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This Week in World War One, 12 January 1917






New Year’s Day at the Workhouse. – A tea, consisting of hot pies, bread and butter, and cake, given by the Guardians to the inmates, was very greatly appreciated. The tea was followed by the distribution of tobacco, fruit, and sweets. Mrs Willits, Miss Henderson, and Mr A.D. Watt were present. Mrs Willits and Miss Henderson expressed the pleasure it gave them to see the inmates enjoying themselves, and also expressed the hope that they would all have a brighter and happier year than had been possible for some time past.



Continuing, the Mayor said – That is not the only reference of the kind I have to make this evening. An old official of this Corporation, Mr James Johnston, Sergeant-at-Mace, has been passing through deep sorrow during these past days, owing to the loss which he has sustained in the death of his youngest son in the Military Hospital at Catterick Camp. Private Thomas Marshall Johnston of the Scottish Rifles, who was well known in Berwick and much esteemed, joined the Colours only in April last, so that his military career was a brief one. He bore a high character in his regiment. He was under orders to embark for Egypt when seized with the serious illness which terminated fatally on the 27th ult.


I think I can assure Mr and Mrs Johnston of the sincere sympathy of every member of this Authority in this time of sorrow and bereavement. I should like to couple with this an expression of our sincere gratification at the fortunate escape from death of their daughter and son-in-law (Mr and Mrs Ferguson), who, having been in Berwick in connection with the funeral of the deceased soldier, were travelling to Glasgow in the train which met with the disaster at Ratho on Wednesday last. In that ill-fated train may I say that Mr and Mrs Lyall of Glasgow, with whom Private Johnston stayed for over ten years, were also travelling home. They were both killed, along with two of their children, the other two, being seriously injured, are now lying in the Infirmary. Mrs Lyall (who was a Miss Hepburn), is a native of Berwick. Our sincere sympathy goes out to the relatives of both the deceased in the sad calamity that has befallen them.




Lifeboat Supper and Presentation – A supper was given in the schoolroom at Holy Island on Wednesday evening to the lifeboat crews, the rocket lifesaving company, and the coast watchers. The Vicar, the Rev. Irvine Cranshaw, presided. Mr Joseph Shell proposed the Lifeboat Institution, including the Holy Island branch. This was responded to by Coxswain Cromary(sic), who referred to the fact that the lifeboat had been called out for service eleven times during the year, resulting in the rescue of 59 lives. Mr T. Kyle proposed the toast of the rocket lifesaving company and the coast watchers, which was responded to by Mr Ben Kyle.

Pictured are crew members of the Holy Island lifeboat ‘Lizzie Porter.’ From left to right are Tom Kyle, John Markwell, George Crommarty, Tom Stevenson and Robert Henderson. Between them they gave 200 years of service to the RNLI. © Berwick Record Office – BRO 2421-018.


After supper the public were admitted for the presenting of a silver medal to Coxswain Cromarty, a pleasing sequel to the rescue of the crew of the barque Jolani. Mr Robertson occupied the chair, and called upon the secretary to read a communication from the Lifeboat Institution, from which the following are extracts: “The Committee of Management are of opinion that was a specially fine service, carried out in a hurricane, in a heavy sea, amid driving rain and very rough weather.” “The Committee of Management decided to mark their appreciation of this fine service by the following awards – To George Cromarty, coxswain, the silver medal of the Institution, and the thanks inscribed on vellum. To Thomas Kyle, second coxswain, the thanks of the Institution on vellum. To the two coxswains and to each member of the crew an additional award of £1.”

In pinning the medal on Coxswain Cromarty, Miss Carlyn Crawshaw, the young daughter of the Vicar, said – Mr Cromarty, – I am glad you have been awarded the silver medal by the Royal National Lifeboat Institution, because you and your crew have deserved it, and I am pleased to have the honour of pinning this medal on the breast of a very brave man. I hope you will live a long time to wear it.





We are pleased to learn that Rough-Riding Sgt. Matthew Burke, Royal Field Artillery, who is married to a grand-daughter of the late Mr Patrick Davis, of West Street, Berwick, has been awarded 4th Class Order of St. George from the Czar of Russia for conspicuous service on the battlefield in France. He has also been recommended for a Serbian Order. When he was Corporal prior to the outbreak of war, he was a prominent Fencing Instructor to the troops. He has seen considerable service on several fronts, and is a well-known and popular figure in the Borough. Sergeant Burke, who in his early soldiering days was for a long period trumpeter on the Artillery permanent Staff at Berwick, is the son of Mrs Rose Ann Burke, West End, Tweedmouth.





Sir, – Being a reader of our local paper every week, I have been surprised to see that there was nothing being done to give the children of our brave men a little pleasure. All the other towns have done as much, and surely when Berwick can collect £100 for Foreign Missions they could have a little to spare for charity at home. Owing to the cost of living we are not able to give the children any extras at home this year. Wake up, Berwick, and think of what our men have left behind them to safeguard us all from the foe, and what a pleasure it would be for them to read in the good old  “Advertiser” and the pleasure Berwick had given their children. Their hearts would not be so heavy for he loved one’s left behind.                                                                               A SOLDIER’S WIFE



Sir, – I observed a short time ago in a north country paper that our local battalion of the Northumberland Fusiliers are in urgent need of socks, and the question which was raised in my mind was, “are we not neglecting our own lads and sending considerable quantities of comforts to a central organisation who distribute these goods to corps who have no connection with the district?” In December I saw the Local Guild of Aid appealing for additional comforts to be sent to the Northern Cyclists Battalion, and I have no doubt by this time a generous public will have seen to it that all wants have been supplied. With all due respect, however, to the Northern Cyclists Battalion, it is a matter of doubt whether they require comforts so much as our lads who are now roughing it on the Somme. I am also informed that local officers attached to corps with no connection with the district, are provided with a generous supply of comforts for their men while our own go without. Surely the Guild of Aid might be able to supply our local lads before entertaining any appeal from outside sources. It is a very laudable practice to be good to all soldiers, but above all, let charity begin at home, and ensure that the needs of Berwick and North Northumberland boys will be supplied not by the needy mother or wife, but by an organisation which derives is strength from the district.          “POPERINGHE”



This Week in World War One, 15 December 1916









Corprl J.E.Boal

It is with deep regret that we announce today the death of Corpl. J. E. Boal, N.F, only sonof Mr Thos. Boal, West Street, killed in action in France while engaged at the Trench Mortar School, behind the lines. The deceased lad was at the opening of a brilliant career when war cast its pall over the homes of Europe. Every honour which the Berwick Grammar School could offer, be it scholastic or athletic, he secured by ability which was recognised by all in the school, which has lost one more from its glorious roll of honour. Only so recently as October it was a pleasure to us to record the wining of the Military Medal by this gallant lad, and the fact that he had accepted a commission and was expected to arrive home at any time, has bought a deeper sadness with his untimely death. Corpl. Boal was a student at Skerry’s College, Newcastle, when war broke out, and he immediately left his studies and enlisted. His record of army service has been as excellent as when at school, and with the sorrowing father and family in this over whelming loss we are sure all most deeply sympathise.

The following is the letter received this morning:-

Trench Mortar Battery

9th December

Dear Mr Boal,

It is with the very deepest regret that I write to tell you of your son’s death. He was killed today, at a Trench Mortar School behind the lines, together with two of my officers, and six men of the battery. I was wounded myself and have not yet got over the shock that the loss of such grand men gave me, so I trust you will excuse this very short and disjointed letter. I only trust that you will be given strength to hear this terrible blow, and I hope if consolation is possible at such a time that you may derive a little from knowing that your son is buried in a village cemetery, and that his grave will be under the care of the good French people of the village. I will write you again in a few days, when I have had time to recover from this terrible blow, but please write me if there is anything you wish me to do. With my heart-felt sympathy.

I am

Yours sincerely,

L.S. Thomson, Capt.



© Berwick Record Office, BRO 1894-29.


Farm Labour in Berwick District. – In view of the recent hiring fairs, the Board of Agriculture for Scotland have obtained specially full reports on the subject of labour. In the Lothians skilled labour is unobtainable, and in Berwick, Roxburgh, and Selkirk, where little regular hiring is done at this season, great difficulty has been found in filling vacancies. The wages of foremen in Fife are reckoned at £75 per annum, including perquisites, while in the Lothians ploughmen get 30s a week, with allowances, and women 20s.



Fatal Burning Accident. – About 12.30pm on Tuesday an unusual and fatal burning accident occurred at 61 Castlegate, Berwick. Mrs Thompson, wife of James Thompson, Army Ordinance Corps, stationed in England, went into a neighbour’s house on an errand, leaving her child, Blanc Rena Alice Thompson, nine months, sitting in a chair on a rug in front of the fire. When she returned a few minutes later she discovered the child’s clothing and night dress to be on fire, which she immediately extinguished. It was found that the infant had been burned on the legs and lower part of the body, and it was speedily removed to the Infirmary, where it was attended to by Dr Maclagan. Despite all that could be done for it the little sufferer died on Wednesday. It is supposed that the child’s clothing was ignited by a spark from the fire.

Berwick-upon-Tweed Infirmary HB1-68 (c) Berwick Record Office


Belford and District News



On Sunday evening last a memorial service was held in the Presbyterian Church, Belford, in memory of the young soldier Private W. Anderson, who has given his life for his country. The minister, the Rev. J. Miller, preached a most impressive sermon from Psalms 46, verses 1-6, the subject being entitled “The Song of Faith in the Season of Sorrow.” Private Howard of the Northern Cyclists sang very feelingly “O Dry Those Tears.” The Church was crowded.

Disquieting News. – news was received by someone in the district about the beginning of last week that Private William Anderson, son of Mr and Mrs Anderson, of Easington Grange, Belford, had died in a hospital in France from wounds received in battle. At the time of writing the parents of the brave young lad have had no definite information from any source, but we regret to say they are inclined to believe the rumour will be correct.




George Clark Relief Fund. – The Hon. Treasurer has received a further sum of ten shillings to this fund from Mr Wm. Chisam, Yetlington. Mr Chisam, who recently lost a son in France, says – “I have, unfortunately, no one in the trenches to send a Christmas parcel to now, so George is welcome to the “mite” that would probably have gone elsewhere under other circumstances.” He adds very truly, – “Our damaged fighting men should not have to depend on charity, they have a right to due support, and I hope the new Government will get it.

This Week in World War One, 11 August 1916

Berwick Advertiser title 1915






Another Rescue at Spittal Beach – On Friday forenoon, while Miss Ballanine, belonging to Selkirk, was bathing at Spittal sands she got into difficulties, and was being carried out when her perilous condition was observed by John Little, telegraph clerk, Hawick, who at once swam to her assistance. He succeeded in bringing her ashore. The lady was considerably exhausted, and was conveyed home to her lodgings at Rosebank Cottage, where she gradually recovered.

Very early 20th century photograph of Spittal Promenade, a similar scene Miss Ballantine from Selkirk, would have encountered on the day of her rescue. © Berwick Record Office.
Very early 20th century photograph of Spittal Promenade, a similar scene Miss Ballantine from Selkirk, would have encountered on the day of her rescue. © Berwick Record Office.


Railwaymens’ Excursion – On Sunday last the N.E.R. Locomotive employees at Tweedmouth, together with a few friends, to the number of 28, journeyed to Rothbury by motor char-a-banc for their annual outing.The outward journey, leaving Tweedmouh a 9 o’clock, was through Belford, Alnwick, and across the country via Long Framlington, Rothbury being reached at 1 o’clock, after a pleasant journey through the rugged beauties of the heart of Northumberland. Dinner was waiting at the Turks Head Hotel, and everyones appetite being in superb order after the invigorating drive, ample justice was done to the good things laid before them, and every man rose from the table satisfied. After 3 hours go-as-you-please, through the beautiful inland town, the homeward journey was commenced shortly after 4 o’clock, the route home being via Whittingham, Glanton, Wooler, and Ancroft.

The scenery from Rothbury to Whittingham is simply enchanting, easily defying description, and Northumbrians have reason to be proud of their country, its equal in rugged beauty being hard to find, especially at this time of year. A short halt was made at Wooler, and the inner man refreshed, after which the last stage of the journey was commenced, Tweedmouth being reached shortly after 9 p.m. The excursion was a complete success from every point of view, the greatest harmony and cordiality prevailing throughout the day amongst the entire company, the arrangements for the comfort of all were perfect, and worked as successfully and smoothly as did the motor, he manipulation of which, on the circuitous switch back roads it had to travel with a full load, called forth the admiration of all.

Berwick's first bus owned by Adam Logan (1913/1914). A similar such vehicle would have transported the NER Locomotive employees on their journey to Rothbury. Indeed it may have been the bus! © Berwick Record Office. BRO 1887-37-005.
Berwick’s first bus owned by Adam Logan (1913/1914). A similar such vehicle would have transported the NER Locomotive employees on their journey to Rothbury. Indeed it may have been the bus! © Berwick Record Office. BRO 1887-37-005.


Ladies Good Work for the Wounded – A very interesting exhibition was held on Thursday afternoon in premises in Bridge Street, Berwick, of all kinds of nursing and other appliances for the comfort of our wounded soldiers. Lady Dalywell and a number of other prominent lady workers were in attendance, all busily engaged in their various departments in forwarding the humane work they have so much at heart. During the day the premises were visited by a number of the prominent citizens, who were much impressed with the multifarious articles which have been prepared by the dexterous and busy fingers of the ladies. The workers in their dainty white costumes as they industriously pursued their labours with the needle or flitted about the various rooms were a sweet and interesting spectacle, agreeably harmonising with the bright and luxuriant sun shine that is now prevailing at this midsummer period of the year.

Man Dies from Heat Stroke – An inquest touching the death of Robert Gibson, 51 Walkergate, was held by Coroner Wm. Weatherhead and a jury in the Town Hall, Berwick, on Monday. From evidence led it appeared that the deceased had been at Holy Island on Saturday, 5th August, and returned home about 5 p.m. He complained of the heat, and having sat down at the table to eat a meal, suddenly complained of a pain in his chest. After having rested he again sat down at the table, but almost immediately slipped from his chair, to the floor, when it was found that he had expired. After Dr C. L. Fraser had stated death to have been caused by heart failure following upon heat stroke, the jury returned a verdict in accordance with the medical evidence. The Coroner remarked that this was the first case of death from heat stroke, he had investigated in the Borough is his time, nor had he heard of his father before him having such a case.

Refreshments for Soldiers and Sailors – The scheme originated by Lady Clementine Waring, Mrs Milne Home, and Mrs Fraser Bate, and worked by the Committee of Berwick Army and Navy Recreation Rooms, – whereby Soldiers and Sailors arriving at Berwick and requiring to break the journey, are provided with refreshments free of charge, continues to be a great boon to our gallant defenders. The month of July has again passed all previous records, no less than 250 men having been provided for. When it was sated that since its inauguration at the beginning of December this scheme has provided for some 1400 men there can be no doubt that it has fully justified its existence.

Lady Clementine Waring was the wife of Major Walter Waring, Liberal MP for Banff, who fought in the war. She converted their home (pictured), Lennel House, Coldstream, Berwickshire into a convalescent home for officers and did a great deal to support the needs of the soldiers. © Unknown.

Lady Clementine Waring was the wife of Major Walter Waring, Liberal MP for Banff, who fought in the war. She converted their home (pictured), Lennel House, Coldstream, Berwickshire into a convalescent home for officers and did a great deal to support the needs of the soldiers.