Tweedmouth Feast has come and gone once more under the shadow of war, and its attractions have in consequence been reduced to a minimum. Visions of the old days, when the festive board groaned under its load of good things, when the douce resident regaled himself with the succulent Tweed salmon, all Tweedmouth and its wife became possessed of the holiday spirit, and “the parish pump ran beer,” for those who cared to partake, have, it appears, passed into the forgotten limbo of the past. Older residents will look back with mixed feelings to the days when some local “drouth” was elected for the day as Mayor of Tweedmouth and driven round the “pubs” of his constituency in state.
A very early photograph of the West End area of Tweedmouth.
This form of cheap comedy is happily known no more, and in the interest of temperance alone it is well to be so. The amount of horse play attached to these proceedings rendered the mortal life of the “mayor” extremely precarious, for it is recorded that after having been reduced to a stage of hopeless intoxication, he was “dipped” in the Tweed and restored by his sudden immersion to a state of partial sobriety. The boat races, quoit mains, and foot races on the green at West End have also (we hope only temporarily) been allowed to lapse, but even amid it all it all there is a feeling which comes to the average “Twepie,” a feeling no doubt born of heredity and environment which sets the “Feast” down as something apart of the calendar of the year’s events.
Not only the charm which the seaside holds for all in the sweltering days of July, drew a large and gala crowd to the foreshore at the Ladies’ Bathing Pond on Monday afternoon, rather we would imagine all were brought thither in the hope of witnessing amid enjoyable surroundings, sport of a first-class character. In the latter they were not disappointed and especially in the 22 yards race for school boys between the ages of 13 and 15 years and the 44 yards race for lads over 14 and under 17 years of age, competition was keen and the finishes of an exciting character.
On the whole afternoon there was few surprises packets. Scout Hawkins, as we anticipated, was on the top hole of form, and his victories were indeed popular. A promising first year competitor was Bain Dickinson of St. Mary’s School and from the form which he displayed we should imagine the last has not been heard of him in swimming circles. Young Turnbull, Less and Walkenshaw, also are worthy of note and no doubt their exhibition will have caught the lynx eye of the local handicapper. Pleasure was given to the proceeding by pleasing selections discoursed by the Boy Scouts Pipe Band under Pipe-Mayor Dumbreck, Royal Scots.
At the close of the proceedings the prizes were presented to the successful competitors by the Rev. R. W. de la Hey, who had a pleasant word for each.
Mr Broadbent moved a hearty vote of thanks to the reverend gentleman for having come forward on the absence of D. H. W. Askew, Esq., and who had so pleasingly presented the prizes.
Herring Improving – On Tuesday morning a dozen to fourteen boats arrived at Berwick with from five to fifty crans of herring. The fish were larger and of improved quality, and sold from 27s to 60s per cran
More Herrings – Ten to twelve herring boats arrived at Berwick on Thursday morning with up to 60 crans each; quality poor, and selling a from 4s 6d to11s per cran.
Salmon Fishing – The salmon catches during the past week have been most unsatisfactory. This is due to the continuous fine weather, which is not conducive to good fishing. River continues in a foul sate. A flood is urgently needed to clean the river. Prices during the week have risen, and on Thursday morning salmon was quoted at 2s 5d per ls; grilse, 2s 2d; and trout, 1s 9d.
Another Rescue at Spittal Beach – On Friday forenoon, while Miss Ballanine, belonging to Selkirk, was bathing at Spittal sands she got into difficulties, and was being carried out when her perilous condition was observed by John Little, telegraph clerk, Hawick, who at once swam to her assistance. He succeeded in bringing her ashore. The lady was considerably exhausted, and was conveyed home to her lodgings at Rosebank Cottage, where she gradually recovered.
Railwaymens’ Excursion – On Sunday last the N.E.R. Locomotive employees at Tweedmouth, together with a few friends, to the number of 28, journeyed to Rothbury by motor char-a-banc for their annual outing.The outward journey, leaving Tweedmouh a 9 o’clock, was through Belford, Alnwick, and across the country via Long Framlington, Rothbury being reached at 1 o’clock, after a pleasant journey through the rugged beauties of the heart of Northumberland. Dinner was waiting at the Turks Head Hotel, and everyones appetite being in superb order after the invigorating drive, ample justice was done to the good things laid before them, and every man rose from the table satisfied. After 3 hours go-as-you-please, through the beautiful inland town, the homeward journey was commenced shortly after 4 o’clock, the route home being via Whittingham, Glanton, Wooler, and Ancroft.
The scenery from Rothbury to Whittingham is simply enchanting, easily defying description, and Northumbrians have reason to be proud of their country, its equal in rugged beauty being hard to find, especially at this time of year. A short halt was made at Wooler, and the inner man refreshed, after which the last stage of the journey was commenced, Tweedmouth being reached shortly after 9 p.m. The excursion was a complete success from every point of view, the greatest harmony and cordiality prevailing throughout the day amongst the entire company, the arrangements for the comfort of all were perfect, and worked as successfully and smoothly as did the motor, he manipulation of which, on the circuitous switch back roads it had to travel with a full load, called forth the admiration of all.
Ladies Good Work for the Wounded – A very interesting exhibition was held on Thursday afternoon in premises in Bridge Street, Berwick, of all kinds of nursing and other appliances for the comfort of our wounded soldiers. Lady Dalywell and a number of other prominent lady workers were in attendance, all busily engaged in their various departments in forwarding the humane work they have so much at heart. During the day the premises were visited by a number of the prominent citizens, who were much impressed with the multifarious articles which have been prepared by the dexterous and busy fingers of the ladies. The workers in their dainty white costumes as they industriously pursued their labours with the needle or flitted about the various rooms were a sweet and interesting spectacle, agreeably harmonising with the bright and luxuriant sun shine that is now prevailing at this midsummer period of the year.
Man Dies from Heat Stroke – An inquest touching the death of Robert Gibson, 51 Walkergate, was held by Coroner Wm. Weatherhead and a jury in the Town Hall, Berwick, on Monday. From evidence led it appeared that the deceased had been at Holy Island on Saturday, 5th August, and returned home about 5 p.m. He complained of the heat, and having sat down at the table to eat a meal, suddenly complained of a pain in his chest. After having rested he again sat down at the table, but almost immediately slipped from his chair, to the floor, when it was found that he had expired. After Dr C. L. Fraser had stated death to have been caused by heart failure following upon heat stroke, the jury returned a verdict in accordance with the medical evidence. The Coroner remarked that this was the first case of death from heat stroke, he had investigated in the Borough is his time, nor had he heard of his father before him having such a case.
Refreshments for Soldiers and Sailors – The scheme originated by Lady Clementine Waring, Mrs Milne Home, and Mrs Fraser Bate, and worked by the Committee of Berwick Army and Navy Recreation Rooms, – whereby Soldiers and Sailors arriving at Berwick and requiring to break the journey, are provided with refreshments free of charge, continues to be a great boon to our gallant defenders. The month of July has again passed all previous records, no less than 250 men having been provided for. When it was sated that since its inauguration at the beginning of December this scheme has provided for some 1400 men there can be no doubt that it has fully justified its existence.
Lady Clementine Waring was the wife of Major Walter Waring, Liberal MP for Banff, who fought in the war. She converted their home (pictured), Lennel House, Coldstream, Berwickshire into a convalescent home for officers and did a great deal to support the needs of the soldiers.
The boom of the Berwick Coastguard mortar on Sunday afternoon announced that some vessel was in distress on the coast, and that the services of the lifeboat were in requisition. The boom came as a surprise to most of people, the weather being decidedly calm, though there was a somewhat heavy ground swell running at the river’s trast to the preceding one when a strong easterly gale prevailed. The danger signal was the sequel to the ugly weather which had prevailed in the earlier part of the week. There was naturally a big rush of the inhabitants to the ramparts and the pier. Very soon these points of vantage, as well as Spittal sands, were thickly dotted by many hundreds of spectators. They were privileged to witness a very smart performance of an extemporised lifeboat crew which accomplished the rescue of five hands from a Swedish schooner, which had stranded on the seaward side of Spittal Point. The task of removing the men from the vessel was completed in half an hour, itself indicative of the care with which the Berwick lifeboat was handled in somewhat difficult and broken water, though the absence of any wind was a factor which considerably helped the completion of the mission of merey. A gratifying feature was that for the first time in its history the lifeboat brew was composed of a joint crew from Berwick and Spittal. Many of the regular crew are presently away on military and naval service, and the local Lifeboat Committee are particularly pleased at the able assistance rendered by the Spittal men, no less than eight of these forming part of the crew, the others coming from the Greenses. The coxswain was Mr James Jameison, who rendered many acts of conspicuous service.
The vessel in distress turned out to be the Swedish schooner Ruth, under the command of skipper Gustav A. Nelsen, and a crew of other four. She belongs to Holmstead, and is 87 tons register. She left on her voyage on Wednesday 16th February, with a cargo of pit props for the Tyne, encountering very bad weather on the voyage. So violent was the storm that the little craft anchored for two days in Elsinore Roads. On venturing out she was severely buffeted in the North Sea, and hove to on Saturday night to await day break so as to make land. At 10 a.m. on Sunday morning she found herself abreast of Berwick ten miles out. She was then on a lea shore, and in bad weather. The crew decided to make for Berwick, as the steering gear had been damaged. In attempting to take the river the vessel was driven into the back of Spittal point where she stranded. The heavy ground swell continued to break over the vessel and it was in such circumstances that the lifeboat crew affected the rescue. The skilful manner in which the lifeboat was taken through the breakers to the lea of the vessel, and the crew removed one after another was done with judgement and skill. The members of the crew took most of their personal effects with them in kit bags. The short homeward journey was also admirably taken, the lifeboat’s head being held well up to the breakers. Once these were passed and the river entered the remainder of the journey was easily undertaken. As the lifeboat glided up the estuary the crew received a well-merited cheer from the large crowds lining both sides of the river. On landing the crew were taken in charge of by the Swedish Consul (Mr A. Logan), and accommodated in the Hen and Chickens Hotel. On Monday the crew had to register at the Police Station under the Aliens’ Order. The vessel was some five years old, and was not originally intended for this trade, but owing to the absence of transport due to the war her services were requished. She commenced to break up in the course of the evening with the incoming tide and quantities of the cargo floating ashore were salved by Spittal fishermen. Dr C. l. Fraser, V.D., hon. Secretary of the Berwick Lifeboat Committee; and Mr Toohey, Collector of Customs, were in attendance when the crew landed at the Lifeboat House.
Record Salmon Catch by a Berwick Gentleman – The many friends of Mr Thomas Davison, second officer, Customs and Excise, Berwick, will be pleased to learn of his having caught a record large salmon. Mr Davison is presently on holiday, and, fishing on Friday last at Major Scott’s water at Grandtully on Tay, near Aberfeldy, he hooked and landed a splendid clean run salmon after two hours play, weighing 47 ½ lbs. Its length was 50 inches and girth 28 inches. It is believed to be the largest salmon which has been caught by rod and line in the Tay for a number of years, constituting a record for this part of the river, the nearest approach being a fish of 44 lbs caught three years ago. In a letter to a Berwick friend Mr Davison stated that his left arm was still sore with the severe strain.
Sunday last was the anniversary of laying of the foundation stone of Berwick Pier, on Feb. 27th 1810. It was a red-letter day in the old Border town. The different lodges of Freemasons from the neighbouring towns, together with that of Berwick, assembled in the Town hall, along with the magistrates, Commissioners, and townspeople, and walked thence in procession to the church, where a service was held. Afterwards they set forth, attended by a band and a detachment of the Forfarshire Militia, then quartered in the town, and after the stone was laid a royal salute was fired from the cannon on the ramparts and the ships in the harbour.
Extraordinary Incident in a Tweedmouth Church – An extraordinary incident occurred on Sunday afternoon in the Scotch Church, Tweedmouth, at the close of some pathetic remarks the minister (the Rev. Mr Bryson) had made on Belgium and its refugees. A prominent member rose in his seat and shouted – “Are we downhearted? No!” He gave great emphasis to the last word, and wound up by a hearty clap of his hands. It is needless to say the unusual incident came as a great surprise to the minister as well as the congregation, many of whom could not suppress a smile. The minister was evidently considerably perturbed at the outburst, but took no notice of it.
The pigeon shoot, open to all England, inaugurated by Mr A. D. Morton of the Red Lion Hotel Wooler, last year was such a success that he decided to continue it as an annual event. Favoured with fine weather, there was a large gathering and considerable interest was taken in the shooting, which was good, and speculation was brisk. As an extra inducement Mr Morton, in addition to guaranteeing £20 for a Handicap, gave a handsome silver cup to be won outright. Shooters responded in great force, and the proceedings were an unqualified success. Mr J Hall was handicapper; and H. Gibson acted as trapper. The birds were supplied by Mr G. Gallon, Wooler; and proved to be strong on the wing. A tent was erected on the ground where soup and light refreshments were provided by Mr Morton. After the shooting a considerable number sat down in the Red Lion Hotel, when a sociable evening was spent. Shooting commenced with a sweep stake but the handicap was the great attraction, and it resulted in a division of eight, but three of these had two lots. The cup was won outright by Mr. J. Sisterton, and his victory was a very popular one. The shoot took place in a field on Wooler Bridgend Farm.
During the First and Second World War, carrier pigeons were used to transport messages back to their home coop behind the lines. When they landed, wires in the coop would sound a bell or buzzer and a soldier of the Signal Corps would know a message had arrived. He would go to the coop, remove the message from the canister, and send it to its destination by telegraph, field phone, or personal messenger.