Everyday Life in a Northumbrian Manor

Everyday Life in a Northumbrian Manor

In 2019 Northumberland Archives was awarded a grant of £73100 by the National Lottery Heritage Fund to run a project ‘Everyday Life in a Northumberland Manor’. The project will promote the use of manorial records by family and community historians and other researchers. This section of our website is dedicated to the project and includes useful content to support the use of manorial records.

About the project

Learn more about our National Lottery Heritage funded project Everyday Life in a Northumbrian Manor.

What are Manors and Manorial Documents?

Learn what a manor was and about the particular documents generated by a manor. The page includes a recording of a talk by our Project Archivist.

Manorial FAQs

Find the answers to some FAQs about manors and manorial documents.

Manorial Map

See a map and key of proven manors in Northumberland.


A glossary of useful terms relating to manors and manorial documents.

How to use the Manorial Documents Register

Watch an informational video on how to use the Manorial Documents Register alongside the Northumberland Archives catalogue.

Manor History Files

Learn about the history of Northumberland manors here.

Images and Transcripts

Access images and transcripts of key manorial documents. We will add content to these pages as the project progresses.

Volunteer Groups

Information on the work of our four project volunteer groups, who created the transcripts found on this website.

Animating the Manor

School workshops delivered during the project.

Learning Resources for Schools

Learning resources to replicate our Animating the Manor workshops.

All Manor of things: An introduction to manors and their documents

Learning resources for for anyone who would like to start using manorial documents, from absolute beginners to more experienced users who would like to sharpen their skills.

Volunteers – Allendale – Northumberland Archives

This short video highlights some of the interesting findings uncovered within the transcription work undertaken by the Allendale group.

Manor Tenants And The Customs That Bound Them

Beth Elliott, our Project Archivist, speaks about manorial tenants and some of the customs of the manors we have discovered in our project.