The wedding was solemnised today (Thursday) in St. Cuthbert’s Church, Norham, between  Major F. L. Morley Crossman, D.S.O., and of the late L. M. Morley-Crossman and of Mrs Morley-Crossman, Cheswick House, and Miss Ruth Gartside-Tippings, daughter of Capt. V. Gartside-Tippings, and of Mrs Gartside-Tippings, Morris Hall, Norham.

Major Crossman is 31 years of age, and received his education at Wellington College, and the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. In 1907 he was gazetted to the Royal Horse and R.F.A. He served during the war, was awarded the M.C. in 1915, and the D.S.O. in June this year, and has been mentioned several times in despatches. He received his present rank of Major in 1917.

Canon Roberson, vicar of Norham officiated, Mr Walker organist of the Church, presiding at the organ. Before the service, while the guests were assembling, the strains of soft music floated through the beautiful old Norham Church, which dates from the 12th century. The music, specially chosen by the bride was as follows:- “Song of Thanksgiving,” Josiah Booth; “Andante,” Wely; Impressions Du Soir,”H. Stiehl; “Andante,” Myles B. Forster; “Melody,” S. Coleridge-Taylor. During the service Psalm 67, and the hymns “Love Divine” and “O perfect Love” were sung, and at the conclusion of the ceremony the bridal party left the church to the strains of Mendelssehn’s Wedding March.

St Cuthbert’s Parish Church, Norham © Copyright Andrew Curtis – Creative Commons Licence.

The Bride, who was given away by her father, Capt. V. Gartside-Tippinge, looked very beautiful in a robe of simple white satin, trimmed with lace, with train, falling from the shoulders, of chiffon draped with Carrickmacross lace (the gift of the bride’s Godmother, lady Francis G. Osborne, Ord House). She wore a tulle veil, held in place by a bandeau of pearls (the gift of Mrs Houstoun) and carried a bouquet of lilies and white heather.

She was attended by four bridesmaids, Miss Hunter, Miss Hycinth Hunter, Miss Cicely Gough (cousin of the bride), and Miss Sybil Younger, who wore dresses of yellow crepe-de-chine, draped with georgette of the same colour, shoes of silver, and hats of silver lace, and carried sprays of copper beech. Each wore a diamond initial letter mounted on a black moire wrislet, the gift of the bridegroom.

The bride’s train was borne by two pages, Master Hugh Houstoun and Peter Marrow, who were attired in white satin knee breeches, white silk shirts, yellow sashes, and white buckleshoes, each wearing a gold safety pin, the gift of the bride.

Major Ackerman, D.S.O., M.C., R.A., acted as groomsman, the duties of ushers being discharged by Major Sinclair Wemyes, Wedderburn; Capt. Blake, Tillmouth; and Mr J. Allenby.

The bride’s mother was dressed in black georgette over satin, with deep fringe and sash lined with petunia and embroidered in petunia and gold. She wore a black georgette hat with ostrich feather trimming.

There was a large and fashionable assembly of guest in Church, which was also crowded with spectators from the village and neighbourhood.

After the ceremony a reception was held at Morris Hall, the beautiful home of the bride, within sight of Norham’s historic Castle.


The following war trophies have been received by the Mayor, and will remain in store in the Town Hall until such time as a portion of the Museum can be arranged to form a War Trophies Section :- Anti-tank rifle, helmet, German wire cutter, Austrian entrenching tool, German water bottle, 18 German rifles, carbine, body armour, bayonet, Turkish bayonet.

Mrs Bell, Chapel Street, Berwick, has received word that her nephew, Air Mechanic Ballantyne, who stowed away on R.34 on the Atlantic trip, has now arrived back at the aerodrome, East Fortune. Up to the present the Air Force Authorities have inflicted no disciplinary punishment. Air Mechanic Ballantyne hopes soon to visit Berwick, which has always been a spot favoured by him when on leave.


The British War Medal which had been granted to His Majesty’s Forces is to be granted also to the British, Dominion, Colonial and Indian Mercantile Marine.

WW1 British Mercantile Marine War Medal 

The Medal, in Silver, will be given to those who have served at sea for not less than six months between the 4th August, 1914, and 11th November, 1918, inclusive. A mercantile Marine War Medal is also to be granted to fishermen who can supply evidence of having served at sea on at least one voyage through a danger zone. The medal will be in bronze, and the riband will be in green and red arranged vertically, with a narrow white line between them. Applications for medals should be made to Mr Toohey, Customs Office, Berwick, for all those residing within the Port of Berwick.


We are sorry to hear of a very nasty accident which has befallen Mr Conquer, of Palinsburn Cottage, whilst working in Flodden Quarry, on Wednesday, 13th August. The injured man was at work along with his son John and another man on the top of the rock, when a small portion of the soil gave way and caught him in the breast, knocking him down and breaking his leg between the knee and thigh.

Flodden Quarry © Copyright Andrew Curtis – Creative Commons Licence.

He also received nasty injuries to the back, but happily no bones are broken there. Dr Badcock was soon on the spot and he was removed to his home. This is the first accident of any kind at the quarry, and it reflects great credit on the part of Mr Conquer, who has worked it for 18 years. He is now 68 years of age, and it will be some time before he is able to get about. However, we wish him a speedy recovery.




In the K.O.S.B., Regular Forces, Captain R. Joynson resigns his commission and joins the General Reserve of Officers, getting its seniority as Captain as from September 28th, 1915.


The work done by volunteers during the war is to be commemorated by the War Office Certificates, bearing the signature of Mr Churchhill, are now being given to all ranks who joined the various units as a record of their service in the force.


On Friday, August 1st, Minden Day, the officers, W.O.’s, N.C.O.’s, and men at the Barracks, Berwick, wore a red rose in their caps. The battle of Minden was fought during the Seven Years’ War on August 1st, 1759, when Prince Ferdinand with 40,000 British and Hanoverian troops defeated the French, who lost 8000 men, of whom 3000 were made prisoners. As a result of the seven years’ war British supremacy in India was secured, Canada became a British colony, and the British command of the sea was to a great extent secured.



Residents in the upper part of the town and in the Greens in particular spent a pleasant hour on Monday evening, when in celebration of the anniversary of mobilisation, a small sports meeting was arranged and gone through on the Main Street in front of the Pilot Inn.

A crowd of several hundreds turned up to witness the events, and great hilarity prevailed, especially in the treacle bun competitions for youths resident in the Greens. Mick Noon, who is reputed to hold all the worlds records for treacle bun contests, was present as an interested spectator, but took no part in the bun worry, preferring to leave the honours to those of more youthful years.

The sports were in charge of Messrs Richard and Alic Murphy, who were assisted by a willing band of stewards, who took entries in the crowd, and greatly helped to run the events through smoothly.

An early 20th century image of the Low Greens, Berwick-upon-Tweed. Ref: BRO 515-398

The boot race for youths provided some good running, the competitors getting off their marks smartly, only to find trouble in store for them at the lower part of the Greens, where “Tucker” saw it that the boots were well mixed. Manuel was an easy winner, walking home as he liked. Several who followed were disqualified for not having their boots properly laced.

The potato picking race brought out several of the old-time athlete. Amongst the entrants were such peds. As “Tucker” and “Dodger,” and great laughter was occasioned when the latter prepared to strip off and indulge in a preliminary canter. The pace was fast from the start, and “Tay” Burgon was a popular winner. Robert Burgon was awarded second place, and “Tucker” Jameison third.

The crowd surging around, rather spoiled the first treacle bun event, but screams of laughter could be heard as the young competitors made franctic drives at the elusive buns, only to be smeared with treacle all over the face. The prize-money was divided between Gillie, Manuel and Jamieson.

A similar event for younger boys was equally amusing, and Matthews got through his bun at least a minute before anyone else, Borthwick being second, and Patterson and Dixon tying for third place.

Children’s races were then run off, and the sports were brought to a close with a women’s race. This created great amusement, several dames of mature years turning out. Mrs Wakenshaw ran well, and was at the tape a good three yards ahead of the others. Mrs Gillie was second, and Mrs Young third.

In the race for young men, Manuel got home first, with Gillie and Burgon a good second and third.

During the evening a collection was taken up for St. Dunstan’s Hostel, and the creditable sum of £2 6s 4d was raised, for which the promoters thank the public who subscribed.

The fun was kept up to a late hour, dancing to the music of an accordion taking place. “Auld Lang Syne” brought to a close a most enjoyable night.


The presentation of Peace Mugs, which could not take place on the day appointed for local Peace Celebrations, was carried out in ideal weather on Friday afternoon, August 1st, at the close of school for summer holidays. The scholars assembled at the Village Green, and were joined by others from outlying parts of the parish. After singing several songs, the arrival of Lord and Lady Francis Osborne was the signal for the ceremony to begin. After a short and appropriate speech from Mr Armstrong, chairman of the Parish Council, the children marched past and received their mugs.

Village Green at Ord in 1915

Lady Osborne complimented the children on their appearance, and conduct, wished them a happy holiday, and hoped they would treasure the mugs as a souvenir of the great occasion. On the motion of Councillor Armstrong, Lady Osborne was cordially thanked for her services. The singing of the National Anthem marked the close of quite a pleasing function. In addition to scholars and teachers, the company present included:- Lord and lady Francis Osborne, Ord House; Mr and Mrs Armstrong, Murton White House, Mr and Mrs Lake, Tweed View, East Ord; Mr Harry Lake and Miss Lake, Bourne, Lincolnshire; Mrs McBain, Ord Cottage, Mrs Hornby, East Ord Schoolhouse, and Mr and Mrs Chrystal, East Ord.



The war having curtailed the energies of the Glendale Agricultural Society, the public looked forward to the time when the show would be revived, and they were not disappointed in the splendid meeting which was arranged for on Thursday last. Old institutions die hard, but there is a yet no sign that the Glendale Society has reached the period of the sere and yellow leaf. Under the capable direction of Mr R. Noble, Shipley, Alnwick, little is left out of account which would be material to the success of the meeting.

Sheep Farmers, Glendale Show 1957. Ref: BRO 1760-1

Under the restrictions and curtailment of railway service, this year’s revival falls short of pre-war days, but notwithstanding this, the Show as presented gave satisfaction to all, and was a happy augury for the future. The jumping of hunters, which was at one time a feature of the show, had this year to be cut out, owing to the great difficulties which are being experienced by agriculturists in getting stock removed from place to place. Part of the large field too where the event was held formerly is now let for grazing, and the cattle, sheep, and industrial sections had to be held in the Wooler Mart premises, kindly placed at the disposal of the Committee.

During the forenoon, the weather was fair, with a high wind prevailing, and most of the judging was carried through expeditiously. Unfortunately, however, in the afternoon a rainstorm was experienced, and the velocity of the wind increased, which must have had an adverse effect upon the attendance.

Compared with 1914, when the last show was held, the entries showed a total decrease of 80. As a whole, the display of stock was quite creditable, the sheep and horses being particularly good.



What might have proved a very nasty if not fatal accident, occurred on Monday forenoon. While Edward Simpson, Border Inn, and a worker in Scremerston pit, was cycling down Sunnyside, in endeavouring to pass a flock of lambs being driven to Berwick Mart, two or three lambs ran across the track of his cycle, throwing him heavily. Fortunately, he fell on to the top of sheep, but his shoulder was pretty badly bruised.



On Saturday morning, at the Town hall, at about 11.20, before the Mayor and Mayoress, the Sheriff, and a few other ladies and gentlemen, on the steps, and a large crowd at the foot, Mayor’s Sergeant Blakey read the King’s Proclamation of Peace, and after that the proclamation of Special peace services in the churches on Sunday. The reading of the proclamations was preceded by a Royal salute blown by two K.O.S.B. buglers in khaki (Corpl. Watson and Drummer Hart). After the Mayor had intimated that a united service would be held in the Playhouse, “God Save the King” was sung with great gusto, and then Sergeant Blakey accompanied by the Deputy Town Clerk (Mr A. Aird), and the two buglers, set out in a motor (Master Bellringer Payne riding in front) to proclaim peace at the following places. The peace services in church were only proclaimed at the Town Hall.

Dr. Maclagan’s Monument

Corner of Tweed Street and Castlegate

Castle Terrace and Castlegate

Foot of High Greens

Foot of Low Greens

Foot of Lower Ravensdowne

Sandgate (before Corn Exchange)

An early 20th century photograph of the Tweedmouth end of the old bridge where one of the peace proclamations was made. BRO 2103/4/2/21b

Tweedmouth Bridge End

Harrow Inn, Tweedmouth

Blenheim Hotel, Spittal

Spittal Forge

This must be the first time a motor car has been used in Berwick for a proclamation of peace. The announcement at so many points quite close together is a relic of days when the dissemination of news was not nearly so easy as it has been this last hundred years.


Councillor Anderson’s motion that the Freedom of the Borough should be conferred on the Mayor, the Sheriff, Lt,-Col. Scott Jackson, and Lt.-Col Liddell, and all who have served overseas, at sea, and in the air, will be welcomed throughout the Borough. It is no more than their due. Many have done their best or their country within the island, but none will grudge that this particular honour which is being conferred on Berwick’s soldiers and sailors is confined to those who have risked everything to defend their country overseas. We hope that as many of them as possible will join in the dinners at the end of next week, and if they fail to do justice to them, we are confident that it will not be for lack of good things.


RELICS OF WAR AT THE BARRACKS – On Wednesday a Trench Mortar captured from the Germans by the 1st Battalion, K.O.S.B., arrived in the town and was handed over to the “Stores” at Berwick Depot, where it will await until the battalion claims it. At present there is quite a “menagerie” at the Depot, including several kinds of Hun machine guns, six of which belong to the 1st Battalion, six to the 2nd Battalion, and two to the 6th Battalion. Up to the present there is no immediate danger of any of the Battalions applying for them.



On Sunday morning last the local branch of the Comrades of the Great War responded to the Rev. J. H. Cuthbertson’s invitation and held a Church parade to St. John’s, Spittal. The Parade was in charge of Commandant Pattison, who was assisted by the Secretary, Mr R. St. G. Tait. Scremerston Band, under Bandmaster Whitfield, also attended, and took part in the musical portion of the service.

The Scremerston Brass Band which took part in the musical portion of a special peace service in St John’s Church, Spittal.  Berwick Record Office – BRO 1753-2a.

About 100 Comrades turned out and there were also on parade a section of the Northumberland Fusilier cadets. Capt. C. L. Fraser, O.C. 4th V.B.N.F., and Lieuts. McCreath and Tweedie were also present.

Special Peace Sermons and prayers being ordered in all Churches, Mr Cuthbertson devoted himself almost entirely to giving thanks to God for the great blessing of peace which they fervently hoped would be an enduring one. He also brought out in the course of his remarks the spirit of brotherhood which should be the symbol of the Comrades and said he hoped that organisations such as theirs would prove a strengthening force in the years which lay before them.

Suitable hymns were sung, in which the men heartily joined while at the conclusion of the service, the band led in the National Anthem.

The Parade was reformed outside the Church and headed by the band, marched to the Ferry Landing where the men were dismissed.


In the Court of Sessions on Thursday, before Lord Anderson, Robert Hunter Lees, provision manager, 76, Meigle Street, Galashiels, and an employee of Messrs R. Dodds & Sons, grocers, Berwick, was granted a divorce against Grace M’Cormack or Lees, Foulden, Burnbank, Berwickshire, on the grounds of infidelity.

“I do not love you now,” wrote Mrs Lees to her husband, while he was in France with his regiment. Parties were married in July, 1917, and in August he left for France. Mrs Lees had given birth to an illegitimate child in January 1919.