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This Week in World War One, 7 January 1916

Berwick Advertiser title 1915





The celebration of the New Year in the streets of the ancient borough of Berwick appeared to maintained in much the customary fashion despite the effects of the war. The weather was dull and wet, but the streets bore an animated appearance, the khaki uniform predominating among the pedestrians. The lighting restrictions, combined with the weather exercised a damping effect on the majority of grown-ups, but the young idea moved about exchanging the compliments of the season in a hearty and hilarious fashion, while lively and  popular songs added zest and variety to the proceedings.

Berwick Playhouse 1958. Copyright Berwick Record Office BRO-1250-123.
Berwick Playhouse 1958. Copyright Berwick Record Office BRO-1250-123.

The only place of public entertainment in the Borough, the Playhouse, drew large crowds, and the performances were very much appreciated. The shops drew large numbers in the making of seasonable purchases, and in laying in additional supplies to tide the householder over till Monday. As the evening advanced the thoroughfares assumed a more livelier air, the hum of voices and merry shout emphasising the fact that the old year was slowly vanishing, and that the majority were out for the night to witness the actual death. As usual a number seemed to give way to over indulgence, but as a reasonable latitude was for  once allowed the police were not called upon to interfere, the result being that there was a clean bill on the first morning of 1916. Towards midnight large numbers assembled at the foot of the Town Hall to hear the knell of the old year and the peel that welcomed the new born year. The usual good wishes were exchanged and thereafter friendly visits were paid to the houses of acquaintances. For a considerable time after twelve o’clock the thoroughfares resounded to the shouts of the merry makers. Saturday was a general holiday. The weather continued dull and wet, and few people were to be seen in the streets. The special performances at the Playhouse were again well patronised. On the whole the New Year was quietly celebrated, all circumstances tending to have this effect.



The Mayor of Berwick (Ald J. W. Plenderleith), has just been notified by the authorities in charge of the Scottish Command in Edinburgh that a captured German gun is being sent to Berwick for exhibition purposes. In making the notification it was enquired which would be the most convenient site to have the gun placed, and His Worship in reply suggested the Parade between the military huts and Wallace Green Church.

Army huts with the Berwick Barracks in background. Copyright Berwick Record Office. BRO-1944-1-149-1
Army huts with the Berwick Barracks in background. Copyright Berwick Record Office.                                                             BRO-1944-1-149-1

The military authorities have expressed themselves pleased with the proposed site, and the gun will be exhibited in presence of a military guard. It is understood that the captured gun will be on exhibition for three days from nine a.m. till four p.m. and that it will be removed to the Barracks each evening. No definite date has yet been fixed for the arrival of the gun.


On December 27th, at Trinity Presbyterian Church, Sunderland, the marriage was solemnised of Mr E. Norman Chapman, York, to Miss Sadie Waters, daughter of Mr Thomas Waters, Wooler. The bride was given away by her father, and the bridesmaid was Miss M. H. Brand, cousin of the bride. Miss Allison James and master Reggie Waters, niece and nephew of the bride, acted as attendants. The best man was Mr E. Settle of York. Rev. R. L. Wiseman officiated. The bride was charmingly attired in a costume of saxe blue galardine, trimmed fur, with hat to match. She carried a lovely shower bouquet, and wore a brooch of rubies and diamonds, the gifts of the bridegroom. The bridesmaid wore a costume of navy blue and large white hat, and a gold bangle, the gift of the bridegroom. The bridegroom’s gift to Miss Allison James, who looked very pretty in a dress of pale grey, was a gold chain pendant, and to Master R. Waters a silver watch and chain. A reception was held at the house of the bride’s brother, Hunter Terrace, and later the new-married couple left for their future home in York. They were the recipients of a large number of useful and beautiful presents.


Bankhill Church Intercessory Services – The Rev. R. Leggat at the morning intercessory service on Sunday read the roll of honour of the young men attached to the Early 1900s French and British boy scouts with their respective national flags. Source Bibliothèque nationale de France. Wikimedia Commons PD-1923.congregation. He mentioned that 27 were on active service, while all the men of military age, with the exception of three who were exempts, had enrolled under the Derby Scheme.  New Pipe Band – The first appearance of the Berwick Boy Scouts Pipe Band under Piper Major Lawrie, of the Royal Scots, took place at the Pier Field, on Saturday, the occasion on being a football match between the Boy Scouts and the Sea Scouts, in which the former won by four goals to one. The band made a very creditable appearance, and the selections were much enjoyed.

This Week in World War One, 24 December 1915

Berwick Advertiser title 1915






Jane Williamson, widow, Berwick, was charged with having failed to send her son John, aged 10 years, to school, as required by law. She pleaded guilty.

Mr Thos. Barker, School Attendance Officer, said the boy was a pupil at the Roman Catholic School, when he did attend, but which was not often. He had made 22 attendances out of 144, therefore being no fewer than 122 times absent. The boy was neglected by the mother, and since October 15 he had not attended school once.

Accused made a statement that she had been frequently out of the town and had visited Edinburgh several times to see her daughter who was in the Infirmary there.

Mr Barker said the case had been four times before the Education Committee prior to proceedings being taken.

The Chief Constable having been asked by the bench to state what he knew of the boy, said the mother went about the countryside collecting old clothes and selling plants. The boy was simply running about wild and the mother evidently thought she could put everyone at defiance.

Mr McCreath (who presided in the absence of the Mayor) – Have you anything to say. This is something horrid, neglecting your child like this.

Accused replied that she had nothing further to say.

In passing sentence of 7s 6d, or seven days, Mr McCreath said she must really consider her child in a matter of this kind. She must see that the boy in future went regularly to school, and should her case ever come up before the Bench again she would be more severely dealt with.


Berwick Advertiser 24 Dec 1915 Paxton & Purves Ltd Xmas Advert




On Wednesday morning, Corpl Chas Mace, 7th Northumberland Fusiliers, third son of Mr Charles Mace, joiner and undertaker, Berwick, was admitted to the Freedom of the Burgh. Corporal Mace is home at present upon short leave from the front and took this opportunity of entering the Freedom. The Mayor, Ald. J W Plenderleith in welcoming Corporal Mace said he had already earned promotion in the regiment to which he belonged, and they hoped that might soon be still further advanced, also that in any vocation in life to which he might be called, be it civil or military, he should continue to uphold the traditions of the ancient Burgh.



Loos Hero’s Welcome in Northumberland

Piper Daniel Logan Laidlaw VC

Piper Daniel Logan Laidlaw, V.C., the first Berwickshire native and the first member of the King’s Own Scottish Borderers to win the V.C. in the war, was received with much enthusiasm on the occasion of his return from hospital to his home at Doddington. Before leaving Wooler Station he took the opportunity to urge on the crowd assembled the need for more men, so that the Germans might be pushed back in France at the earliest possible moment.

Under the village Cross at Doddington the vicar (Rev. J. G. Shotton) presented an address of welcome.

The Hon. F. W. Lambton of Fenton, formerly of the Coldstream Guards, said Piper Laidlaw had shown not only valour, but also initiative and touch of genius which enabled a man to do the right thing at the right moment. Initiative was one of the symptoms of the true soldier which we wanted to see encouraged and from his own experience in the Army he knew how much the men appreciated it.

After thanking the inhabitants for the address, Piper Laidlaw was carried shoulder high to his own cottage. His wife and four children accompanied him.

All the residents of the village were entertained to tea and a concert, at which Piper Laidlaw played on the pipes “Blue Bonnets over the Border,” with which he rallied his comrades at Loos, and “Standard on the Braes of Mar” with which he accompanied their charge.

Piper Laidlaw is a native of Swinton, Berwickshire, and on his homeward journey to Doddington, he was welcomed by his aged parents, who now live at Whittingham.



Postponement of Ceremonial


The ceremonial, under the auspices of the Berwick Branch of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution, of presenting the silver medal to James Jamieson, second coxswain of the Berwick Lifeboat, and who acted as coxswain on the occasion of saving 6 lives from the motor boat, Redhead on Wednesday , November 10th last., the monetary awards to the members of the crew and the Spittal fishermen, who so gallantly assisted in getting the lifeboat into the harbour, as well as a vote of thanks on vellum to the Hon. Secretary, Dr C.L. Fraser, for acting as second coxswain, was to have taken place in Berwick Playhouse on Thursday afternoon (23d instant).

Image 8 - Lifeboat - RNLB Matthew Simpson - Left to Right - Not known, Not known, Not known, John Wood, Knot known, Jack Lough, George Lough, Bartholomew Lough, Thomas Martin (possible), Not known, Not Known, Alex Patterson Lough.
RNLB Matthew Simpson – Left to Right – Not known, Not known, Not known, John Wood, Not known, Jack Lough, George Lough, Bartholomew Lough, Thomas Martin (possible), Not known, Not Known, Alex Patterson Lough.


At the last moment, however, it was decided to postpone the function owing to the limited attendance of the public due to the fact that with the approach of Christmas, there was no usual half holiday.


This Week in World War One, 8 October 1915

Berwick Advertiser title 1915






One of the items alluded to by the Medical Officer of Health was the dangerous state of the two swimming ponds. He did so in connection with the healthy and invigorating effect such exercises as swimming have on a community. He called attention to the need of a catch rope round the walls of the ponds in case of accident. It was a most proper recommendation, but unfortunately not the slightest notice was taken of it. The bathing season, it is true, is now finished for another year, but at the same time there was no harm in the doctor mentioning the matter to the public body he so faithfully serves. In Montrose, for instance, there are life lines on the beach where bathing is indulged in, and it is very necessary. The plain fact is that the chief difficulty apparently in carrying out improvements in Berwick is the lack of sufficient money, but it is nevertheless the business of public officials in their reports to urge the absolute need of certain improvements being accomplished, allowing the Town Council to take the responsibility of giving effect to these.

 BRO 1636-9-42 Berwick Bathing Pools 1950's
BRO 1636-9-42 Berwick Bathing Pools 1950’s


Fined for Shooting a Plover- Robert Linklater, Westoe, South Shields, was charged, at Belford Petty Sessions, with shooting and killing a green plover, at Warenford, on the 9th September. When charged with the offence by P.C. Pike, the accused said he did not know that these birds were protected. Superintendent T. Bolton, Alnwick, who prosecuted, told the Bench that the Order had been in force for several years, and it was astonishing the number or persons who pleaded the same excuse. A fine of half a crown was inflicted.

Protected Ringed Plover
Protected Ringed Plover




Educational Entertainment for Berwick School Children- The Directors of the “Playhouse” have arranged with Berwick Educational Committee for a programme of educational films to be shown free of charge to the school children of the Borough on Thursday and Friday afternoons, October 7th and 8th, at 2.30p.m. The balcony will be reserved for the public at admission 6d. The programme is :- How Eggs are Tested; Malta; the Making of Motor Tyres, the Kestrel and the Harvest Mouse; the French Army in Alsace; Chrysanthemums; the Octopus, Children of Tulip Land ( coloured); Switzerland; and Alpine Soldiers.

Berwick Playhouse, 1959. BRO 1250-123
Berwick Playhouse, 1959.
BRO 1250-123



Presentation- On Saturday evening last, the night workmen at Scremerston Colliery presented Mr and Mrs Richard Collins with tokens of their good will and appreciation on their leaving the district for Pegswood, where Mr Collins has received another appointment. Mr Collins received the present of a fountain pen and an umbrella, while Mrs Collins was the recipient of a nice dressing case. The presentation took place in the large room of the Miners Arms, kindly lent for the occasion by Mrs Cuthbert. Mr Carson, in making the presentation, expressed his deep regret and that of the men in losing the company of Mr Collins, who for the last six years had taken a keen interest and a prominent part in the social life of the place. They would all wish him success in his new sphere of work at Pegswood. Mr Collins briefly replied. A social evening was afterwards spent, the following being the programme:-

Selection-“Old Melodies, “ Concertina Band

Concertina solo– “March, the Liberty Bell, “  T. Cameron

Song– “My playmates of long ago, “  H. Drysdale

Step Dance- “Hornpipe,”  Geo. Mason

Song– “When you and I were young, Maggie, “- T. Cameron

Violin and Concertina Duet– “Norma, “   Messrs Mason and Cameron

Selection– “Scotch Melodies, “ Concertina Band




Selection– “Favourite Airs, “ Concertina Band

Concertina solo– “Alice, where art thou?”  T. Cameron

Song- “Tom Bowling, “        T. Hill

Song– “The Pitman’s Courtship, “ T. McLeod

Concertina solo– “The Bagpipes, “            Geo. Forsyth

Song– “Mary, “           T. Cameron

Song– “Flora McDonald’s Lament, “         T. Mcleod

Selection– “Reels, Jigs, Strathspeys, Hornpipes, “  Concertina Band

“God Save the King.”