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The annual Christmas prize show and sale of fat stock will be held at the Wooler Mart on Monday first, when a good display of both cattle and sheep are expected.

The Committee of the tennis Club are on the lookout for a suitable piece of ground on which to lay hard courts.

Before this is in print the collectors will have been round asking for contributions to the free gift sale to be held at the Wooler Mart in aid of the Newcastle Royal Infirmary. This noble institution is sadly in need of funds, and this is a good opportunity for anyone to help forward a good cause.

The Cross Country Electric Oedema Ltd., will screen “Her Penalty” and “Teasing the Soil” (comic) in the Archbold Hall, Wooler, on Thursday, December 15th, at 7.30pm. (Advt.)

Archbold Hall, Wooler
Archbold Hall, Wooler, pictured in 1911. The building was demolished in the late 20th Century. Ref: BRO 426/1225

On Friday night (tonight) Mr Hiton Philipson, prospective Coalition Liberla Candidate for this Division, is to make his first appearance before a Wooler audience in the Archibold Hall. County – Alderman G. G. Rea, C.B.E., is to be in the chair.


Shopkeepers are now busily engaged in making preparations for the Christmas season trade. There will be plenty of choice this year, as grocers drapers, etc., will be able to make a good display. The smoking public will also be in a position to purchase their favourite blends without rationing. Fancy goods and confectionery are also offered in great variety.


Two interesting finds have been made recently by Mrs Hogg, of Castle Vale, in the grounds of her residence just under the ruins of the old Postern gate tower of Berwick castle. While digging in the garden she unearthed a broken silver coin which on the reverse side has a cross and mallet within each cross and words which appear to be “Ville Berwiei.” On the observe side is a crowned head with peculiar side hair dressing. As the coin is not complete the full wording cannot be made out, but the coin is without a doubt a silver groat, struck in the time of James I., and we believe minted in Berwick by one named Gilbert Fish. The other coin dug up is about the size of a farthing and is in an excellent state of preservation. On the reverse side there are several crowns, and on the observe side an orb and cross. It will be interesting to know if this too is a coin struck in Berwick Mint. We understand Mrs Hogg is sending the coins up to the British Museum for identification.



It was agreed that special Christmas fare be given to the inmates of the Workhouse on Christmas Day, and that the indoor officers be allowed an extra 3s for the extra work entailed. The dinner for New Year would be provided at the members’ own expense.

Mr Collingwood – Will the Christmas fare include a glass of beer for the inmates? In the past a member of the board has kindly supplied the beer. Has this offer been received asyet?

The Clerk – I have received no offer.

Mr Richardson – Is it necessary to give any liquor at all?

Mr Collingwood – At one time the Board very generously gave this glass of beer to the old inmates.

Mr Morrison – And several offers to provide beer have been refused.

Mr Wood – There is no offer before the board. I propose we leave the matter in the hands of the Committee with powers to act. Agreed.


On the motion of Miss Greet, the Board agreed that additional relief be ordered to non-resident poor in Christmas and New Year weeks at the same rates as given in the Unions where they reside, and to grant additional relief to the out-door poor at the rate of 2s 6d for each adult and 1s 3d for each child. Those who receive their relief wholly in kind will have this supplemented by an addition of like value, the same applying to those receiving relief under article xi of the Relief Regulation Order.



The annual meeting of Berwick Bowling Club was held in the Brown Bear Hotel on Wednesday evening, Mr W. Scott, president for the season, presiding over a very large turnout of members.

Berwick Bowling Club 2016

Mr Robert Brown, Secretary and Treasurer, submitted the Committee’s 27th annual report and balance sheet, which were adopted. In the first place he had to report that the “Trustees” took the opportunity of purchasing the fee simple of the Club ground from His Grace the Duke of Northumberland, and the members might congratulate themselves that they were now the owners of such a lovely spot. The Committee also heartily thanked those members who so willingly subscribed the cash.

The membership is at present 115. During the season the club sustained the loss by death of two members and the Committee extended their sympathy to the bereaved in their loss.

The season was opened on Thursday, 28th April, with a match between teams representing the President and the Vice-president. Fourteen matches were arranged with the clubs of Portland, Alnwick, Kelso, Coldstream, Duns, Spittal, and Dunbar. Twelve of these matches were played, 6 of which were won and 6 lost, with 32 shots in the club’s favour. The club were represented in the competitions of the Border Bowling Tournament at Galashiels, the Scottish Bowling Association rink and single handed ties, and also the “Oubridge Cup,” at Belgrave, all without success.

The usual club competitions were held during the season, which closed on Thursday 6th October, in beautiful weather. The Committee cordially thanked the President and Vice-President and all those who gave prizes for the season.


The first show of racing pigeons that has ever been held in Spittal took place in the Old National School on Saturday last under the auspices of Spittal Homing Society, when over 200 birds were exhibited. The large classroom was kindly lent by the Parish Church trustees and made an excellent showroom. The show was fairly well patronised during the day and judging by the large number of local competitors and the enthusiasm shown it bids fair to become an annual event.

Second edition 25″ordnance Survey map of Spittal (1898) showing the position of the Old National School next to St. John’s Church

Mr R. L. Donaldson, Dunbar, was the judge, and the expeditious and unhesitating manner in which he gave his awards was praise worthy. Quality and condition only scored with him. He rather favoured a fairly long-casted bird with good feather. He admitted that most of the birds were not in tip-top condition, but were a very fine collection.




The initial meeting of the British Legion since becoming members of this great body was held on Monday evening last. Comrade Cowans, in the unavoidable absence of Canon Moran, presided. The attendance was very disappointing, but it is hoped, now that the laying of the bowling green has commenced, this may be the means of stimulating the enthusiasm. It is expected, if money is in the funds after the green is finished, a club-house will also be erected. So far there has not been anything but the monthly meeting. The first business was making final arrangements for Armistice Day.

“Poppy Field (Chollerford)” by wazimu0 is licensed with CC BY 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/

A brief service will be held on Tower Hill. The ministers of the various churches in the town will take part; also the members of the Parish Council will be present. It is hoped that all ex-Service men will endeavour to be present, as the service will be a short duration. The Wooler Branch of the Legion will lay a laurel wreath on the memorial in remembrance of the great sacrifice of their comrades. Poppies, which have been made in the devastated areas, will be sold in the town, commencing an hour before the service. The Secretary gave a report of the bowling green, and explained that all the unemployed ex-service men in the town had been taken on. He also explained that there was seventy fully paid up members. He was pleased to report that a few intricate cases had been dealt with by him and all were proceeding satisfactorily. He would like to draw the members’ attention to a certain thing which was going on, and asked for their support in the matter. Many of the ex-Service men had held aloof from the branch, but now that they need assistance they were coming with their subscriptions in one hand and their cases in the other. It was not the game, and he wanted them all to help to blot it out. It was decided to have a reunion of ex-Service men, and after considerable discussion it was agreed to hold it when the bowling green was opened. Votes of thank concluded the meeting.




Three aged people figured in a case at the Newcastle Assizes on Monday, when William Henry Usher, 60, miner, pleaded guilty to a charge of having committed bigamy with Dinah Oliver of Embleton, at Rothbury in November, 1918, his former wife being then alive.

Mr C. B. Fenwick who prosecuted, said the facts of the case were most unusual, because of the age of the parties concerned. The first marriage took place so far back as 1886, being contracted at the Durham Registry Office. Accused and his wife lived together until 1915, when she left him on account of his temper. They were then living near Amble. Sometime later, in 1917 he made the acquaintance of the second “wife,” a widow of the same age. They were married in November of that year at Rothbury, he representing himself as a widower. In the spring of 1921 she heard something which aroused her suspicious and she taxed him with being a married man. He thereupon packed up his clothes and left her.

Rothbury Village Reference: BRO 1796-1-39

Prisoner handed in a statement to his Lordship, who expressed a wish to hear something about his character.

P.C. John Edward Hogg said he had known the prisoner for about three years and apart from occasionally getting too much drink he seemed to have lived a quiet life. He was a cripple. Witness added that in documents which he had prisoner stated he was formerly in the Army.

His Lordship – Do you know that to be true?

Witness – He told me that, but I cannot vouch for the truth of it. It might be so, and he says he was discharge with the rank of sergeant-major.

Mr Fenwick – it is very probable that his first wife may be able to tell us that.

Sarah Usher said prisoner had been a soldier and had been out in India about seven years. He left the Army when she married him. She thought his rank then was sergeant. She did not always live with him at Amble and witness stated that she lft him in 1915 because of his drunken habits.

His Lordship – Do you know whether his discharge papers from the Army were good or bad?

Witness – I think they were good.

How did he come to be a cripple? – I think he had an accident in the mine.

Dinah Oliver, who left Usher in 1920, going to live with her son at Scremerston, was then called, and she stated that when she “married” prisoner he stated he was a widower. He said he had been a widower for four years. She left him on one occasion and they differed over several things Witness added that she was afraid of him.

His Lordship said it was a very serious offence, but he was willing to have some regard to the fact that he was a man of some years of age, that he was a cripple, and that he appeared to have had a good record in the Army. Fortunately there were no children of his second “marriage” to bear the shame.

Prisoner was sentenced to six months’ imprisonment.


The fashion of sending Christmas cards is still popular, and from samples submitted to us by Messrs Raphael Tuck and Sons, there will be a wider selection than ever from which to choose this season. Even the most fastidious in artistic taste cannot fail to find something that will appeal in the 3000 designs which this well-known firm has to offer. Cards that delight the children have always been a feature of Raphael House and this season’s designs are as fascinating as ever. Very dainty are the “Pot Pourri” series with their deliciously fragrant perfume. The silhouette mascot cards will be popular with these who pin their faith to the black cat as a symbol of luck.

Christmas Card from 1916 Reference: BRO 1775-2-1

There has surely never been anything more artistic produced than the beautiful garden scenes chosen by Queen Alexandra and Princess Mary this year for their cards. Queen Mary, King George and Prince of Wales have chosen historic scenes which are equally delightful. It is perhaps not generally known that these royal cards, which are reproduced for the use of the public. Great taste is exhibited in the greetings or quotations which all the cards bear. It is not only Christmas cards they have to offer. There is an equally wide selection of post-cards and calendars to choose from, and gift books, toy books and painting books galore to delight the hearts of the children. There are charming editions of Hans Anderson, of the equally popular Grimm, or of “Alice in Wonderland,” illustrated in a fascinating manner by Mabel Lucie Attwell. These are interesting stories of animals, birds, insects, that instruct as well as amuse; lesson books that make the learning of the alphabet a joy, or sets of picture building blocks to while away happy hours in the nursery. No better selection of goods has ever been issued from the studios of Raphael House.

Saturday evening was Guy Fawkes night and the youngsters in the town celebrated the occasion with bonfires and fireworks display. Some ingenuity was shown this year with Guys, and one burned at the stake in the Greens was quite original and up-to-date. Last week a Naval deserter eluded his escort at Berwick Station and hid in a passage in the Greens. His whereabouts was given away to the escort by a Greens resident and he was duly captured. To show their contempt of the informer, the youngsters burned his effigy.

In a discussion on rat extermination by the members of the Northumberland Agricultural Committee a motion that it was desirable that the Rats and Mice Destruction Act 1919 be repealed was defeated by 15 votes to 3, the view being expressed that the Act should be retained as the rat was one of the greatest destructive pests in the country. It was argued in support of the motion that rat-killing was a waste of public money and that the farmer who allowed the rats to accumulate should bear the expense of their destruction and nobody else. No fewer than 35,000 rodents had been killed in six months at 180 places, and it was stated the estimated cost for the year was between £800 and £600.



Splendid Racing on Land and Water

Rain Spoils Cycle Races on Monday

The time honoured festival of Tweedmouth Feast was celebrated this year on a much more ambitious scale than has been the rules for some years past. There were amusements for all, from the round-abouts and side shows in the West End for the youngsters and the frivolous, to professional and amateur races on the flat, cycle races, and a salmon coble regatta.

Tweedmouth Feast, 1966. Ref: BRO 1944-1-4597

The crowd in the town over the weekend was well up to previous standards, and from the Tyneside area large number of old Twampies and Berwickers came back to observe the old ceremony. At the Sports, perhaps the crowd was slightly smaller than in previous years, but the running made it well worth the while of those who patronised the event. Tweedside Cyclists had a great night on Tuesday, and seldom has finer racing been seen.

The Feats of 1921 will be remembered as one crowded weekend of first class sport.




When the question of reviving the old time Berwick Horse Procession came up this year, the Committee with a knowledge of past difficulties, decided that to be a financial success, the procession could never be revived on quite the same lines as in pre-war days. The idea of a show to include the horses and other agricultural classes was mooted and taken up enthusiastically by a go-a-head committee with Capt. J. E. Carr as chairman and Mr Ralph Bradford and Mr J. B. Beveridge, Tweedmouth, as secretaries. Last year an attractive programme of sports was arranged for Tweedmouth Feast Saturday, and the Committee, knowing that no better day could be chosen for launching a new venture in Tweedmouth, decided to incorporate the procession and the Show with these sports. During the past few months , a great deal of work has been put into arrangements for Tweedmouth’s first Show – as the inhabitants on that side of the water proudly term it, and the Committee saw the reward of their labours in the successful gathering on Saturday last in Union Park, Tweedmouth. Weather conditions were favourable and a large number of people from the Borough and district assembled off the field to inspect the stock in their pens or see them parade in the ring.


Rain Blasts Spoil Annual Sports Festival

A Flat Racer’s Day and Cyclist’s Wash-Out

The annual athletic festival held by Berwick Athletic Society was this year spoiled to some extent by the gale which prevailed and the drenching showers of rain which swept over the field at intervals. As might reasonably be expected there was a falling off in the “gate” receipts, and officials tell us that this year the enclosure was dvoid of many of its usual patrons, while country people, too, did not attend in such large numbers as usual.

The heavy rain of the previous night had rather improved the track than otherwise, and all would have been well for competitors had only the weather remained on its best behaviour. Rain, however, fell at intervals, and although it did not interfere with foot racing to any great extent, still the greasy state of the grass rendered cycling extremely hazardous. Many a good cycle race was spoiled by the back markers side-slipping when making their winning-spurts at the bend leading to the home straight, and after the second heavy shower, men who were giving away big starts took no risks. No one could blame them, as several nasty smashes had taken place previously. Fortunately there were no serious results.

The organisation was again this year well-nigh perfect, and the marksmen and officials deserve every credit for the expeditious manner in which the events were run off. Particularly we would give them credit for the way they got through the numerous heats in the boys’ and girls’ races. It was essentially a youngsters’ day. Their races had an entry which promises well for future sports, and heats were all the more interesting because everyone was a tryer.


A Fete in aid of the Ford, Etal, Pallinsburn and Milfield Nursing Association was held in the grounds of Ford castle on Thursday last in fine weather. A large gathering of people was present from the district, char-a-bancs running at intervals from Alnwick, Wooler and Berwick. The Fete was opened at 2 p.m. by Lady Francis G. Osborne, Ord House, who was introduced by Mrs Charles Mitchell, of Pallinsburn, Vice-President of the Nursing Association.

Ford Castle Ref: BRO 515-89

Lady Francis, who was accompanied by Lord Francis G. Osborne, was received with cheers. Her remarks were as follows: – Ladies and gentlemen, – If we read the newspapers of today we see there is a great movement on foot to improve the general health of the community – better housing, Infant Welfare Centres, School clinics, all are part of the same scheme. But the district nurses were at work long before such things were thought of. When we look back over their years of work we see how good it has been, and how useful, for it has enabled those people who could not otherwise afford it, to have the benefit of trained nursing in their homes in time of sickness. The expenses of running the Association are increasing and the subscriptions do not cover them, that is why this fete is being held in these beautiful grounds of this historic castle, kindly lent by Lord Joicey. I appeal to you, ladies and gentlemen to open your hearts, your hands, and your purses and make it a huge financial success for the benefit of your friends and neighbours in their time of sickness. I know declare it opened.  (Applause.)