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The Old Year’s Night was spent in a very happy fashion at the Primitive Methodist Church. At 7 o’clock the Rev. C. L. Stowe (accompanied by the Rev. J. Crawford, Presbyterian minister) took charge of a delightful programme of vocal and instrumental music; which had been arranged in the interests of Home and Foreign Missions. The programme was sustained by Mr M. Mason (Scremerston) organist, Misses Mason, Davidson, Nelson, and Mrs Pardoe, soloists; Mr R. Smart, elocutionist. The concert was followed by a supper daintily set out by the Norham lady-workers, and generously provided by the villagers. Missionary services were continued on Sunday, January 4th, when the Rev. R. Banham, Deputation form West Africa, preached at 2.30, while Mr Pringle, of Longdyke, occupied the pulpit in the evening. Miss Nelson was the soloist on Sunday. The total proceeds of the Missionary effort amounted to about £12.

The children attending the Church Sunday School were entertained to tea on New Year’s Day in the Old School, when a most sumptuous repast was enjoyed by the youngsters. The good things for the festive board were kindly provided by the Hon. Mrs Askew Robertson, Mrs Roberson, Mrs Herriot, Miss Embleton, and Mrs Ritson. Miss Head, formerly of Norham, and at one time a Sunday School teacher, sent two lovely iced Christmas cakes for the occasion. After tea, games were indulged in, and in this way a very pleasant evening was spent, the children’s smiling faces and loud shouts of laughter showing how thoroughly they were enjoying themselves. On the call of the Vicar, three hearty cheers were given for all those ladies who had so kindly provided the tea, and for those who kindly given their assistance to make the evening an enjoyable one.



After a lapse of five years due to war conditions, Berwick and District Bachelors’ annual ball was held in the Corn Exchange on Tuesday evening. This Ball has for many years been always regarded as one of the most notable of social functions in Berwick. Of the original list of bachelors responsible for getting up the first ball held on January 15th, 1879, very few now survive, those being Messers A. L. Miller, T. Thompson, D. K. Gregson, T. Darling, and Sir F. D. Blake. Of these Mr Thos. Thompson is the sole survivor of the Committee of five.

Image from the Berwick Advertiser 4 December 1858, opening of the newly erected Corn Exchange, Berwick-upon-Tweed.

Thanks to the artistic taste of Messrs John Crow and Son, decorators, the Corn Exchange, losing its everyday, business-like appearance, was transformed into a beautiful ball-room, the walls of which were panelled in pale blue and white. Special doorways leading to various ante-rooms were done in white and pink mouldings, with the Berwick coat of arms and the figures 1920 painted in pink.

Allan’s band was accommodated on a raised platform, tastefully decorated with pot plants, at the top end of the room. The whole effect of the ballroom was greatly enhanced by the electric light decorations, put up under the direction of Mr Barlow, Resident Engineer, Urban Electric Light Works. Intermingled with evergreens, strings of coloured lights were suspended from the roof girders, prettily coloured Chinese lanterns also appearing in the decorations round the room. A special staircase, draped in white and trails of ivy, was erected by Messrs J. Cockbburn and Son, from the floor of the ballroom to the gallery and thence to the supper room, which was tastefully laid out. The gallery, used as sitting out accommodation, was ornamented by fir trees. The two side-rooms downstairs were set out as refreshment rooms, the front entrance being transformed into a sitting-out rom, shade with soft crimson lights.



A very successful ball was held in the Drill Hall, Wooler, on Friday evening last, under the auspices of the Comrades of the Great War. Despite the numerous attractions in Wooler and District during the holiday season, over a hundred were present. The spacious hall was beautifully decorated for the occasion. High-class music was supplied by Allan’s Band, Berwick, and many encores were clamoured for. Comrades W. Dixon and T. Curle acted as M.C.’s. The supper was catered by Comrade J. Shilan, Temperance Hotel, Wooler, and as on previous occasions, to the satisfaction of all present. In addition to the supper oranges, apples and grapes were served out. Dancing was kept up with great vigour until 3.15 a.m., when reluctantly one and all wended their way homewards after a most pleasant evening.



The Clerk read the recommendation of the General Purposes Committee, which, after having been in communication with the Scottish Command, the Registrar of Evening Classes, and the County Director, agreed to recommend that evening class instruction in Woodworking, etc., be given to soldiers, the cost of which would be defrayed by the Military, and that the classes be arranged for with the teachers

The Chairman moved the adoption of the report, saying this was going to be no expense for the Committee. Anything required would just be intended for. Agreed to.

The Clerk reported that, including arrears, the amount to be distributed to teachers under the County Scheme of Augmentation of Salaries was £1325 15s 5d, and this augmentation would be paid out with the December salaries.


In the past history of Berwick as a shipping centre one of the most outstanding names was that of Gowan, at whose ship-building yard on the Quay below the eight-gun battery, numerous vessels were constructed. Ship-building is carried out no longer in Berwick, and there are now no representatives of the Gowan family in the town. Some members of the family are, however, still connected with the ship-building trade elsewhere. Mr Arthur Byam Gown, as is well-known, is Managing Director of Palmer’s famous works on the Tyne.

BRO 1636-5-22. Berwick Quay and Docks early 19th Century

Others, we learn, are doing well in the colonies, where Mr John Miller Gowan runs a station in the River Nia, Australia. He married his cousin Estelle, a daughter of the late John Gown, of Melbourne, and has five sons and one daughter. The eldest son went to the front with the 17th Battalion and was in the Great Push in France – arriving just in time. The next boy is in the Bank of Australia in Henty, the younger ones being still at school. Another member of the family, also in Australia, is Mr Henry Flockhart, who follows the profession of a journalist, and whose mother was Miss S.L. Gown. He never can forget, he says, the happy days he spent in Berwick and Spittal, with fly-fishing up the Whitadder and kettles up the Tweed.

During the week some of the local coal dealers have experienced difficulty in getting enough coal to meet the demands of their customers. Many householders have been without coal, a state of affairs, which at this time of the year, is far from pleasant. Every effort to adjust supplies has been made by Mr Turnbull, the local Fuel Overseer, who has made a point of at once supplying the needs of households where there was sickness.

An early 20th century image of the former Scremerston Pit. BRO 0515-209

The shortage, which is not regarded as serious, is attributed to the recent three days holidays at the pits at Scremerston, when supplies were allowed to get behind. It is poor comfort to say that other districts are, and have been, much worse off, but with a pit two miles away, there is little fear of a serious shortage in Berwick and district. To help out supplies in the meantime, recourse has been had in some instances to wood as fuel, and the Overseer has also exercised his rights and commandeered two waggons of coal off the railway.





More than usual interest centred round the services of the Church of Scotland at Berwick on Sunday last, when after having been decorated and enhanced by the installation of electric light, the Church celebrated its 200th anniversary. Occasion was also taken to unveil memorial tablets to the members of the congregation who had fallen in the war, the Officers, N.C.O.’s and men of the K.O.S.B., and of the 2/10th Royal Scots, who during their stay in Berwick had worshipped in the Church.

                                                       THE UNVEILING

The ceremony was performed by Major McAlester who, in the course of his address, said there were three tablets to be unveiled that day to the glory of God and in memory of those had fallen. The first was in memory of the officers, N.C.O’s and men of the 2/10th Royal Scots who had fallen in the war: the second or central tablet in honour to those members of the congregation who had laid down their lives; and the third in memory of the officers, N.C.O.’s and men of the K.O.S.B. Of the Royal Scots he felt that he did not need to say more than that they were a Lowland Regiment, the first regiment of the line, with a long and honourable history of which the nation was proud. Of the 2/10th battalion he could speak.

Still standing, St Andrew’s church (Church of Scotland), Wallace Green, Berwick-upon-Tweed. © Author: mattbuck, Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic license.

On the 22nd October, 1914, this Battalion was raised at Bathgate, and from thence they proceeded to Berwick. They were in Berwick for three Christmases, and had the proud boast that of all the new battalions of this country’s Armies they were the best behaved. They had hoped to go overseas as a Battalion, but this was not to be, the battalion becoming a feeder. During the war they sent no less than 42 officers and 2,000 men to the fighting line. Many had gained honours in the war, and many, alas, had not returned, having fallen in the cause of Justice and Freedom. The second tablet was raised to the memory of the fallen of the congregation, those who had answered to call and returned not. In the list were the names of fathers, brothers, and sons of the congregation, and their loss had brought painfully home the calamity of war. It was no longer a fight in a foreign country. They had struggled for the existence of their own country and right- and right had triumphed.


Ord War Memorial Fund benefitted to the extent of £16 by a Block Test, in which competitors on payment of one shilling, were asked to guess the weight of a fat bullock fed by Mr Hogg, East Ord. The bullock, which weighed 83 stone 8lbs. was on exhibition in Sandgate, Berwick, on Saturday. There were four guesses within one pound of the weight. Mr John Turnbull, Berrington Lough, guessed 83st. 9lbs, 1lb. over, and Messrs M. Kirkup (Ord Moor) Geo. Douglas (East Ord), and C. J. Dixon ( Ord Gardens), all guessed 83st. 7lbs., 1 lb. under correct weight. Prizes of £3, £2, and £1 offered will be divided between these four, each getting 30s.


Under the new Education Act the duties in regard to the physical care and development of school children will be considerably enlarged. There are many recommendations as to how the physical welfare of the children might be secured. One of these is playgrounds for organised games; and some part of the playground attached to every school to be cemented or tar-paved for the purpose of physical exercises in the open air. Another suggestion is that in country schools, where the children mostly come from distant places, there should be some place provided where they could take meals under civilised conditions. At present, as far as children in elementary schools are concerned, we now spend in Northumberland over £200,000 per annum to supply teachers, and only £4,000 upon the physical welfare of the children. The establishment of clinics or dispensaries is also regarded as being necessary. At these clinics, in addition to such minor ailments as sore eyes, ringworm, scabies, and verminous conditions, attention would also be given to defective teeth, defects in eyesight, and diseases of the throat, nose and ear. It is further suggested that the county should be divided into districts and clinics established at certain centres, such as Alnwick, with sub-centres at such places in the northern part of the county as Berwick, Cornhill, Belford, and Wooler. The closest co-operation is also advocated between Child Welfare Committees and Health Visitors and School Medical Officers. By these means it is hoped to remedy physical defects in children, and so render their mental development more efficient. There is no doubt that children physically unfit cannot derive the same benefit from school attendance as those who are perfectly fit.


For several years prior to the war it was the custom to hold an annual supper in connection with the Belford Union and District Show, but if memory serves us right, this important function has been suspended since 1913. However, the Committee, having become pretty hopeful of the awful carnage being over, decided to resuscitate the supper, and on Thursday evening of last week this event took place in the Blue Hotel Assembly Room, when a company numbering approximately one hundred and twenty assembled in the old Hostelry to partake of the excellent supper catered by Mr and Mrs Davison. The room was beautifully decorated for the occasion, and the tables were tastefully set out with floral and other decorations which, on entering, thrilled one with pleasure. Dr. Macdonald presided, and the first item on the programme being the supper. He wasted no time in opening the way for a commencement with the good things provided. After supper had been partaken of the Chairman proposed the toast of the King, and this was responded to by the singing of the National Anthem. A concertina solo by Mr Moody was next given, which called forth an encore. The toast of the Army, Navy, and Air Force was given and responded to by Mr Ross.

An early image of the The Blue Bell Hotel, Market Place, Belford, where the ‘Resuscitation of  Shepherd’s Supper’ was held in 1919. Ref: BRO 426-944

Then followed songs by Messrs Mountjoy and Moody. The toast of the Shepherds was given by the Chairman, and this Mr T. Hall responded to. Mr Mountjoy gave another song, and then Mr T. Hall, one of the joint secretaries read the financial report of the Show, which showed that there was a balance of £130 in hand. Mr Moody gave selections on the concertina, one-stringed fiddle, and mouth organ. Mr J. Guthrie followed with the toast of the Judges, and this was responded to by Mr H. Bowmer. A monologue, “The Coster’s Conversion,” was next given by Mr Mountjoy, and was followed by a toast, “The Farmers,” by Mr J. Clark, which was responded to by Mr Summerfeld. Mr J. Robinson gave “The Strangers,” and Mr Davison responded. An innovation, which caused no small degree of merriment, was given by Messrs Moody and Summerfield with a dancing dolly. By request, the Chairman proposed the health of the returned soldiers and sailors, and the toast was responded to by Mr D. Elliott. The Chairman then proposed votes of thanks to Mrs Davison, her staff of willing assistants, and all others who had taken part in making the event such a great success. The closing items were the singing of “God Save the King,” and “Auld Lang Syne.”



We have received a long letter from “Fairplay” in regard to the Holy Island – Rangers match protesting against the inference which he draws from our report on the game that Holy Island were guilty of rough play. He informs us “that the Islanders as a rule are very considerate in their play, and no doubt being young and strong, their strength has been taken for rough play instead of their being allowed full justice for their zeal and interest in the game.”

We accept the statement of our contributor that this may be partly responsible for the impression left with the majority who attended the match, but would point out to him that the rules of football are now specially framed to protect less strenuous players from the attacks of zealots whose strength over-balances their good judgment. A few of the islanders, just like members of other teams, are too prone to “take the man” when tackling, and this once introduced into a match leads to incidents which are not in the best interest of the game. As our correspondent “Fairplay” remarks, “they are young and strong,” and we trust with age they will learn to use the strength with which they are endowed legitimately. Holy Island, like many other young teams, would improve greatly in developing along scientific lines instead of following the doctrine of the survival of the fittest.



We shall all be the better of the example of Horncliffe. A public meeting was held there last Saturday to discuss the projected War memorial. There was the inevitable difference of opinion as to whether it should be useful or purely monumental. After a free discussion it was generally agreed to go on with a public hall and reading room. One cannot but feel that there is something in the objection that a hall for the amusement of the living is a selfish form of memorial to the dead. That objection disappears if it is met in the spirit which Capt. Allenby voiced.  “The hall was to commemorate the men who gave them lives for ours. It was by their sacrifice we would be able to enjoy the hall.” The hall will not be a centre of continuous dissipation or frivolity. It will enter into the life of the village. Quiet and thoughtful evenings will be spent there, and indeed evenings of that kind will out-number the others. But grave or gay, all the evenings will go to make up the life of the village, and it was for that life as a whole that the men gave their lives. As Capt. Allenby finely said, we must not only think of these men in our solemn moments, but in our pleasures as well.

What would make the memorial even more eloquent of Horncliffe’s regard for the fallen would be the carrying out of the suggestion that the hall should be built by the voluntary labour of the villagers. Horncliffe stone would be quarried and put together by Horncliffe people. Such a memorial, we are convinced, would be admired from near and far for many a day to come, and we hope that it will be successfully carried through.



Berwick St. Andrew’s Club was revived this year, after having been dormant for the period of the war, and a company of some 26 members and friends sat down to the 36th annual dinner and gathering in the King’s Arms Hotel, on Monday evening.

Pictured on the right of the photograph is an early 1900s image of the King’s Arms Hotel (with the flagpole), where the Berwick St Andrew’s Club was revived in 1919.  Ref: BRO 426 355

A typical Scottish dinner was served up in a manner reflecting great credit on Mr Scott, the genial host, and was very much enjoyed. The Haggis was played into the room in the customary way by bagpipe music, supplied by Mr G. H. Ballard. jun. Dinner having been done full justice to, the Scottish anthem “Scots Wha Hae” was sung by the company. The patriotic toast having been given by the President, County Alderman Darling proposed the toast of the Imperial Forces, referring to the splendid response made by Scots from every part of the globe to succour the old country in its time of need.

The toast was replied to by Commander Carr and Major McAlester, D. S. O.




Berwick Rangers will engage Holy Island at Shielfield on Saturday, in a friendly fixture. The committee endeavoured to get Duns to play in a Border League tie, but owing to the rather stupid arrangement which allows teams to fix their own dates, this could not be managed. Duns having previously fixed up a friendly at home. This is the first time the “Seaweeds” have visited Shielfield, and a good game is expected. The Rangers team will be:- Cairns or Douglas; Daniels and Crombie; Brison, Walkenshaw, and J. Piercy; Jackson Piercy, Moffat Matthews or Scobie, Gilchrist, and T. Purves. The reserve player is Spence.


A very pretty wedding took place at Tweedmouth Parish Church this week, when Miss Mary Valentine Todd, daughter of Mr and Mrs Todd, Mill Strand, Tweedmouth, was married to Mr R. W. Wheatley, of the Detective Service, London. The Rev. P. G. Peacocke officiated.

Tweedmouth Parish Church © Copyright Walter Baxter, Creative Commons Licence.

The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a grey dress with black picture hat, and was attended by two bridesmaids, her sister, Miss Gladys Todd, in shell pink, and Miss Alice Wheatley (sister of the bridegroom) in navy blue. The duties of best man were discharged by Mr Harry Stowe, of the London City Police Force. After the ceremony, a reception attended by 80 guests, was held in the Norman Hall. The bride, who was employed with Messrs J. I. Cairns, High Street, prior to her wedding, received many presents. Part of the honeymoon was spent at Glanton before Mr and Mrs Wheatley proceeded south to London.



On Sunday morning John Westle, a vagrant, believed to have hailed from the Bamburgh district, was found in a dying condition by Mr John Strangeways, a market gardener, in a shed in Mr Hettle’s field on Tweedmouth Cemetery Loaning.

The entrance area to Tweedmouth Cemetery, where not far away in a nearby field Mr John Westle, a vagrant, believed to be from the Bamburgh area was found dying in a shed.  © Copyright Graham Robson, Creative Commons Licence.

He died shortly after being discovered. The deceased is well-known in the town, where he has frequently been known to beg food. We understand he used to be a farm labourer at Scremerston.


On Monday afternoon Mr P. M. Henderson, coroner, conducted an inquest without a jury in the Board Room of the Workhouse touching the death.

P.C. John McGregor Young said about 10.30 on Sunday, on information received at Spittal, I proceeded to the shed on Cemetery Loaning in a field occupied by Mr Hettle, market gardener. I took with me a horse and cart, and on arrival I found deceased lying in the shed quite dead. I know the deceased well, and he went about Spittal begging. Deceased was lying with his clothes, which were in rags, all undone. He also had his boots off, and there  was practically no foot in one sock. His body was very much exposed, and he was lying huddled up.

Dr. C. G. Maclagan said he saw the body of the deceased at the Mortuary on Sunday afternoon, and, along with Dr. P.W. Maclagan, he conducted a post mortem. There were no external marks of violence, but the feet were a bit swollen. The body was very emaciated, and there was extensive pleurisy of the left chest, the lung being practically collapsed. The heart was thereby affected. There was also traces of tuberculosis in both lungs. The immediate cause of death was failure of the heart’s action caused by the cold.