together with an
attested acct of the several times
when they were respectively brought
to the Castle.
No. 1. Half a Boat brought to the Castle
on or before the [blank] day of [blank]
The Charity also paid for the burial of bodies of shipwrecked sailors. A local carpenter built the coffins and the bodies were buried in Bamburgh Parish Church. The notebook records the money spent on arranging these burials.
Octr. 1763 Acct. of Mariner’s
buried at Bambrough.
4 Octr. Tues. No. 1.
A Mariner sent from Budle
by Mr. Banjamin Grieve and buried
at his Expence, Coffin & c. found &
fees paid. A remarkable [ ] Man,
His Name Matthew Wake, mate of the Nicholas.
Octr. 5 Wed. No. 2. X
Two mariners buried this afternoon
By whom)
- of)
Expences) To Mary Bironel (?) a shirt 0-1-6
To Barbara Morton a sheet 0-2-6
To Robt. Jno. Winlow a Shirt, Sheet, Cap) 0-2-6
& Neckcloth)
To Barty Y[oun]ghusb[an]d. a coffin 0-4-0
This document is a page from a notebook kept by Dr. John Sharp. Dr. Sharp was one of the Trustees of the Lord Crewe’s Charity. He set up a charity to support shipwreck survivors by allowing them to stay at Bamburgh Castle for no cost for up to seven days after being shipwrecked.
See: Where does this document come from?
See: How did Dr. John Sharp support shipwreck survivors?
See: What did Dr. John Sharp keep a record of in this notebook?
See: How long were shipwreck survivors allowed to stay at Bamburgh Castle for no cost?
See: How long was a wreckage stored at Bamburgh Castle?
Think: Why did Dr. Sharp set up a charity to help shipwreck survivors?
Think: Were there a lot of shipwrecks near Bamburgh?
Think: What causes ships to wreck?
Think: Do shipwrecks still happen today?
Think: Who helps shipwreck survivors today?
Think: Why did Dr. Sharp arrange for the burial of mariners?
Think: What type of money was used in 1763?
Do: Use the Northumberland Archives Decoding Manuscripts page to help you read the two documents. Can you make a transcript of what they say?
Do: Create a chart showing how long shipwrecks and shipwreck survivors could stay at Bamburgh Castle.
Do: Discuss why you think wreckages were kept for a year and a day and shipwreck survivors could stay at Bamburgh Castle for 7 days.
Do: Create a storyboard inspired by the notebook. This could include the wreckage, rescue, salvage, and burials.
Do: Look at a map of the coast around Bamburgh Castle. Can you see any evidence of why there were so many shipwrecks in the area?
Do: Make a table showing the costs spent on the burial of mariners.
Do: Use the Bank of England Inflation Calculator to work out how much everything noted in your table would have cost in the present day.
MET Office page on beach safety:
Northumberland Archives LEARN page on shipwrecks at Bamburgh Castle:
Lord Crewe’s Charity website:
Northumberland Archives LEARN page on Dr. John Sharp:
Northumberland Archives LEARN page on Lord Crewe’s Charity:
Northumberland Archives exhibition on Lord Crewe’s Charity: