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The members then sat as a Town Council, Mr W. J. Bolam, Land Steward, being also present.


The Clerk submitted the resolution regarding the War Memorial for Berwick, forwarded from the public meeting last week, in the name of the Mayor as Chairman, and delegating the question of a Memorial to the Town Council.

The Mayor said he was very grieved and very sorry at the termination of the War Memorial Committee. After the meeting last week he had determined not to let one hour pass till the matter was taken up again. It was up to those of us who had been kept in safety to erect a worthy Memorial to the men who had fallen. He moved that the Berwick Aldermen and Councillors be formed into a Committee with powers to add to their numbers, and take the work in hand. Councillor Darling seconded.

Mr Brewis, who thought at first that the Mayor’s motion was that the Town Council should take up the work of the War Memorial Committee and set up a Committee of its own for the purpose, said that it was no part of the duties of the Town Council to take over the management and disposal of voluntary subscriptions to a War Memorial. Last week’s meeting was held for subscribers only, and only 32 out of 1100 attended. No wonder Dr Mackay was bitterly disappointed. So would be every Berwick man who fought in the war. Berwick had failed where Tweedmouth and Spittal had succeeded. The Berwick War Memorial Committee should have had an alternative scheme ready, because they could not  know that the ratepayers would agree to the removal of the Scotsgate. The ratepayers so far as he had been able to ascertain were against its removal, and against the rates being used for Memorial purposes. He knew of no other Town Council that had been requested to take over the work of a War Memorial Committee, and as he had stated, they were under no legal obligation to do so, and certainly under no moral obligation. The work of the Council was quite onerous enough already. At the meeting of subscribers on Wednesday last of the 32 who attended, 11 voted for the Town Council to take the Memorial in hand, and 9 against, leaving 12 who did not vote at all. Could the Mayor tell him if those 12 subscribers wished the Scotsgate removed or not, because one of the principal speakers at the meeting had asked him (Mr Brewis) months ago to strongly oppose its removal?

The Mayor – I am not in a position at the present time to answer that question.

Councillor Campbell – What was the spirit in which the motion was sent?

The Mayor – I am not answerable for the motives of other people.

Councillor Campbell maintained that the contentious spirit shown at the War Memorial meeting was not right. Col. Mackay had shown a different spirit.The handing over of the Memorial question to the Council was an endeavour to exploit the Council, who did not carry the Committee’s scheme to take down the Scotsgate. They were throwing the onus on the Town Council. He considered this was a matter for the subscribers. The Council had enough in hand already. As regards his own position, as his term of office expired shortly, he did not consider he was justified in becoming a member of the proposed new Committee. The decision of the War Memorial meeting of  a majority of 2 on a vote of 20, was unfortunate.

Ald. Short stated there had been immense difficulties in the question of a Memorial for Berwick. Feeling had reached a rather high point. He considered the Mayor had had no alternative but to make the suggestion he did. The motion met with his (Alderman Short’s approval, but he suggested they ought to go further and take in the whole Town Council. They were all equally sorry for the loss of the men, and would all subscribe. If by becoming a subscriber they were qualified to be on the Committee he for one would certainly qualify. There had been 40 men on the Tweedmouth Committee, and everything had been very harmonious. He hoped they would all go heart and soul into the matter, and work as hard as they could to erect some worthy Memorial to the men who gave their lives.

Councillor Brewis stated there was no question of wishing to have the best Memorial. We were all at one about that (Hear, Hear).

Councillor Blench suggested that the Council join the other Committee, and work along with them, not to take the responsibility on their own shoulders.

Councillor Brewis – There is no other Committee.

Councillor Blench thought that if the suggestion was put before the old Committee they would agree. They were all anxious to complete the Memorial. If it had not been for the men who gave their lives, there would have been no Scotsgate, no Berwick standing today.

The Mayor drew attention to the fact that his motion did not confine the matter to the Council.

Councillor Dixon suggested that the Mayor had made his motion to get out of a difficulty. He thought the old Committee might be called together by invitation.

Councillor Darling stated in seconding the Mayor’s motion, his idea had been that the Council would form a nucleus to make a fresh start.

Councillor Brewis – That is not the application made.

The Mayor – We are not here to discuss the application but to find out the best way to erect the Memorial.

Councillor Wilson stated that there was no question that the mover of the motion at the Memorial meeting and his supporters meant the Town Council to take over the whole matter of the War Memorial. Personally he quite approved of the Mayor’s motion. But that was not the intention of the meeting. The Mayor had taken a wise path. This question of a Memorial should be above squabble. (Hear, hear.) It was far too delicate and solemn a matter. He suggested that the men and women be asked to help in this matter. He regretted the lack of tone at the Memorial meeting. (The Mayor- We all felt that). He thought the Council should not put their responsibility to one side, but shoulder it and make the Memorial a success.

Councillor Brewis pointed out that the whole of the members had come there that night with the same interpretation of the action of the Memorial meeting.

The Mayor – We are here to take steps to carry on the Memorial, not to do as someone else tells us.

The motion was unanimously agreed to.


On Thursday morning last an accident occurred on the Old Bridge about 10.15 a.m. Two large motor wagons belonging to Messrs Johnson and Darling, and to Messrs Spring, fish curers, Berwick and Hull, colliding. There was very little damage done, but traffic was delayed for a short while.

A recent photogrpah of the Berwick Bridge (Old Bridge), where in August 1920 a number of incidents were recorded on the roadway.  Copyright: Bill Harrison – (CC-BY-SA-2.0) –  https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/5593766

On the afternoon of the same day, while a woman was wheeling a perambulator across the Bridge, a pony and trap passing knocked the perambulator over, upsetting the two children in it. Fortunately the children were little the worse. The most regrettable part of the incident was that the party driving the trap did not consider it worth while to stop and enquire what damage had been done. On Friday two motor lorries again collided on the Bridge one of them having been in the smash the previous day.


Ald. Richardson drew attention to the absence of a urinal and a water closet at the Carr Rock. In those days when men came from all parts with herring boats, he thought it was the duty of the Authority to put this matter right at once.

The Mayor pointed out that the proper course for Ald. Richardson to have followed regarding this matter, was to have sent a complaint to the Town Clerk. The question could then have been put on the agenda. Otherwise time was put off, and members did not know what was coming before them. The matter was referred to the Works Committee with powers.

A early 1900s photogrpah of the Carr Rock, where in August 1920, there were complaints brought up at the Town Council meeting as to the state of the urinals. Ref: BRO 426 SL 83

Ald. Short asked how it was that for days there had been no water in the urinals and  closets in Tweedmouth. People had come into his office complaining that the closets were dry.

The Surveyor stated that was the first he had heard of it. A man was paid to look after these things, and he had heard nothing from the man.

Councillor Edminson – Why do not the officials go themselves and see about it? There are a great many abuses that are not attended to? With all the officials Berwick should have been a little Paradise by now.

Ald. Short – The Surveyor is seldom in Tweedmouth to my knowledge. It is a very hazy recollection I have of seeing him the last time.



On Monday afternoon, while driving down the Main Road at High Gate, a horse belonging to Robert Norris, Tweedmouth, took fright to such an engine blowing its whistle, and bolted down Main Street.  A man named James Douglas, who was on the cart, fell off, and was cut and bruised about the head, and, continuing its career, the horse came in contact with a stationary motor car.  Norris, who had kept his head, managed to draw the frightened animal up. The mud-guard of the car was torn off. Douglas, who was stunned by his fall, was taken to Berwick Infirmary for treatment. He is doing as well as can be expected.



On the morning of Thursday last a serious accident was averted by the presence of mind of an engine driver named Jack Morrison.  He was bringing a traction engine and mill from Tweedmouth Station to Messrs Bain’s down the South Side of the High Gate when a gear pin on the engine became detached, and the engine commenced to free wheel at great speed down the hill. Knowing the danger of running down Main Street, where there are always children playing about, Morrison made up his mind to take the hairpin turn into Shielfield, the hill there being calculated to stop the engine’s career. 

Photograph of the Berwick Bridge.  The “Bridge Toll House” stood near to where the sundial is situated at the Berwick end of the bridge. © Copyright Chris Morgan, (CC BY-SA 2.0) https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/3098053.

The traction engine took the turn at great speed, going round practically on one wheel, and then Morrison came face to face with another problem, several motor cars being on the road further up.  At great danger to himself, he took the only course open to him, and swung the engine dead into the wall at Turret Villa.  The engine knocked a clean hole in the wall and came to a stop.  Morrison being little worse of his adventure.  The foreman jumped off the engine before they reached the railway bridge.


Some time ago you had a report in your paper in reference to the “Bridge Toll House,” and the place stated was at the end of the bridge.  Now, this was not the case, for it was in one of the recesses at the top of the bank on the bridge — the one next to the Sundial.  I can remember seeing this, seeing I had to pass it so often when a young man.  I was told by father, and also my grandfather, the gates were just on the Bridge End. My grandfather, being one of the Coastguards, helped to pull them down. 

In the background is Holy Island Castle, occupied at one time by the Coastgaurd, and where Mr Scott’s grandfather was held after his misdeed. © Copyright Christine Matthews,(CC BY-SA 2.0) https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/1239975.

There is another report in reference to Holy Island Castle, and I can endorse part of the history given by you about the Coastguards living in the Castle: for my mother’s father was banished from Spittal to the Castle because of my father’s grave misdeed in marrying his daughter.  This was the punishment meted out to him, and I can remember paying a visit there when a boy.  I mention this to show the difference then and now.  Even after 50 years’ absence except for annual visits, I have still a kindly feeling for the old town. — I remain, yours sincerely. James Scott, 30, Chatterton Street, Southwick, Sunderland.


On Sunday a most successful motor char-a-banc tour of the Borders was held by the clerical and locomotive staff of Berwick Station.  Leaving Berwick about nine o’clock in the morning, the journey was made through the beautiful pastoral scenery of the Merse, by way of Duns, Greenlaw, and Earlston, on to Melrose, where an alfresco lunch was very much enjoyed. 

Adam Logan’s charabanc pictured in Sandgate in the early 1900s, with a patry about to set off on a trip. Adam Logan himself is pictured standing on the left of the picture.  A similar vehicle transported the clerical and locomotive staff of Berwick station on their tour of the borders.  Image in the collection of Fred Kennington.

The company then proceeded on to Selkirk, where a most enjoyable tea was served in the Fleece Hotel.  A few hours were spent in song and sentiment, and Selkirk being left behind.  Kelso was reached by way of St Boswells, and a little time was spent looking round the pretty little town.  While here the trippers saw the competitors in the reliability run of Berwick Motor Club pass through. Berwick was reached about 9.30, the entire company being highly satisfied with the tour, upon which the sun had smiled all day





A thunderstorm of a violent character prevailed round the Border district on Friday afternoon and evening doing considerable damage to crops and being responsible for the tragic death of Mr George Horsley, a jobbing gardener, aged 66, residing at East Ord.

I was between half-past five and six o’clock when Horsley left his house to go for milk to the farm of Ord Mains.  It was thundering heavily, but as the storm appeared to be still some distance off, no danger was feared.  Five minutes later, Mr Robert Aire Horsley, the brother of the deceased, was summoned by Mr Wm. Gilchrist, farmer, who said he had found the unfortunate man dead on the road.


The brother hurried to the scene and in the centre of the road leading to the farm they found the body lying face downwards.  It was almost naked, but a few tattered portions of garments remained and were smouldering.  The boots were torn from the feet, the uppers being thrown to either side of the road, and the soles being found nearly 100 yards away.  The deceased’s watch which was found near the body looked as if it had been struck with a sledge hammer.  The winding screw was torn off, the back of the case badly dented, the works fused, and the pointers and glass smashed.  It appeared as if Horsley had been struck by the lightning on the crown of the head, for there was a circular burn and the face was badly marked and burned.

Death, to all appearances, had been instantaneous.  The police were communicated with, and a subsequent medical examination went to prove that the unfortunate man would never have suffered.


George Horsley, the victim of this sad occurrence is the eldest son of the late Mr George Horsley of Bamburgh, a full cousin of the heroine of the Longstone, Grace Darling.  The sensational rescue performed by the gallant maid, when the paddle steamer Forfarshire was wrecked during the gale on the Goldstone Rock, is almost history.  How she braved the dangers of the Island channels in the small cobble manned by herself and her father has found its place in song and story.  Her early death from a lingering disease was regretted by the nation.  The only surviving son of the family, Mr R. A. Horsley, has in his possession several relics and personal belongings of Grace Darling, including the flag of the “Forfarshire.”

The family record of the Horsley’s seems to be interwoven with tragedy.  Many years ago, Richard Horsley, a brother, accidentally fell in front of a traction engine and was killed.  The old mother died from shock when the body was brought home, and the two were buried on the same day.  Grace Darling Horsley, the only daughter of the family died infancy.

© Copyright Graham Robson. (CC BY-SA 2.0).

We understand that Coroner Percy, having heard the report of P.C. Richardson, Ord, and considered the circumstances of the case at the inquest held without calling a jury, was satisfied that death resulted from Horsley being struck by lightning.


A most enjoyable outing was spent at the Chain Bridge on Thursday afternoon by the members of St Paul’s Church Choir, Spittal, and several friends.  The party, which numbered about 40 went by motor boat.  The trip was splendidly organised by Mr S Brown, organist of the Church. 

Construction of the Union Bridge over the Tweed by Alexander Nasmyth (1758 – 1840).

Great praise is due to Miss M. N. Boston in the manner the catering was carried out, assisted by other ladies of the choir.  Owing to the weather being wet, tea was served in the Shiel.  Games and races were indulged in until time for leaving.  On returning to the station the party was headed by a piper, and left Velvet Hall station for home after spending a very pleasant afternoon.  The company arrived at Spittal about 9pm.



The prospectus has now been issued for the above event, which takes place on the afternoon of August Bank Holiday, 2nd August.  The prospectus is on the same lines as 1914, when the Regatta was last held.  The premier event is for the Ladies Plate, a four oared race four senior oarsmen in strake boats.  There is another four oared event for maiden oarsmen, the pair oared race for the Marshall Meadows Plate, cutter races for senior and junior oarsmen, and the usual coble races for salmon fishermen.  Good support has already been promised.  The joint secretaries are Messrs R. D. Harvey and R. P. Campbell.

Berwick Amateur Rowing Club in 1951 REF: BRO 1944-1-54-010.


Berwick A.R.C. is to be represented by the following crew at Tyne Regatta on Saturday, 17th July: — J. Hutchison (bow), Norman Anderson, E. Soulshy, J. D. Buglass (stroke).  It will compete in the race for maiden oarsmen.