Gunner George Percy Pringle, 10th Battalion, Tank Corps, son of Mr and Mrs Pringle, Murton Farm, has been awarded the Military Medal for gallantry in the field, the honour having only recently come through. Last October when his crew were all casualties or wounded and the Tank had two direct hits, he stuck to his gun and kept the enemy at bay until further assistance arrived. Gunner Pringle joined up in December 1914 in the K.O.S.B., and was at Dardanelles on the memorable 12th July, 1915, was invalided home with dysentery, and was transferred to the Tanks a year ago. His brother William was killed 1916, and another brother, Richard, is serving in a Labour Battalion.



Berwick War Memorial in Castlegate

A public meeting was held in the Townhall, Berwick, on Thursday evening, 23rd January, for the purpose of considering the question of a War Memorial. The Mayor presided, and, if the audience for a Borough the size of Berwick was disappointingly small (there were perhaps fifty present), it was a distinctly representative one and keen interest was manifested in the discussion. We were glad to notice such a strong representation from Tweedmouth, whose sons have certainly not been lacking in service to their country.

At the commencement the Mayor referring to the special object for which the meeting had been called said the idea of a War Memorial was a laudable one. A visible memorial might not be needed for the present generation, as there were few homes in which there was not resting the sad consciousness of a shadow, caused by the War. It was only fitting that some memorial should be reared to be handed down to future generations, as a reminder of the sublime heroism displayed on the part of our men who had all through shown such an utter disregard to personal danger. The idea of a War Memorial had been considered by the Town Council who resolved to call a public meeting. Suggestions as to what form the memorial should take were to be invited, and, should, so as to be embodied in concrete form, be submitted in writing.


Former Belford Lad Honoured

Sergt. Andrew Tully, 15th D.L.I., has been awarded the Military Medal for gallantry in the field. In civil life he was employed as game keeper on the Haggerston Castle Estate and resided at Berrington Law, Beal. Enlisting in 1916 he trained at Redcar, going to France in July of that year, and took part in the great offensive at that time. He was wounded in September 1918. His parents resided for many years in the Belford district but have now removed further south. He married a daughter of Mr and Mrs W. Clark, Belford Station, and has a younger brother in the Army.


Private J. Purvis, D.L.I., is once again back to civil life. He went through a course of signalling, this course being rather lengthy it remained incompleted at the time when the Armistice was signed. Being a pivotal man he was amongst the first to be released from military duties. We wish him the best of health, and hope that he will be able to carry on in the usual way a Spittal Spade Works, where he is employed, for long years to rome.

Corpl. B. Lough, T.C’s., has been demobilised. Bart, who joined the N.C.B.’s at Berwick in 15, had the majority of his training in this country, being located in the county of Lincoln. From that training camp he was sent to France, and subsequently transferred to the Tank Corps, and saw a good deal of heavy fighting in that unit. He was sent home on sick leave, and hostilities ceasing in the interval, he was permitted to remain in this country until demobilised. He commences his trade of cooper shortly, in which we wish him every success and robust health to carry on.


We are pleased to see home to Main Street, Tweedmouth, Lanc-Corpl. B. Marston, having received his discharge. He was in Australia at the commencement of the war and came home to do his bit on the battle fields of Europe or elsewhere. He has been in the Labour Corps, and has done much good and useful work with that unit. His eldest son, Private Harold Marston, of the M.G.C., was killed in the St. Julien battle, where so many of our local lads fell.

We notice on leave, Private John Swinney, of the Tank Corps, whose home is at West End Tweedmouth. When mobilization took place he was in the Territorials, after training at Gosforth and Cambois he went to France with his Battalion in 1915, taking part in many actions in which the 7th N.F. were engaged.

A World War One, British Mark V (male) tank. Private John Swinney from Tweedmouth, would have seen service in one of these.  © Copyright expired.

He was wounded on the Somme front in November, 1916, his wounds not being of such a nature as to send him to Blighty. He was treated at the Base Hospital. After his recovery he was transferred to the Tank Corps, where he has had some rough work to do with this crawling complex contrivance which has played such a prominent part in the war. We understand he is demobilized and we welcome him back to civil life.

This Week in World War One, 20 September 1918




The Late Lieut Clements


We sincerely regret to learn that Mrs Clements, Spa Well Villas, Spittal, has received the sad news that her husband, Lieut. R. C. Clements, N.F., who was previously reported missing, is now reported to have been killed in action. Lieut. Clements joined up early in the war and had considerable service in France as an N.C.O. with the N.F.’s before receiving his commission. He had only been at the Front a few months on the second occasion when he was called to make the supreme sacrifice. Local people will remember what an enthusiast he was in many branches of sport with which he was so prominently connected. The scholars at Spittal Council School (where he served so ably as assistant master) will be sorry to know that he who cared so much for their welfare has had to pay the great price for the liberty they enjoy. We extend to Mrs Clements and her little daughter our deepest sympathy in their most distressing time.


Mr T. W. G. Borthwick, headmaster of Spittal Council School, has forwarded us the following particulars regarding Lieut. Clements:-

The news of the death of Mr Robt. Clements, Second Lieut., N.F., was received with regret and sorrow all over the district. In Spittal, especially, where he lived and was so well known, respected and loved, the sad event was the only subject of conversation, evoking universal sympathy for Mrs Clements and her little daughter in their great bereavement. A little more than a month ago Mrs Clements was informed that her husband had been transferred to an Irish Regiment, and later the news came that on August 8th, the first day of the great advance, he was missing.

BRO 1828-1 Lieutenant R.C.Clements bottom right.

He had gone out on a scouting expedition accompanied by three of his men and none had returned. As our troops were advancing, the general opinion was that the whole party had been made prisoners. On Friday night, Mrs Clements received letters from the Colonel and two officers who state that when the regiment arrived at the village of Vieux Berguin the bodies of the three men who accompanied Mr Clements were found lying beside a grave in a secluded corner of the village. Over the grave was the inscription “To an unknown Hero.” The officers opened the grave and found the body of Mr Clements. Death, they say, must have been instantaneous as the head was badly shattered by a bullet, but the badges and other tokens showed without doubt that Mr Clements had been buried here by the Germans. The body was reverently re-interred in the little cemetery of Vieux Berguin.

His brother officers speak of him as a brave and fearless soldier, and this is proved by the fact that Mr Clements had penetrated into the German lines much further than anyone expected.

The death of Mr Clements is a very great loss. Goodhearted, generous, cheerful, full of humour and at the same time gentle and sympathetic, no wonder everybody liked him. To the many hundreds of boys who have had the privilege of being his pupils he was more than a teacher. They worshipped the very ground he walked on; waited to escort him home from school at night, and hung around his house door to walk down to school with him in the morning. They clung to him like needles to a magnet. What shall I say of him as a teacher? Mr Clements was a man of great natural ability and his initiative and individuality were great assets.

The whole community in Spittal mourns his loss; many were moved to tears when they heard of his death.

Mr Clements was the oldest of three assistants who have served in this school. The two younger men, Mr Roy Hunter, and Mr John M. Tate, both university graduates and fine men have been killed. They were not so well known as Mr Clements, but their memory is held in loving respect by all who were associated with them.

I had hoped that Mr Clements might have been spared to us, but all three are lying out there on the field of honour in France, three brilliant young men whose memories will be cherished by their colleagues and hundreds of older scholars of Spittal Council School.

After his death, Robert’s wife Minnie and their daughter, Nancy stayed in Spittal. Minnie continued to teach at Spittal School which their daughter also attended. Nancy won a scholarship and eventually moved away from the area. However, in the 1970s, she returned to Spittal. In 1982, she presented Spittal School with the Clements Cup in memory of her parents and the family’s long connection with the school



Captain R. C. Richardson was decorated by the King at Buckingham Palace on Wednesday week with the Military Cross. He has had a month at Aldershot, and at the end of a fortnight’s leave expects to go to France.

The Distinguished Service Medal has been awarded to Lieut. William Douglas Baird Thompson, M.C., D.L.I., for having showed great courage and determination in holding the line, which was the left flank of the battalion, and not in touch with any other unit, beating back every attempt of the enemy to advance. After dusk he restored the situation by his energy and fearlessness. Lieut. Thompson is the son of Mr Wm. Thompson, shipping agent, Newcastle, and grandson of the late Mr and Mrs Richard Thompson, Cheswick Farm, Goswick. Mrs R. Thompson was a Miss Fawcus of Charlton.



Mrs Cuthbert, High Street, Belford, has received official news that her only son, Priv. R. Cuthbert, has been wounded and gassed and admitted into hospital in Birmingham. In civil life he was a butcher employed by his mother, and on attaining his 18th year joined the colours. He put in a few months training, and afterwards sailed for France in the beginning of this year. He has our best wishes for an early and satisfactory recovery.

The High Street, Belford, in the early 1900s, where Private R Curthbert worked as a butcher for his mother before joining up. © Berwick Record Office, BRO 0515/39

Private John Scrowether, husband of Mrs Scrowether, West Street, Belford, has now spent four long years in a German prison camp. Jack was an old soldier and was called up at the outbreak of war, and was sent to France almost immediately. He took part in all the early battles of the war, and fought till taken prisoner in the battle of the Aisne. He is going on well and by his photo looks exceedingly well, through having had to work very hard. He has our best wishes for an early return

This Week in World War One, 3 May 1918





We regret to hear that Bombadier Esau Wilkinson, who for many years resided in Scremerston, a nephew of Mr and Mrs Younger, East Allerdean, has been wounded and is now in Bolton Hospital, Lancs. Bomb. Wilkinson was knocked out by a wound in the head and right hand while carrying a wounded comrade. The shell which knocked him over was responsible for the death of three other men. He joined the R.F.A. in the early stages of the war and has seen some heavy fighting since going out to France three years ago.


News has been received by a friend in Berwick, that Sergeant George Gardiner, Machine Gun Corps. Late Royal Scots, has been wounded and gassed in the big offensive.

British troops blinded by tear gas in 1918. © Author: Thomas Keith Aitken (Second Lieutenant). This photograph Q11586 is from the collections of the Imperial War Museums (collection no. 1900-22).


Lance Corpl. James Roughhead.

Information has been received by Sergt. Wm Purves, K.O.S.B., that his nephew, Lance-Corpl. James Roughead, Durham Light Infantry is a prisoner of war in a German Camp. Lance Corpl Roughead was at one time a member of the M.C. Section of the local Territorials, but had severed his connection prior to the war. In civil life he was employed as a stone mason.




A circular, enclosing resolution, from the Farlington Boarding Out Committee on the lack of supervision of our sailors and soldiers children was submitted in which they invited the cooperation of the Guardians to bring the matter before the Local Government Board. It was alleged that there were large numbers of children boarded out at the present moment without adequate supervision, and the circular advocated the appointment of trained women inspectors and visitors. In the course of a discussion the Chairman said there was a strong animus against allowing such children to come under Guardians’ care, and he thought it was a foolish sentimental feeling. It was agreed to remit the matter for further consideration to the Boarding Out Committee.



Mr and Mrs William Moffat, 18 Middle Street, Spittal, have received news from their son, Private John Moffat, Royal Scots, that he has been wounded in the thigh, during the recent heavy fighting, and is now in hospital at Sheffield, Private Moffat joined up early in the war and has had a long spell in France, this being the third time he has been wounded. Prior to the war he was a pitman. Another brother, William, joined the Northumberland Fusiliers at the outbreak of war and has seen a lot of severe fighting. He also has been wounded twice, and is at present serving in France with the Staffordshires.

Mrs King, 13 West Street, Spital, has received official information that her husband, Private John King, Royal Scots Fusiliers, is missing. Before going to France, private King was stationed at Berwick for a considerable time, and was attached to “A” Company, Royal Scots. We trust Mrs King (who was formerly Miss Wales, daughter of the late Mr John wales, painter, Spittal) may soon hear good news regarding her husband.

Mrs O’Connor, 20 Middle Street, Spittal, has received information from her husband, Private Robert O’Connor, Northumberland Fusiliers, that he has been taken prisoner by the Germans and is now interned at Limburg.

Pictured is the WW1 prisoner of war camp at Limburg, where Private Robert O’Connor, Northumberland Fusiliers was interned.

The German offensive is still being actively carried on, which makes it impossible for any of our soldier lads to get home on leave. Thanks to our Navy’s supremacy on the sea, the German Fleet do not feel inclined to come out and try a Tussle. For the time being this enables the Navy men to have a great advantage with regard to leave over their soldier comrades. This week we are glad to see Seaman David Scott and Jos. Elliott, R.N.R., spending a few days at home. Both seem to be enjoying the best of health. In civil life Seaman Scott’s occupation was that of cooper, while Seaman Elliott was a fine fisherman, being one of the crew of a Spittal coble

Seaman Thomas Martin, R.N.R., who is engaged in the dangerous work of minesweeping off the East Coast, is, we notice, having a few days’ leave at home. He joined up in January, 1915, and during his long spell of service has had some exciting experiences. Before the war Seaman Martin was a fisherman.

Seaman John Moody, R.N.R., son of Mr Robt. Moody, West Street, Spittal, is having a few days’ leave from his active duties. We are glad to know he is enjoying the best of health.