This Week in World War One, 10 August 1917








A large concourse of townspeople and visitors assembled at the Band Stand, Berwick, on Sunday, at the meeting to commemorate the third anniversary of the outbreak of war.

Mathew Ross, Esq., Sheriff, presided in the absence of the mayor who is presently on holiday, and almost all the local clergy were present.

A large united choir sustained the musical part of the programme and its efforts were heartily appreciated. The Rev. R. W. de la Hey, M.A., read a portion of the scriptures. Speaking to the terms of a resolution proposed, Rev. F. T. Williams, Spittal, gave an impressive and inspiring address. Prayer was offered by Rev. C. L. Stowe, Berwick, and Rev. R. C. Inglis, Berwick, and at the close the National Anthem was sung.

The proceedings opened with the singing of the grand old paraphrase, “O God of Bethel”, and its soothing words were most apt in the terrible times through which we are passing. This was followed by an appropriate passage of scripture read by the Vicar of Berwick (Rev. R. W. de la Hey), Rev. R. C. Inglis then leading in prayer. After a few well-chosen remarks by the Chairman (Sheriff Matthew Ross), the hymn “Onward, Christian Soldiers” was sung.


Corporal William Conway


Corporal William Conway, M.G. Corps, only surviving son of Mr and Mrs John Conway, Low Greens, Berwick, who was recently wounded in the shoulder in action in France and has been treated in hospital in this country, has been with us in the town, on leave, and wearing the ribband of the Military Medal which has been awarded for good work with the “guns” in the field.

© Wikimedia Commons, Author: National Library of Scotland, no known copyright.


Corporal Conway was one of the old volunteer company who went from Berwick to the South African War, the medals for which campaign he holds. At the outbreak of war he rejoined the army and was posed to the K.O.S.B. with whom he trained at Edinburgh. Later being transferred to the M. G. Corps, he served his course at Portland and Grantham, and proceeded into France this year. Prior to enlisting Corporal Conway was employed by Berwick Corporation. We are sure our numerous readers will join with us in congratulating him on his recovery and on the distinction which has been awarded for gallant conduct.



Another Accident on Wooler Bridge – On Sunday night another of these nasty accidents which are happening too frequently occurred on the bridge crossing the Wooler water on the main road. It seems that a motor car and motor cycle were approaching in opposite directions, where it is impossible through the bend and rise at each end of the bridge, to see any vehicle coming, the consequence was that they met in the centre of the bridge with the result that the “byke” was smashed very badly, while the rider Mr Brown of Sunderland, was considerably bruised and shaken and but for his presence of mind in throwing himself off his injuries would certainly have been much more serious. This is a really dangerous place as the numerous accidents testify and the county authorities ought to take the mater up and see if something cannot be done to lessen the danger.

Berwick Prisoners of War Committee – This Committee has now accomplished six months’ work, and thinks it may be of interest to the public, who have so generously supported the Fund, to know that during this time it has sent to the various regimental centres the sum of £171 2s 3d. Nearly all this money has gone to the support of local men, and men attached to local regiments, several of whom are wholly or partially adopted by the Fund, or adopters through the Fund. Owing to the continuance of the War, further contributions will be most welcome, and any information regarding local prisoners will be gratefully received by members Committee or the hon. secy., Mrs Plenderleith.




On Thursday last a highly successful sale of work took place under the auspices of St Paul’s Church, Spittal. A large gathering of congregation and friends assembled at the opening ceremony, which was performed by the minister pro tem (Rev. Mr Dobson).

Early photograph of St Paul’s Church, Spittal. © Berwick Record Office, BRO 1887-4-3.

In a few remarks the Rev. gentleman expressed his pleasure at being present that day, and congratulated those who had so generously provided the goods for the sale. He hoped that success, would crown their efforts and that the sale would be an unbounded success. The work of the sale was then embarked upon and the well plenished stalls were soon denuded of much of their contents.

The following were the stall-holders: – Congregational Stall (plain and fancy work) – Mrs Alexander, Mrs Hall, Mrs Thew. Sewing Meeting Stall – Miss Boston, Miss E. Renton. Refreshment Stall – Mrs Douglas, Mrs Sandilands, Mrs Moffat. Dip – Misses Cairns.

During the evening a most enjoyable concert was held, and heartily appreciated by all.

This Week in World War One, 27 July 1917







Tweedmouth Feast has come and gone once more under the shadow of war, and its attractions have in consequence been reduced to a minimum. Visions of the old days, when the festive board groaned under its load of good things, when the douce resident regaled himself with the succulent Tweed salmon, all Tweedmouth and its wife became possessed of the holiday spirit, and “the parish pump ran beer,” for those who cared to partake, have, it appears, passed into the forgotten limbo of the past. Older residents will look back with mixed feelings to the days when some local “drouth” was elected for the day as Mayor of Tweedmouth and driven round the “pubs” of his constituency in state.

A very early photograph of the West End area of Tweedmouth.


This form of cheap comedy is happily known no more, and in the interest of temperance alone it is well to be so. The amount of horse play attached to these proceedings rendered the mortal life of the “mayor” extremely precarious, for it is recorded that after having been reduced to a stage of hopeless intoxication, he was “dipped” in the Tweed and restored by his sudden immersion to a state of partial sobriety. The boat races, quoit mains, and foot races on the green at West End have also (we hope only temporarily) been allowed to lapse, but even amid it all it all there is a feeling which comes to the average “Twepie,” a feeling no doubt born of heredity and environment which sets the “Feast” down as something apart of the calendar of the year’s events.





Not only the charm which the seaside holds for all in the sweltering days of July, drew a large and gala crowd to the foreshore at the Ladies’ Bathing Pond on Monday afternoon, rather we would imagine all were brought thither in the hope of witnessing amid enjoyable surroundings, sport of a first-class character. In the latter they were not disappointed and especially in the 22 yards race for school boys between the ages of 13 and 15 years and the 44 yards race for lads over 14 and under 17 years of age, competition was keen and the finishes of an exciting character.

The ladies’ bathing pond at the Greenses Harbour, where the Swimming Gala took place in 1917. © Berwick Record Office – BRO 1636-9-42


On the whole afternoon there was few surprises packets. Scout Hawkins, as we anticipated, was on the top hole of form, and his victories were indeed popular. A promising first year competitor was Bain Dickinson of St. Mary’s School and from the form which he displayed we should imagine the last has not been heard of him in swimming circles. Young Turnbull, Less and Walkenshaw, also are worthy of note and no doubt their exhibition will have caught the lynx eye of the local handicapper. Pleasure was given to the proceeding by pleasing selections discoursed by the Boy Scouts Pipe Band under Pipe-Mayor Dumbreck, Royal Scots.

At the close of the proceedings the prizes were presented to the successful competitors by the Rev. R. W. de la Hey, who had a pleasant word for each.

Mr Broadbent moved a hearty vote of thanks to the reverend gentleman for having come forward on the absence of D. H. W. Askew, Esq., and who had so pleasingly presented the prizes.




Herring Improving – On Tuesday morning a dozen to fourteen boats arrived at Berwick with from five to fifty crans of herring. The fish were larger and of improved quality, and sold from 27s to 60s per cran

More Herrings – Ten to twelve herring boats arrived at Berwick on Thursday morning with up to 60 crans each; quality poor, and selling a from 4s 6d to11s per cran.

Herring Boats discharging their catch at the Carr Rock, Spittal, in the early 20th century. © Berwick Record Office – BRO 1887-25-1

Salmon Fishing – The salmon catches during the past week have been most unsatisfactory. This is due to the continuous fine weather, which is not conducive to good fishing. River continues in a foul sate. A flood is urgently needed to clean the river. Prices during the week have risen, and on Thursday morning salmon was quoted at 2s 5d per ls; grilse, 2s 2d; and trout, 1s 9d.


This Week in World War One, 29 June 1917








The accompanying photo is of Private T.H. Pattison, whose wife has just received information, that he has been admitted into the casualty clearing station in France suffering from wounds in the arm and back. Before enlisting he carried on the business of painter, having succeeded his father the late Johnson Pattison. He joined up on September, 1916, and was put into the 3rd K.O.S.B’s at Duddingston. After some time there he went to Dreghorn and attached to the A. and S. Highlanders. He was brought back to Duddingston and transferred to the Seaforths, from there to Blairgowrie, then to France, where he has been for 4 months. We trust that his wife may soon receive favourable news of him. His wife is the youngest sister of Mr Thomas Grey, Tweedmouth, and resides at 12 Parade, Berwick.




Berwick Volunteers – Good progress continues to be made in rifle and other drill by the various platoons, while the physical exercises are also being enthusiastically taken up by the younger members. At the close of one of the last drills Capt. C. L. Fraser, V. D., commanding officer, took occasion to advert to the irregularity in attendance of many of the younger members, expressing the earnest hope that due attention would be made to remedy this fault. He also trusted that every effort would be made to increase the membership of the Berwick Company. Good as the response had been for the Borough, it was still evident that there were a goodly number of men of military age who had not identified themselves with the Corps. He hoped every member would taken it as an instruction form him to personally interview eligible men who up to the present had not identified themselves with the Company, and insist on a reasonable and a satisfactory explanation for their failure to join up.

Scremerston Band’s Patriotic Work – On Sunday afternoon last, by permission of the Local Authority, Scremerston Brass Band discoursed a programme of scared music at Berwick Band Stand, on the Walls to a large and appreciative audience.

The Scremerston Colliery Band 1910. © Berwick Record Office, BRO 1753-2a.

A collection was taken up on behalf of Berwick Patriotic Fund, the sum of £6 3s 6d being realised. We trust that this will only be a forerunner of many other musical treats provided by Bandmaster Whitfield and his highly trained instrumentalists.

Early Potatoes – Several allotment holdiers in the town and district have been digging the first earlies from their potato plots during the past week, and for size and quality the young tubers are well up to standard. It will be another month, however, before potatoes, to any great extent, are on the market from local growers. The new allotments at Violet Terrace are looking exceptionally fine, and should all well produce an abundant return.

Grammar School Rambling Club – On Saturday, June 23rd, the Rambling Club cycled to Wooler. There the party of fourteen divided, seven visiting the “Happy Valley,” and the rest setting out to climb the Cheviot: this was prevented by mist, but a good height was reached and the climbers had a fine view over the surrounding country, and the mountain provided plenty of scope for nature study.

Street Accident – About 4.50 on Wednesday afternoon Mary Fryer, widow, residing in Narrow Lane, Berwick, was cycling down Church Street, and in trying to avoid a boy she swerved on to the pavement. She had the misfortune to knock down Mrs Colin Campbell, and continuing her course she went through a plate glass window of Mr Campbell, tailor, situated in the ladies’ department.

Church Street, 1906. BRO 0426-338 (C) Berwick Record Office.

When Mrs Fryer was picked up she was found to be slightly cut about the head and suffering from severe bruises to her left knee. She was attended to by Dr C. L .Fraser, V.D., at the police station, and he ordered her removal to the Infirmary. She was conveyed there in the ambulance by P.C. Watt.