This Week in World War One, 28 June 1918




Comrades of the Great War



The first general meeting of the Berwick Branch of the Comrades of the Great War was held on Tuesday evening in the Oddfellows’ Hall, when Mr John Thornton presided over a fair attendance.

The Chairman, in a short address, said that the reason of forming a branch was with the object of assisting others who were not so well off as themselves. The Association was non-political, as no wise soldier liked politics. A gratifying feature was that they had many members of Parliament and titled persons identifying themselves with the Association, and working for the ex-soldier. He was pleased to say fifteen members had joined since last meeting, so that they were now over 50, and that was not a bad beginning for three weeks, but they wanted far more in Berwick and district. He did not think the Association was one which would flatten out once the war was finished, and it was to be world-wide in its aims and objects.


Comrades of the Great War badge. © David Power, NonComercial-ShareAlike 1.0.


There had been a campaign started in the general press at large to assist the ex-soldier, but he held that these efforts intended to do very little and he criticised the action of several prominent newspapers, as well as a member of parliament and others, who pretended to answer queries with the object of assisting the ex-soldier. The Association would only take up a case after it had been considered by the local War Pensions Committee. All who knew of deserving cases should state the circumstances as concisely as possible to the Secretary, Mr R. St. G. Tait, and a special printed form would be supplied to assist in filling in the necessary particulars. He mentioned also that Mr James Gibson, clerk to the local Pensions Committee, would only be too pleased to have any assistance in dealing with the too numerous cases placed in his hands. Mr Gibson had told him that three-fourths of his time was wasted in travelling from one house to another seeking information. Amid applause he intimated that he had received the first local donation to the funds. This was a cheque for £1 1s from Major Alex. Steven.

Mr C. Judge suggested that it would be a good thing to advertise appealing for funds.

It was announced that the Berwick Branch have fought and won their first case- a discharged Berwick soldier having received a calling-up notice to rejoin the colours. The local branch took the matter up: result-soldier notified by wire- “calling-up notice cancelled-exemption following.





Henry Smail Hamilton (42), Grade 11., editor and newspaper manager, residing at 4 Ravensdowne, Berwick, was a new case in which the man appealed on the ground of indispensability. A letter in support of this was read from Major H.R. Smail, N.F., explaining that Mr Hamilton had sole charge of the “Advertiser” Office, and was quite indispensable. If appellant had not gone into the business it would have been necessary for him  Major Smail) to have returned to civil life, and now that he (Major Smail) had again gone on active service, it was all the more necessary to have Mr Hamilton in charge of the office.

The National Service Representative said he had no remarks to make.

Three months’ exemption was granted.


Ralph Crammond (37), a Grade 111. man, tailor, formerly of Horncliffe, now employed by Messrs Paxton and Purves, Ltd., Berwick, was stated to be largely engaged in military work at the present time; and that the firm had only half of their former staff at a time which was now the height of the season. The firm was exceedingly busy, and had the greatest difficulty in completing orders. This was the firm’s first appeal, and it was hoped the Tribunal would take a favourable view and grant exemption. The man was married, and had a wife and two children, nine and eleven years respectively.

Mr Herriot- Is it competent to grant exemption on occupational grounds?

The National Service Representative – I am not quite certain; certainly it is not competent to grant exemption to a Grade 1 man.

In view of the low category three months’ exemption was granted.







We extend our heartiest congratulations to Capt. Ian Mackay, M.C., R.F.A., on his having gained his third “pip.” We are also informed that Captain Mackay has been awarded a bar to his Military Cross for gallantry in the field.

Captain Mackay who is the eldest son of Dr. W. B. Mackay, C.M.G., enlisted in the early stages of the war and after having done his course with the O.T.C. was gazetted to the R.F.A. He has had some trying experiences in France and for gallantry in the field was awarded the M.C. two years ago. On one occasion last year he was buried by falling debris in an advanced gun pit, but happily escaped without injury. His experience of the front has varied from the sea to the Somme and that he has come through it all is a matter for congratulation. We trust he will advance still further in the honoured Corps to which he belongs and that he may long be spared to wear his decoration. His younger brother, Lieut. Eric Mackay, is in the R.A.F., and was recently in the town on a short leave.




As we announced on June 14th Captain John Martin Tate was killed in action on May 27th. Mr Tate was a Bachelor of Science of Durham University and on the outbreak of war was an assistant master in Spittal Council School. Early in 1915 he obtained a commission as second lieutenant in the 14th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers and soon afterwards was sent to France where he has taken part in most of the great struggles on the western front. During his three years as a soldier he has practically spent the whole time in fighting and strenuous work in France.

A year ago, on reaching the rank of Captain, Tate married a Newcastle lady, who occasionally visited Spittal and from whom we are able to give particulars of the gallant soldier’s death contained in a letter written to Mrs Tate by the Lieut. Colonel of the regiment. He says:- I regret more than I can tell you to have to write that your husband was killed in action on the 27th May. I know only too well that I can say little to soften the blow, but I say that death was instantaneous and that the manner of it was splendid and up to the highest traditions of the British Army. He and his men were surrounded and they counter-attacked the Hun repeatedly against terrific odds three times and on the last occasion your husband was killed leading his men. It was splendid and beyond praise. I miss and shall miss him; he was a friend as well as a perfect officer and was admired, respected, and loved by all. His courage and devotion to duty was of the highest order and I could and did always rely on him and never once did he fail. He would undoubtedly have gone far. He has been with me since 1915 and I cannot tell you how much his loss means to me. He was a husband to be proud of. The whole Battalion, or what are left of us, mourn his loss and cherish his memory.

His many friends in Spittal and especially the scholars and teachers of Spittal Council School regret the loss of a young man of marked ability who endeared himself to all during his short stay amongst them. To Mrs Tate they all express their deepest sympathy.





At the meeting last Monday, various transfers of ration cards were agreed to including one where the purchaser on account of removal wished to transfer from Berwick to Tweedmouth tradesmen.

Tea which is rationed in Berwick will not be rationed nationally when the new scheme books come into force on July 14. It is however possible to use a spare leaf in the book for this purpose, and the Berwick Food Control Committee is applying for power to increase the ration for tea to 2ozs. per head. Belford is not included in this application and will have to apply specially if it is thought desirable.

An application for an additional ration of butcher meat on medical grounds was agreed to.

The question of a supply of butcher meat for visitors to the Borough during the summer was brought before the Committee, and after consideration, it was agreed that the Chairman should call upon the Food Commissioner when in Newcastle to ascertain if some arrangement could not be made whereby an extra supply could be allocated for the summer visitors.

This Week in World War One, 14 June 1918







We are glad to hear that news has come to hand that Private Peter Waite, nephew of Councillor Robson, Duns, reported missing since 11th April, is now a prisoner of war in Germany. This soldier who was only 19 five days before the above date was serving his apprenticeship as a draper with his uncle, and was called to the army in June last, when he was first of all in the H.L.I., and afterwards transferred to the Royal Scots Fusiliers. He spent a few days’ leave in Berwick-on-Tweed and Duns before crossing to France on 30th March. His grandmother, Mrs Robson, resides in Berwick, and his mother is presently serving with Queen Mary’s Army Auxiliary Corps in the South of England. Private Waite’s elder brother was killed in action in France about eighteen months ago.



We regret to announce that  Mr. G. Trotter of Beal Farm, Beal, has received word that his son, Private R. J. Trotter, whose photo we produce, has been wounded in the left leg and right shoulder, and is now recovering from his wounds in West Didsbury Military Hospital. Private R. Trotter joined a Training Reserve in January, 1917 and went to France in July, 1917. After having been there about a month he developed an attack of bronchial pneumonia and was sent over to Edmonton War Hospital, London, in August. After having recovered and received more training, he was again sent to France, this time with the West Yorks in January, 1918, and while out there was transferred to another Battalion and remained with them until wounded on May 27th, 1918. Private Trotter, being of a very quiet disposition, was respected and liked by all his chums. Prior to enlistment he was employed as a farm servant on the farm of Mr Davidson, Beal.



Mr and Mrs Gray, Seton House, West End, Tweedmouth, have received a letter from their son-in-law, L. Cpl. E. Pilmer, informing them of the death of their eldest son, Signaller Jas. Gray, N.F. he states that he was killed by a sniper. His brother-in-law was with him when he was killed. Signaller Gray joined up over three years ago, and after doing some months’ training in this country he was drafted out to France. He had been there for over two years, and had been home once on leave during that time. He was of a very quiet disposition, and one who was highly respected by all whom he came in contact with. His younger brother, George, was killed in France over two and a half years ago. Previous to enlisting he was employed as a gardener, having served his apprenticeship with Mr Anderson, East Ord. We extend to Mr and Mrs Gray and family our deepest sympathy in this sad bereavement that has befallen them.


The news was received in Scremerston by his relatives that Sergt. Wm. Mowitt, Duke of Wellingtons, has been gassed and sent to the Base Hospital. Sergeant Mowitt, who resides at Deputy Row, has been once wounded before and before joining up worked at Scremerston Colliery as a weighman. His sister is a teacher at Scremerston School.


About a dozen signallers of the Northern Cyclists, under the command of Lieut. Meek, attended morning service at Scremerston Church on Sunday last. The service was taken by Mr Peacock, Diocesan lay reader, in the absence of the Vicar, who is again under medical treatment in the hands of Dr Chas. Fraser.

British cyclists passing through the ruined village of Brie, Somme, France. © Ernest Brooks. This is photograph Q 1868 from the collections of the Imperial War Museums. Crown copyright expired.

Captain D. R. Herriot, Northumberland Fusiliers, the youngest of the three sons serving of Mr David Herriot, Sanson Seal, who has been in hospital suffering from slight gunshot wound in the jaw, is progressing favourably, though not yet out of hospital. He was educated at Cargilfield, Fetes, and Cains College, Cambridge, and is still an undergraduate and mathematical scholar of Cains. He distinguished himself highly both in the class room and cricket field at School and college, and at the commencement of war got his commission in “The Fighting Fifth,” and was wound in the second battle of Ypres in April, 1915.

Fettes College, Edinburgh, where Captain D. R. Herriot, received part of his education. © Author: Stephen C. Dickson. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license.

At a quiet family gathering on June 1st the golden wedding of Mr and Mrs Joseph Redfearn, Parade, Berwick, was celebrated. Fifty years ago in the Parish Church, the couple were united in matrimony by the Vicar (Mr Rowe), and there have been eleven of a family, seven of whom survive. Prior to her marriage, Mrs Redfearn was a Miss Margaret Yeaman. Mr Redfearn was by occupation a cabinetmaker, and worked with Mr Patterson, who at one time had businesses in Bridge Street and Hide Hill. A piccolo player of repute, he was one of the original members of the now defunct Mechanics Band, and he also was a member of the old Berwick Volunteer Artillery Band. Mr Redfearn joined the Artillery in 1860, and took part in many big gun and carbine shoots. He was the first member of the Volunteers to win the Commercial Travellers’ Cup, and he has also a treasured possession, a gold scarf pin, presented by the father of the late Duke of Northumberland, for big gun shooting. We trust Mr and Mrs Redfearn will be spared to spend many more years of happy married life.


A correspondent informs us that even the birds of the air are becoming a little exasperated with the food restrictions. At Horncliffe, or at least about half a mile above the village, up stream, he witnessed a short engagement between a crow and a big seagull over a small piece of war bread which some angler had let fall by the riverside. The crow had found the prize first and was pecking vigorously at the indigestible stuff when the seagull which was circling over a neighbouring cliff observed that there was something going past him. He immediately swooped down on the crow which showed a reluctance to leave its legitimate find, crouching back over the disputes piece of bread with outspread wings and open beak. The seagull continued to set up a most appalling noise, screaming and turning just over head, and evidently this proved too much for the nerves of the crow, which ultimately evacuated the position before the superior strength of the enemy. We must say, it has been reported to us from other sources, chiefly at the seaside, that gulls are becoming very quarrelsome amongst themselves in the last year or so, whenever food is thrown to them.


This Week in World War One, 19 April 1918





It was with profound regret that we learn of the death in action on 23rd March, of Signaller T. W. Logan, Hussars, son of Mr and Mrs George Logan, Railway Buildings, Tweedmouth. The official news only arrived on Sunday last, but for some weeks his parents had been anxious as to his safety. Signaller Logan who was 24 years of age was a quiet studious lad, taking a keen interest in Continuation Class Education where he succeeded in taking his eighty words speed certificate in Shorthand and also became proficient in book-keeping. He received his schooling under Mr John Peacock, Tweedmouth, and then went to the Tweedside Co-Operative Society as a draper, which trade he followed up to the time of his enlistment in January, 1915. He was trained at Stocksfield and York, and later was stationed at Titworth. Proceeding into France with his regiment, he was later invalided home and again being classed fit for service, was drafted to the front again in October last year. The news of his end will come as a blow to the many friends who loved and respected him, and to the bereaved parents the deepest sympathy is extended.



Lieut. W. Leonard Ward-Davis


We are sorry to hear that information has come to Mr and Mrs Ward-Davis, North Terrace, Berwick that their son, Lieut. W. L. Ward-Davis, Kings Royal Rifles, has been wounded in the recent fighting and is missing. In view of the fact that several companies of regiments holding the line were overwhelmed by the German onrush, there is every reason to hope that this gallant young officer has been taken prisoner and we trust reassuring news will be received by his parents soon.

Lieut. Davis joined up as a private on reaching the age of eighteen and proceeded to France in 1916, being wounded six weeks later by slight gunshot in the face. Recovering at a Base hospital in France, he was soon back in the line again and was later sent to this country to go through a course preparatory to taking a commission. He received his commission in the summer of last year, and has since then seen heavy work in France. Prior to enlisting he was employed as a clerk in the Commercial Bank, Berwick, and was educated at Berwick Grammar School.



The Playhouse continues to attract large audiences and maintains its reputation for the fine class and variety of its films. “The Saints Adventure” is the novel title of this week’s film. It depicts the life story of an American pastor. He is appointed to one of the most fashionable New York Churches, whose assets exceed half a million pounds, and its charity balls are a society function. Charlie Chaplin also appears in his inimitable Comedy “The Vagabond”. On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday a charming and entertaining comedy entitled “Skinner’s Bubble” is to be filmed. It is a sequel to the one which was recently screened “Skinner’s Dress Suit,” which raised him from the humble position of cashier to that of junior partner. An out and out bluffer the new picture shows Skinner imagining that he can become a Napoleon of the industrial world by starting on his own account. It is then that the partners decide that it would be a tremendous mistake in letting so valuable a person as Skinner go out of the firm. It so happens that just as Skinner is preparing to file his bankruptcy papers, and confess himself a most miserable failure; the partners make him a staggering offer to rejoin their firm. Excellent variety articles are found in Halbert, ventriloquist, and De Lil, illusionist, who are complete in their acts and tricks.



We are pleased to see home on a well-earned rest after having been wounded for the third time, Lance-Corporal Thos. Robertson, of Scremerston Hill Farm, Scremerston. We wish him a pleasant holiday.

All men taken by Ballot at Scremerston Colliery last week have passed the medical Board, and are off to Catterick.

An early image of Scremertson Colliery © Northumberland Archives Berwick, BRO 515-209.

Private John Mowitt, N.F., has been home at Scremerston Old Colliery on hospital leave for ten days, he having been in hospital in England for the last four months suffering with his chest and feet. Mowitt has been twice in France, and has seen some fighting, notably Paschendaal. Previous to joining the Army he was an old Territorial, and worked as a miner at Scremerston Colliery. He is married, has a wife and two children.



The children of the school, under the tutorship of Mr and Mrs Rathbone, gave a most varied and interesting evening on Friday last of song and play. Sir Francis Blake was in the chair, and in his opening remarks alluded to the high place the school had taken in War Savings Fund and of the good work done in the district in connection with the war. In conclusion Sir Francis said we were here at the invitation of teachers and children to show us parents what is being done to bring out the individuality of the child, as after all when school days are over the confidence of our own individuality was a great factor. For two hours the crowded school were treated to a most delightful programme and to pick out any child for special mention would be unfair. A silver collection was made, and a sum of £8 10s 11d was forthcoming, which Mr Rathbone is handing over to Blind Soldiers’ Children Fund. Expenses were nil, owing to the kindness of a few friends, to whom our thanks are due for putting up stage and carting seats. Special thanks are due to the children for their enthusiasm in their training and also to Mr and Mrs Rathbone for the care and trouble taken. The success of performers will no doubt be ample reward for their kindness in providing such a treat for the district.